My Exes Are Everywhere

Chapter 61: frank


Shu Chen stared at Qiao Xuan, no one knew, he had been waiting for this sentence for too long.

Qiao Xuan shook the wine gourd with one hand, looked at Shu Chen with a smile, and was about to see his surprise, but who knew that Shu Chen didn't move for a long time.

Qiao Xuan was made a little hesitant by Shuchen's attitude. At this moment, he saw that Shuchen's eyes were red, and he couldn't help but stiffen in embarrassment. He just wanted to tease Shuchen. This is about to cry.

Qiao Xuan immediately threw the wine gourd back, and said embarrassingly, "Isn't it just a wine gourd? I just don't want yours. Well, I'll give it back to you."

Said deliberately pretending not to care, trying to ease the overly dignified atmosphere.

Thinking about it, I understand. For me, it didn’t take long from time travel to reunion, but only a few dozen days... But for Shu Chen, it was hundreds of thousands of years, and the mood in it was natural is very different.

Qiao Xuan was inevitably a little embarrassed, and didn't know how to coax him. At this time, Shu Chen waved his hand, threw the wine gourd back, and said in a hoarse voice, "No, it's a gift from a long-lost reunion."

This was originally meant for you.

Although hundreds of thousands of years late.

Qiao Xuan was stunned, and put it down unceremoniously, put his arm around Shu Chen's shoulder, and said with a smile: "Good brother, that's nice, don't be polite to me if you want to drink in the future, what's yours is mine, and what's mine is yours."

Shu Chen felt depressed, and said coldly, "Who is a good brother to you?"

Qiao Xuan raised his eyebrows and smiled, this guy hasn't seen him for so many years, why is he still awkward? It wasn't like this before.

He looked at Shu Chen with complicated emotions.

He still remembered that before the world was destroyed, Shuchen was having a temper with him and refused to see him for a long time. Now that he thinks about it, it doesn’t matter anymore. Sure enough, in the face of such a disaster, nothing is more important than being alive. It’s great to be able to be like this ah…

Qiao Xuan thought of something, and asked, "How did you survive?"

He had been curious about this question for a long time, but the master's attitude was unclear, and Qiao Xuan didn't dare to ask directly, but he didn't have so many scruples in front of Shu Chen.

Shu Chen's eyes dimmed slightly, and he paused: "It's just a fluke."

What kind of answer is this? Qiao Xuan is so easy to fool, he blinked: "Can you explain in detail."

Shu Chen looked like he didn't want to talk, and said angrily: "You don't care how we survived, good luck."

Seeing him like this, Qiao Xuan let out a long "oh" and stopped asking.

It seems that Shuchen's psychological shadow is not small, since he doesn't want to talk about it, he can't forcefully expose other people's scars just to satisfy his curiosity, can he? Anyway, as long as you live.

But there is one thing, Qiao Xuan still wants to inquire, curiously said: "Master's hair is gray, do you know what's going on?"

Shu Chen was silent for a moment: "I don't know."

Qiao Xuan was a little disappointed, did Shu Chen really not know, or didn't want to say? This guy is not authentic... It's been a long time since I saw him, he's been hiding all day long.

That's all.

The important thing today is not this, but the reunion of friends after a long absence, of course it is to celebrate!

Qiao Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile, "Let's go, eat meat and drink!"

This Xuanhe Valley is now familiar with Qiao Xuanke, and he brought back a lot of delicious, delicious and interesting things from Nanyue Country. Now there are pots, pans, pans, condiments, and finally it will not be difficult for a smart woman to cook without rice. In the past, it was boring to be alone It's very boring, so boring that I want to have a hard time with mushrooms, it's great that Shuchen is here now, and I will have someone to accompany me when I eat, drink and play in the future.

Seeing Qiao Xuan's return, the birds in the Hanging River Valley were very happy, and took the initiative to fly to help him find ingredients, and soon all kinds of spiritual fruits and grasses were piled up in the house.

