My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 126: City management against black chess


"General, spare your life, general, spare your life!" The city management army had three thousand troops, and Liu Mang allocated two thousand for Huang Zhong and Liu Kai's sons to take one thousand, plus Liu's private soldiers, to wipe out the south and north gates together. The remaining 1,000 were in charge of the city and finally gathered at Ximen to attack Ximen. .

How could these private soldiers be the opponents of the urban management army, they would collapse at the first touch, they were busy burning, killing and looting, even if they had combat power, they lost their strength in this violent carnival.

Liu Mang's urban management army is as powerful as a broken bamboo. Those who were directly killed along the way, washed away, and more surrendered, but unfortunately Liu Mang's order was not to let anyone live, so these private soldiers were out of luck. On the surface, the army is shouting to surrender and not to kill. Once someone drops their weapons and goes up directly, they will be hacked and killed. Those who are killed directly are called lucky. Most of them were cut open or cut across the waist. , but it will not die for a while, and the wailing can be heard in half the city.

This is not Liu Mang's cruelty, but the spontaneous behavior of these urban management troops.

Is Simon in front? Before they knew it, they had already crossed half of the city, and if they walked forward, there would be the west gate. Liu Mang's first section was the fastest, but Huang Zhong and the others were delayed because they had to clean up the south and north gates. .

"Dong dong dong dong!" The war horse under Liu Mang's crotch suddenly neighed, and there were waves of shaking from the ground. The Qiancheng Guanjun quickly assembled.

This kind of vibration can only be experienced by elite soldiers running on a large scale.

Liu Mang picked up the binoculars in his hand, and sure enough, in the direction of the west gate, groups of soldiers in black clothes and heavy armor were rushing towards the city management army.

The black on their bodies was a bit darker than Lu Bujun's uniform.

"Who is this?!": Liu Mang frowned. This kind of heavy armor and this kind of military formation is only available to the elite. When will these private soldiers of the gentry have such combat power, even if it is Sun Ce The military song, that is also good at water warfare, and heavy armor infantry combat has never appeared before.

Liu Mang's thinking was correct, Sun Ce's army did not have this heavy armored infantry, these heavy armored infantry came from the Zhou family in Shucheng, the three thousand black chess army! This was built by the Zhou family with all their wealth. Every black chess soldier was trained from an early age. The last remaining of the five thousand orphans is only these three thousand troops. The others died, after training. middle.

The heavy armor on the Black Chess Army was also made by the Zhou family. The iron mine in Shucheng has been occupied by the Zhou family for decades, and there are only 3,000 sets of armor.

Originally these black chess soldiers were reserved by the Zhou family for Sun Ce's hegemony, in order to increase the weight of the Zhou family in the Jiangdong Group, but unfortunately this happened before they formally joined Sun Ce's army, and they were dragged to Wancheng. middle.

"Heavy armored infantry soldiers!" The heavy armored infantry soldiers that Liu Mang has encountered are only trapped in the camp. If you are trapped in a camp, you can lose 8,000. Dissatisfied with the formation of the camp, Chen Deng's 10,000 troops were besieged abruptly. If it weren't for the purpose of luring the enemy, the camp could really eat the 8,000 spearmen.

Liu Mang didn't know the strength of the heavy armored infantry in front of him, but he knew that this thing was not easy to mess with by looking at this neat footwork.

"Report! Lu Bujun is found ahead!" Zhou Cheng didn't have the binoculars in Liu Wei's hands, so he could only rely on the reports from the scouts and the vanguard.

"Finally met?!" Zhou Cheng's eyes flashed, "How many people are there!" It would be great if it was the city management army of the Shu king and the private soldiers of the Liu family.

"Less than 1,500 people!" The scout replied.

"One thousand and five? They divided the troops?!" Zhou Cheng really didn't expect that Lu Bu's son-in-law would dare to divide the troops. According to the information he got, there were more than eight thousand in Lu Bu's army plus those Liu family's private soldiers. Now there is only one Five hundred people, then the others must have divided their troops to attack the north gate and the south gate.

"Nephew Zhou Xian, we have to take a step ahead!" Hearing that there are only 1,500 people, how can we not know that it is a division of troops. The division of troops must be to deal with several city gates. The south gate and the north gate are between the He family and Yu. In the hands of the family, if it is really breached and damaged, it will be the two of them. Those private soldiers are already the limit they can come up with. If they lose these private soldiers, even if Wancheng is destroyed, there will be no cake. Their share.

