My Fake Brother Is In-Love With Me Again

Chapter 2: reunion


"铛" The piano suddenly issued a short syllable that the keys were pressed.

All the pictures shrink violently, trekking through mountains and rivers, turning over the years, and rewinding at an extremely fast speed to this day of heavy rain in late autumn.

The girl lying on the piano did not know when she fell asleep, her body twitched suddenly, and she was awakened by the sudden sound of the piano.

She raised her head, her heart seemed to be grasped by a big hand, and there was still a heart-piercing pain, but she couldn't find a way out, and she only felt a sore nose in a daze.

But all this...

Zhou Yizhi took a breath and looked around.

The sky is dim, and there are light blue curtains and floor-to-ceiling windows next to the triangular Steinway. The leaves of the sycamore trees extending to the second floor have turned yellow. The heavy rain is crackling and smashing on the glass windows, like thousands of people applauding in silence.

She had already embarked on a trip to a foreign country, but why did she return to the villa when she opened her eyes? !

Zhou Yizhi's heartbeat gradually accelerated, and she looked at her hands in disbelief. She lowered her head, and a young girl's face with a ball head was reflected on the smooth black piano cover.

Fair skin, slender swan neck, cold and world-weary facial features are sharp and proud.

It was a pretty face that everyone would fall in love with just by looking at it.

The mobile phone that was put aside suddenly lit up, it was a new email message, the sender was his father Zhou Du, and the title of the email was: Xue Xi's information.

Seeing this name again, Zhou Yizhi lost his breath for a second.

All of this is too familiar, so familiar that it makes the blood surge, as if the gears of fate are running over again.

At the age of fifteen, in the late autumn, withered leaves, and heavy rain, the black car slowly drove up from the mountainside, and the boy who was about to be brought in by the housekeeper.

Zhou Yizhi realized that her time had actually flowed back to the day of their reunion!

Her heart suddenly beat wildly, faster than the sound of rain, and she didn't care about anything else. She hurriedly opened the door of the study and went out, not even noticing that her knee was tripped by the piano bench.

As if eager to prove something, she stepped on her slippers and rushed down the stairs.

Because of the heavy rain, the door of the villa was tightly closed, the housekeeper went out, and Aunt He was making some snacks in the kitchen. Hearing the sound of her stepping on her slippers hurriedly downstairs, Aunt He poked her head out of the kitchen: "Miss, be careful, don't fall."

Zhou Yizhi looked at Aunt He, and Aunt He was indeed more than ten years younger.

She looked at the coffee table again, and there was a provincial competition trophy, which she pretended to put there accidentally when she got up this morning and heard that her parents were coming back. Sure enough, it really came back to that day!

Zhou Yizhi was overwhelmed with excitement and residual pain, and asked her to sit down on the stairs with her knees hugged.

"What's the matter, miss?!" Aunt He panicked and came to help her.

"...I'm fine." Zhou Yizhi finally woke up from his panic.

What happened was not a nightmare, it was real.

However, now that time has turned back, she has returned to the beginning of everything, which is also true.

The person who treats her best in the whole world has not yet come to her, and has not yet ruined his best life because of her arrogance and domineering and ignorance.

Everything is still in time.

Zhou Yizhi wiped away the tears from the corners of her eyes, looked at the clock on the wall, and tried to recall what time the housekeeper brought Xue Xi back in her previous life, but after trying to search in her mind for a while, she found to her dismay that she couldn't remember at all. .

Even the scene when they met in the previous life was blurred.

After all, to her, her brother at that time was just an outsider who suddenly appeared in this family.

She, the housekeeper, and Aunt He lived in this huge villa for many years. If it wasn't for the fact that her parents would come back every six months, Zhou Yizhi could hardly remember their faces.

She is like a cub that has been forgotten here, she doesn't know where she doesn't like them.

But an outsider who suddenly stepped into the house made them praise again and again, and they were very caring. This made Zhou Yizhi feel that his territory had been violated, and what he longed for most had been taken away. It was hard for her not to lash out, trying to drive that outsider out.

Now that I think about it, my young self was really too bad.

In fact, Zhou Yizhi vaguely remembered that the first time he saw that handsome young man who appeared at the door, he was not entirely disgusted.

At that time, her emotions were very complicated, including the fear of being deprived of her parents' attention, the jealousy of the boy, and the momentary amazement—she was curious about him, after all, because of her personality and family background, she had few friends. I thought I would have an extra juvenile playmate.

But after the wet boy stepped into the gate of Zhou's house, he looked at her with a very calm expression on his face, as if there was a kind of alienation that rejected people thousands of miles away.