Qiao Xuan swept his gaze, and saw a few mushrooms caught by Qingqueer, hidden in a pile of spiritual fruits, trying to move out quietly.

Qiao Xuan couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, remembering the days when he was just in shape, coughed lightly, and stared quietly at the mushrooms on the ground.

The mushrooms are trembling, they have only been living safely for a few months, and the big devil is back! ! !

Just when they were desperate, Qiao Xuan said lightly, and said to Qing Que'er beside him, "Don't play tricks on them in the future."

Mushroom was startled, then overjoyed, and fled in all directions.

The blue sparrows are a little unhappy, so let the group of mushrooms go like this? But since Qiao Xuan had spoken, he naturally didn't dare to disobey, so he nodded to show he understood.

Shuchen crossed his arms and watched Qiao Xuan giving orders here, and jokingly said: "I didn't know, you still have the hobby of bullying mushrooms."

Qiao Xuan laughed dryly, wasn't that too boring before

Qiao Xuan rolled up his sleeves and got busy.

He quickly prepared a delicious meal, waved, and two white jade cups floated over. He picked up a gourd and filled two glasses of fine wine, and the two of them sat on the grass on the ground, enjoying the breeze.

Qiao Xuan picked up the wine glass, glanced at the gray-eyed young man in front of him, and couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

This scene really resembles Qin Mu's first life.

At that time, he was just a reincarnated mortal, with ambitions and missions in his heart, and his life was not very easy, but his happiest time was the days when he and Shu Chen were drinking and singing.

The friendship between gentlemen is as light as water.

Although Shu Chen is elusive and indifferent, he did spend a lot of time with him.

Who would have thought that he would still meet Shu Chen after all the kalpas

At that time, it was not easy to drink Shuchen's wine. After all, you had to meet someone first. If Shuchen didn't want to, as Qin Mu, he couldn't do anything about it... Eh, thinking about it this way, then I can often Drinking with Shu Chen means that Shu Chen is also willing to drink with him.

Qiao Xuan couldn't help being a little happy.

Now not only can he drink whenever he wants, but even the wine gourd is taken away.

Qiao Xuan coughed lightly.

All in all, Shuchen must not be allowed to know that he is Qin Mu.

It's kind of embarrassing after all, isn't it

Shu Chen looked down at the young man in front of him.

No one knows how many years he has been waiting for this scene.

Chaos burned everything, and the Three Realms he was in disappeared. Until the new Three Realms formed, the Three Realms had all kinds of creatures again, but the people he was familiar with were gone.

For hundreds of thousands of years, he has traveled to every corner of the Three Realms.

But this Three Realms is not his Three Realms after all.

Everything is so strange that there is no trace of the past.

Even though he knew that the people from the past were gone, even though he knew that the young man's words before his death might just be comforting himself, but he still had a small hope that they would have a chance to meet again as the young man said...

He believed so.

Otherwise, it seems meaningless to survive alone.

He guards the Phoenix family.

But the Phoenix Clan in the New Three Realms was not favored by the heavens, and soon disappeared. Even he couldn't protect it. At that moment, he could no longer deceive himself and others, and he would never meet the boy again.

What's gone doesn't come back.

In front of the reincarnation of the Three Realms, he is still as small as before.

He started not caring about everything and became indifferent.

The fate of heaven, the cycle of life and death, if everything will eventually go to destruction, then what's the point of persistence

To be alive is to be just alive.

The longer you live, the less and less things you care about in the end, until even the meaning of existence begins to be questioned.

He had given up hope.

But one day, in the capital of Nanyue Kingdom.

In the restaurant where people come and go.

Seeing the boy suddenly break into his field of vision.

At that moment, no one knew the excitement in his heart. The person he thought he would never see again really appeared in front of him again.

The impossible, really happened.

Shu Chen walked over without hesitation, but to his surprise, the young man didn't remember him.

At that time, he was very sad and disappointed, but he quickly adjusted, it doesn’t matter if he doesn’t remember, maybe there was an accident, but as long as he is still there, at least the Three Realms...not nothing left.

