My Fake Brother Is In-Love With Me Again

Chapter 17: heat up


During the winter solstice, the temperature dropped to several degrees overnight on Monday. When Zhou Yizhi woke up the next day, Aunt He took out a thick cashmere coat and scarf from her closet and hung them at the entrance for her to put on before going to school.

Zhou Yizhi curled up in a daze under the warm quilt and lingered for a while before getting up. After dawdling and brushing his teeth, when he went downstairs to have breakfast, he saw that his brother had also changed into thick clothes.

He was wearing a black coat today, which made his skin pale and cold even more.

On a gray day, a layer of hoarfrost condensed outside the floor-to-ceiling windows. He looked up at her as she came down the stairs. Her brows and eyes were clear, and she was so handsome that she looked deserted. But I don't know if it was because of the soft light in the morning. It looks like the ice has just melted there.

Zhou Yizhi had another nightmare about his previous life last night, and his heart was filled with a strong sense of heartache and irreparable. But seeing my brother there early in the morning made me feel better. She couldn't help but walked quickly to the boy, raised her head and smiled: "Morning!"

Although the two of them have been getting along like normal relatives and friends since these days, Xue Xi still felt warm when he was caught off guard by her energetic "morning".

He looked down at her, saw her smiling, eyes flickering, and subconsciously wanted to raise his hand to rub her head, but he raised his hand halfway, then lowered it suddenly, and said to her: "Go and eat."

Zhou Yizhi noticed her brother's movements and was overjoyed at once. With her persistent efforts, his brother already wanted to touch her head? Does it mean that her teenage brother has already started to think she is cute? !

Isn't that great progress? !

She immediately held Xue Xi's half-hanging hand excitedly, and moved her head towards it like a rogue: "Then, you can rub it if you want, don't hold back."

Xue Xi was taken aback, patted the back of her head lightly, and said: "Go and eat."

"Okay." Zhou Yizhi couldn't control the upturn of her mouth, turned around and went to the dining table to have breakfast, stuffed two mouthfuls of porridge into her mouth, she still stared at Xue Xi: "Don't worry, wait for me."

Xue Xi said: "Don't worry, eat slowly."

He bent down to change his shoes, and took a step back in a concealed manner, letting the entrance block his expression. The young man uncomfortably tied up his shoelaces, and the base of his ears turned a little red from the cold wind blowing in from the open door at the entrance.

It was Zhou Yizhi's birthday that he didn't go to Congyou, so he turned off his phone for a whole day, and when he turned it on again, there were a lot of text messages and missed calls in his phone.

Cong You in this life seems to be much more persistent than the previous life.

Zhou Yizhi analyzed the reason, probably because in the last life, before his elder brother beat him, he didn't say those cruel words to him, which made him feel that - it wasn't that he couldn't catch up, but that he didn't want to chase after him, and that he was about to get the high mountain. Flowers become dull. But in this life, looking at him with disgusted eyes made him unbearable.

What to say about liking, in fact, boys of this age don't know how to like at all, it's just the competitive nature in their bones that's all.

Cong You didn't do anything bad, although he didn't know the severity and hurt himself a little bit in his previous life, but from the perspective of Zhou Yizhi after his rebirth, this kind of sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy is a tough boy, not What an unforgivable person.

If Zhou Yizhi continues to treat him coldly, he might chase him even more vigorously, and even entangle him to death. Instead of that, it's better to find an opportunity to talk about it.

In the new life, Zhou Yizhi really doesn't want to put extra energy on insignificant people. She looked at a pile of messages in the inbox of her mobile phone, and she just wanted to solve the matter as soon as possible.

So after school that day, when she saw the text message sent by Cong You who was blocked by herself from someone else's mobile phone, she replied a hello.

She didn't hide it from Xue Xi either, after the last class was over, she walked up to Xue Xi and told him about it: "I have something to do after school, brother, you go home first, I told Uncle Li, The car is right outside the school."

