My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 134


Ji Youyan had something in her heart, she slept very lightly, and vaguely felt a slight itchy touch on her wrist, she shook her hand conditionedly and woke up.

When he opened his eyes, the sky was already bright, Jingxiu was lying on her side facing her, and one hand was resting on her wrist.

Aware of Ji Youyan's movements, Jingxiu looked up, revealing a bloodless face, and said in a hoarse voice, "I woke you up."

Ji Youyan stared at her unblinkingly, as if in a dream. After a while, she smiled, hugged Jingxiu and said hoarsely, "No, it's just the right time to wake up."

She pecked and kissed Jingxiu, sat up and poured hot water for Jingxiu while caring: "Drink some water? Do you have a headache? Is your chest uncomfortable?"

Jingxiu shook his head, "It's okay, it's okay." The throat and chest were a little sore, which should be normal symptoms after choking. Her eyes fell on Ji Youyan's white hands and calves, and she whispered, "What happened to your hands and legs?"

Ji Youyan supported Jingxiu and half sat up, dodging Jingxiu's hand that was about to take the cup, and feeding Jingxiu with water in a proper manner, as if nothing had happened: "I walked too fast and fell, and I'll be fine in a few days, it's okay. ."

How can it be okay. Jingxiu held Ji Youyan's wrist, looked at the scarlet wound on her wrist, and caressed her intact place with her fingertips, as if her heart was being pierced by something. But things have already happened, and nothing can help.

She swallowed the water Ji Youyan fed her and said sincerely, "I'm sorry, I scared you."

Ji Youyan restrained her smile, put the water glass on the table aside, and whispered back to her: "Axiu, you scared me."

Jingxiu saw the fragility and distress in her expression that could not be concealed.

"Axiu, you... what happened then? Did it... suddenly hurt like before?" Ji Youyan bit her lip and asked tentatively.

in a word.

Jingxiu didn't want to worry her, but he didn't want to lie to her either. She gave a hard "um" and explained: "Actually, before going into the water, I found that I didn't feel very comfortable, but I thought it was because it was too cold. I didn't expect that after entering the water, it suddenly felt very painful for a moment, and I couldn't stretch my limbs. opened."

Ji Yuyan's face turned pale.

Jingxiu felt a little scared when she remembered it, but she couldn't show her fear. She opened her mouth to comfort Ji Youyan, but Ji Youyan looked at her deeply and asked hard, "Axiu, do you really not know why it hurts?"

Jingxiu looked back at her, grabbed her slender hand, clasped her fingers together, and affirmed, "En. It's alright, it's just an accident."

Ji Youyan clasped her hand, without asking the question. She just stared at Jingxiu's eyes and said seriously, "Axiu, do you remember what I said? In this world, without Jingxiu, there would be no Ji Youyan."

Jingxiu understood what she meant, bit her lip, tried to ease the atmosphere, and teased deliberately, "Are you trying to test if I have brain loss?"

Ji Youyan didn't answer her words, and continued word by word: "If you're gone, Ji Youyan won't be there either. I won't leave you alone again."

Jingxiu saw the determination in her eyes, and the smile disappeared from the corner of her lips. She looked at Ji Youyan, her eyes were gentle and a little sad.

Ji Youyan's nose was sore, she wrapped her arms around her waist, buried her head in her neck, and begged her, "So don't scare me anymore, okay?"

Jingxiu hugged her back, tilted her head and pressed her cheek against the top of her hair, and replied in a sullen voice, "Okay, don't think about it, it's alright."

Ji Youyan wanted to say something else, when suddenly there was movement at the door, and then Yao Xiao pushed in with breakfast. Seeing the two people hugging each other on the bed, Yao Xiao stopped unexpectedly, neither advancing nor retreating.

"Xiaoxiao, come in." Jingxiu let go of Ji Youyan and greeted Yao Xiao, also reminding Ji Youyan.

Ji Youyan looked up from Jingxiu's neck and looked at the door. Yao Xiao closed the door and said embarrassedly, "Mr. Jing, Teacher Ji, you woke up so early. Are you okay? I'll bring you laundry supplies and come early."

Ji Youyan packed up her emotions, smiled as usual, and joked while getting out of bed: "Everything is fine except for being hungry, you came just right."