"Don't rush away!" The Lin family is in charge of Ximen, and now Ximen is in his hands, and there are three thousand heavy armored infantry soldiers, just looking at them makes people drool, having them here in Ximen is as solid as gold, Lin Feng can't wait for it The He family and the Yu family suffered heavy losses. Now that the Liu family has rebelled, if the Yu family and the He family suffered heavy losses, then the first family in Wancheng would not be his Lin family!

"Hmph!" Patriarch He and Yu Zhengqi snorted coldly, and Zhou Cheng waved his hand to let them leave. The three of them never stopped together.

"Farewell!" The two hurriedly got on their horses and galloped towards the city walls they were in charge of.

"Heavy armored infantry battle? Haha!" Liu Mang sneered, "It's really a big deal." If these heavy armored infantry battles appear on the frontal battlefield, there will naturally be a trap camp and Bingzhou wolf cavalry to deal with them, and now they appear in Wancheng Among them, I, Liu Mang, will send you to hell!

"Array!" Cheng Yu had followed Liu Mang for a long time and naturally knew Liu Mang's thoughts, and immediately ordered the city management army of a thousand people to form a Macedonian phalanx.

"A very neat military appearance!" Zhou Cheng looked at the urban management army in front of him and said to the generals below, "We should show off, we can't let people down! Line up!"

"Shua, Shua, Shua!" Liu Mang was taken aback by the action of the black-clothed army in front of him. The speed at which the urban management army was able to form a formation quickly was because the urban management army only practiced such a formation, and the black man in front of him Yijun is a heavy armored infantry warrior, but the armor on his body weighs about 50 jin. It has strong defense but is very cumbersome. Being able to carry this fast formation on his back is already out of the category of ordinary elites.

But no matter how powerful it is! Liu Mang rode his horse and walked in front of the Macedonian phalanx, "Brothers, tell me that the enemies on the opposite side are all heavy armored infantry soldiers. Their numbers are several times that of ours. We can't even penetrate them with their armor. Now tell me, are you afraid!"

"Don't be afraid, don't be afraid!" The city management soldiers shouted in unison.

"Not afraid?!" Liu Mang sneered, "How can you not be afraid! Look at your palms, they are all wet, and look at your foreheads, they are sweating! Do you say you are not afraid? Even I am afraid of you He even said he wasn't afraid!"

When Liu Mang said this, the soldiers below showed a little bit of timidity. The three thousand city management troops were only a few hundred people who could be considered veterans, and Liu Mang brought only one-third of the three thousand.

"Fear, of course we can be afraid! But we have a choice!" Liu Mang roared, "Do you still remember the foot of Bagong Mountain! There are Yuzhou cavalry in the front, and Chen Lanlei book in the back. We have nowhere to retreat. Brothers, you all I know about that war, but most of you were just protected people at that time, you were cowards and fearful people, so you were massacred and chased, and even many of your fellow countrymen died at the hands of my Liu!"

Every word Liu Mang said made these urban management soldiers bow their heads a little. The current urban management army is no longer composed of the original thousand strong, but the heavy soldiers who survived the Battle of Bagong Mountain. It is composed of some remaining urban management army veterans.

Those who were regarded as the supply battalion were basically the second-line personnel in the army, and those who could have a skill were selected as the Bingzhou Wolf Riders, and the rest were old oily people or some old, weak, sick and disabled.

The reason why Liu Mang asked them to join the urban management army was because in the battle at Bagong Mountain, the old, the weak, the sick, and the disabled were all dead and injured, and only 3,000 of the 8,000 supply battalion escaped from the massacre by the wolf cavalry in Yuzhou. Many, more than a thousand were beheaded by Liu Wei, and those who survived were those who had been on the battlefield, or those who were clever. In the last battle, they abandoned their last timidity and directly fought desperately with the bandits led by Chen Lan. This shows that their blood surname is still there.

And this is exactly what Liu Mang's urban management army needs.

"You survived, I congratulate you! But don't forget, your lives were bought by those four hundred and thirty-two brothers. The same situation will happen again today, and you are facing three thousand heavy armored soldiers. Bu Zhan, if you are scared, you are scared, I don’t blame you to get out of the city management army as soon as possible, because keeping you can only add merit to the enemy! If you are not afraid, you dare to fight, I Liu Mang can’t guarantee you can Win, but I, Liu Mang, can guarantee that I, Liu Mang, will never stand behind you and live and die with you to share wealth and honor!"

"To live and die together to be rich and honor!" There was a red light in the eyes of these urban management soldiers, this kind of light was only seen in the eyes of the wolves under Lu Bu.

"Boosting morale? I'll tell you that in the face of absolute strength, everything is futile!" Zhou Cheng snorted coldly and raised his hand.

"The whole army assault!" The confrontation of two voices, two forces, and two beliefs. (To be continued.)