My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 133


That night, the crew was filming in front of the swimming pool of the rented resort hotel. There is no depression in this scene, it belongs only to Qiao Yue-because depression is too aloof, offended people during the entertainment and involved the duo being half-banned, Qiao Yue sees depression and depression, in order to find a turning point for the two, He attended the pool party of the upper-class celebrities without telling Shen Yu. It was also at this party that she was spotted by the investor.

In the play, Qiao Yue, like other female artists and young models who participated in this party, wore a sexy swimsuit and showed her beauty in the wolves. It was also in this scene that Qiao Yue walked from behind Shen Yu to in front of Shen Yu, letting everyone in the play and the audience see her true charm and brilliance.

Jingxiu has flat shoulders, slender waist and long legs, and her body proportions are so outstanding that you can't take your eyes off it. Then, she puts on a swimsuit that shows her figure, removes the usual low eyebrows and pleasing the eye, and puts on a charming makeup, just standing there , can already convince everyone, why would that investor take a look at her beside this beautiful swimming pool - she is different from everyone next to her, charming but also a little cold, radiant. But flattering but not vulgar, hook people full of desire to conquer.

This scene is not difficult for Jingxiu to film, but because it is a big social scene, there are many supporting roles involved, and Gu Lingfeng can't hold a grain of sand in his eyes, so this night scene repeated NGs, stopped and stopped, and kept going. From 7:00 after dark to 12:00 in the morning.

Rao was midsummer, and it would be cold even when the night wind blew, not to mention that Jingxiu's body was cooler than ordinary people at night, and he was wearing cool clothes, repeatedly going in and out of cold water. Ji Youyan was worried that Jingxiu's body couldn't stand it, but seeing that Jingxiu herself was silent and knew her dedication, she didn't have much to say, so she had to stand outside the camera and hold the bath towel and wait in person.

Before Jingxiu was going to go into the water again to shoot, the makeup artist touched her makeup. Ji Youyan saw that her lips were frozen white, and her heart was cut like a knife. She bent down and said to Jingxiu, "I'll go get you some hot water in the hotel. Can you drink when you come up?"

Jingxiu ignored the cold, tingling feeling on her body, smiled slightly at her, and said "um".

So Ji Youyan gave Yao Xiao another dry bath towel in his hand, and walked to the hotel not far away with a water glass.

She filled the water dispenser in the hotel lobby with hot water, turned around and walked out, approaching the periphery of the filming location, and suddenly saw the crowd in front of her panic.

Vaguely, she heard someone shouting: "Drowning! Teacher Jing is drowning, call 120!"

It was like a thunderstorm exploded in Ji Yuyan's ears.

The water cup fell off Ji Youyan's hand and shattered. The hot water splashed Ji Youyan's entire calf, but Ji Youyan was unaware. Her mind went blank, as if she couldn't think about what that sentence meant, but her body reacted more quickly to the thought, she raised her leg and pushed the crowd away and rushed in.

Beside the swimming pool on the right, Gu Lingfeng and a male artist were just dragging Jingxiu to the shore. Jingxiu's hair was messy, and her face was blue and white, like a lifeless doll, motionless.

"Mr. Jing! Jingxiu!" Gu Lingfeng went to look at Jingxiu's snort, "I'm not breathing, where is the lifeguard?! Where is the medical staff?! Fuck! Where are they all dead..." Gu Lingfeng panicked and said nothing.

Ji Youyan's legs were already weak, and when she heard Gu Lingfeng's roar, the soles of her feet slipped and slipped by Jingxiu's feet.

"Axiu..." She didn't care about the pain, she crawled to Jingxiu's side with her hands and feet on the ground, knelt down on one knee, pushed away the male artist who was about to rudely open Jingxiu's jaw, and stretched out her hand while calling Jingxiu's name. Explore Jingxiu's breath and neck arteries.

In her last life, she filmed a medical drama and played an emergency doctor. At that time, she had very professional training on some related knowledge and techniques.

No consciousness, no breathing, no pulse! Ji You said that his jaw was shaking and his head was full of slurries, but he still relied on instinct and skillfully used Jingxiu's closed jaw to quickly clear the foreign objects in Jingxiu's mouth and nose, and accurately performed 30 times of chest Press, lean over and stick to Jingxiu's sandalwood mouth, give two artificial breaths, and then repeat the cycle according to the proportion.

Jingxiu's chest was covered in blood from Ji Youyan's broken wrist, which looked shocking. The first responder arrived with a stretcher. Seeing Ji Yuyan's frantic demeanor and professional standards, he did not dare to forcibly pull Ji Yuyan away.

Ji Youyan pressed against Jingxiu's cold lips and kept praying in his heart: "Axiu, please, wake up."

