My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 55: puppy


Originally, I wanted to pretend that I had no memory and take the opportunity to slip away. You and I have forgotten each other, but since you must expose this matter, don't blame me for not being merciful to you.

Qiao Xuan looked at Jiang Weiqing coldly.

He couldn't help but think of the events of that life. He was full of expectations at the time, hoping that Jiang Weiqing would succeed in ascending to immortality, so he did not hesitate to let go, and even brought him a spirit weapon, but what happened? What I got in return was nothing more than a sword piercing my heart. Although I have no love or hatred for Jiang Weiqing now, and I don't have any thoughts of revenge, but I really have no interest in making false claims with him.

Since you chose to kill your wife to prove the Tao, and now you have achieved the position of God, your relationship with me as a Taoist couple has long been exhausted.

He and Jiang Weiqing had nothing to say.

Jiang Weiqing looked into the young man's cold eyes, there was no warmth in them, only undisguised impatience, he really didn't want to recognize him anymore.

Also, if he wants to recognize himself, why wait until now

There was a chance in heaven back then...

But he would rather choose to stay with Hua Lan than return to Yuan Jianzong with him, avoiding himself everywhere, but at that time, he clearly felt familiar, but he didn't even recognize his beloved when he was right in front of him. .

Jiang Weiqing closed his eyes, and said slowly, "I'm sorry."

Qiao Xuan smiled coolly: "Mr. Jian came here after me, just to say sorry? I have heard it, can you step aside?"

Jiang Weiqing's thin lips moved, and after a long time, he said softly: "I have never forgotten you in these years."

If I knew you were alive, I would go find you.

Qiao Xuan looked at Jiang Weiqing's eyes, those eyes were just like in his memory, when this person faced him, there was an intoxicating tenderness in the elegance, at the beginning, he liked him very much, as long as he was by his side, he felt happy, happy, and Bewitched by the tenderness that belongs to me alone...

But looking at it now, it just feels sarcasm.

Qiao Xuan had to remind him how he died, and he smiled slightly: "Sword Lord really shouldn't forget, after all, that sword is clean and beautiful."

Sure enough, as his words fell, Jiang Weiqing's eyes dimmed, and his lips trembled.

Ah Xuan still hated him after all.

So I don't want to recognize him.

You should blame me too...

Qiao Xuan's eyes were slightly focused, and he was ready to do anything at any time. He gave Jiang Weiqing a cold look, and walked straight past him.

Jiang Weiqing pursed his lips tightly, stretched out his hand suddenly, and grasped Qiao Xuan's wrist, with sadness in his eyes: "Ah Xuan, I miss you very much."

Qiao Xuan shook his head: "But I never thought about you."

Jiang Weiqing's expression changed.

Qiao Xuan sneered: "If I want to leave now, will Lord Jian kill me again?"

This sentence was like a sharp blade, which made Jiang Weiqing's face turn pale. He fixedly looked into the young man's eyes, a look of pain appeared in his eyes, and finally let go of his hand slowly...

No, of course I don't.

He looked at the back of the boy who decided to leave.

At that time, facing the catastrophe that could come at any time, I had to put all my eggs in one basket and face separation. I didn't know that I could come back, and I wasn't even sure if I could survive.

I just don't want to be separated from you.

Even though you don't love me that much, I still don't want to let go...

Now that I am a god, I can come and go from all three worlds, and you have become a fairy now, there is no obstacle between you and me, how can I be willing to hurt you again

... ... ...

Qiao Xuan left without hesitation, seemingly free and easy, but in fact he was very alert, and then he found that it was not easy for him to get rid of Jiang Weiqing.

Jiang Weiqing is a rare genius in the world of cultivating immortals and even in the world of heaven. Although his phoenix body has taken advantage of his cultivation, he is almost unwilling to face Jiang Weiqing. It is impossible for Jiang Weiqing to insist on following him to get rid of him.

