My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 114


Almost at the same time when she was sure that she could not find her white jade safely buckled, she thought of Jingxiu's piece of jade, and then... uncontrollably, she thought of the blood dripping from Jingxiu's fingertips in her dream, stained all the way... Chill Jumping from the soles of her feet to her whole body, Ji Yuyan was in a state of confusion.

Nonsense! This is completely unfounded! Ji Youyan sat slumped on the blanket behind the bed, pinching his fingertips, trying to calm himself with the help of the pain. Red jade is not without it. I think it may be that every piece of jade is similar. It’s just a coincidence, it must be just a coincidence.

She bit her hand uncontrollably, constantly reassuring herself that everything was her own overthinking. But her reason and intuition told her that since the rebirth, there seemed to be too many coincidences.

Tao Xingruo coincidentally signed herself early because of Jingxiu's recommendation; Ruan Ningwei, because of Jingxiu's attention, coincidentally solved the knot in her heart and avoided the tragedy of her previous life; her father, because of Jingxiu's investigation, coincidentally got a timely rescue...

These are all the butterfly effects brought about by her rebirth, or is Axiu too much foresighted

The sky gradually sank, and Ji Youyan fell into the darkness, thinking about the clues over and over again, and couldn't find an answer that would truly convince her. All the explanations Jingxiu gave seemed to make sense, but she vaguely felt that it was not right.

The cell phone thrown on the bed suddenly rang, breaking the dead silence of the room. Ji Youyan turned sideways and saw that the screen was glowing, it was a video request from Jingxiu.

Her eyes were hazy, she raised her head and took a deep breath, leaned forward and hung up the video. She got up and turned on the light, stood in front of the full-length mirror to examine her expression, and slowly adjusted to a normal smile.

She sat down at the table and called back Jingxiu's video request. Jingxiu was connected after a while.

"Are you still busy?" Jingxiu Qingling's voice came through the speaker. She straightened up, seemingly putting her phone on the stand.

"I'm done. I was just about to send Yueyue out." Ji You explained calmly. "Are you arranging flowers?" She saw many scattered flower branches and flower knives in front of Jingxiu.

Jingxiu sat down, licked the hair in her ear gracefully and replied, "Well, I have nothing to do, spend time with my mother." As she spoke, she moved the vase in front of her.

In the vase, the colors of the flowers are fresh, the branches and flowers are scattered, and the business is full.

"Does it look good? Is it too short?" She asked with a light smile.

Ji Youyan looked at her bright smiling eyes, and there was a burst of panic and pain in her heart. She suppressed her emotions and said: "It's not short, just right. But..."

"Huh?" Jingxiu frowned, listening carefully.

"It's not as beautiful as you." Ji Youyan replied with a smile while supporting her chin.

Jingxiu stretched his brows and eyes, and smiled with a tone of air, with a disgusting expression of "you are here again". "Xiaoxiao called me just now, saying that Director Gu contacted her to ask about accommodation arrangements." Jingxiu returned to business.

"How did you respond?" Ji Youyan asked knowingly. They had agreed before that, if conditions allowed, they hoped that the two of them could live together.

Jingxiu hooked her lips and teased her: "I talked to Director Gu privately and told him that Teacher Ji seems to want to live with me." In fact, she replied seriously and obeyed the arrangement of the crew, of course, if it was convenient, I hope that the accommodation of her and Ji Yuyan can be arranged together to facilitate communication and play.

Ji Youyan covered her face: "My clear name!" She pretended to be shy, and asked Jingxiu for a guarantee: "Axiu, now the whole crew knows that I am yours, you have to be responsible to me to the end, the crew husband and wife. But it's not necessary."

Jingxiu was amused and watched her act quietly.

Although Ji Youyan mobilized the positive emotions in his whole body, he was still worried that he could not find the safety button in his heart. The two talked about work for a while, and Ji Youyan took advantage of the opportunity to bring up the topic and complained half-truth: "After the event today, RUA gave me earrings and rings, and I put them in the jewelry cabinet. When I put it away, I sorted it out and found something."