At least the people he has been waiting for for hundreds of thousands of years are still alive. This is the greatest gift from heaven to him.

It turned out that you didn't lie to me that day.

We really will meet again.

But now, the boy is not only by his side.

Even the past events are all remembered.

The look in Shu Chen's eyes is tender and nostalgic, thank you for reappearing by my side.

Let me know that the shattering of fate is not irresistible, and it is not meaningless to wait and wait.

Both of them had a good time drinking this meal.


The two lay down on the grass, looking at the starry sky, Shu Chen turned his head sideways, stared at the young man beside him, and murmured: "I'm so happy, I can still be like this today."

Qiao Xuan was also a little drunk.

He rolled his eyes and smiled, "Yes."

Shuchen rested his hands on his head and asked, "How did you think of me?"

Qiao Xuan made a face at him: "I never forgot you."

Shuchen looked at him in astonishment. It was impossible. At that time in Nanyue Kingdom, he was sure that Qiao Xuan didn't remember him. If he lied to him, he would definitely be able to see it. At that time, Qiao Xuan was quite afraid of guarding him, which made him very disappointed. .

Qiao Xuan said directly: "I didn't know you at that time, if I said that I traveled from the future to the past, would you believe me?"

Shu Chen almost bit off his tongue.

It's really ridiculous.

But when he looked into the serious eyes of the young man, there was no falsehood in them, and he remembered that the young man was so sure that they would meet again... He suddenly believed it.

Shu Chen sat up abruptly, "Really?"

Qiao Xuan nodded, "It's absolutely true."

Shu Chen: "..."

No wonder the young man not only didn't know him, but was so wary of him. After all, anyone who saw himself like this would feel strange. Shu Chen's face flushed with embarrassment, but there was one thing that didn't make sense. There is no phoenix in the Three Realms, so where did he come from? It couldn't have popped out of the cracks in the rocks, could it? How did I find him in the first place...

Was it because of the past that in the beginning, Qiao Xuan was deliberately accepted as a disciple

Didn't he act first

Thinking of this, Shu Chen felt depressed, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt that something was wrong. Qiao Xuan was clearly not with Taichu, they seemed to be just a master-student relationship...

If they like each other, why are they still not together? What does Qiao Xuan think

If Qiao Xuan traveled through the past and back again, would he still like Taichu now

Shu Chen's joy of reuniting after a long absence was suddenly diluted, and he was depressed.

It's all because Tai Chu got it first, if he finds Qiao Xuan first, he can protect him so that he won't give others a chance...

At this moment, he heard Qiao Xuan ask him: "Hey, I've been in Xuanhe Valley for more than a hundred years, why haven't I seen you all this time, don't you want to break up with Master?"

Shu Chen pursed his lips, "No."

Qiao Xuan asked again: "Then how have you been living these years?"

Shu Chen was a little unhappy: "Do you want to know about me, or about the things in the beginning, who are you caring about?"

Qiao Xuan: Why is this guy so jealous...

Joe declared: "Of course I care about you two."

Shu Chen sneered: "Don't lie to me, you just care about Senior Brother, you like him, I already knew."

"Cough cough cough cough—" Qiao Xuan almost choked on his own saliva. What kind of logic and chat rhythm is this? He really can't keep up! And he himself only knew what he wanted yesterday, and he could swear to God before that he never had any unreasonable thoughts about Master, how did you know that I like him!

Don't say such outrageous things, what should you do if your master hears it? Don't you think he's not embarrassing enough

Qiao Xuan immediately covered Shuchen's mouth, and said angrily: "Don't talk nonsense, when did I like Master! Do you understand that I respect Master! Respect!"

Shu Chen: "Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm—"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll let you go." Qiao Xuan looked around furtively, lest the master might overhear.

Shu Chen could only nod his head.

Only then did Qiao Xuan let go of his hand, and said coldly, "You can eat and talk nonsense, and I don't have any disrespectful thoughts towards Master!"