The bell for the end of class has already rang, and the boy is standing on the seat, putting the textbooks and homework into the schoolbag, among which there are some materials mixed in, Zhou Yizhi couldn't help but glance at the thick materials that his brother was reading recently, There are a lot of incomprehensible nouns in the information. She didn't pay attention to it in her previous life, but is it possible that her brother has already started to study medical content in high school

Hearing this, Xue Xi gave a slight pause to pack his schoolbag, and was about to ask something, but Zhou Yizhi explained it obediently.

There were still many students in the class who did not leave. She put her fingers on her brother's table, leaned forward slightly, and whispered: "The past few days, Cong You has never given up, pestering me for dinner, so I agreed... "

Originally wanted to say the second half of the sentence, but Zhou Yizhi stopped and observed his brother's expression.

Xue Xi lowered his eyes slightly, and his dark gaze fell on Zhou Yizhi's face for a while, as if he wanted to say something, his thin lips moved.

Zhou Yizhi looked at him expectantly.

However, seeing my brother was silent for a while, he continued to pack his schoolbag. When he zipped the schoolbag up with his fingers, his phalanges unconsciously strained a little.

Then he threw his schoolbag on one shoulder, nodded to Zhou Yizhi, and said softly, "Don't come back too late, let Uncle Li wait for you, I'll take the bus back."

Zhou Yizhi: ...

That's it? ! Brother, is that all you want to say

Zhou Yizhi's heart was filled with gloom, his elder brother really didn't understand when he was young, and when he heard that he and Cong You went out for dinner, wouldn't he be jealous at all? When will he like himself? Zhou Yizhi gritted his teeth and stood there, trying to recall some clues from his previous life...

Is it the time when you gave yourself dysmenorrhea medicine in college? Or that winter when I reluctantly buried a snowman with him in the yard? After thinking about it, Zhou Yizhi couldn't recall at all when his elder brother started to like him in his last life. If he could, he could just replay the moment that made him fall in love. But the problem is that, in his last life, She really doesn't care about her brother...

What Zhou Yizhi originally planned to say, "I'm going to tell Cong You that I don't like him" suddenly couldn't say it to his brother--the brother still doesn't like him, he just treats himself like a younger sister, saying It doesn't matter if you don't say anything. On the contrary, it seems very deliberate.

This is not a question of whether she can take the initiative to confess to her brother, but in the eyes of her brother in this life, she is just a younger sister of an old family friend. Although she is kind, she currently has no feeling of being moved.

She understands her brother's character. Although he looks gentle, he is actually a little alienated. In the last life, my brother often came to look for me in college, but I refused to see him. The elder brother is so handsome, and he is also a top student in the medical school. It is difficult for a girl not to be attracted to him, so the girl Zhou Yizhi slept with confessed his love.

Zhou Yizhi saw with his own eyes how indifferent his always gentle brother was that day.

It's the same now, if once you break your heart to him, and he doesn't like you, how embarrassing it will be to stay at Zhou's house in the future.

Zhou Yizhi tried his best to hide his depression, and said to his brother, "Okay, I'll go home after dinner."

Xue Xi looked at her and nodded, but his heart was unconsciously churning a little restlessly.

In the evening, the sky darkened quickly, and the school after school was full of youthful vitality and noisy. Xue Xi walked out of the school gate with his schoolbag in his hand. He had long legs and used to stride like a star, but now he walked a bit slowly. He frowned and looked towards the restaurant street outside the school.

Seeing him walking towards the bus stop, the monitor of the class chased him in three steps at a time, and asked, "Xue Xi, didn't you go home with Zhou Yizhi today? Let's go on the way, or should we go together, just right?" We can talk about the Winter Games, the basketball team in the class—"

Before he finished speaking, the cell phone in Xue Xi's trouser pocket vibrated, Xue Xi said "sorry" to the squad leader, and took out the cell phone from his trouser pocket.

He didn't save the sender's number, but he knew who it was from the content.

