My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 105


I don't know how long it took, Ji Youyan recorded all the flashes of inspiration, hummed it, and felt satisfied, then put down the pen and recovered his mind.

She subconsciously wanted to share this good news with Jingxiu, and then she remembered the situation in which she ran out. She looked down at the shirt draped over her shoulders, the corners of her lips were lightly raised, and habitually turned around to look for Jingxiu.

Sure enough, when she turned around, she saw Jingxiu just like the way they got along many years ago—sitting silently behind the other while one was focusing on work.

Even if they don't talk, they are busy, and when they are in the same room, they occasionally look at each other with a tacit understanding and smile, which is enough to make each other feel warm and relaxed in the tiredness.

Jingxiu was reading a book when she heard the sound of the piano and humming stopped, looked at Ji Youyan strangely, and caught Ji Youyan's tender eyes.

"Finished?" Jingxiu closed the book, picked up the towel on his knees and walked back to Ji Youyan.

Ji Youyan raised her head to look at Jingxiu, and returned a "hmm" with a frown. She touched her bangs, which were still wet, and asked self-consciously, "Do I look very stupid now?"

There was a smile in Jingxiu's eyes, and he covered the top of her hair with a towel, and while helping her wipe her hair, he said lightly, "It's quite stupid."

When Ji Youyan heard the affirmative answer, he hugged her waist with his right hand, and muttered, "Why don't you comfort me?"

Jingxiu chuckled and teased, "It's a good thing to have self-knowledge, and you don't need comfort."

Ji Youyan rubbed Jingxiu's belly with his chin in dissatisfaction. It was early summer, but wearing two thin single clothes, Jingxiu was itchy from being poked. She patted Ji Yuyan's arm away impatiently, took a step back, and stared at Ji Yuyan with feigned displeasure.

Ji Youyan tilted her head slightly and looked at her, smiling sly and tenderly. Her confident and bright smile and the vague style of her clothes complement each other perfectly.

Jingxiu was instantly dazzled by her beauty.

She couldn't help but re-wipe Ji Youyan's hair, silent for a few seconds, and whispered: "Not stupid, very sexy." After a pause, she added quietly: "I mean, the way you write songs seriously is very sexy. "

Ji Youyan was stunned for a moment, believing it to be true: "Actually, I have always wanted to ask you a question, but I never dared to ask before."

Jingxiu frowned, "You ask."

"Do you like me singing more than I am acting? Do you attract you more when I sing?" Ji Youyan stared at her and asked seriously. This question has been haunting her mind when she was not confident in the past, and it has troubled her for many years.

Jingxiu saw through the unconcealed anxiety in Ji Youyan's expression, and felt a needle-like pain in his heart. She narrowed her eyes and asked in a relaxed manner, "Are you trying to trick me into saying nice things?"

Ji Youyan was at a loss, and when he realized what Jingxiu said, he couldn't help but laugh.

A soft look appeared in Jingxiu's eyes. She took the towel from Ji Yuyan's head, sat down beside Ji Yuyan, looked at the overlapping shadows of her and Ji Yuyan on the ground, and explained, "I used to prefer you to sing because I know you love music. , music is your dream, so I want you to be able to do what you love. That's all."

"You're attractive when you sing."

"It's just as engaging when you're acting."

Ji Youyan stared at Jingxiu, her eyes getting warmer.

Jingxiu tilted her head to look at Ji Youyan, restrained her shame, and said frankly: "But to me, you don't actually do anything, just sit quietly like this..." Very attractive.

The rest of her words were swallowed up in Ji Youyan's lingering lips.

When the gun was about to go off the rails, Jingxiu called out abruptly, "Yanyan... wait for the drama... it's over..."

Ji Youyan clearly distinguished the priorities and stopped rationally. She pecked Jingxiu's lips reluctantly, and asked meaningfully, "Wait until the drama is over?" There are only two days left in the drama.

Jingxiu didn't open his face, and added a condition: "Wait until you get better."

Ji Youyan also wanted to ask "When will the injury be considered better?" Jingxiu stopped her words with red ears and said, "Okay, come out and blow your hair, don't soak the wound." After speaking, she stood up and said to go.

Ji Yuyan hurriedly grabbed her wrist. Jingxiu raised her eyebrows, thinking she was going to say something rude.

"I've written the episode of the movie, but I haven't sang it for you yet. Do you want to listen?" Ji Youyan asked her seriously.

Jingxiu was surprised. She raised her eyebrows, sat down again, and responded with her actions.

Ji Youyan was a little shy and said: "I can't play the piano, I can only sing acapella."

"It's okay." Jingxiu encouraged her.

Ji Youyan folded her hands together, cleared her throat, stared at Jingxiu with eyes like water, and opened her mouth with a smile.

Her voice is clear and magnetic, low alcohol like a cello, Jingxiu always feels that Ji Youyan has a special taste when she sings. Shallow sings and whispers, the lyrics are matched with precise emotions, like countless dark waves surging under the calm sea, laziness with repressed anxiety and restlessness, not sharp pain, but silently drowns the scene. Xiu's emotions touched Jingxiu's heartstrings.

A few seconds after Ji Youyan finished singing, Jingxiu applauded without hesitation, and his eyes were full of sincere appreciation. "I can see how quickly this song will climb the charts after the movie comes out."

This is a very high evaluation. Ji Youyan is happy, but a little unconfident: "Really? In fact, I haven't seen it to Sister Bo, I don't know if I need to change it." She has suffered too much in music. Frustrated.