"What's up?"

"I found that the safety button I put inside is gone." Ji Youyan tried his best to calm down, but his voice was still a little tense. She stared at the screen without blinking, examining Jingxiu without any trace. "It was given to us by the monk before."

Jingxiu's knuckles, which were not in the mirror, trembled, but his face perfectly showed his excellent expression management ability. "Have you searched carefully?" She replied plainly, "Will it be received elsewhere later?"

"I've looked for it, but I can't find it, it's like it just disappeared." Ji Youyan frowned and emphasized again.

"If you put it at home, it will always be somewhere." Jingxiu explained her, "Maybe one day it will appear by itself when you don't specifically look for it."

Jingxiu's mood was so calm that Ji Youyan couldn't see any abnormality at all. But she can cover it up, maybe Jingxiu can cover it up too? Ji Youyan found that the seeds of doubt had been planted, and it seemed that no matter how Jingxiu responded, she could not be completely at ease.

The hesitation in her heart gave her a momentary urge to make it clear, but when she opened her mouth, she said, "Well, I hope so."

Jingxiu changed the subject: "The day after tomorrow, together with Sister Wei, go to Tao to sign a new contract, right?"

"Well, an appointment has been made."

"Is the news on the Internet released by Sister Wei?" There is a gossip on the Internet that Ji Youyan seems to have decided not to renew Ran Wen's contract, and there will be big moves in the next two days.

Ji Yuyan nodded. As if thinking of something, her disturbed mood faded a little, and finally she bent her lips again and said, "Did you see it? Many people on the Internet dipped this ingredient into our previous melon and ate it. They didn't know where to hear it. You said that you are going to open a studio, and now we are all guessing whether we are going to open a mom-and-pop shop." When she mentioned the three words 'mom-and-pop shop', her tone rose significantly.

"I saw it." Jingxiu felt relieved and calmly said, "Actually, some friends have called me today to ask if it's true or not."

Ji Youyan said happily: "I have it here too, I think about it and think this idea is not bad."

Jingxiu teased her: "It's not too late to think about it now."

Ji Youyan waved his hand and said softly, "Not for now, Axiu, can you wait for me for another two years?"

"Okay." Jingxiu's eyes twitched, and she agreed unconditionally, "However, why not now?"

Ji Youyan said slyly: "Because I have to be self-reliant now, I can earn some betrothal gifts first. I can't propose marriage empty-handed in two years."

Jingxiu's heart filled with sweetness for a while, but before she could answer her, Jing Shurong appeared in the camera, and her voice came in: "No need for a betrothal gift."

Ji You said with joy, does her mother-in-law already like her so much

Carrying a basket of flowers, Jing Shurong approached from the door. Looking at Ji Youyan on the screen, she smiled amiably: "You're ready to order a dowry, just do what you want, and give the dowry."

Ji You said, "Huh?" She wanted to refute but didn't dare, "Auntie, you're right, then I'll try to save some... dowry."

Jingxiu looked at Ji Youyan's aggrieved and insincere expression, and then looked at Jing Shurong's satisfied look, and was amused by the two of them and laughed lightly.

Ji Youyan accompanied Jingxiu and Jing Shurong to put in another bottle of flowers, chatting and laughing, and then hung up the video at the urging of Jingxiu to let her rest early.

After the video hung up, the smile on her lips disappeared little by little when she touched the drawers and boxes that had not been tidy up after the mess.

She stood up and went into the bathroom to remove her makeup, and after rinsing off the facial cleanser one last time, she filled a basin of water, held her breath, and immersed her face completely in it.

The icy water cooled her skin and made her brain more and more awake.

She admitted that she was afraid, that she did not dare to confess or ask.

If Jingxiu wasn't an insider, she didn't want to confess to Jingxiu and be reborn. All kinds of things in the previous life are already things of the previous life, and it is meaningless to go deep into it. She doesn't want to cast the heavy shadow of the previous life in this life. Can't it go on like this forever

The water invaded her nasal cavity relentlessly, Ji Youyan choked, raised her head, and coughed to the death. Let her calm down for a while before she chokes. She was too afraid, afraid of breaking the hard-won peaceful life now, and afraid that the truth might be unbearable.