Speaking of which, why didn't the master come to him? Did he receive any letter from him

As for Jiang Weiqing, since he couldn't get rid of him for the time being, Qiao Xuan took him for nothing. After a while, he found that Jiang Weiqing looked normal and didn't intend to go crazy, so he wasn't so nervous at first.

Although he left Guiyuan Sword Sect, Qiao Xuan did not leave East Chongzhou, so it is rare to come back, so let's hang around here, thinking that when he was Fengxuan, his favorite thing was to sneak down the mountain to play.

It's just that no one cares about him now...

A mortal's life is short, as long as he has not survived the catastrophe, he will return to ashes in the end. Of those fellow disciples he knew, except for Jiang Weiqing, there is no one left...

This East Chongzhou has also changed a lot, but if you search carefully, you can still find some traces of the past.

Qiao Xuan came to the small town under Guiyuan Jianzong Mountain and lived there.

It's at ease.

Oh, the only trouble is Jiang Weiqing...

It would be perfect without him.

Qiao Xuan woke up from a late sleep and was about to go out for a breath, when he saw Jiang Weiqing standing tall and tall, waiting outside the inn. Unconsciously.

He showed a gentle smile to Qiao Xuan, the broken gold of the sun fell into the man's eyes, as if his whole body was coated with a soft color, he looked at Qiao Xuan intently, and his voice was clear and clear: "Ah Xuan."

Qiao Xuan squinted his eyes. He was fascinated by this appearance at the beginning, and he plunged into it like a moth to a flame. After all, such an excellent and good-looking person has you in his heart and eyes, and he cares for you in every possible way. You, as a normal person, it's hard not to be tempted...

Qiao Xuan turned a blind eye and walked past Jiang Weiqing.

Jiang Weiqing's eyelashes drooped slightly, silently following behind Qiao Xuan.

Today there are street performers in the town. Although they are some juggling things, Qiao Xuan is very interested in watching them. After all, the entertainment in the world of cultivating immortals is too limited. Throwing inside, when the crowd was crowded, Jiang Weiqing stepped forward without hesitation, gently swung away the people around him, and carefully protected Qiao Xuan in his arms.

Qiao Xuan's face was expressionless, and the fun of watching the play was gone.

He turned around and walked out, came to a deserted place, and said lightly: "Jian Jun has been with me for ten days."

Jiang Weiqing hid the pain in his eyes, this was the first time Qiao Xuan spoke to him since that day, the boy who used to laugh just looking at him, with stars in his eyes, now faced him with nothing but cold indifference mood.

Jiang Wei said in a hoarse voice, "Ah Xuan."

The man was silent and gentle and firm, as if no matter how indifferent he was, he would not take it to heart.

Qiao Xuan's anger seemed to be in the air.

Qiao Xuan became more and more irritable, if you really love me so much, why don't you just leave me to live alone? The people of Guiyuan Sword Sect are so kind to me, I can die without any problem, but you stabbed me with a sword and still act affectionately, have you ever asked my opinion

Qiao Xuan took a deep breath, and said in a calm tone: "No matter what happened at the beginning, I am no longer Fengxuan, and now you are a god in the upper heavens, with a bright future, why bother with me, a little fairy, and do such a degrading thing .”

Jiang Weiqing lowered his eyes, "You are the Taoist companion I have promised to the world. I will never choose anyone else except you. How can I lose my identity when I am with you."

Qiao Xuan can't wait for Jiang Weiqing to find someone else. It's no problem to remarry after widowing, and I'll give you a big red envelope!

Jiang Weiqing stared at Qiao Xuan, the corners of his lips were astringent, but his eyes were persistent: "And... if you really don't care at all, why do you want to go back to our home..."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

He was in a crazy mood, and I said it was just a coincidence, would you believe it

How did I know that you would come back, how did I know that it was the anniversary of my death, God is just playing with me!

