My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 123


What she said is true, but it's just that it's easy to avoid the important - if you say it too lightly, you won't believe what you say; if you say it too clearly, you can't.

At that time, Ji Youyan's body was ruined, and everything seemed to be completely hopeless. Everyone thought she could recognize the reality and went home. But Jingxiu is not.

She held the piece of jade in her hand and stood under the scorching sun and sand for a long time, finally found her voice, turned around and said to Tao Xingruo, "You can go back first."

Tao Xingruo was stunned, "What about you?"

Jingxiu's eyes were as heavy as a pool of stagnant water, Tao Xingruo understood her silent insistence - she still had to continue according to the original plan. In this state of Jingxiu, how could she feel at ease to leave her alone. But Jingxiu didn't believe her anymore. She didn't believe that there were really people in this world who were willing to help her save Yanyan.

She made an excuse to let Tao Xingruo away, and left alone with the bodyguard.

The address Daokong had previously given was a long time ago, and Jingxiu only vaguely remembered it. There are many large and small Buddhist temples in Tibet. Following the fragmentary address clues, she traveled through mountains and rivers and traveled to many places, and finally found the Buddhist temple where Daokong was located.

It was an ancient temple built on a remote high mountain. Just after the heavy rain, the mountain road was rugged and muddy. Jingxiu slipped on the bottom of his feet several times, and he almost walked up with his last breath. Standing on the mountainside, they could see the old and dilapidated Buddhist temple washed by heavy rain not far away. Inside the gate, there were few incense sticks, and it did not look like a holy place blessed by eminent monks. Even the bodyguards were a little disappointed for Jingxiu.

But Jingxiu still came up. Standing outside the mountain gate, she first shook off the mud, straightened her posture, and blessed her body with folded hands, and then raised her feet to enter. She did not believe in anything before, but now, she is willing to be the most devout believer at the feet of the Buddha.

As soon as she stepped into the mountain gate, the little monk in Suyi who swept the floor not far from the door looked up to see her, and made a ten at her from a distance.

He walked to Jingxiu's side, chanted a Buddha's name, and said, "Master knew that the donor would come, and he had been waiting for a long time. But it was too late, and I was powerless to return to the sky. Please come back, the donor."

Jingxiu's eyes, which had been dull for a long time, suddenly burst into morbid ecstasy because of his refusal.

She insisted on seeing Dao Kong, but the little monk took the teacher's orders and refused to meet him. Everything has an opportunity, the opportunity has passed, and it cannot be forced. The little monk advised.

Jingxiu didn't hear a word. She had no choice but to insist.

She bent her legs and kowtowed in front of the main hall to pray, "I beg the master to see the disciple."

The heavy rain at night could not quench her delusions, and the delicate Sanskrit sounds in the morning could not clear her obsessions. She knelt in front of the main hall for two days, and when her last breath was almost gone, Dao Kong said: Mercy, finally met her.

He sighed: "Children, it's all doomsday." The world's affairs are inherited from cause and effect. It was her fate that should have this disaster, and it was his fate that should have this disaster. Take her life, give her life back.

So he set up the dojo, led Jingxiu to drink the Sanyuan Talisman water, cut the blood between his wrists, hurt his vitality, destroyed his life, and borrowed himself to come to Shiyangshou to make up for Ji You's lifespan, and he led the way with blood. The body steps into the river of time and rewinds the time. Wherever she stops, time starts again.

Dao Kong said that the secret technique has been lost for a long time, success or failure is in the sky, and life and death are unpredictable.

Jingxiu left a letter and took care of the affairs behind him.

She said she would.

Dao Kong said that she was originally a person of great merit, so she was destined to be distinguished, and she enjoyed tenth lifetime blessings and glory. Today, going against the sky, it involves too many people's lives and commits too much karma. From then on, the merits and virtues should be destroyed, and the glory will be lost.

Jingxiu said that she has no regrets.

"Borrowing the fate of the next life, taking care of the life of the present" is an understatement of the eight words Jingxiu said, but it fell into Ji Youyan's ears, but it was like a thunderclap.

What is borrowed life? Axiu, is there no afterlife? Ji Youyan was in a trance, his kneeling body became weak, and he fell back.