A long minute passed, but Jingxiu still did not respond. Ji Youyan was panting, and her arms began to tremble, but she didn't dare to relax for a moment.

"If it's my fault, give her my life back, okay? Give it back to her. Please, wake up."

Ji Yuyan gritted her teeth and continued, tears blurring her vision.

Another ten seconds passed, and Jingxiu finally opened his mouth and vomited out a mouthful of water, allowing him to breathe on his own.

She opened her eyes and looked at Ji Youyan, her consciousness was hazy, and she was too uncomfortable to speak.

Ji Youyan picked her up and lay down on his lap, patted her on the back to help her vomit, and coaxed her with a crying voice: "It's okay, don't be afraid, it's not uncomfortable anymore, it's not uncomfortable anymore..."

The paramedics surrounded him and lifted Jingxiu, who had come over, onto a stretcher. Ji Youyan wanted to follow him to the ambulance, but the moment he got up, his eyes darkened and he passed out.

In the darkness, she seemed to have returned to the dojo where Dao Kong performed spells for Jingxiu in the previous life. Jingxiu went to the endless void, but she was powerless to stop her, so she followed along, but the pain in her whole soul seemed to be torn apart. Same.

The old monk clasped his hands together in the distance, drew a spell in the void, and sighed, "Amitabha is a fool."

"If you give up, you will get it. Seek benevolence and benevolence, and don't lose God's grace."

She already knows what "get" is, so what is "shelf"? Axiu, who was peaceful in the previous life, why is he suffering like this now? Is this also renunciation? Ji Yuyan tasted the sweetness of rust.

"Sister Ji! Sister Ji!" She heard someone calling her.

Ji Youyan opened his eyes with difficulty, and what he saw was a dazzling halo above his head. She dodged the light and saw Lin Yue's worried face, "Sister Ji, are you awake, what's wrong with you? I'll call the doctor in?"

The doctor said that she was too frightened and collapsed, and she was fine, just rest more. Lin Yue wanted her to have a good rest, but she saw Ji Youyan crying all the time in her sleep, and woke her up because she was worried that she had a nightmare.

Ji Youyan returned her consciousness and asked her in a hoarse voice, "Mr. Jing..."

Before she could finish speaking, Lin Yue said understandingly, "Sister Ji, turn around."

Ji Youyan turned around and saw Jingxiu with drips on her hands, lying quietly on the bed next to her like a sleeping beauty. As if afraid that Jingxiu would disappear in the next second, Ji Youyan was reluctant to blink at her. She was about to get out of bed, and Lin Yue nervously came to help her. With Lin Yue's support, she climbed onto Jingxiu's bed vainly, and hugged Jingxiu on her side.

Satisfied with sore nose.

"You just fainted and scared Mr. Jing. Mr. Jing didn't dare to sleep. She kept going to the hospital with a conscious mind. After hearing from the doctor that you were not in serious condition, you passed out again. The doctor has checked and everything else seems to be fine. , that is, there is a little aspiration pneumonia, which requires hospitalization for a week."

"Fool..." Ji Youyan wanted to cry and laugh.

"Sister Ji..." Lin Yue hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Afraid of waking Jingxiu, her voice was soft.

"The bruises on your hands and knees will heal after a few days. Why did the calf burn? The doctor said it was a bit serious and it might leave scars..."

Ji Yuyan felt a tingling pain in her calf only after realizing it. How did you get burned? She can't remember either.

"It's okay, if you leave a scar, you will leave a scar." Axiu is okay, she is already grateful enough.

She asked in a harsh voice, "Yueyue, did you see what was going on? How could Teacher Jing... drown?"

Lin Yue said honestly: "I actually didn't see what was going on. According to the photographer, Mr. Jing seemed to be swimming well, but suddenly his face was painful, like shaking, and then he sank."

Ji Yuyan's eyes also sank.

Axiu's water is very good, and she has done enough warm-up preparations before going into the water.


Lin Yue's phone suddenly vibrated, interrupting Ji Youyan's thoughts.

It was Wei Yizhen who called to ask if Ji Youyan was awake. Lin Yue said that Ji Youyan was awake, and Wei Yizhen asked Lin Yue to hand over the phone to Ji Youyan.

"Are you okay?" Wei Yi was really concerned.

"It's all right."

"What about Teacher Jing?"

"It's alright, Sister Wei, you are worried." She couldn't help kissing Jingxiu's cheek.

Wei Yi really breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good." She cared a few more words, then turned to the question and asked Ji Youyan: "Although I shouldn't tell you this at this time, but this accident is too serious, the news has been spread, The media has exploded, and there are photos of you giving Mr. Jing artificial respiration."

