My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 121


When Jingxiu woke up, she was greeted by a blinding whiteness, and her head sank into disgust. She stared blankly at the lamp on the ceiling, in a trance. where is this

"Mr. Jing, you're awake!" Yao Xiao's surprised voice sounded beside her ear.

Jingxiu looked at Yao Xiao hesitantly, saw her worried eyes, and her memory gradually returned.

"Mr. Jing, how do you feel? You have to sew a lot of stitches..." Yao Xiao was worried.

Jingxiu's eyes slowly died down in Yao Xiao's words. Why is this terrible nightmare still awake? Why... not a dream.

Seeing that her eyes were so empty, Yao Xiao called out nervously, "Mr. Jing?"

Jingxiu still did not respond to her. She looked out the window, it was completely dark.

Yao Xiao was afraid that Jingxiu would be greatly stimulated and would suffer from some kind of post-traumatic sequelae. In a panic, he called the doctor: "Mr. Jing, don't scare me, doctor, I..."

"Call a car." Jingxiu interrupted her, his voice was so hoarse that it sounded like a breath.

Yao Xiao heard her speak, he was relieved, and advised her: "The doctor said that you are too weak, you need more rest..."

"Call a car." Jingxiu repeated stubbornly.

It was getting dark and the night was late, how could she let Yanyan spend the night alone in such a cold place.

She sat up with her arms propped up, and Yao Xiao quickly went to help her.

Helping Jingxiu up, she went to the end of the bed to shake it up. But as soon as she walked to the end of the bed, out of the corner of the eye, she saw that Jingxiu raised her left hand and tore off the indwelling needle tape on her right hand.

Yao Xiao paled in shock and stumbled back, "Mr. Jing! The water hasn't finished hanging yet..."

She pressed Jingxiu's hands on the quilt, but Jingxiu couldn't struggle, her eyes were as cold as ice, "Yao, Xiao." Her voice was very soft, but it felt like a thousand pounds in Yao Xiao's heart.

Yao Xiao flinched: "Can I call the nurse? You wait a moment..."

Jingxiu was noncommittal, Yao Xiao thought she agreed. Who knew that she had just withdrawn her hand, and before she turned around, Jingxiu simply pulled out the needle neatly.

In the next instant, blood beads rushed out one after another, dripping down the back of Jingxiu's hand.

Yao Xiao was at a loss. He wanted to help her stop the bleeding but couldn't find a cotton swab. He was frantically ringing the bell to call the nurse, and the phone next to the bed started to make noise.

Yao Xiao didn't have time to answer, Jingxiu lowered his eyes and saw that the caller ID was Wei Yizhen, his lips trembled, and he pressed the answer button.

"Is Jingxiu awake?" She pressed the speaker, and Wei Yizhen's voice came over.

"Wake up." Jingxiu replied deadly.

The nurse came in, Yao Xiao asked for a cotton swab from the nurse, and helped Jingxiu to hold down the needle. Jingxiu let her move and stared at the call interface of the phone out of focus.

Wei Yi was stunned for a few seconds before realizing that it was Jingxiu who answered the call, "Are you okay?"

Are you ok? The corners of Jingxiu's lips showed sadness, is it okay

She didn't answer Wei Yizhen, and told her, "I'm going to talk back now, you and the person in charge there."

Wei Yizhen was immediately nervous: "It's so late, Mr. Jing, please rest first."

Jingxiu pursed her lips and did not answer, her refusal attitude was obvious.

Wei Yi was really embarrassed. She took a deep breath and said in a heavy voice, "I'm on my way to your place now, wait for me, I have something to tell you."

"Can't we talk over there?" Jingxiu didn't want to wait any longer.

"No." Wei Yizhen's voice was also very tired.

Jingxiu was silent. After a while, she seemed to have noticed something, and said, "Okay."

Yao Xiao helped Jingxiu stop the bleeding and wiped off the blood on the back of her hand with alcohol, only to realize that Jingxiu was too rude when he pulled out the needle, and the needle made a long, thin cut on the back of her hand. But Jingxiu didn't care, she just looked at the void silently, like two worlds isolated from everything around her.

Until Wei Yizhen arrived mixed with desolation.

