My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 132


After Ji Youyan finished her expression, it was not surprising to see that Jingxiu did not respond to her again. She rubbed the short characters for a few seconds before closing the dialog window and opening the album with no end in sight.

She transferred the screenshots of the video to an album named "X21'4" with the photo of the panda doll Jingxiu gave her on the cover. Since the reunion, she secretly took screenshots every time she made a video with Jingxiu. precious moments.

She flipped through them one by one, starting from the GIF that Jingxiu captured by deliberately pointing the camera at the bathroom to tempt Jingxiu when Jingxiu hadn't promised to reconcile with her, and turned to the latest screenshot today. In fact, her screen capture skills are very good. In every screen shot, Jingxiu is beautiful and prosperous. Only today's one is as black as an African.

Ji Yuyan was amused by his own association. Although she thought it was cute, Axiu probably wouldn't like it. Ji Youyan kept the original image, opened the retouching software, and prepared to save another image with the brightness turned up.

Female stars have almost all the retouching skills, and Ji Youyan is even more outstanding—although she doesn't really need it herself, but the artists who take photos with her do. This is also a part of learning how to be a human being in interpersonal relationships.

She smiled and repaired this "waste film", but when the photo was repaired, Ji Youyan's smile disappeared from the corner of her lips.

Why does Axiu look unmotivated

She thought of something and went back to the main page of her phone to confirm the date—sure enough, counting the days, these two days should be Axiu's menstrual period.

Axiu... Does it hurt again? Ji Yuyan's heart suddenly tightened.

She wanted to call back and ask Jingxiu, but it was already past one o'clock in the morning, and she was worried that Jingxiu would be woken up by herself if she fell asleep. He even wanted to go back to Jingxiu's side to confirm it himself.

Helpless, Ji Youyan could only disturb Yao Xiao.

She called Yao Xiao directly.

After the long ringing, Yao Xiao finally answered the phone: "Hello, Sister Ji..." Yao Xiao was obviously already asleep, and his voice was hoarse just after waking up.

Although Yao Xiao's tone was inaudible, Ji Youyan apologized guilty first: "I'm sorry Xiaoxiao, I woke you up so late."

"It's alright, what's the matter, Sister Ji?" Yao Xiao yawned and said empathetically.

She sat up and pulled the quilt that was kicked halfway up to Lin Yue's waist, got out of bed and walked to the window to answer. It's so late, and it's impossible for Sister Ji to call over if it's not important.

"I made a video with Teacher Jing for the first half hour. I feel that Teacher Jing's spirit is not very good, and I am a little worried. So I want to ask you, how is Teacher Jing's condition today?"

Yao Xiao thought about it seriously, "It seems to be the same as usual. We came back around eleven o'clock in the evening, and Teacher Jing seemed to be fine at the time."

"Is she on her period today?" Ji Youyan asked.

"It shouldn't be, I didn't hear Teacher Jing mention it today." Yao Xiao denied it.

Hearing her repeated denials, Ji Youyan felt a little more at ease, but after hesitating for a moment, he still asked uneasy, "Xiaoxiao, can you come and see her?"

Yao Xiao felt that doing such a thing without Jingxiu's knowledge was a bit overstepping, but she agreed to Ji Youyan's worried tone.

It's a pity... Jingxiu locked the door, Yao Xiao couldn't get in.

Ji Youyan had no other choice but to end the call: "That's alright, maybe I'm overthinking it and disturbing you. Go to bed now, good night."

It could be a lighting issue, or it could be the timing of her screenshots. Ji Yuyan relaxed her heart. She put down her phone and tried to turn her attention to the information in her hand, but she couldn't get her mind back.

She leaned on the back of the bed tiredly, and the pages in her hand were wrinkled by her unknowingly.

No sleep, no sleep at night.

Early in the morning on the second day, Ji Youyan sorted out all the information that will be used in today's itinerary, and strived to solve it efficiently. Then she got out of bed and took a shower, forcibly woke up, and sat on the sofa waiting for Jingxiu to wake up.

After texting and asking Yao Xiao to confirm that Jingxiu was having breakfast, Ji Youyan called the video.

There are fewer video calls early in the morning. I am afraid that Jingxiu will find it strange. Ji Youyan complains that he and Wei Yizhen had a quarrel early in the morning because of the signing.

Jingxiu did not suspect him, listened to Ji Youyan's story carefully, and gave her advice sincerely.

Ji Youyan's thoughts were not on it, he only looked at Jingxiu's face and expression with all his attention - he couldn't see anything, but he just felt that something was not right.

"Axiu, I read the weather forecast. It's very hot today in Shanping, so don't drink ice because of the cold." Ji You told him naturally.

Jingxiu was stunned for a while, then he teased Ji You nonchalantly: "You know again?"

Ji Youyan snorted in her heart, and sure enough. In fact, she was just cheating on Jingxiu.

"Does it hurt this time? I see that you don't look very good." Ji Youyan frowned, serious.

Jingxiu's long eyelashes fluttered twice, and she said lightly, "It's a little uncomfortable, but it's not painful, I'll be fine today. It's fine." She changed the subject and said, "Since Zi Nan wants to jump to you, you can focus on it. Think about it, I think she's a good seedling."