Not only photos, but even videos, you can vaguely see Ji Youyan's hands and feet and kneeling to Jingxiu's side desperately.

"Some unscrupulous media danced again through this, saying that your reaction to Mr. Jing's drowning didn't seem like a good friend. It was too sudden, so I didn't suppress it all at once. I'm going to... "

Before she could finish her clarification, Ji Youyan suddenly said sullenly: "Sister Wei, let them go. As long as she is well, none of these matters."

"I don't want to keep covering up like this, how much time in life can I waste?" Her throat tightened, and her voice was so dull that it seemed to be squeezed out of her chest.

Wei Yi was really silent. After a long while, she agreed: "Well, you have a good rest first, I will take care of these things."

"Well, it's hard work, Sister Wei."

She hung up the phone, returned the phone to Lin Yue, stared at the ceiling for a long time, and thought about Lin Yue's concern: "What time is it?"

"It's past five in the morning."

"I'm fine, go back and rest."

Lin Yue originally refused, saying that she would wait for seven o'clock to change shifts with Yao Xiao, but she couldn't beat Ji Youyan, and finally went back. Before going back, she handed Ji Yuyan's mobile phone back to Ji Yuyan: "The phone automatically shuts down when it runs out of power. The nurse and I borrowed a charger and just fully charged it."

Not long after Lin Yue left, Ji Youyan didn't feel sleepy and turned on the phone. As soon as the mobile phone card was read out, Zhong Qingyu's phone number came in.

Ji Youyan got out of bed and went to the balcony to answer the phone.

As soon as he answered the phone, Zhong Qingyu asked sternly, "I've called you so many times, why did you answer?"

Ji Youyan said tiredly: "Just now the phone was out of power and turned off, what's wrong?"

Zhong Qingyu said angrily, "What's wrong with you? I saw the news when I woke up early in the morning. There are pictures of you giving Jingxiu artificial respiration everywhere. Are they stills or real?"

"Well, really." Ji Youyan was tired. She thought that Zhong Qingyu was concerned about the scandal between her and Jingxiu, and had no intention of taking care of Zhong Qingyu's emotions. Just about to find an excuse to hang up, she suddenly heard Zhong Qingyu soften her tone. He said nervously: "Then... Is that all right? How is she? How about you? I see blood on your hands in the photo?"

Ji Yuyan was startled by the sudden concern.

After a few seconds, Ji Youyan replied, "She's fine, she has a little pneumonia, and I'm fine too, but I was injured by walking too fast." When she said that, she realized that her voice was already choked up.

Zhong Qingyu heard her cry and comforted her with a soft voice: "It's okay, it's okay. Are you scared, hey, it's okay, next time you all pay attention, making money from filming is more important, and safety is more important. She I have been injured before, why don't you know how to pay more attention, you should pay more attention."

At such a moment, the rare tenderness and recognition in the mother's words made Ji Yuyan want to cry even more. She let go of the calm she pretended to be in front of everyone, and suddenly collapsed: "Mom, I was just so scared..."


three times. After his rebirth, Axiu had already suffered three such unwarranted disasters.

No one knows how desperate she was just now, no one knows how scared she is now, and no one knows how scared she is in the future.

This is the first time that Ji Youyan has shown such weakness in front of her since she was an adult. Zhong Qingyu is sad and distressed, but she is helpless when she wants to comfort her, so she can only say awkwardly: "It's okay, it's okay, don't be afraid..."

"Don't cry, how old are you." The man's firm voice came over.

Ji Youyan was frightened by Ji Changsong and stopped.

Ji Changsong said in an old-fashioned tone: "It's fine. I told you earlier that crying can't solve the problem."

Ji Youyan was so educated by him that he was in no mood to cry.

Ji Changsong seemed a little embarrassed, cleared his throat twice, and said earnestly: "Although I don't agree, but you insist on being with her, I can't do anything about it. Young couples and old friends, since they are people who want to leave for a lifetime, just be good. Take care of her, you know."

Ji Youyan didn't expect Ji Changsong to say such a thing, and it took a long while to find his voice, and said sourly: "I see, Dad."

Both father and daughter were a little uncomfortable with such a warm conversation. After being silent for a few seconds, Ji Changsong made an excuse to hang up the phone.

Ji Youyan looked at the morning sun rising from the sky on the balcony, and doubted that she was still in a dream.

She went back to the bed and stared at Jingxiu who was still asleep. She had mixed feelings and was unable to control herself. She stood up and kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose, her eyes full of love.

You see, everything is fine. You have to be good too.

We have two lives, one life, where you are, I will be there.

The author has something to say: Ji · Rough skin and thick meat · Yu Yan: I was lining up, leading the number plate of abuse. humble.jpg