"Yu Yan's mother and relatives came from Yanzhou to take care of the funeral, so I have no right to intervene in dealing with the things left behind by Yu Yan." Wei Yizhen sat down on the chair beside Jingxiu's bed, holding the A transparent file bag.

It was obviously painful to the point of numbness, but when the words "future events" and "behind you" repeatedly reminded her that Ji Yuyan was really gone, pierced into her ears, Jingxiu still felt a heart-wrenching pain. The first time I heard about Yanyan's family, it was at a time like this...

"However, before her mother came, I cleaned up the scene. I think these things may be more in your hands." Wei Yizhen handed the document bag to Jingxiu.

Jingxiu's breathing became heavier, staring at the document bag in Wei Yizhen's hand like a rare treasure. She raised her hand, her fingertips shaking.

She squeezed the file bag, as if touching the last warm life of her beloved. She couldn't hold back any longer, sticking the document bag to her chest, pressing it tightly with her hands, tears pouring down like rain.

Wei Yi was really moved, and a sense of powerlessness spread throughout his body. How could this be a show? If Zhong Qingyu and the others really saw Jingxiu like this, would they still be able to speak out the sharp accusation that Jingxiu was just false and affectionate

"It contains manuscripts of songs written by Yu Yan, probably for you. Because...the back of each sheet has your name written all over it. There is also a piece of jade, which is... The forensic doctor gave it to me, it was Yu Yan. Finally in my hand."

Jingxiu bit her lower lip tightly, and her tears grew more and more violently, but she didn't make a sound, and the room was so silent that she could only hear her repressed and rapid breathing.

After a long time, she let go of her arms and tried to open the document bag by laying it flat on her knees. The opening was on the other side, but Jingxiu groped repeatedly without noticing it. Wei Yi really couldn't stand it any longer and helped her turn it over, Jingxiu's eyes inadvertently fell on the white jade button.

Scenes and scenes of the past replayed in her mind like a revolving lantern. It was Ji Youyan's bright frown and smile during her journey. It was Ji Youyan's shyness and charmingness when she was asked for the first time. …

Suddenly, something came to Jingxiu's mind, and the whole person froze. She poured out the safety buckle and held it in her hand, like a drowning man grabbing the last straw.

"Yanyan still saves me!" Jingxiu murmured, his eyes full of hope, he couldn't wait to turn over the quilt and was about to get out of bed.

Wei Yizhen was shocked by her sudden words, suppressed her actions and questioned her: "What?"

Jingxiu restrained his agitation, and explained to Wei Yizhen with a trembling voice, "Many years ago, Yanyan and I traveled in Tibet to save a master, saying that we turned him into a life-and-death catastrophe. We are one or two. He gave us this pair of jade, saying that we will have a lifetime of death in the future, so let us take it with us often to prevent disaster. But we don't think it is believed. He will have a solution, he is a master and can predict To this day, he will definitely have a solution."

It's like persuading Wei Yizhen and persuading himself.

It's too ethereal, something from the Arabian Nights. As long as Jingxiu still has some sense, it is impossible to believe such nonsense. Wei Yizhen only imagined that Jingxiu was overstimulated and unwilling to accept reality.

She was still considering how to make Jingxiu more rational, but Jingxiu didn't give her time.

"Where's Xiaoxiao? Let her book a flight right away..." She stepped on her weak legs and got out of bed, looking like she was about to leave.

Wei Yizhen had to remind her aloud: "Mr. Jing, the day after tomorrow will be Yu Yan's memorial service." She was afraid that Jingxiu would not be able to come back and miss the last part of her life.

Jingxiu stopped for a while, his fingertips resting on the table turned white with force, and he instructed in an unquestionable tone: "Postpone. Postpone the memorial service, let alone... no cremation..., wait for me to come back."

This is not realistic! Who does she think she is Ji Yuyan's now? ! Wei Yizhen frowned, and categorically denied: "Impossible." She was afraid that her tone would be too cold and hurt Jingxiu, and explained: "The day is decided by Yu Yan's mother, and the media obituaries are also published. Going out, she can't agree to change." It's even less likely to change for such absurd reasons.

"I'll convince her." Jingxiu said firmly.

"You can't convince her." Wei Yizhen was firm.

"You take me to see her." Jingxiu turned a deaf ear.