Maybe, maybe it's because she thinks too much, just wait and observe... Ji Youyan saw in the mirror, and there was a last bit of hope in her disgusted escaping eyes.

In mid-June, "Sunflowers in the Night" will be officially launched.

Because this is the first phase of the filming of the two of them together, and the characters in the play are emotional relationships above AUO and below love, I am afraid that the personal emotions of the two of them will be brought into the play and affect their grasp of the emotional proportions of the characters. Jingxiu and Ji Youyan agreed to be pure "roommates" during the filming.

Knowing how serious Jingxiu is about acting and work, Ji Youyan agreed without hesitation. But she suggested that the two of them could join the group a few days in advance before the movie officially started.

Since the film was not filmed in sequence, Gu Lingfeng arranged to shoot the childhood scene of Shen Yu and Qiao Yue first and the scene where they return to their hometown in high spirits after the competition, so the first filming location was in the northern Shanping City, a quaint and quiet eighteenth line. small town. The accommodation for the entire crew was arranged in a secluded residential building near the studio. They joined the group in advance, and they could live together for a few days without being "pure roommates", and briefly enjoy the life without the pervasive camera lens.

Jingxiu agreed.

So Jingxiu returned to China early, and the two joined the group one after the other.

Just like in "Producer for All", this time it was still Jingxiu who arrived first and Ji Youyan late. When Ji Youyan arrived, the life producer came to pick him up in person and told her that Gu Lingfeng had also come and just came back from outside. He instructed his assistant to take Lin Yue to the arranged floor, and prepared to take Ji Youyan to see Gu Lingfeng himself.

Lin Yue didn't move, but looked at Ji Youyan with a hesitant expression on her face. Ji Youyan smiled and said, "It's alright, Teacher Jing won't close the door again."

Lin Yue slandered, didn't you say that you have a good relationship last time? What's more, for the person in love, it is difficult for Teacher Jing to wait happily for Sister Ji, but the result is whether he will be unhappy. Thinking of this, Lin Yue suddenly felt blessed! Was it the same way last time

Ji Youyan saw through Lin Yue's thoughts, flicked her forehead, and said helplessly: "Well, wait for me at the stairs, I'll come and say hello to Director Gu, and we'll go up together."

Lin Yue is very kind.

Ji Youyan came out soon after saying hello, refused the help of the life producer, and went upstairs with Lin Yue with the suitcase.

The building has nine floors and no elevator. Gu Lingfeng arranged for her, Jingxiu, Lin Yue, and Yao Xiao to set up a four-bedroom, one-bedroom set on the sixth floor, which is relatively quiet and not too high.

Ji Youyan and Lin Yue just walked to the corner of the stairs on the fifth floor when they heard a "click" door opening not far away. They looked up subconsciously and saw the security door on the sixth floor slowly opening, a long straight leg stepped out of the door frame, followed by a tall and slender figure, and then, Jingxiu's ice-carved and jade-carved face was completely revealed.

Lin Yue noticed that as soon as Jingxiu's amber eyes caught Ji Youyan, there were ripples in his eyes.

"Did you open the door for me?" Ji You said with surprise.

Jingxiu leaned against the door, raised his chin and said lazily, "Why not?"

Ji Youyan walked up the steps and asked with a smile, "How do you know it's me?"

Jingxiu's long eyelashes flickered, and he looked down at Ji Youyan's feet, and didn't speak for a few seconds.

Ji Youyan was a little strange. Just as he was about to ask again, Jingxiu suddenly replied, "I recognize your footsteps."

Her voice was indifferent, but the slight curvature of the corners of her lips could not be hidden. She can't help but want to confirm.

Time had wiped out her familiarity with Ji Youyan beyond recognition, but now, it has really brought them back completely.

The author has something to say: The two queens are playing together on the same stage, Jing Miao is frantically testing on the edge of falling off the horse.jpg