My Family’s Idol’s Vest Fell Again

Chapter 64: One more


Shi Fei entered the mode of playing chess, with teacher Wang Pingyang's stick behind him, Shi Fei didn't dare to take it lightly anymore, and he didn't dare to touch his fingers casually when he wasn't playing chess.

It's too hard for me.

Shi Fei began to concentrate on playing chess, the first move was three to five, and after one round, the second move...

Wang Pingyang below nodded when he saw this move. This guy's chess style is still the same as in previous years. He likes to take a steady start in the early stage, first to consolidate his position, and then wait for an opportunity to counterattack.

People who are not familiar with his chess style tend to think that he is the conservative type, but in fact the opponent is the layout type.

Before he knew it, the chess game was laid out, and finally he showed his fangs and took out his sickle to swing at his opponent.

The artificial intelligence's chess moves are very fast, but Shi Fei's chess moves are not slower than the opponent's.

"I haven't seen it clearly yet, Shi Fei made a move, it's too fast."

"I don't regret the move, does he not think about it anymore? If you make a wrong move, there is no regret."

"Anyway, I don't expect to understand it, I just want to see the beauty of the flourishing age."

"I don't understand chess at all, so I ask a master to answer. Is Shi Fei's chess move an act of coercion or is he really capable?"

"Hey, Shi Fei's car was eaten, is he about to lose? Ask the experts to answer."

The beginning is regular chess, so Shi Fei moves fast, and in the middle stage he moves a little slower, which creates the illusion for viewers who don't understand chess before the live broadcast, whether he is not good enough.

Another car that flew a while later was eaten again.

At the beginning, there were many people who had learned chess on the bullet screen analyzing Shi Fei's moves. Some people said that Shi Fei made this wrong move and that move was wrong. Many people thought that he was about to lose.

As more and more chess pieces were eaten by him, netizens were anxious for him, but Shi Fei himself remained calm and composed.

Just when everyone thought that Shi Fei was going to die, he finally came out with his killer move, advancing all the way, eating the opponent's chess pieces one by one.

Those who said that Shi Fei was about to lose were all slapped in the face one by one.

"Damn it, Shi Fei's layout is too scary. It looks like he's about to lose in front of him. This will turn the situation around."

"Has the situation turned around? But when I count the chess pieces, the red chess pieces I smashed are still less than the black chess pieces?"

"People who have learned chess for five years say they can't understand Shi Fei's moves at all. I feel that what I have learned is fake chess."

"I am a level 5 chess amateur, and I said that I am a waste material. I hope that after the event, some big players can review the game."

As the competition heated up, the number of people in the live broadcast room continued to soar again. In the morning, because of the existence of Shi Fei, the popularity of the live broadcast room has been rising. After all, Shi Fei has the name of Mr. J's painter, which is not surprising.

I thought that there would not be so many people interested in playing chess in the afternoon, but I didn't expect that the popularity would not decrease but increase. More and more people gave rewards, and the treasure chests below have accumulated hundreds of treasure chests that have not been opened.

'Little Fairy Zha Lang' couldn't believe her popularity was so high. In the past, she could only be regarded as a second-tier popularity on the platform, but now her popularity can compete with first-line anchors.

She still underestimated the ability of traffic stars.

With a burst of applause on the computer, a voice sounded 'Congratulations to the player for winning this game'.

Shi Fei used the method of abandoning the car twice to create a killing round, pushing the opponent into the pit step by step, and finally completed the desperate counter-kill.

Everyone in the audience was silent, did Shi Fei beat the artificial intelligence

"My god, although I don't understand chess, this should mean that Brother Fei won, right?"

"I got goosebumps all over the place, Shi Fei actually defeated AI intelligence."

"My husband once again impressed me. Anyway, I can't understand it, so I just praise it."

"I often feel that I am not good enough to be worthy of my husband. Fortunately, Shi Fei's husband never dislikes me."

"Wake up upstairs, it's only a few dishes, and I'm so drunk, but I won't be so drunk if I have a peanut."

"If Shi Fei hadn't just sent a message and reported his happy training for winning the game, I would have almost believed you."

"Don't stop me, I'm going to wake up those women upstairs with a water gun."

Netizens' style of painting suddenly became very crooked.

Shi Fei took off his headset, and the host's happy surprise voice came through his ears: "Shi Fei, congratulations on winning this game, and congratulations on being the first to win this artificial intelligence software 2.0 Player of the edition, do you have anything to say at this time?"

A smile finally appeared on Wang Pingyang's face, this brat finally didn't embarrass him.

Seeing Shi Fei looking at the computer screen, he was still a little puzzled and asked, "Did you mistake it for version 1.0?"

Host: "..." This question is too difficult to answer. The host smiled awkwardly and said, "Mr. Shi Fei is really joking. How could we make a mistake? The difficulty factor in this chess software can be said to be the highest at present. The highest among all chess software, you are the one who wins this version 2.0."

Shi Fei muttered to himself: "Is it difficult?"

At this time, Cheng Yuan's side also ended the game, but unfortunately he didn't end in victory, he lost.

After taking off the earphones, he realized that Shi Fei's side had long since ended and he had won.

Cheng Yuan walked to Shi Fei's side, stared at the screen for a few seconds, raised his head and asked Shi Fei in a daze: "Have you beaten the AI?"

Shi Fei: "Yes."

Cheng Yuan: "How did you win?"

Shi Fei thought for a while and said, "Just win casually."

Cheng Yuan: "Can you replay it for me?"

Shi Fei: "... Aren't you a chess player? Do you think my review is useless?"

Cheng Yuan said seriously: "I also play Huaxia Chess. I have competed with this AI software before, but I can't always beat it."

"Oh." Shi Fei nodded, and then began to touch the screen to try to replay, but couldn't find it for a while, so he could only raise his head and ask, "Where is the replay?"

