My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again

Chapter 14: The disappearing web


"You should explain first, what are you doing in practice room 3 after four o'clock in the morning?" Teng Haining's slightly dark face was extremely depressed because of this series of events.

"I thought that I might be eliminated in this round. When I couldn't sleep and passed the practice room, I went in and touched it to commemorate it." Dai Liangzhi said hesitantly.

This kind of explanation seems very far-fetched to anyone's ears. Is it necessary to touch it before dawn if you want to touch it as a souvenir

What's more, if you don't touch your own practice room, you go to touch Shifei's practice room, isn't it sick

Dai Liang never thought that the medicine would be searched in his room before, let alone that there would be problems with the surveillance video. What he thought to be a careful layout was completely messed up this time.

After all, people who are only in their early twenties have not yet cultivated their minds to be very calm. Seeing that things are not developing as they thought, they can't hide the flustered expression on their faces.

"Tell the truth." Teng Haining's stern words resounded through the room, with a serious expression like a tiger ready to go on stage to tear people down at any time.

He had been restrained before, but now he was really angry. Dai Liang clenched his hands tightly, his palms were full of sweat, and his breathing was a little short, trying to explain: "I, what I'm saying is... the truth."

"I'm not a policeman, so I don't know how to settle cases. I think it's best to hand over this matter to the police. If you are really innocent, I believe the police will give you justice." Teng Haining was impatient, and planned to take the case directly. People are handed over to the police station.

That is to say, it is actually equivalent to sentencing Dai Liang in his heart. Regardless of the final result from the police, Dai Liang will definitely be fired. If something like this happens, he will not even think about entertaining The circle sang.

Cut off his future dream road.

What's more, those poisons were indeed brought in by Dai Liang, and the police will definitely find out the traces, Dai Liang fell into it this time.

Dai Liang's face turned pale in an instant, and now he really panicked, the little energy he had put up before was crushed by these words, and he subconsciously begged for mercy: "Director Teng, you can't hand me over to the police, I was wrong , I knew it was wrong, I originally wanted to deal with Shi Fei, Zhuang Xinran's matter was really not done by me, not by me... "

Dai Liang's words were undoubtedly self-inflicted, before he finished speaking, Teng Haining waved his hand, and several staff members pulled him out together.

His begging for mercy continued until he pulled out of the room and closed the door before he became quiet.

In the overly quiet room, everyone was looking at their noses and noses, and the atmosphere was very strange. Teng Haining pinched his brows, feeling tired.

Looking at everyone, there was a warning in his eyes: "You are not allowed to disclose a word about what happened tonight, don't forget the confidentiality agreement signed when you came to participate in the competition, if you let me know who leaked any information on the Internet, Not only do you need to pay high liquidated damages, but you will never even think about singing on stage in the future."

This is a very serious word, no one's mood will be calm when something like this happens.

"We won't." Some people responded in a low voice.

Teng Haining continued: "Everyone, rest early, I hope you can put your mind on the competition stage a week later, that is where your fate will be determined."

After saying this, Teng Haining dismissed the crowd.

Shi Fei yawned, and walked towards the dormitory with everyone.

Everyone on the road was talking about Dai Liang.

He Xiaobei stood by Shi Fei's side, looked at him sideways, and felt a little puzzled in his heart. He remembered that when he was in the practice room, he wanted to drink water, but Brother Fei stopped him, and even took a bottle and put it away. Give him the water under the shelf.

At that time, I didn't think much about it. Looking back now, did Brother Fei discover something at that time

The next day, the program team announced the list of candidates to be confirmed, and Zhuang Xinran was indeed staying on the beauty track.

Everyone is not too surprised.

He returned to the program group on the fourth day after being poisoned. He heard that he was discovered early and the poisoning was not deep. He could recover after a few days of rest. Everyone cared about him very much, and each of them came forward to ask about his health. People who didn't know thought they were all Zhuang Xinran's good friends.

Zhuang Xinran also looked a little sad, especially when he mentioned Dai Liang's matter, he couldn't hide his embarrassment, "I never thought that he would do such a thing, it's because I have blind eyes and can't see people clearly... "

Before he finished speaking, the circles of his eyes turned red, and the others comforted him.

Shi Fei, who just came back from a run, wiped the sweat off his neck with a towel, and saw the scene of brotherly love played out by everyone in the corridor, curled his lips and planned to take a detour to avoid this group of people.

Zhuang Xinran saw Shi Fei at this moment, and took two steps forward to stop him with a gentle voice: "Shi Fei, I heard the program staff tell me about those things later, fortunately I told you the truth later, otherwise you If I was really wronged, I would feel guilty."

"What kind of guilt do you have for me? Could it be that Dai Liang was instructed by you to do this?" Shi Fei grabbed a handful of sweaty hair, and the hormonal breath on his body continued to spread, his face Facing Zhuang Xinran's words, the corners of his mouth spoke with a half-smile, but he couldn't tell whether he was serious or joking.

"I, how could it be possible for me." Facing the flash of panic in Zhuang Xinran's eyes, he quickly adjusted his expression so that no one could see it.

Liao Shuisheng, a contestant on the magic track next to him, said: "Shi Fei, what are you talking about? Xin Ran is still a victim of this incident."

"I'm just joking, Xinran, you won't take it seriously." Shi Fei smiled, his faint smile was charming and confident, and Zhuang Xinran's heart skipped a beat.

Zhuang Xinran pursed her lips and said, "Of course not."

"There are only a few days left before the 12 to enter the top 9 competition, you have to work hard." Shi Fei dropped a sentence that couldn't tell whether it was true or false, threw the towel on his shoulder, and jumped over the group of people towards himself. to the dormitory.