"Brother! Help! Zhizhi Ken has dinner with me. Do you know what she likes to eat? I have to order something she likes! Otherwise, she will have a worse impression of me! —— Cong You."

This kid Cong You knew him well. Everyone in the school, including him, regarded Xue Xi as Zhou Yizhi's distant elder brother. He actually really wanted to win over Xue Xi, and asked Xue Xi for information. Zhou Yizhi's favorite.

Xue Xi frowned and stared at the phone screen.

The squad leader inexplicably felt that the people around him were a bit depressed. Xue Xi had always been gentle with others, but at this moment his handsome face was expressionless and disturbed. He suddenly threw his phone back into his trouser pocket without saying a word, and walked towards the hotel street with his schoolbag in his hand.

The squad leader wanted to say something, but Xue Xi walked quickly, with a look of annoyance on his back, and quickly disappeared.

Xue Xi didn't go to the bus station, didn't go home, but couldn't help but walked towards the street where Zhou Yizhi and Cong You had dinner.

When he reached the street, he stopped in front of a bookstore.

The boy is tall and has long legs, wearing a school uniform with an outstanding temperament. The bookstore owner couldn't help but greet him: "Come in and have a look."

"Sorry, I'm waiting for someone, can you let me wait here for a while?" Xue Xi turned around and said.

The bookstore owner hurriedly said: "You can do whatever you want!" Seeing the boy standing at the door of his store for a while, several girls from the school came over there, and the bookstore owner was overjoyed.

Xue Xi stopped talking, threw his schoolbag on a chair beside him, lowered his head to send text messages quickly.


Cong You replied: "Sichuan restaurant, I still know that Zhizhi likes spicy food, but I don't know if she has any taboos, brother, hurry up, we will order soon."

At the Sichuan restaurant, Xue Xi frowned, and found that there was only one Sichuan restaurant on this street, so it must be there. He walked towards that side involuntarily, but after taking two steps, he stopped. He clenched his phone tightly, and went back to the door of the bookstore a little distractedly. He glanced at the gloomy sky outside. He looked at the phone with his head down, making it hard to see his expression, but it was dim.

The tall and slender young man was standing here, his figure was full of chaotic emotions that had nowhere to vent, even he couldn't explain it clearly.

In what position can he interfere with her first love? The position of a well-connected elder brother, the position of a poor man who depends on others? Or is it the position of a greedy teenager who knows that beautiful glass beads are unattainable but still wants to hold them in his hands

She had finally stopped rejecting him in this life. If he showed his dirty possessiveness, would she immediately back away

Xue Xi's expression darkened.

After a long while, he still sent a message to Cong You: "She likes spicy food, but not too spicy, or her stomach will feel uncomfortable. Don't order coriander, don't fish, it's too fishy, and don't order anything related to almonds, She's allergic."

Xue Xi memorized Zhou Yizhi's dietary taboos by heart. In her previous life, Zhou Yizhi often ate out because she rejected him, but she didn't pay attention to taking care of her body, so she often had stomach pains when she was in college. Xue Xi had to send text messages to those friends around her one by one, telling them to pay attention not to let her touch the food she could not eat.

After sending this text message, Xue Xi hung down his phone, waited in the bookstore, and sat down in front of the floor-to-ceiling glass window where he could see the Sichuan restaurant opposite. He took the book, but his fingers were a little pale, and he didn't turn a page.

Cong You didn't wait for Zhou Yizhi to come to his birthday party, he was extremely disappointed, he didn't know what to do, he apologized, stalked and stalked him, Zhou Yizhi insisted on being unmoved.

So when Zhou Yizhi replied to the text message, saying that he was flattered when we met after school, he skipped class early and went back to his villa before school was over. to school.

This time he behaved well, and he didn't brag with his friends. He went to the agreed place by himself and prepared things for confession in advance.

It's just that Zhou Yizhi agreed to meet and set a place that was too simple. The Sichuan restaurant was very hot and tasteless, and Cong You originally planned to take her to a western restaurant and even ordered a violin. , near the school, he had no choice but to agree.

