My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 82: Respective heroes[Change]


"Hero?!" Liu Mang was at a loss, what is a hero? In this great world, the last person to laugh is considered a hero

Lu Bu didn't say a word, maybe he is the only hero in Lu Bu's heart!

"Speaking of which, I'm not afraid of Gongjin's jokes. The world is so big, and I only stayed in Xuzhou and Yuzhou! How can people who don't know the world know who is a hero!" Liu Mang refused. Heroes? In every heart there is a hero synonymous with it.

"Your Highness can just say whatever you want!" Zhou Yu replied.

"I think Gongsun Zan is a hero!" Isn't Liu Mang's words startling and endless, Gongsun Zan? White Horse General Gongsun Zan? Is this fallen hero a hero? Is Liu Mang joking

"Zhu Zi'an knows a hero!" A middle-aged scribe under the table sneered.

"What's the name of this gentleman!" Liu Mang looked sideways at the middle-aged scribe, did all the counselors in Jiangdong get bloody today

"Don't blame this is Chen Rui and Chen Zizheng, a friend of Wenbiao!" Zhou Yu introduced, Chen Rui is also from Guangling and has a very good relationship with Qin Song, Qin Song was scolded by Liu Mang as a friend, he naturally had to stand up.

"It turned out to be Mr. Chen, does Mr. Chen think that what the king said is wrong?!" Liu Mang asked back.

"Stupid, stupid!" Chen Rui stood up, "Don't say that Gongsun Bogui has become a dead bone in the grave, even if he is alive, he will not be a hero!"

"Gongsun Zan is warlike and unscrupulous. After the Yellow Turban Dong Zhuo Rebellion, he occupied all four directions in the north. He had 100,000 soldiers and countless horses. He even had the world's number one White Horse Congyi under his command. He should have swept Hebei, but he lost his mind and killed Liu. Yu caused the whole Youzhou to be restless. When he was fighting Yuan Shao, he had the upper hand at the beginning. With Congyi in his hands, he still has the means to compete with Yuan Benchu, but this person is short-sighted and ready to protect himself? How can he be invincible? In the end, he will end up being caught in the fire!" Chen Rui talked eloquently about every speech In the battle between Yuan Shao and Gongsun Zan, it was a kind of disdain for Gongsun Zan.

"Papa papa!" Liu Mang puffed up his palm first, "Wonderful, wonderful!" As expected, one of Sun Ce's five great counselors could analyze Gongsun Zan so thoroughly.

"How about Zhu Zi, this man can be a hero!" Chen Rui looked at Liu Mang provocatively, he made Gongsun Zan worthless.

"Mr. Chen Rui understands heroes?!" Liu Mang asked Chen Rui with a questioning expression.

"I don't understand, do you understand?!"

"Heroes have the lofty ambition of Lingyun, the power to swallow mountains and rivers, the strength of Kyushu, and the mind of the world! Shoulder justice, save the people from the fire and water, and relieve the people from the upside down. This is a hero! I don't know what Mr. Chen Rui said. right!"

"Yeah!" Liu Mang really explained the term hero, even Chen Rui couldn't fault it.

"Gongsun Zan! The name is General White Horse! Mr. Chen Rui, do you know where he got the title of General White Horse?" Liu Mang kept asking, these were things Chen Rui couldn't possibly know.

"You didn't take it, and it wasn't what I said casually, and it wasn't taken by my fellow citizens, but by people outside the Great Wall, those foreign tribes, those thieves who knocked on the pass, and they were taken by General Gongsun Zan!" Liu Mang looked at the people below. There are a lot of scholar-bureaucrats, these are people from the south of the Huaihe River. Although they are also in troubled times, they don't understand the suffering of the frontier people. Not only do they have to endure the troubled times, domestic famine, but also foreign invasion.

Every time the ravages of foreign races bring nothing but pain and boundless death to the big man.

However, the appearance of Gongsun Zan gave hope to the people in the frontier fortress.

Gongsun Zan used iron blood and his iron cavalry to warn those foreigners, telling them that the land of Central Plains was not something they could come to whenever they wanted.

Gongsun Zan likes to ride a white horse, so when the foreigners saw the white horse, they retreated immediately. This is the origin of the white horse general!