"Yanyan!" Jingxiu quickly stabilized her shoulders.

Ji Youyan pressed her hand on the bay window to support her body, and forced herself to ask Jingxiu, "I don't understand... Axiu, say... Be more clear?" Isn't it what she thought? no…

Jingxiu took her other hand, which was clenched into a fist, lightly stroked the deep nail marks in her palm, and said gently: "As you dreamed, and as you guessed, the safety buckle is The medium records the memories I have in my last life, and carries the spiritual power I exchanged for in the past life. With the protection of Daokong Master, I can go back in time. I guess it is because of the uniqueness of the item, so after the time goes back, I will As soon as you open your hand, your safety buckle will change color and lie in my hand. The number of lifespans in the next life is the price I pay." Half-truth.

"It's just the next life, there is the next life, the next life, so..."

Before she finished her comforting words, Ji Youyan's voice was trembling, but she was soberly interrupted in pain: "But what happens to people who do not have an afterlife?" There is no Yangshou in the afterlife, so where will she be

Ji Youyan clenched Jingxiu's slender hand tightly, her heart was like a big hole, it couldn't be filled, and the blood couldn't flow.

what will happen. Jingxiu also meditated a sentence in his heart.

"I don't know." She stared at Ji Youyan's red eyes and said open-mindedly, "That's something that needs to be considered in the next life."

"How do you care about the next life in this life? Yan Yan, who will you be in the next life? Who will I be? The next life is a matter of the next life, and I never think about the next life. I can exchange the ethereal afterlife for a certain present, and I am satisfied. "

How could she say it so lightly? Tears blurred Ji Yuyan's vision again, making her unable to see Jingxiu's gentle eyebrows. She hugged Jingxiu, as if trying to embed her tightly into her body: "Why are you so stupid..."

"Axiu, I don't deserve you to treat me like this." The warm liquid slid down Jingxiu's neck, burning Jingxiu's heart.

Jingxiu hugged Ji Youyan back, feeling Ji Youyan's rapid and powerful heartbeat with her body, satisfied and distressed. "Do you have to force me to say something more hypocritical?" She seemed helpless.

She asked Ji Youyan in return: "Is it worth it? Is it worth your love for me? Whether it's the past or the present again, you don't have better and easier choices, don't you? Is it worth keeping me alone? "

Ji Youyan seemed to hold her with more strength, and answered her in a low voice and firmness: "You deserve it."

Jingxiu gave an "um", rubbed Ji Youyan's shoulder with his forehead, and said seriously, "If you say I'm worth it, then I'm worth it."

"So in the same way, don't belittle yourself, let alone say sorry. If you have to say sorry, then I owe you an apology. Yanyan, I offended you. I never asked your wishes, never asked Are you willing to use this body to walk around the world again?"

"Tell me, are you willing?" she asked solemnly.

"I can't ask for it." Ji Youyan's breath was sinking, and the distress and guilt made her breathless, "but I don't want you to exchange it for such a sacrifice."

Jingxiu shook her head against her shoulder: "This is not a sacrifice."

"Yanyan, you don't need to be moved by guilt, and I won't be moved by myself." She saw clearly, "I want you to live, and everything I do is actually to satisfy my own wishes. The price of my own regrets, not the sacrifices made for you."

Her tender words did not make Ji Yuyan any better, and even hit her already bloody heart like a whip dipped in salt water.


Her Axiu is obviously worthy of all the beauty in this world, but why did she meet her and fall in love with her like this.

But she knew that any words of apology and inferiority would be an insult to Jingxiu's love. She didn't say anything, she didn't say sorry, she didn't say thank you, she pressed close to Jingxiu's ear and said affectionately, "I love you."

"Axiu, I love you." She couldn't control herself, she stroked Jingxiu's hair, kissed Jingxiu's ears, cheeks, and kissed Jingxiu's cool lips.

Jingxiu's amber eyes turned gloomy, like the sun pushing away the clouds, revealing a soft smile. She raised her neck, slightly opened her lips, and moved to meet Ji Yuyan's warm kiss. The bitterness of tears, the smell of blood, the intertwined lips and tongues, tossing and turning, in each other's body temperature, melted the loneliness and desolation of the previous life and death.