Qiao Xuan said with a straight face: "On the way here, I accidentally encountered Moxiu besieging the disciples of Guiyuan Jianzong and rescued them, so I was invited to live in Jianzong. The head of Yangfu must have told you about these things Come on, it was a complete accident to meet you, Sword Lord doesn't need to think about it at all."

Jiang Weiqing said calmly, "Even if it's an accident, it's God's will..."

Qiao Xuan had nothing to say.

He really didn't want to fight Jiang Weiqing, but he didn't know what else to say!

Qiao Xuan's eyes were cold: "Are you really sure that the meeting is God's will? Then it seems that God's will is not for you. Meeting me is not a good thing. It's not impossible to ask me to forgive you. Why don't you give me your life? I don't mind. And give you the title of a dead husband—"

Speaking of Guyuan sword, he suddenly appeared in his hand, his eyes were sharp, his sword strokes were like the wind, and he stabbed directly at Jiang Weiqing without any warning—

You caught me by surprise when you killed me back then, and now I will return your sword to let you try what I was like back then.

Qiao Xuan didn't believe that Jiang Weiqing could continue to pretend to be affectionate in the face of his own actions.

Everything happened between lightning and flint, and the distance was very close, and the sword was in front of Jiang Weiqing in an instant—but Jiang Weiqing didn't move, just staring at him gently.

Qiao Xuan's hand moved slightly in front of him, and a sword pierced Jiang Weiqing's shoulder.

Blood spread along the tip of the sword.

Qiao Xuan showed a look of astonishment.

He was stunned for a moment, why didn't Jiang Weiqing hide...

After a while, Qiao Xuan suddenly withdrew his sword, his eyes were indifferent. This guy is someone who is sure that he will not kill or fight back. You are cruel!

"Go away." Qiao Xuan uttered a word, turned around and left.

Jiang Weiqing coughed lightly, raised his hand to press his shoulder, looked at the young man with gentle and tender eyes, and smiled lowly.

You are still the same...

Such a kind person, no matter how fierce and ruthless he pretends to be, he still can't be cruel to me...

... ... ...

Qiao Xuan kicked the stone at his feet hard, a little annoyed, it's not that he can't be cruel, but Jiang Weiqing's resignation, how can he kill someone? If he can do it like this, then what is the difference between him and Jiang Weiqing...

He, Joe, can't do such a thing.

What's more, I am living well now, and there is no need to fight Jiang Weiqing to the death.

Qiao Xuan was walking back slowly, when he suddenly heard a puppy whimpering in front of him, turned his head to look, and saw a dirty puppy being kicked out of the restaurant, it seemed to be injured , the hair on his body was bitten badly, and his wet black eyes looked at himself...

Qiao Xuan's heart almost melted immediately, it's really pitiful!

There is no way to turn a blind eye!

Qiao Xuan walked over and picked up the puppy. The little milk dog was not much bigger than his palm. It looked injured and hadn't eaten yet. If he didn't care, he would die. He took the puppy back to the inn I helped it bathe and clean up its body, and then bought some jerky to feed it.

After washing it, I found that the fur on the puppy's body was snow-white, and the soft fluff was so soft that people couldn't put it down. Qiao Xuan took the dried meat and brought it to its mouth.

The puppy didn't seem to want to eat it, but after thinking about it, he took a bite.

The puppy didn't seem very hungry, so he didn't eat much after eating, and moved up to Qiao Xuan to lick his hand.

Qiao Xuan was tickled by being licked, and he couldn't help laughing, holding the puppy in his arms, touching and touching it lovingly... Although he likes this little thing very much, but he is going back to the heaven, it is impossible to pick it up The stray dogs are brought back, so it is better to find a good family to adopt.

Qiao Xuan went out with the puppy in his arms.

He walked along the road and watched, and saw a woman who opened a sesame seed shop. The woman was very kind. There were a few children at home. A homeless man came by. She even gave some food to others. She seemed to be a caring people.

