My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again

Chapter 117


Jiang Yu cleared his throat and analyzed as if nothing happened: "I think with Master's ability and talent, the results of the pre-sale are not important at all, so what if we let the woman get 20 million first, and the sale will officially start tomorrow. You can tell if the quality is good or not. At that time, the word of mouth will be similar, and the sales will be able to increase without publicity, so we will let them see what it means to be a latecomer and what is a counterattack."

Jiang Yu talked a lot, and was almost convinced by himself.

Shen Qingran didn't interrupt him, and just listened to him quietly.

In the end, Jiang Yu probably felt ashamed as he talked more and more. He rushed to contact Shen Qingran and said that he wanted to help his master sell sales, but in the end he lost because of lack of money. There is no one of the most embarrassing things this year.

"Why do we drive low and go high? We can definitely drive high and go high. I very much agree with your idea just now. It's the first time Master releases an album. You can't lose your face. You must increase the sales." Shen Qingran said earnestly. Analyzing for him: "You sold all your houses, sports cars, and limited edition cars. It's not a problem to collect 200 million. As a senior brother, I definitely can't let you pay this money alone. The other 200 million I'm out."

"That's enough, Shen Qingran, haven't you always followed the gentle and cool route? When did you talk so much?" Jiang Yu wanted to cry in his heart. He was a top-notch man, how could he be so poor, with 200 million floating in his hand? There is no funds, and it is all because of spending too much money in the past two years.

Jiang Yu decided that from today on, he must be a person who can save money.

Shen Qingran put away the previous expression of settling accounts, regained her gentle look, and said, "You are the one who contacted me to discuss buying the album."

Jiang Yu was so angry that his face turned green. His brain was really kicked by the furnace at that time, so he thought of contacting this person.

At this time, Shen Qingran said again: "Okay, if you really have the heart, you can just spend 10,000 yuan to buy some albums and give them away. Master is not someone who cares about these things."

Jiang Yu didn't realize why Shen Qingran changed his face so quickly one after the other, it seemed that he had thought of something, he opened his mouth several times, as if he was fighting against his own heart, and finally said unwillingly: " Then let's forget it like this? The little tea bitch was still dissing Master on Weibo half an hour ago, I can't swallow this breath, why don't you lend me the money first, I... I will earn it back and return it to you, at most Two years."

Shen Qingran glanced at him and said: "It's better to give the money directly to Master to honor him if you spend 400 million on album sales. Don't forget that the other half of the album money will be given to the platform. You are equivalent to sending hundreds of millions to Penguin." Music, if Ling Huai knew that you were so generous, he would definitely make a big pennant for you."

Jiang Yu was so angry that his face turned green, "Shen Qingran, when did you become so venomous? What about your gentle and elegant image? Be careful, I will post your aggressive appearance online, so that your fans can take a good look at your face."

Shen Qingran was probably a little tired from chatting, propping his chin on his elbows, and said with a lazy expression: "By the way, I also send the math problems that you bought for 20 million albums for 40,000 yuan to the netizens for reference."

Jiang Yu stopped talking, opened and closed his mouth, and Shen Qingran didn't need to listen carefully to know that he must be scolding himself, saying: "You are a mathser, you should find a wife who is good at maths in the future, you are hopeless."

This can be regarded as the last advice of a senior brother.

In the end, both of them spent 10,000 yuan to buy 500 albums. Looking at the data, Jiang Yu was still very upset. He knew that the quality of Master's music was much better than that little bitch, but it was a pity that he was defeated by the money. .

Although I knew that there would be a counterattack in the later stage, I was still unhappy.

If someone can spend 400 million to slap those people to death, then he will call the other party's father.

Both Jiang Yu and Shen Qingran didn't sleep that night, the pre-sale couldn't be surpassed, they had to execute plan B, when the time came at 0:00 on August 1st, when the official sale came, they would post Weibo together to promote Master.

Although one of them is a domestic top-notch singer and the other is an international singer, fans recognize them as themselves. If they recommend something, they won’t waste their money if they haven’t tried it. The promotion during the pre-sale period is useless.

Jiang Yu kept staring at the time. When it was about ten minutes away from August 1st, he saw that the pre-sale sales were still at more than 5.29 million, and he was struggling to climb to 5.3 million. His stomach couldn't hold it any longer. , went to the kitchen to make a bucket of Master Kong braised beef noodles and came back.

The tangy aroma of instant noodles slowly emanated from the instant noodle bucket, Jiang Yu casually found a book to cover the instant noodles and sat back in front of the computer.

He must post on Weibo at zero o'clock to support Master's first album, and let Master know who is his caring disciple.

I stretched out my hand and pressed the refresh button, and the original sales volume of 5.29 million changed to 25.29 million.

Jiang Yu rubbed his eyes, and realized that it wasn't because he was dazzled, the sales of the pre-sale album really became 25.29 million copies,

Refresh it again, but the word 2 in front still hasn't disappeared, I stand up excitedly, pointing at the computer screen, "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..."