Cheng Yuan gave Shi Fei guidance, stretched out his hand to light on the screen.

Netizens were stunned when they saw this scene.

"What are they doing? Do they remember that they are rivals?"

"I guess I forgot all about it. Seeing why the interaction between the two of them somehow feels right, I'm a little bit overwhelmed."

"The two of them are too funny, aren't they eye-catching at the match?"

"Did I go to the wrong place? This is not a match scene, but it's actually a dating show."

"It's the truth upstairs."

"I hereby announce that Shi Fei and Cheng Yuan are the CP couple, I have locked them, and the key has been thrown into the sea."

The anchor was also drunk when he saw the comments of the group of netizens. These days, the netizens are getting better and better every year.

The two opponents were almost about to exchange ideas on the court, but the host interrupted the continuous in-depth chat between the two and found a topic to round up.

Xue Wei also took the opportunity to stop: "Cheng Yuan, this is the competition site, don't mess around."

Cheng Yuan blinked and said, "Shi Fei is better than me, I'm asking him for advice so that I can improve."

Xue Wei's face turned green with anger, this Cheng Yuan is a chess master, and his talent is also very strong, it's just that the accident of human affairs is a bit close, and he only focuses on chess.

Didn't you see that the two of them were opposite each other? How can he ask the other party for advice so naturally after losing? Isn't this clearly telling others that their Zuijiang Literature Club is not as good as Xianmeng Literature Club

Under Xue Wei's stop, Cheng Yuan was pulled back to their own camp of Zuijiang Literature Society. The result of the matter was very clear. In the chess game in the afternoon, Xianmeng Literature Society still won.

After the host announced the result, Wang Pingyang suddenly went on stage. The host thought he had something touching to say.

In the end, Wang Pingyang took the host's microphone and said to the two anchors, "Both of you have your camera on me."

Then he introduced loudly: "Chess, the culture that our Chinese ancestors have passed down for thousands of years, naturally has its reasons. Playing chess can not only develop intelligence and exercise people's perseverance, but also cultivate one's mind and character. Shi Fei You must all know about his academic performance, he is cynical every day and doesn’t study hard, but he can still get the first place in the grade, which is inseparable from the result of learning chess from a young age to develop his intelligence.”

"You don't know that Shi Fei is the master of our chess academy. If you want your children to become as good as Shi Fei, then come to our Xianmeng Literature Club to learn chess and develop your children's IQ. Let him become the next outstanding boy like Shi Fei."

Shi Fei looked at Wang Pingyang's series of advertisements, it should be advertisements, right? Those skilled words and phrases and sentences, said that he didn't memorize his lines in advance, only ghosts would believe it.

When did Mr. Wang Pingyang become so ghostly

Teacher Tang Xiangyang, who was sitting under the stage, secretly hated that this old bastard was one step ahead of him.

Hurry to follow along on the stage, took the microphone in Wang Pingyang's hand and said: "Learning painting is good for improving observation skills, exercising patience, enriching personal life, and making people more confident. At the same time, when painting, our imagination is expanded and deepened. Shi Fei is also the head of our Xianmeng Literature Society Painting Academy. Do you want your children to become like Shi Fei an excellent master of traditional Chinese painting, spread their fame abroad and win glory for the country? If you want to, come to our Xianmeng Literature Society Let's study in the painting school."

Shi Fei: "..."

He became the sect master of the two courtyards all of a sudden, why is he the only one who doesn't know

"Hahahahaha Teacher Wang and Teacher Tang are so funny, there was an advertisement at the competition."

"Looking at my husband's bewildered expression, he was definitely ordered temporarily. I couldn't help but laugh hahaha."

"Brother Fei is too miserable. If you don't become popular, you will be the head of the literature club. It's really miserable to be the head of two sects at once."

"Phineas: Who am I, where am I, and what am I doing?"

"The anchor, please tell me how the tuition of Xianmeng Literature Club is calculated? Is it charged annually or by the hour?"

"How old can children start learning chess?"

"I'm 18 years old this year. Is it too late to learn to draw now? The anchor asked for help."

There are really quite a few netizens leaving messages asking about chess and painting.

The two anchors were also courageous, so they really went to ask.

Then Wang Pingyang and Tang Xiangyang sat in front of the camera with an anchor, and started the live broadcast. They didn't understand much at first, but after being taught by the anchor several times, they understood a little bit.

Shi Fei stroked his forehead and was speechless for a while, this year's old men are so good, they can even broadcast live.

As for the people at the Zuijiang Literature Club, their faces were turning green with anger, especially when Xue Wei was about to leave, she couldn't maintain her facial expression, so she left with a black face.

The competition they organized was originally intended to increase the reputation of their literary club, but they lost one after another in painting and chess. Instead, they used their wallets to promote each other.

After losing two of the three competitions, as soon as they returned to their own lounge, Xue Wei said to all the students with a dark face: "We must not lose again in the piano skill competition at night."

Silami Herman said very confidently: "With me in the game tonight, there is no way I will lose."

Seeing Sirami, Xue Wei was finally relieved.

Silami is the sixth-ranked gifted pianist in the world and the youngest pianist among the top 20 in the world.

Xue Wei knows that Shi Fei also has another identity, Gary, who is a very powerful guitarist.

It's a pity that the guitar is a western musical instrument. According to the rules of the competition, Xianmeng Literature Club wants to compare folk music with them. This threat can be put aside for the time being.

On the contrary, Xia Haiyan, the head of the Qin Academy, Xue Wei has known her before. She is afraid that she is not a small threat. Just in case, some necessary measures must be taken in advance.

It's the last match, they can't afford to lose, otherwise the entire Zuijiang Literature Club will become the laughing stock of the industry.