Qiao Xuan walked over, took out a piece of silver, and said, "Sister, I'm going on a long trip, but I can't take my dog with me, I want to foster it with you, this is a reward, I wonder if it's okay? "

The woman looked at the puppy, showing her fondness, waved her hands again and again and said: "Just put it here, and it doesn't cost much to raise it. It doesn't need your money."

Qiao Xuan was even more sure that she was not a greedy person, and said firmly: "This puppy is very picky eater. I hope the eldest sister can take good care of it and give it meat. It is not easy for you to make money here, so you should accept it."

The eldest sister still refused, but in the end she couldn't get around Qiao Xuan, so she had to accept it.

The puppy seemed to realize that Qiao Xuan wanted to keep him, and nestled in his arms, refusing to leave, whimpering pitifully, as if he was about to be abandoned by his master.

Qiao Xuan looked astonished, shook his head and laughed, he just fed it a meal, is it necessary to be so reluctant

After some time, being raised by others, it will be fine.

Thinking of this, he put down the puppy cruelly, turned around and left.

Qiao Xuan ate and drank all the way.

Most of the day passed.

When he was about to return to the inn at night, he suddenly felt something in his heart. When he looked back, he found that the puppy had returned and followed him step by step...

Qiao Xuan: "..."

He rubbed his forehead in distress, he could only hug it up, and find another place to foster it tomorrow.

Qiao Xuan ran like this for two days.

Send the puppy out no less than five times, and even ran to other towns, but no matter how he sends it out, the puppy will eventually come back...

Qiao Xuan gradually felt that this was not an ordinary dog...

There are very few demons in East Chongzhou.

But not entirely.

This little dog can follow him like this, just for that distance, it is not something that ordinary dogs can do. Could it be a lost dog demon cub somewhere

But why does it follow itself

Qiao Xuan was a little hesitant. If this puppy is really a demon dog cub, wouldn’t it be troublesome to accept it? What if its parents find it... And if it is really a demon dog, then I don’t have to worry about it at all Although it seems pitiful, it should not be so easy to die.

Qiao Xuan came out of the inn that day.

Finding Jiang Weiqing waiting for him downstairs, he held a box in his hand and smiled: "This is your favorite pastry, I bought it for you."

Qiao Xuan didn't even bother to give him a look.

As soon as he sat down at the table, he saw the puppy come to his feet and wag his tail.

back again...

Qiao Xuan sighed helplessly, picked up the puppy, and was about to feed it, when he saw the puppy looking at Jiang Weiqing with a fierce expression on his face.

Jiang Weiqing sat beside Qiao Xuan, looked at the puppy, and slowly frowned for a long while, saying: "This dog has an unknown origin, and there is a demonic aura hidden in its body. Those demons are insidious and cunning, you have to be careful of conspiracy..."


The puppy rushed over quickly, and bit Jiang Weiqing's wrist with a snap!

A pair of fierce eyes that if you talk again, I will bite you to death.

Jiang Weiqing: "..."

Qiao Xuan: "..."

Seeing that Jiang Weiqing's eyes were getting colder, Qiao Xuan stretched out his hand to hug the dog, pulled it hard, and then pulled it off Jiang Weiqing's wrist. The puppy in his arms was still not satisfied, bared his teeth as if he wanted to continue biting, Qiao Xuan hurriedly held it tightly, lest it really angered Jiang Weiqing and was chopped off by a sword!

He looked at the puppy in his arms, and then at the man with a cold face.

Could it be that the legendary dog eats dog...

Well, although I didn't intend to keep this dog monster of unknown origin...

But... I can't help but be considerate!

A dog is a good dog as long as it protects its owner.

If you don't want to go, then stay here for now.

The author has something to say: Author Jun: From your predecessor to a pet, you are also the first one, how do you feel

Xueming:? ? ? kill you.

Author Bacteria: ...