"Well, that's what I thought too." Ji Youyan pretended not to notice her thoughts, and changed the subject along her lines.

However, Jingxiu's so-called "a little bit uncomfortable", in Ji Youyan's heart, was "very distressed", and Ji Youyan couldn't care less.

The original one-and-a-half-day trip was compressed into one day by Ji Youyan. After dinner with Zhuo Rin in the evening, she took the last flight back to Shanping.

Wei Yizhen thought it was too tiring, but Ji Youyan insisted. Besides, the shorter the stay in Beicheng, the safer the media would be. In the end, Wei Yizhen also went with her, only promising that she would help her when it came to finding someone. Done.

After one o'clock in the morning, Ji Youyan returned to her comfort zone. Because Lin Yue was only notified in advance and asked her to leave the door quietly, when she entered the house, it was pitch black and quiet, and everyone fell asleep.

Ji Yuyan gently opened the bedroom door with the key. Under the moonlight, her baby was sleeping quietly on the big bed. Her pillow was being hugged by Jingxiu kissingly.

She slept soundly. Ji Youyan's heart was chaotic for a whole day, and suddenly it became regulated.

She grinned slyly, turned around and went out to wash and change pajamas, then went back to the bedroom and climbed into the bed, carefully trying to pull out the pillow from Jingxiu's arms.

But Jingxiu hugged her too tightly, and Ji Youyan couldn't pull it out without disturbing her.

Forget it, let the pillow be happy for a night. Ji Youyan looked at Jingxiu's sleeping face and thought fondly.

But Jingxiu seemed to notice something, and slowly and consciously loosened the pillow, leaned closer to the heat source, and got close to Ji Youyan's arms.

In the summer, Jingxiu's body was as cold as ice. Ji Yuyan's heart seemed to be pierced by something.

"Yanyan...?" she muttered lazily. The smell of nostalgia came, and Jingxiu thought he was still in a dream.

"Well, I'm here, I'm back." Ji Youyan hugged her tightly and coaxed her very gently.

The warmth was too real, Jingxiu put his hand on Ji Youyan's waist and gradually woke up. "Yanyan? What time is it, you..."

Before she finished speaking, Ji Youyan whispered, "It's only one o'clock in the morning, don't wake up and sleep at ease."

Jingxiu became more sober when she heard her answer. She felt Ji Yuyan's breath spraying into her hair, and an uncontrollable sense of satisfaction filled her heart. She rubbed her eyes and teased Ji You: "But what if I'm awake?"

"Then you accompany me to sleep again." Ji Youyan said it for granted.

Jingxiu smiled softly and cared about her: "Why did you come back so quickly? Are you hungry? Would you like to have some supper?"

Ji Youyan shook her head, "I'm not hungry." She stepped back, pulled Jingxiu's arm away, reversed her previous posture, and hid in Jingxiu's arms like a little bird, and made a lovely voice. Said: "I'll be back in a hurry to sleep with you."

Jingxiu's subordinates hugged Ji Youyan tenderly, and just as she was about to dislike her malicious and cuteness, she heard Ji Youyan reply in a low and magnetic reply: "Axiu, I can't sleep well without you."

Straight to the bottom of her heart, Jingxiu's heart trembled, and she couldn't say anything to insult her.

"Then go to sleep, good night." She rubbed Ji Youyan's hair, her eyes watery.

Me too. She secretly answered Ji Yuyan in her heart.

Once a person relaxes, sleepiness can no longer be held back. Ji Youyan wanted to watch Jingxiu fall asleep again, but before she knew it, drowsiness swept away all her consciousness.

And, sleep more soundly than Jingxiu!

When she woke up again, it was nearly ten o'clock noon. The room was carefully drawn with blackout curtains, and the bedside was empty, except for a note at the head of the bed, indicating that Jingxiu favored her last night: "I went to the studio first, I made you a sandwich in the morning, wake up and let her go. Yueyue will warm you up."

Ji Youyan buried her head on the pillow Jingxiu had slept on, smiling contentedly.

After having a late breakfast, Ji Youyan took Lin Yue by car to find Jingxiu on the set today. However, when she asked about it on the set, she knew that after Jingxiu arrived on the set, she followed the art team and the props team to another location in the city to observe and set the scene.

The executive director said that he should be back soon. Ji Youyan saw that the little actor was in the play, so he did not leave, but stood aside to observe carefully.

Whether it's a movie or a TV series, if the age span of the roles is relatively large, it is inevitable that young actors will be required to use small actors to play in the young boyhood. In most TV dramas, because the overall number of episodes is large, the proportion of small actors is very small, so the director and adult actors usually do not require young actors to be too strict. But movies are different, every minute and every second should be precious and valuable, so the performance of the little actors is equally important. How to convince the audience that the roles played by young actors and adult actors are one, without a sense of separation, is the key to success or failure when watching a movie.