Shu Chen fixedly looked at Qiao Xuan, curled his lips dissatisfied: "You gave him the plume feathers that have been bathed in fire..."

Qiao Xuandao: "Master has been kind to me, my savior, what's wrong with me giving him a feather, don't spread it casually."

Shuchen looked at Qiao Xuan in a daze, saw that he was serious and respectful, finally felt something was wrong, and asked in a daze, "Do you know what that means?"

"Luyuan Yuanjun said that the feather should be given to the most important person." Qiao Xuan said: "Master is my most important person."

As important as a father!

As he was talking, he suddenly realized that Shu Chen was jealous, right? I feel that I gave Ling Yu to Master, thinking that Master is the most important person, and I just don’t value him, but this is not the same thing at all. I think Master is very important, and brothers are also very important.

Qiao Xuan said speechlessly: "You're jealous even of this, who made that feather only have one, otherwise I'll give you one too."

Shu Chen: "..."

He stared at Qiao Xuan for a while, and suddenly burst out laughing, feeling that his entanglement was ridiculous.

It turned out that everything was just a misunderstanding.

Qiao Xuan didn't like Taichu at all...

This is the second good news he encountered today.

Shu Chen was thoughtful, no wonder they were not together, in this case, he still had a chance, as for the true meaning of gifting Ling Yu... Now there is no Feng Clan, as long as he doesn't tell, who will tell Qiao Xuan the true meaning Woolen cloth

Shu Chen humbly admitted his mistake, and pushed the boat forward: "I'm sorry, I shouldn't be jealous, he is your master, and it's right to show respect."

Qiao Xuan said generously: "Okay, for the sake of not seeing you for a long time, I forgive you, and don't lose your temper casually in the future."

There was a smile deep in Shu Chen's eyes, and he nodded.

... ... ...

Shu Chen and Qiao Xuan ate and drank, as if they had returned to the past.

After Tian Shuchen and Qiao Xuan separated, after a moment of contemplation, he finally made up his mind to go to the retreat place in the beginning.

In the center of the earth in Xuanhe Valley, there is a huge space, a stone tripod is suspended in the center, and the stone tripod is surrounded by stars, which seems to be sealed.

Taichu slowly opened his eyes and looked at Shuchen.

Shu Chen also looked at each other.

He knew what price he had paid in order to survive in the early days, and he also knew that he had been guarding the seal in order to prevent the tragedy from happening again. Chaos should not reappear...

Once, Shuchen couldn't understand Taichu, he was different from Taichu, and he didn't want to do unnecessary struggles for things that he could do nothing... Anyway, everyone died, and sometimes he even wondered why he didn't die on that day, when he Seeing everything around him disappear, and letting loneliness erode his days and nights, he even wondered why Taichu saved himself.

Why let him survive.

Anyway, there is no point in living, and nothing can be changed. Since the result is already doomed, why do you have to do anything to protect the three realms that will eventually be destroyed.

Whether the Three Realms exist or not has nothing to do with him.

If that scene happened again, he could gladly accept death and return himself to Chaos.

He left Hanging River Valley and parted ways with Taichu.

Different road non-phase plan.

In the early days, he continued to protect the common people in his Three Realms, but he didn't want to protect anything.

But now Shu Chen changed his mind.

Because of Qiao Xuan.

It turns out that hard work and persistence are not meaningless. As long as you are alive, there is hope.

Shu Chen stared at the man in front of him, and said word by word: "I will help you and protect the seal."

Never allow the tragedy of the past to repeat itself.

Because he found something to protect again.

Taichu looked at him indifferently for a long time, and said, "Okay."

Shu Chen was silent for a moment, then slowly said: "I want to tell you one more thing, I like Qiao Xuan."

It didn't seem surprising that his expression remained unchanged at the beginning.

Shu Chen's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked directly at the other party.

Although you saved me, but...

Shuchen said word by word: "He doesn't like you, so I won't give in any more. And—"

Shuchen said coldly: "If you don't like him, next time, don't accept things you shouldn't."