Facing Shi Fei's leaving back, Zhuang Xinran felt that he couldn't understand this person even more, and shouted at his back: "Of course I will work hard, Shi Fei, you too."

The conversation between the two made others unable to understand. People who didn't know thought they were a pair of good friends.

He Xiaobei, who was standing on the sidelines, felt that their conversation was a bit strange. Wasn't it tit for tat fierce before? Why did they suddenly have a feeling of reconciliation in the century.


That night happened to be Wednesday, and the director of the live broadcast was called Chen Jingyuan. He was quite handsome in his twenties. He sent a live broadcast director who was not too different from the age of the contestants, probably so that everyone could get into the atmosphere during the live broadcast.

"Boys, what you see now is the dormitory of your little brothers. There is a sign posted in each room, which represents who the owner is. Which little brother do you all want to see, secretly Tell me, I'll take you guys to lurk. If you're lucky, you might be able to take pictures that are not suitable for children. Do you want to see them? If you want to see them, quickly 666 for me..." Chen Jingyuan spoke humorously, and the interaction between the live broadcast and netizens is very good. Strong, the live broadcast was quickly heated up by him.

"I want to watch Brother Fei, it must be Brother Fei, the anchor, go and hide in Brother Fei's bathroom."

"I want to watch Wu Yan dance, he dances so sexy, I can't stop my nosebleed just thinking about it."

"Xin Ran Xin Ran, fly with you."

"When you fly, when you fly, when you want to fly, Shibao will always be with you!"

"Doesn't anyone want to watch the anchor little brother's women's clothing show? Little brother, I want to see your stockings and uniform show."

There are comments of various styles in the live broadcast, and Chen Jingyuan can easily control and joke with them, and when he encounters an old driver driving, he can also avoid the topic with a lot of money.

Holding the penhold stick in his hand, he walked all the way over and said, "Let's do it in order, which one is better?"

The first dormitory is the room of Wu Yan, the original track. Unfortunately, he knocked on the door for a long time but no one answered. He probably went to practice dancing.

A bunch of Wu Yan's fans in the live broadcast room lamented that they missed the chance to watch their idol.

The second room was Zhuang Xinran. After knocking for a while, netizens almost thought he wasn't there, and Chen Jingyuan was about to leave.

As a result, the door opened.

Zhuang Xinran appeared at the door wearing a casual white pajamas, and there was a big cute rabbit reflected on the pajamas.

The hair was still wet, and the water droplets on it fell down the shin of the neck. Zhuang Xinran grabbed a handful of hair and said, "Sorry, I was taking a shower just now, and I speeded up when I heard the knock on the door. I'm in a hurry." Bar?"

Chen Jingyuan: "I'm not in a hurry, but I don't know if the netizens are in a hurry."

"We're not in a hurry, in fact, we still have time to watch Xin Ran's beautiful boy come out of the bath."

"Xin Ran, I think you haven't washed it clean, why don't you go back and wash it again, it will affect your appearance too much, I would like to rub your back remotely."

"Let me go from the front, you are too ugly, and it is more suitable for me to do things like remote back rubbing."

"Fart, your shoehorn face, you have the nerve to call me ugly."

Chen Jingyuan glanced at the netizens' comments. He has long been used to it. Basically, the netizens are not malicious. Afraid of scaring Zhuang Xinran, he joked: "This year's netizens are too good, I can't let it go."

Zhuang Xinran's face turned slightly red after seeing it, and Chen Jingyuan quickly persuaded netizens: "Don't be skinny, Xin Ran's skin is a bit thin, it would be bad to scare him away."

The barrage on the Internet immediately became more regular.

Zhuang Xinran said: "Then let me show you my room. My room is a bit messy. Don't joke around."

Chen Jingyuan followed Zhuang Xinran into the room, because of Dai Liang's departure, now Zhuang Xinran is in a room by himself.

An empty bed is used to stack dolls and gift boxes, Zhuang Xinran introduced to everyone, "These are all gifts sent to me by fans, I piled them all on the bed, so that every time I enter the dormitory I can see it for the first time.”

Zhuang Xinran's words moved the fans sitting in front of the live broadcast and watching.

Afterwards, he took everyone around his dormitory. Generally speaking, his dormitory was quite clean, not as messy as the boy said, and the dormitory was not too big, so he finished it in two or three clicks.

Chen Jingyuan held up the penhold stick and said, "Okay, now that we've finished visiting Zhuang Xinran's dormitory, we're going to visit other little brothers' dormitories next."

"When I came back earlier, I heard that He Xiaobei was playing the guitar. Do you want to go and have a look? He plays the guitar very nicely. Do you know if he is still playing?" Zhuang Xinran suggested with a smile. The shallow dimples are very exciting.

"Really? Then let's go to He Xiaobei's room at the next stop." Chen Jingyuan held up the camera and said, "Xin Ran, do you want to go and have a look with us?"

"Okay, I really want to hear his guitar too." Zhuang Xinran put away the towel for drying his hair, and followed him out the door.

They had just reached the door when they heard a smooth guitar sound from inside. Chen Jingyuan held up the selfie stick and listened for a while at the door, and then said: "It seems that Xiaobei is playing the guitar, so let's stand at the door and listen carefully for a while, so we don't want to disturb him."

"The sound of this guitar is very nice, but when it comes to playing the guitar, I only obey the little brother 'Gary'. He can give you the feeling of playing a symphony with the guitar."

"Are you also a fan of Gary in front? Me too. He plays the guitar very well. I only listened to it a hundred times."

"Sister, don't go away. I like listening to the song "Young" played by him the most. It is simply a physical and mental enjoyment."

"As long as he plays, I like all of them, but he hasn't appeared for a long time, so sad."

"Am I the only one who only noticed his hands? The hand control party said that they have no resistance to those hands."