Before Zhou Yizhi came, Cong You rarely felt a little bit of nervousness, while frantically texting Zhou Yizhi's brother, Yuan Mei and other Zhou Yizhi's classmates, asking about Zhou Yizhi's preferences, while waiting cowardly.

After a while, a girl in an off-white coat and a pure black scarf opened the door and came in.

Cong You immediately stood up: "Sit down!"

Zhou Yizhi sat down, waited for him to finish ordering, and then took a few mouthfuls in silence.

Seeing that the dishes Cong You ordered were all his own preferences, Zhou Yizhi raised his eyebrows, a little surprised. She could see that the second generation ancestor really put a lot of effort into it. But who told him his preferences? It can't be the butler who told him, right

Zhou Yizhi looked up at Cong You, Cong You stopped chattering, and smiled at her, "You see that I'm serious, right? Let's just let the bet out, okay?"

"Okay." Zhou Yizhi said, but before Cong You could be surprised, she said again: "But I don't like you either."

"Why?" Cong You was dumbfounded, held back, and asked a little impatiently: "Before you didn't know about the bet, your attitude towards me—"

"I have someone I like." Zhou Yizhi took a sip of the soup calmly, and I have to say that the taste of this restaurant is very good.

Cong You breathed a sigh of relief, he didn't believe it at all, he just felt that Zhou Yizhi was trying to deceive him. Zhou Yizhi is very indifferent to the boys around him. How could he suddenly have someone he likes? With her temperament, it is impossible for her to be crazy about star chasing or something. Isn't this trying to trick him

What else did he want to say, Zhou Yizhi gave him another blow: "So don't send text messages, don't let those people around you come to me, or I'll go to the police to report harassment."

Cong You: "..."

This sentence hurts people more than anything else, Cong You was speechless for a moment.

He didn't even bother to move his chopsticks, he just watched Zhou Yizhi take a few mouthfuls - she didn't seem to have any appetite either, so she simply ate a little, got up and wanted to leave. Cong You couldn't help but said: "I also put my heart into it. I knew what you like to eat, so I ordered something specially. Don't you want to eat two more bites?"

Zhou Yizhi was a little surprised that Cong You asked whom he asked about his eating habits. She was a little closer to Yuan Mei in class, but she didn't eat in the cafeteria, and Yuan Mei didn't know what taboos she usually had. The butler has met Cong You a few times, and out of concern for his own health, the butler might tell Cong You.

But Zhou Yizhi had an infuriating guess in her heart, she couldn't help but turn around and ask, "How do you know what I like to eat and what I can't eat?"

Cong You couldn't understand why her words were filled with anger, he was stunned for a moment, and replied: "I asked your brother, he beat me up last time, but I have already apologized in private—"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yizhi closed the door and left.

Zhou Yizhi came down from the Sichuan restaurant, and a gust of cold wind blew her hair into the air. As she walked towards the car depressed, she tied her hair up, and her footsteps were a little irritable. Brother is really good. It's fine if you don't like yourself, but you actually help others chase you? !

Although he knew that his starting point might be the same as the housekeeper's, he was afraid that Cong You would take him to eat something he shouldn't eat, and he would have a stomachache when he turned around. If the housekeeper told Cong You to do this, Zhou Yizhi would feel that the housekeeper was very caring, but as a brother——Zhou Yizhi would almost die of anger.

Ah, it's fine if he's not jealous or jealous, but he actually helps others? !

Zhou Yizhi came out of the Sichuan restaurant angrily, and Xue Xi immediately stood up.

He walked out of the bookstore and saw her walking safely to the car on the corner of the street. Lao Li got down and opened the back seat for her. She got into the car, and the car drove away quickly. Xue Xi breathed a sigh of relief.

He stood at the door of the bookstore for a while, when some light rain suddenly fell from the sky, the young man stood silently for a while, his figure was somewhat indescribably annoyed or shy. After a while, he bought a transparent umbrella, and then turned and went to the bus stop.