This aroused Zhou Yizhi's arrogance - this person lives under the fence, his shoes have stained the carpet, shouldn't he please her? But why did he stand tall and straight, without that meaning at all

Some inexplicable emotions arose in Zhou Yizhi's heart.

It was he who ignored himself first.

Thinking about it now, Zhou Yizhi felt more and more that he had misunderstood something.

She opened Xue Xi's information sent by her father, and clicked through the attachments one by one.

In the last life, because she didn't care or care, she even indifferently didn't even open the attached file.

It was later that I learned the rumors about Xue Xi's life experience from the students in the school.

Her father, Zhou Du, is a completely egoistic businessman who would not subsidize unrelated poor students for no reason.

There was a reason for bringing Xue Xi home. The ancestors of the Xue family went to work in government, and the ancestors of the Zhou family went to work in business. The two grandfathers had old friendships.

Three years ago, Xue Xi's father was the mayor and secretary of the provincial party committee of Haicheng. He was dismissed because he was unfavorable in an explosion incident. Later, without knowing what happened, he was reported and found out that he had embezzled and accepted bribes.

No one knew what was going on, even Zhou Du could get a little more information than the news.

After Xue's father and mother's property was compensated, they both committed suicide. Xue Xi saw his parents jump off the building with his own eyes. He was so stimulated that he was autistic and lost his voice. Generations were reduced to poor students.

Three months ago, his grandfather also passed away, leaving only his grandmother with dementia.

Zhou Yizhi's father followed the wishes of his overseas grandfather and sponsored Xue Xi. He brought the old man's son from another city, went through the transfer procedures for him, and arranged for his grandmother to be admitted to the hospital.

This was the beginning of Xue Xi being brought into the Zhou family.

Zhou Yizhi didn't read the information carefully at the time, so he didn't know, and when he heard it from the group of noble children in the school in a mocking tone, his dislike for his brother was already deeply rooted.

But thinking about it now, before being brought back by the housekeeper, the young Xue Xi had just finished dealing with his grandfather’s funeral, and brought his grandma over after a long journey. Can't open it.

But he stood in front of the gate of Zhou's house like a drowned rat, still straightening his back, probably trying to be decent in front of him.

He smelled like a long-distance train, he had been hungry all day, he was afraid that he would be smelled by him if he approached him, and he would lose a good impression, so he stood there from a distance, pursed his lips silently, and watched him not speak.

At that time, I didn't think about anything, only my temper was aroused, thinking that he was disdainful to me, and after he entered the door, I started to look at him coldly.

Zhou Yizhi's memories of this day in her previous life were gradually brought back, like the pages of a book that had been yellowed and pressed at the bottom of a box were found again. Her heart was empty, a little sad, but also happy to have a new life.

She wants to make up for the badness and mistakes of the previous life, and change the fate of her and her brother. In this life, she will no longer be that arrogant and ignorant Zhou Yizhi.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yizhi quickly jumped up, rushed to the kitchen, and said to Aunt He energetically, "Aunt He, help me cook some dishes!"

In his last life, he was hungry all day, and he was ridiculed by her. In this life, she wants to prepare meals in advance and wait for him to come.

Aunt He was startled, and hurriedly pushed her out: "Miss, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Yizhi has been a bit squeamish since she was a child, with a sensitive nose and a bad stomach, so she can't smell too strong smells. The smell of oily smoke and blood will make her retch involuntarily.

Whenever the housekeeper and Aunt He got these smells, they would take a shower before appearing in front of her. Therefore, Zhou Yizhi never entered the kitchen.

Her ten fingers are slender and do not touch the water of Chunyang, like exquisite exhibits on the shelves, which are out of place with these.

But Zhou Yizhi has already ordered: "Aunt He, make a steamed pork ribs, remember to make it sweeter, and then watch to make some green vegetables."

Aunt He doubted life even more: "Miss, don't you not like sweets? You said there are things in sweets that make people fat."

But my brother likes to eat.

All the dishes in this villa in the previous life were according to Zhou Yizhi's.

Because Zhou Yizhi hated Xue Xi, he didn't often eat at home, and treated guests outside the school all the year round. Occasionally eating in the villa, Aunt He cooks everything she likes, and the silent boy sitting opposite her never chooses.

He grew up very fast, and his height changed every few days, but all he ate in those few years was spicy food that he couldn't eat.

Zhou Yizhi was filled with regret just thinking about it, she said to Aunt He without hesitation: "It's okay, Aunt He, remember to cook lightly, there will be guests later."

Aunt He responded to her request without thinking too much, and went into the kitchen to get busy.

Zhou Yizhi returned to the living room, took his shameful provincial trophy back to the bedroom, put it in a drawer and locked it.

She came out of the room and thought of one more thing.