"I already feel good about this." Jingxiu said firmly.

Ji Yuyan hesitated.

Jingxiu sighed helplessly, took her hand, and clasped her fingers together, "Believe in yourself, believe in music, and believe in this market." In the past, for the market, what Ji Youyan lacked was fame, but now, everything is ready, only the east wind is lacking. .

Ji Yuyan looked at her firmly. After a long while, she smiled, put her head on Jingxiu's shoulder, and said warmly, "I believe in you."

Jingxiu's eyes twitched.

"Axiu, I will officially exchange contracts with President Tao and Sister Wei next month. After that, I plan to adjust the rhythm and make movies every year. The quality is not the quality. I will spend the rest of my time writing songs and living. Wait for the sunflower. After the release of this song and the promotion of this song, I want to release an album. Regardless of the results, I just regard it as a dream come true.”

Jingxiu stroked the hair beside her ear and affirmed, "I think it's fine." She thought the same about herself and Ji Youyan. She never asked Ji Youyan to achieve what kind of achievement, as long as Ji Youyan can let go and feel happy.

Ji Youyan raised his head and exaggerated: "The cost of making an album is very high. If it doesn't sell, I may have to lose everything and sleep on the street."

Jingxiu wanted to reassure her that it would be alright if she really lost like that, and she also had her own pockets. However, considering Ji Youyan's self-esteem, she opened her mouth and silenced.

Ji Youyan seemed to see Jingxiu's hesitation, and joked half-coquettishly, "If this is the case, will you take me in, Axiu?"

Jingxiu twitched her eyelashes in surprise, and after a while, she couldn't hide her smile and lowered her head. Ji Yuyan's heart suddenly softened. How long did she let Axiu be careful

"I won't take you in." Jingxiu refused.

Ji Youyan was still stunned when she heard her whisper: "mine is yours."

Ji Yuyan's heart softened. Her moving appearance made Jingxiu a little embarrassed, and Jingxiu changed the subject as if nothing had happened: "By the way, after the drama with Meimei ended, a few friends helped me prepare a celebration party. Are you going with me?"

Because she had vaguely noticed that Ji Youyan didn't like to contact her friends a long time ago, and she didn't want to integrate into her circle of friends, so Jingxiu had been consciously trying to avoid letting Ji Youyan socialize with her friends. Because of this, Ji Youyan didn't even have contact with Tao Xingruo before the breakup.

Jingxiu added thoughtfully, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to. I wanted to shirk it, but it's hard to be kind. I'll be back sooner."

Surprisingly, Ji Youyan readily agreed this time, "Okay, if they don't mind, I'll go with you. I haven't had such a relaxing time for a long time."

Jingxiu looked at Ji Youyan's expression, trying to tell if she was reluctant.

Ji Youyan took her by the hand and walked towards the music room, joking as he walked, "Why don't you seem very welcome?"

"Very welcome." Jingxiu defended in a low voice.

She went into the bedroom with Ji Youyan, got a hair dryer, and turned on the switch to help Ji Youyan blow her hair. The hair dryer had just roared for two seconds before she turned it off again.

She knelt down and looked at Ji Youyan flatly and asked the question in her heart again: "Yanyan, don't you like my friend?"

Jingxiu had asked Ji Youyan many times about this question, but in order not to make it difficult for Jingxiu, Ji Youyan always shied away because Jingxiu thought too much.

As before, Ji Youyan lowered her long eyelashes and gave a negative answer again: "I am not."

"It's not that I don't like them, I just don't like myself in their eyes." Ji Youyan clenched her fingers, raised her eyes to look at Jingxiu, and confessed herself: "I don't want to have more contact with them because some of their behaviors always make I feel like... they look down on me. When I'm with them, I always feel as if I'm naked, with nothing, and ashamed of myself."

Jingxiu's brows suddenly twitched, showing the distress and anger that he could not bear. She found that she always seemed to be doing the wrong thing. Whether she introduced Ji Youyan to her parents or friends, she wanted to make Ji Youyan happier, and she wanted to share her life and everything with Ji Youyan thoroughly. But her kindness seemed to hurt Ji Yuyan again and again.

Before the introduction, she especially warned not to make trouble with Ji Youyan, not to scare Ji Youyan. She thought everyone was a friend who knew how to respect each other and could be trusted.

"I'm sorry." Jingxiu's throat was sore, "If we don't go, we won't go in the future."

Ji Youyan scratched her nose and said with a smile, "Go, why not go."

Love is supposed to make life better. She doesn't need Jingxiu to live as an island for her.

"Actually, it's not necessarily that they really behaved like this. It's more likely that I was too sensitive and inferior at the time, and the speaker had no intention of listening." Ji Youyan comforted Jingxiu in turn.

She joked: "Besides, I used to be so restrained and timid every time, it was too cowardly. Obviously I am the one who can walk sideways the most."

Jingxiu looked puzzled.

Ji Youyan half stood up, leaned in close to Jingxiu, took a sip, and said proudly, "I own you, and you are the richest person in the world. Shouldn't you be proud to walk sideways?"

Jingxiu looked at her deeply, a smile gradually waving in his eyes.

She turned on the hair dryer to help Ji Yuyan blow her hair, and the sweetness and love seemed to be warmed by the wind, burning her heart. In the rumbling wind, she got close to Ji Youyan's ear, and said inexplicably, "In two days, your injury should be much better."