The kiss ended, Ji Youyan leaned back against the window frame, hugged Jingxiu in his arms, clasped her fingers with one hand, and gently helped Jingxiu with the other. Jingxiu leaned in her arms, his fingertips unconsciously circled the end of Ji Yuyan's hair, his eyes glinting like a lazy cat.

The rain outside the window gradually stopped, and Jingxiu's breath gradually calmed down. Ji Youyan couldn't help lowering her head to kiss her forehead again, the tip of her nose and chin, Jingxiu narrowed her eyes in enjoyment.

She looked up and kissed Ji Youyan's beautiful jawline, and negotiated with Ji Youyan: "Anything else you want to ask about this matter? After today, let's turn over this matter, okay?"

Ji Youyan knew that Jingxiu understood her. She gathered all her emotions into her heart and promised Jingxiu, "Okay, let's live a good life now."

Jingxiu's eyes twitched, and his expression became much more relaxed.

"I want to ask the last question." Ji Youyan said solemnly, "Is the inexplicable pain really related to rebirth?"

Jingxiu frowned and said, "Master and I didn't mention this item in the price. Maybe it has something to do with it, maybe it doesn't matter." She was telling the truth.

"Since the physical examination is fine, don't worry."

Ji Youyan was silent for a few seconds before whispering, "Okay, I see."

Jingxiu hesitated for a moment, then said, "Then you've finished asking, it's my turn to ask."

Ji Youyan lightly rubbed her hair with her chin, and said warmly, "Well, you ask."

"In the last life... Did you reject "Producer for All" yourself?" In the last life, she thought that Ji Youyan really didn't love him anymore, so she was convinced. In this life, she was convinced of Ji Youyan's deep love for her from beginning to end, and then recalled that Ji Youyan resolutely rejected the reconciliation steps she gave her in the previous life, suspecting that something was wrong.

Sure enough, Ji Youyan was puzzled: "Why do you say 'I pushed it away'? I didn't find me in the last life, and this time I also took the initiative to ask President Tao to help me win this show when I signed the contract."

Jingxiu breathed for a moment, and Ji Youyan also noticed something. The two looked at each other and gritted their teeth in tacit understanding: "Wang, Jun, Chan."

This makes sense. Why did Axiu lower her price to participate in this show? I thought I would participate. And this program finally participated in another female artist from Dingfeng who was going to have trouble. Wang Junchan also used this to provoke her - "only obedient children can eat cakes". When she wanted to come to this show, she originally considered herself. Later, because she was unwilling to accept the unspoken rules, Wang Junchan wanted to give her a cold shoulder, and replaced herself with another female artist, and also claimed that she pushed it away

Ji Youyan was in a hurry, and his fists clenched. Maybe, maybe she and Jingxiu were not like this in the last life.

A cold light flashed in Jingxiu's eyes, she wrapped Ji Youyan's fist and reassured her: "Isn't there a saying in China that it won't report, isn't the time yet?"

Ji Youyan had some concerns in his heart, and Sen said coldly: "Well. The wicked have their own way."

Jingxiu stretched out his hand to touch the mountain between Ji Youyan's eyebrows, Ji Youyan instantly put away the anger in his eyes and opened his eyes.

Jingxiu changed the subject: "According to the words of Master Daokong, in retrospect, it should only be me who is holding the jade. Why, you have it too?"

Ji Youyan pondered: "It should be because, at that time, I walked a long way with you in the state of the soul body."

Jingxiu was surprised.

Ji Youyan pulled down Jingxiu's hand and kissed it, explaining: "Actually, after I died, I seem to have followed you all the time. It seems that in the first instant, I crossed the mountains, rivers and seas and went to France..." She thought something, at the end After disappearing, he said, "But I don't know why, maybe it's because of the road I crossed with my soul body? So after I came back, my memory about the afterlife was very vague and scattered."

Jingxiu noticed something she had deliberately skipped and didn't mention, and was suddenly pierced by something. She tightened Ji Youyan's waist, and took the initiative to mention: "About... I married Song Wenyan in the last life, do you have any questions?"

Ji Youyan's heart skipped a beat, and put Jingxiu's hand on his cheek: "Axiu, now and in the future, you will only be by my side, that's enough."

"So, if you don't want to say, I don't have anything to ask." She was sincere.