After Xue Xi came to this house in the previous life, because Zhou Yizhi was in charge of everything in the house, Zhou Yizhi, who rejected him very much at that time, deliberately asked the housekeeper to arrange his room in the gardener's room outside the villa.

Although the room was well-equipped, it was no different from the basement. It was cold and damp, and the previous gardener only stayed there for a day occasionally.

After Xue Xi lived there for two months, Zhou Yizhi's parents came back and scolded Zhou Yizhi, Xue Xi's room was changed to the villa.

Xue Xi, who had always been taciturn at the time, hadn't fully recovered his vocal chords, so he had to stand up and explain in a hoarse voice. He had arranged his room earlier because he felt that the air outside was better, so he didn't have time to move. Father Zhou didn't say anything. But it's no surprise that when my brother said so, it fell to Zhou Yizhi, and he was hypocritical again.

Zhou Yizhi rejected him more and more, unwilling to go to school with him, let alone go home with him.

I even started to stop letting the driver pick me up and go to and from school by myself.

Then one day, the third year of high school came back from school very late, and when she came back from a night walk, she found a boy who was already a head taller than her, carrying a white schoolbag, and was following far behind. When she got home, she was furious and said a lot if.

Zhou Yizhi felt that he could no longer think about those things, nor could he recall every time he made trouble for no reason, Xue Xi looked at him with silent and dark eyes.

She planned to ask the housekeeper to buy some daily necessities when the housekeeper and driver came back, and give her brother a room on the second floor facing south.

After doing all this, the feeling of guilt that weighed on Zhou Yizhi's heart, which made her breathless, dissipated a little.

At this moment, she heard the sound of car brakes mixed with heavy rain on the mountainside.

Her heart beat suddenly, like a drum beating, did she come back

She hurried to the end of the corridor and looked down from the window.

In her previous life, she waited for someone to be ushered in by the housekeeper before impatiently walking down the stairs on the second floor, so naturally she did not see this scene.

The black car stopped outside the fence of the villa, and a tall boy, wearing an old school uniform and carrying a schoolbag on one shoulder, stepped down.

And the car pulls into the garage.

The housekeeper opened the umbrella from behind and hurried to the villa. He was in a hurry to inform Zhou Yizhi, but he didn't care that he was drowned.

However, when he was waiting for the housekeeper at the entrance of the hospital, he had already been drenched in the rain for a long time, and his body was already drenched, but now it was just a little bit wetter.

The young man's hair was black, and the rain dripped down his straight nose. He stood silently by the car for a while, and only walked towards the gate of the villa after hearing the sound of the housekeeper letting him in.

He was very good-looking, his eyes were like distant mountains covered with heavy snow, with a little coolness. His feet were still the old pair of rebound shoes from his previous life, splashed with muddy water, and his body looked thinly dressed, with the cold wind rushing down his neck.

He walked to the steps of the villa and paused.

He seemed to be looking at the mud on the soles of his shoes.

Not knowing if he noticed something, he suddenly raised his head.

Zhou Yizhi almost caught his sight, felt guilty for no reason, and hid under the window in time.

The butler's voice came from downstairs: "Miss, have you received Mr.'s email?"

Zhou Yizhi moved to the stairs in a squatting position, and then stood up. She tugged at the off-white ankle-length knit dress, and raised her hand to touch the ball head casually coiled on the back of her head. Not pretty.

But thinking about how much his brother had done for him in his previous life, in his eyes, he must be perfect.

After a pause, Zhou Yizhi finally relaxed and walked downstairs slowly.

The cold boy was already standing at the door.

When Zhou Yizhi went downstairs, his gaze met his eyes.

The four eyes are facing each other.

Zhou Yizhi choked for breath.

That gaze was a little flat, as if it was no different from the previous life, but Zhou Yizhi in the previous life was impetuous, he only glanced at him and then looked away, but in this life, Zhou Yizhi felt sad and emotional, but couldn't help but stare at him.

Gradually, he realized that the boy's gaze had been on her for too long.

Although Zhou Yizhi wanted to hug him very much, but with Zhou Yizhi's arrogant personality, she couldn't make such a gesture of intimacy—she seemed to be born unable to express her feelings, and the most she could do was Just put away the thorns all over his body.

She took the initiative and said dryly: "I heard from my father that your name is Xue Xi."

Xue Xi was still looking at her.

After a pause, Zhou Yizhi looked at Xue Xi: "Brother, welcome home."

Her tone was jerky and stiff, but if one looked carefully enough, one would find a slight tremor in it, and the ending sounded like a whisper.

Not tit-for-tat, or hate-hate.

It turned out to be "Welcome Home".

He never heard her say these four words.

Standing at the door of the villa, Xue Xi staring up at her was stunned on the spot.