"Defend the zombies and defend against foreign races. Is such a character a hero?!" Liu Mang questioned Chen Ruidao.

"Hmph!" Chen Rui had nowhere to refute, so he snorted coldly, "The dead are also called heroes!"

"General Baima is dead, but he lives in people's hearts, and sir, a living person is not as good as a dead person!" Gongsun Zan also made many mistakes, but what he brought to the people in the frontier is decades. Deterrence, so that foreigners dare not take half a step.

"You, you!" Liu Mang's disdain made Chen Rui angry.

"Sir, don't be angry, it's not good to be angry!" What Liu Mang admired the most were those who fought against foreigners for the country, from Huo Qubing, Weiqing, Li Guang, to Gongsun Zan, and his cheap father-in-law. But Liu Mang scolded him for vomiting blood and would not let go.

"Shuzi, tell me what other heroes you have!" Gradually, the atmosphere changed from Zhou Yu's discussion of heroes to the duel between Chen Rui and Liu Mang.

"I said Yuan Shu and Yuan Gonglu are a hero!" Liu Mang said again.

"Hahahaha!" As soon as Liu Mang spoke, Chen Rui burst out laughing, "It's in vain for you to be a clan member of the Han Dynasty, and now you actually call him a hero to a traitor! It's ridiculous!"

"Yuan Shu?!" Both Sun Ce and Zhou Yu looked sideways. If Gongsun Zan is a hero, he can understand that it is enough to guard the frontier after all. As for Yuan Shu, he is not against the country and the people. Basically, he is doing stupid things!

"A traitor?! Please tell Mr. Chen Rui what a traitor is!" Liu Mang didn't argue with Chen Rui immediately, but slowly boiled him to death.

"If you don't abide by the principles of emperor and minister, father and son, you will be regarded as a traitor and a traitor, not to mention Yuan Gonglu has proclaimed himself emperor in vain!"

"So Mr. Chen Rui is also a traitor!" Liu Mang said to Chen Rui with a smile.

"Want to squirt blood!"

"Since you have mentioned the monarchs and ministers, I am the king of Shu and your majesty's younger brother, governing the four prefectures of Jingyi, Yuyang, and Lujiang River is under Yuzhou. When Chen Rui saw this king, he quickly knelt down!" Liu Mang He suddenly roared, Chen Rui is now carrying the post of Wancheng Chief History, if it is true, he is really Liu Mang's subordinate.

"You, you, you!" Chen Rui pointed at Liu Mang, speechless.

"Rebellious ministers and thieves, hum! Mr. Chen Rui, who is the rebellious minister and thief in the world! Cao Mengde brought the emperor to command the princes, Yuan Shao took the post of general, and now Yuan Gonglu wants to give him the jade seal. Jingzhou Liu Biaoyi Liu Zhang of Xuzhou, where were they when the emperor was humiliated? Did Liu Bei of Xuzhou ever act as an uncle of the emperor under the banner of the uncle of the emperor? Even if it is your lord." Liu Mang sneered.

Chen Rui was really speechless by Liu Mang's question. According to Chen Rui's logic, his lord Sun Ce is a traitor.

"I say Yuan Shu is a hero, not because he serves the country and the people! To be honest, I have been to Shouchun, and I have also seen Huainan! The whole way was full of starvation, Yuan Shu is really worthy of death, but he is still a hero. Why? ?Because I admire his courage, he dared to speak out what he thinks in his heart, while other people, who look good on the surface, are actually male thieves and prostitutes! I am talking about Mr. Chen Rui!"

How could Chen Rui fail to hear that Liu Mang was criticizing Sang and scolding Huai, but there was no way he had no chance to refute.

The heroes in Liu Mang's heart are not those who laugh at the end in other people's hearts. His heroes are those who bring dazzling colors to this era and who can leave a great mark in history.

For example, Liu Biao, Cao Cao’s evaluation of him is exaggerated, he has no intention of making progress, and he is a conservative dog, but he has not seen that there is only such a pure land as Jingzhou in the troubled times, and only this place can have enough food for the people and have the hope of life .

There is also Zhang Lu, his five buckets of rice road is also a place for living people, and Hanzhong is also thriving under his rule.

The hero is in your heart, every heart has its own hero, why bother to comment on it!
