My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again

Chapter 63: Two more


In the chess game played by Xianmeng Literature Club, Wang Pingyang personally played the second game.

The Zuijiang Literary Club has also become Guo Shuisheng, the master of the Chess Academy.

Seeing Xue Wei's expression over there, Shi Fei didn't seem to want Guo Shuisheng to play, and asked curiously: "Mr. Tang, didn't you say that Cheng Yuan's level surpassed that of his master Guo Shuisheng? Why didn't you say the second round?" How about letting Cheng Yuan play?"

"This Guo Shuisheng has lost to Lao Wang before, and this time he probably wants to save face and break the shadows in his heart for many years." Tang Xiangyang sat on the side and explained to Shi Fei.

"The two of them are chess and Chinese chess, how did they win?" Shi Fei raised his head and asked in confusion.

"Guo Shuisheng used to be the same person as Lao Wang. When you were your age, both of them were well-known talented players in the chess world. At that time, no one knew who would lose and who would win when they played against each other." Tang Xiangyang He said slowly: "Later, there was one time when I was going to participate in a youth chess competition. There was only one place, and they both wanted to participate. Their master said that there would be a competition, and in the end Lao Wang won. Guo Shuisheng was still unconvinced by that competition. , thinking that his master was partial to his side, and told Wang Pingyang his chess moves in advance, and then he gave up Chinese chess in a fit of anger, and switched to Western chess."

Shi Fei nodded, he didn't expect such a history, no wonder Guo Shuisheng and Wang Pingyang's eyes were always so 'passionate' before, that's why.

At this time, Shi Fei also felt two 'affectionate' eyes that paid attention to him.

Turning his head to look over, he met Cheng Yuan's eyes, which were full of resentment.

Shi Fei couldn't help curling his lips, brother, don't look at me like this, you will be misunderstood that you have thoughts about me.

As a result, Shi Fei felt two strong gazes again, and it was the blond-haired and blue-eyed Sirami Herman, who was the brother of the previous Carol.

The eyes looked a bit like a cheetah had taken a fancy to a prey, Shi Fei bent his lips, and a half-smile smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Put your eyes back on the big screen, and pay attention to the chess playing status of Guo Shuisheng and Wang Pingyang.

Unlike the usually irritable Wang Pingyang, after playing on the chessboard, Wang Pingyang's whole person's breath will be restrained, and he will become calm and calm.

The way he plays chess is to swallow the opponent's pieces bit by bit.

"Who do you think will win?" Tang Xiangyang asked Shi Fei in a low voice.

Shi Fei propped his chin with one hand and said, "The result will be out soon."

Less than half a minute after Shi Fei finished speaking, Guo Shuisheng played a gray screen of losing, while Wang Pingyang continued playing.

Tang Xiangyang looked sideways at Shi Fei, and said with a smile: "You are really hiding something, so you know how to play chess."

Shi Fei: "..." was tricked again.

Are all the old men this year so shrewd? Playing tricks at every turn.

It's all because he respects the old and the young too much, so he didn't guard against it.

After about five minutes on Guo Shuisheng's side, Wang Pingyang's side finally ended. He also failed to win against the artificial intelligence, but according to the rules of the game, he won against Guo Shuisheng's side.

Guo Shuisheng looked defeated, probably because he couldn't believe that he would lose to Wang Pingyang, looked at him with bloodshot eyes, and asked loudly: "Impossible, how could you win against me."

Wang Pingyang snorted coldly: "Back then you couldn't afford to lose, and decades later you still can't afford to lose. Back then, Master didn't favor anyone, it was because you were unwilling to admit defeat."

Guo Shuisheng shook his head: "Impossible, impossible. At the beginning, everyone said that I was more talented than you."

Xue Wei frowned slightly, then quickly picked up the smile on her face, and said, "Teacher Guo Shuisheng is tired from playing chess, the two of you take him down to rest for a while. Chengyuan, you go to the third game."

Guo Shuisheng was taken away from the game site.

The host announced the result of the game, and at the same time announced another one. It turned out that Wang Pingyang also broke the record for the highest time in the match between Huaxia Chess and this artificial intelligence, and the record for eating the most chess pieces of the opponent.

"As expected of Teacher Wang Pingyang, you will know if there is one as soon as you make a move."

"Although I don't understand it, it's just right to call Teacher Wang long live."

"This Guo Shuisheng really can't afford to lose. He is still a master. If he loses, he will find a reason."

"Mr. Wang, are you still angry? Do you want me to catch Shi Fei for you and beat him up again?"

"Give me the battle song..."

"Teacher Wang continues to fight, defeat them, and win this game."

Probably Wang Pingyang played Chinese chess, which represented China in a certain sense, so many people on the Internet supported him.

The host also wanted to create an atmosphere, so he interviewed Wang Pingyang and asked, "Mr. Wang Pingyang, will you decide to play by yourself in the third game?"

Everyone thought that Wang Pingyang would definitely win the third game in one go and win this game, but Wang Pingyang rubbed his head and said, "I won't come anymore, I'm old, I played a game of chess, and I feel sleepy." It's time. You come to the third set of Shi Fei."

Everyone was amazed, Mr. Wang, you really have a big heart. Shi Fei just slipped his hand in the first set, so you can rest assured that he will play.

"You little bastard, if you dare to slip your hands again, I will definitely break your legs." Wang Pingyang stared at Shi Fei and said fiercely.

Shi Fei's small body trembled in fright. Netizens burst into hahahaha when they saw this action. Some people even 'corrected' and said that Mr. Wang Pingyang was wrong, Shi Fei clearly has three legs.

"I suspect that I'm a fake fan. I really want to see Brother Fei roll over again. I want to see Brother Fei being chased and beaten."

"I also want to watch Rollover 1."

"You don't have to think about it, maybe it will be realized soon, and it seems that flying chess is very good when you are sure of it."

"I believe Shi Fei can play chess, but it should be at an amateur level, right? Shi Fei can't be proficient in everything, right?"

"Then why did Teacher Wang Pingyang send him on stage?"

"Wang Pingyang couldn't be mentally disturbed by playing chess just now, right?"

"I thought we would see two kings in the third match, but it seems that this can only be a match between the king and the bronze."

Shi Fei tugged at his clothes and walked onto the stage again, with Teacher Wang Pingyang's "passionate" eyes behind him.

The host laughed and joked, "Shi Fei, you won't slip this time, will you?"

Shi Fei rubbed his hands and said, "Look at Mr. Wang's eyes. If I slip again, I'm afraid that the competition will end after a while, and I won't be able to leave the competition venue."

Everyone laughed loudly.

At this time, Cheng Yuan next to him was staring at Shi Fei, and said with a serious and troubled face, "You, come on."

Shi Fei: "..."

Cheng Yuan bit his lip, and said in a tangled manner: "I will try my best not to embarrass you when you lose, and you, don't give up easily. It's a shame to me to win without a fight, so don't give me any more shame." .”

Shi Fei: "..."

This big brother must have been stupid playing chess, but seeing how he said these words in a serious manner, he somehow has a good impression of him.

Shi Fei raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said, "Okay, I'm going to do my best for you."

Cheng Yuan nodded.

The two put on the noise-canceling headphones at the same time, and as the host shouted, the countdown began in front of their computer screens.