Wei Yizhen and Jingxiu eloquently analyzed the unreality of what she was thinking at the moment, but Jingxiu didn't seem to hear it at all, and changed her clothes mechanically, only repeatedly stressing that she wanted to see Ji Youyan's mother and postpone the funeral. .

Wei Yi was really overwhelmed, she tried her best. The euphemistic Jingxiu couldn't understand it, so she could only say it straight: "Mr. Jing, it's not that I don't want to take you there, it's...Yoyan's mother doesn't want to see you."

Jingxiu finally lost all movement as she wished.

After a long while, she lowered her eyelids, and her voice was so harsh that it seemed to be squeezed out of her throat, "Auntie blames me... Is it right?"

It was her fault, and she blamed herself.

Wei Yi really wanted to deny it, but he couldn't. Yes, Zhong Qingyu blamed Jingxiu and even hated her.

Wei Yi really acquiesced and said lightly: "Yu Yan's mother knows that you came to express her condolences to Yu Yan today. She asked me to help her express her gratitude, and then... She... It's inconvenient for people who think you are overjoyed to be involved in white affairs. It’s better to rest and recuperate. You don’t need to worry about Yuyan’s affairs here. It’s their own family affairs, and they will handle it properly. After two days of memorial service, you and other friends will send Yuyan’s last message. It's alright."

"Their own family affairs", "the same as other friends", the implication - she is an outsider, Jingxiu can't hear it more clearly. She bit her lower lip tightly, like a thin bamboo toppled by the wind, stubborn and fragile.

After being silent for a long time, she spoke again, still the same sentence: "Let me meet auntie..."

Wei Yi couldn't bear it anymore, and looked at Jingxiu as if he was looking at a paranoid madman, "Mr. Jing, please wake up! There is no regret medicine in this world, how could there be any resurrection medicine. People can't be resurrected! All of us are Accept reality."

She burst into tears after shouting. All of them were sad and regretful, and Jingxiu was trying to poke someone's heart.

Jingxiu looked at her, her straight back finally hunched down.

Wei Yi really thought that Jingxiu had given up that ridiculous fantasy, but Jingxiu spoke again, his voice hoarse: "Please..."

"Let me try. Can't even try?"

It was a kind of humbleness that Wei Yizhen had never seen in Jingxiu.

Wei Yi couldn't really tell what it was like, and if she refused, she felt that she was inhumane.

She compromised. There are some things she didn't want to say, but Jingxiu's departure is likely to be self-defeating, and there are some things she must say before: "There is something that Yu Yan's mother asked me to convey together, if you listen to If you still want to see her, I'll take you there."

Jingxiu looked at her intently, waiting for the next paragraph.

"The people who came... not only Yu Yan's mother and relatives, but also... Yu Yan's..." Wei Yizhen felt like a cruel executioner, "Fiancé, we talked for many years."

Ji Youyan's mother wanted to leave Ji Youyan with a clear name behind her, so she hoped that Jingxiu would raise her hand and not give the media more room for reverie. Although Wei Yizhen knew that Ji Youyan was in love with Jingxiu, she didn't know about the marriage contract, and she didn't have time to investigate the specific ins and outs. As a survivor, Ji Youyan's mother and relatives agreed that yes, that should be it. After all, this is Ji Youyan's family affairs. As an outsider and an intermediary, she can only respect her wishes if she does not agree with Zhong Qingyu's treatment of Jingxiu.

The hand raised the knife and fell, Jingxiu's eyes suddenly dilated as he watched her, his expression changed several times, and finally turned into a calm like stagnant water.

"It's okay. You take me to see Auntie." Jingxiu's voice was soft. She grasped the jade hard, and the palm of her hand was so painful that she was reluctant to let go of any strength.

So, was it a deception from the start? For a moment, did Jingxiu really know Ji Youyan, and did he know the real Ji Youyan? Ji You said in the end, do you love her or not? She is like a mystery, always mysterious, always making her ups and downs in suspicion and anxiety.

But it doesn't matter, really. She was used to it.

As long as she is still alive.

The author has something to say: I fixed the details.

Teacher Ji should be able to speak in the next chapter.

Ji·Beiguo·Yoyan is preparing to deceive the corpse: woohoo, I wanted to sit up in the last chapter.