Half an hour after Zhou Yizhi returned home, there was a sound of opening the door at the entrance. It must be that his brother had returned.

Because she was sullen in her heart, she kept changing the channel with the remote control. The sound of the TV was so loud that she didn't even watch it, and her ears were listening to the movement in the entrance.

Hearing the sound of the umbrella handle gently leaning against the entrance, Zhou Yizhi couldn't help but glance back quickly.

The tall boy was dry and dry, but the khaki trouser legs inevitably splashed some rain. It seemed that the rain outside suddenly became a bit heavy. The tip of his hair also had a faint sense of dampness, his jet-black hair, and his jet-black eyes looked up to this side.

Zhou Yizhi quickly turned her head back and kept changing the channel. Just by looking at her messy ponytail, she could tell that she was unhappy.

She pressed the remote control hard without saying hello.

"Yizhi, did you get caught in the rain?" Xue Xi asked.

Zhou Yizhi was angry in his heart, ignored it, and continued to press the remote control.

Xue Xi stood in the entrance and was stunned. She didn't know why she suddenly became angry. Seeing that Cong You was not going well, what happened? When she came out of the Sichuan restaurant, she seemed to be in a bad mood. Could it be that Cong You did something else

Xue Xili started from his heart, his voice became cold, and he said in a deep voice, "What did Cong You do? You can tell me—"

Zhou Yizhi interrupted him: "Do you really think of you as my real brother?"

Xue Xi froze when he heard the words.

During this period of time, the relationship between the two has indeed eased. She would smile at him, act like a baby to him, eat together, go to school together, and even sit on the sofa and watch TV together. Although he was worried about gains and losses in his heart, he didn't know when this time would disappear, but he thought that she really regarded him as her relatives in this life, and he could take the initiative to approach her—


The figure of the young man stood silently at the entrance, the tall and slender figure cast shadows on the ground under the light. There was a little rain in his hair, his face was expressionless, he just looked at Zhou Yizhi silently.

As soon as Zhou Yizhi said these words, she realized that she was a little out of choice.

She was a little angry and wronged because her brother clearly liked her so much in the previous life, but in this life he actually helped others chase her, as if she didn't care whether she liked others or not. He seemed to really regard her as his dear sister and wished her well, but he didn't like her.

In fact, he can dislike her, but he can't push her to others like this.

Her nose was sore and she was about to cry, but after she said this, the young man behind her didn't make a sound for a long time, and she became restless again.

The atmosphere became tense for a while.

Zhou Yizhi was sad and angry, and a little bit on pins and needles. She tried to save face, dropped the remote control without saying a word, and walked upstairs.

After walking up a few steps, her mind was in a mess.

There was no movement at the entrance.

Zhou Yizhi couldn't help turning his head back, and saw his brother standing there, the coat on his body was still slightly damp, he looked up at himself, there was no anger in his dark eyes, he opened his lips, as if he wanted to say something to himself sorry.

He stood there, his figure alone.

Zhou Yizhi's heart was like a needle being pricked, and she couldn't restrain her distress and regret all at once. She turned around, walked downstairs quickly, sniffed, and said "I'm sorry", she said: "Brother, I was too late just now. Impulsive, not intentional."

In her previous life, Zhou Yizhi rarely apologized, almost never. Her willful personality is annoying. Even she hates herself, but only her brother doesn't hate herself.

So Xue Xi was a little surprised when she heard her apologize first.

Zhou Yizhi looked up at him, half complaining and half discouraged: "I'm angry because I don't like Cong You, and you actually helped him chase me."

Xue Xi looked down at Zhou Yizhi, his eyes widened slightly, his breathing was slightly choked, and he seemed a little dazed—he always thought that Zhou Yizhi liked Cong You a little bit, otherwise why did he have such a fight with him in the last life.

Zhou Yizhi looked at his dark and silent eyelashes, and said again, "I like it—"