Picking up the phone, he called a certain 'rival in love' Shen Qingran, so excited that he spoke incoherently: "A lot, a lot..."

Shen Qingran responded indifferently: "I saw it, 25.29 million pre-sale sales."

Jiang Yu's feeling of announcing the good news stuck in his throat and swallowed it back, then he calmed down and said, "Shen Qingran, I never thought that you would have such a manly side, I'm sorry for all the behaviors I have done to you before. I apologize to you."

Shen Qingran said, "I didn't buy it."

Jiang Yu was surprised: "If it's not you, who else could it be?" There are not many people who can spend so much money at once, let alone buy an album for Master, Jiang Yu feels that he can't think of anyone else besides Shen Qingran. .

Shen Qingran said lightly, "But I accept your apology."

Jiang Yu: "..." After holding back his face for a while, he said, "I didn't say anything just now, it was my brother talking on the phone."

After speaking, he hung up the phone quickly and neatly.

Looking at the sales volume, Jiang Yu rubbed his chin and thought, maybe Master bought it.

In any case, if he can sell more than some green teas, he will be in a good mood.

After zero o'clock, seeing the pre-sale album turned into a sales page, Jiang Yu hurriedly picked up his phone and forwarded the sales link to Weibo to promote: [It's great to hear the explosive music, if you don't listen to it, you will definitely regret it, everyone Hurry up and buy it.]

After posting on Weibo, Jiang Yu started holding instant noodles while clicking on Shi Fei's digital album "18" and listening to music.

As soon as I listened to it, I was fascinated and completely immersed in the music. Master is worthy of being a master.

Jiang Yu had no idea that while he was listening to the song, his master was on the trending searches again.

He also didn't pay attention to the information of the album at all.

#Shen Qingran Propaganda for Shi Fei#

It turned out that some fans of 'Prosperous World' who couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, found Shen Qingran promoting the album for Shi Fei in the middle of the night, and those CP fans were suddenly excited.

"Look at what I got in the middle of the night, oh my god, I'm so excited."

"Ah, ah, I knew the CP I knocked on must be real."

"I bought an album before. When I listened to the music just now, I thought I bought it for CP, but I didn't expect it to sound so good."

"One thing to say, I'm not a fan of Shi Fei. I just listened to it and it's really good. I also bought an album to support it. It really didn't disappoint me. I support people who make music with such heart."

"God, girls look what I found ah ah I can't believe my own eyes right now."

"Sister upstairs, it's possible that you found a real photo of brother Qingran and Shi Fei sleeping together, please send it and share it."

"I seem to have discovered it too, my God, no wonder I feel that the style of this music is familiar."

"Sisters, hurry up and see the details of Shi Fei's digital album."

Most people buy albums to support singers, and few people pay attention to the detailed information of albums, see producers, composers, etc.

So it was more than ten minutes after Shi Fei's digital album officially went on sale that someone discovered this problem.

The song opens.

Lyricist: never leave

Composer: never leave

Keyboard: time fly

Guitar: Time Fly

Harmony: time flies

In that row of detailed information, everyone first noticed the lyricist at the top.

Shi Fei's new album actually invited Buli to help write the lyrics and compose the music, the only Chinese mysterious songwriter 'Buli' who won a song-related award at the Grammy ceremony.

The shock that this brought to everyone can hardly be expressed in words.

Isn't Buli Dashen not writing songs for others except Shen Qingran? Why did Shi Fei come to help, could it be that Shen Qingran was pulling the strings from it

#时飞新 Album Lyrics and Composer is not separated from the teacher#

This series of long hot searches is climbing up at an extremely fast speed.

Many news media people, reporters, and marketing account bloggers who were sleeping soundly in their pajamas received urgent news one by one, and hurriedly got up in the middle of the night to write the draft.

Shengshi Feiran CP is even happier than on vacation.

"Teacher Buli used to help Brother Qingran write songs, but this time he also wrote songs for Shi Fei. I don't believe that there is no help from Brother Qingran."

"I think the sisters upstairs guessed the truth, who said they weren't in love."

"This is not a real hammer, so what else is a real hammer, this is love."

"Everyone pay attention to see if brother ran's promotional Weibo is there. It was posted at 0:2:5. How do you read it the other way around?"

"Sister Xiu, I haven't discovered this detail yet, brother Qingran is too spoiled."

"Let me drown at the bottom of this pit, I won't get up."

When Shengshi Feiran CP was so happy that he almost bought firecrackers to celebrate, some people's faces were as dark as the bottom of a pot, and they couldn't get better at all.

Lu Rongrong looked at the rows of messages, wishing she was blind at this moment.

Every song is clicked into, all of which are inseparable from the lyrics and composition.

How could this happen, how could Shi Fei be so obsessed with writing songs for him

With Bu Li's escort, how could she beat Shi Fei's sales.

Lu Rongrong was pacing back and forth in the room in her pajamas, no, she couldn't just let it go.

This matter is related to her next front-line endorsement, she can't lose, absolutely can't lose.

Lu Rongrong looked at the sales number written on the back of the album.