Ji Yuyan was pondering these while observing. She tried to find a design point from the performance of the little actor that could make it easy for the audience to connect the little actor with herself. It can be in appearance, but it is only the most basic. Ji Youyan wants to find something more in-depth, such as eyes, unconscious little movements, etc.

It's just that she hasn't found this point, and the performance has been interrupted - after a repeated retake of the depressed little actor, she lost her temper and didn't want to shoot, and wanted to rest.

In fact, the weather is too hot, but it is normal for 7- and 8-year-old children to get angry after being exposed to the sun for more than an hour. But the crew was inch by inch, and the mother of the child was afraid of delaying the progress. She became a little anxious, and her voice became louder, and she even moved her hands in a frightening way, causing the little actor to cry in horror, and the whole filming was impossible.

The whole studio was noisy, Ji Youyan felt sorry for the little actor who was crying and blushed, and stepped forward to participate in the mediation.

When Jingxiu came back, what he saw was in the center of the set, Ji Youyan squatted in front of the little girl, wiping her tears, making the little girl smile. She turned her face towards Jingxiu, the corners of her lips curved upwards, her whole body was as soft and refreshing as the cool summer breeze, and instantly swept away the annoyance and restlessness of Jingxiu's rush under the sun.

Jingxiu stood outside the crowd and smiled involuntarily. She took out her mobile phone and took a picture quietly.

Ji Youyan accidentally swept across Jingxiu, comforted the little actor, returned her to her mother, and walked quickly towards Jingxiu.

"Why are you sweating so much?" She wiped Jingxiu's sweat with a tissue and fanned Jingxiu with her hands.

The wind from the hand fan was better than nothing, but the gust of wind seemed to have magical power, and it entered Jingxiu's heart like a whirlwind.

"Maybe it's too far up." Jingxiu motioned to Ji Youyan to sit with her under their dedicated awning. "It's so hot, why are you still here?"

Ji Youyan followed her to the shed and sat down, picked up the small electric fan on the chair and blew it on Jingxiu, and said naturally, "I'm here to find you."

Jingxiu saw that she was sweating profusely but didn't care at all, her eyes twitched, and she suddenly lowered her voice and asked her, "Yanyan, do you want a child?"

Without beginning or end, Ji Youyan was stunned for a moment, and said strangely: "Why do you ask this all of a sudden? Don't you want it?"

They chatted about this a long time ago, when Jingxiu said that she didn't want children.

Jingxiu bit his lip and repeated, "Then do you want it?"

She used to not want children, not because she didn't like it, but because she felt that it was enough to have each other in her life. Moreover, it is a responsibility to bring a child into this world. She is not sure whether she can be a good parent and whether she can really be responsible for the child's life.

But just for a moment, she felt that it would be good to have a child. It is best to be like Yanyan, beautiful and smart, and Yanyan will definitely be a good mother. If Ji Yuyan wanted a child, maybe she wouldn't be as repulsive as before.

But Ji Youyan said, "There's nothing I want or don't want, only..." Out of the corner of her eye, she suddenly saw a sachet hanging around Jingxiu's waist—the one she gave her a few days ago!

In all fairness, the sachet is actually pretty good-looking, but... it really doesn't fit with Jingxiu's temperament today. Oh, today is the Dragon Boat Festival, Ji Youyan had an epiphany.

So cute. Ji Youyan looked at Jingxiu's solemn face, and her whole heart was numb.

"Only if you want it or not. Whether you want it or not, it's whether I want it or not." Ji Youyan continued what he had just stopped.

She licked her lips, wrapped her hands around Jingxiu's sachet tie, approached Jingxiu's ear, and said slyly, "I just want to be with you and make children."

Unprepared, Jingxiu's face became even hotter because of her imprudence. She looked around subconsciously, but fortunately no one heard.

Gu Lingfeng waved her hand from a distance to signal her to go over, Jingxiu gave Ji Youan a shy look, ignored her, and walked away indifferently.

Ji Youyan watched her back and laughed happily.

When Lin Yue saw Jingxiu leave, she leaned over with a smile and said mysteriously, "Sister Ji, I'll show you something good." She handed her mobile phone to Ji Youyan.

There was a photo on the screen. In the photo, Jingxiu was concentrating on taking pictures of Ji Youyan with his mobile phone and coaxing the little actor.

Ji Youyan smiled brightly, flicked Lin Yue's head, and praised: "Yueyue, you are a little enlightened." She neatly passed the photo to herself, and gave Lin Yue a big red envelope.

She looked at Jingxiu's serious posture in the distance, and when she recalled Jingxiu's distressed appearance just now, she felt a little itchy.

It can only be seen that the days when I can't eat are a bit hard.

But in such a day when the day and night are opposite and the water is flowing, even if you can't do anything, you can still make people happy to the point where they smile when they dream.

After filming the scene of Shanping City, the crew turned to the shooting location near Beicheng. There has been no news from Daokong, but the days are busy and full. Unbelievably calm, the haze that Ji Youyan had been shrouded in his heart dissipated a little.

However, an accident in August shattered all the good illusions.

"It's not good! Come on! Teacher Jing seems to be drowning!" By the swimming pool on the set, someone screamed, shaking the hearts and souls of the entire crew.