After the two washed up, Ji Yuyan's cell phone started ringing nonstop just as they were about to eat. It was friends in the circle such as Ruan Ningwei, Guan Yimei, and Gu Zinan who called to care about the two. When Zhuo Rin's caller ID popped up, Ji Youyan excused himself to go out to wash his hands, and calmly walked to the balcony to answer the phone.

After she went out, Yao Xiao hurriedly told Jingxiu that Jiang Chun explained her serious business: "Mr. Jing, there was quite a lot of trouble in the media yesterday, because Teacher Ji's reaction was too obvious, and some people stepped on the Internet to eat people. It's bloody buns. Sister Jiang said that Wei Yi is really strange this time. She doesn't seem to have any intention of clarifying your scandals. She doesn't even guide you to divert your attention. Are you and Sister Ji going to make it public?"

Wei Yi really couldn't have this attitude for no reason, it could only be because of Yan Yan's decision. Jingxiu looked at Ji Yuyan's figure on the balcony, her heart softened.

She shook her head and replied softly, "No, now is not the time. You ask Sister Jiang to condemn the rhythmic person and look away."

It seems that Teacher Ji wants to make it public, but Teacher Jing is not ready yet? Yao Xiao muttered in his heart. This seems to be completely reversed from the past. In the past, Teacher Jing was never the one who wanted to hide and tuck. But no matter what, not being open and objective, it will be beneficial to Teacher Jing's future without any harm. Yao Xiao secretly let out a sigh of relief.

However, Jingxiu had already foreseen in his heart what his future would be like. In her previous life, she won the Little Gold Cup with this movie, but in this life, no matter how hard she tried, it should be in vain. The public is not open, and it has little impact on her future.

But words are different, words have a lot to do, and we can't delay here. Jingxiu looked solemn.

"Okay, I understand, then I'll communicate with Sister Jiang." Yao Xiao responded immediately.

After Yao Xiao left, Jingxiu and Ji Youyan brought it up, and she asked Ji Youyan, "Yanyan, do you want to make it public?"

Ji Youyan sat by the bed and looked up at her, and when she heard her reply to Yao Xiao, she felt a little lost. "Axiu, I just don't want to waste our time on these meaningless things."

Jingxiu saw her disappointment and reassured her: "I don't want to either. Just wait a little longer? Yanyan, at least... until the movie is over."

She is very optimistic about Ji Yuyan's film, and won the first actress two years earlier than the previous life.

Ji Yuyan thought she was worried that their publicity would affect the results of the entire crew. She calmed down and knew that now was not the best time. Now publicizing it will only make the whole movie just like Jingxiu's drama at that time, and it will simply become a vassal of the topic.

"I was impulsive. I have to face too many things in public and affect too many people and things. I didn't discuss it with you and rashly..."

Before she could finish her words of remorse, Jingxiu gave a breathy laugh and said softly, "Those are not what I care about the most."

Ji Youyan looked into her eyes, smiled slowly, and asked knowingly, "Then what do you care about the most?"

Jingxiu looked at her and smiled without saying a word.

Ji Youyan smiled and whispered, "Axiu, now I have the urgency to love you righteously in front of everyone, so I really understand your original mood."

"I'm sorry, I used to..."

Jingxiu pressed her forefinger against her lips, and said with a smile, "Then let you bear it any longer, and treat it as a punishment for you in the past."

Ji Youyan followed with a smile, pretending to be suddenly enlightened: "Oh, I see. Axiu, you are speaking in a high-sounding manner, but you are actually trying to avenge your personal revenge, right?"

Jingxiu said calmly, "I am, what do you want?"

Ji Youyan knelt and climbed onto the bed, raised her hands, opened her teeth and danced her claws and scare: "What do you think I want?" Her hands fell on Jingxiu's waist, but in the end they just came close to her forehead, and whispered softly: "I still What can be done, of course, is to perform well and strive for a commutation of the sentence."

"I want to love you, I love you very much."

Jingxiu closed his eyes and thought with a smile in his heart: Fool, then you should be sentenced to life.

The doctor originally suggested that Jingxiu should be hospitalized for observation for a week, but Jingxiu's recovery was better than expected, and all the examinations showed that there was no problem, so in order not to affect the filming process, Jingxiu insisted on staying in the hospital for only four days before returning to the crew. .

After she recovered, except for the discomfort a few days ago, there was no serious problem later, but Ji Youyan's scald on her leg was more difficult to handle.

Without rest, frequent movements, and the hot weather and sweat pouring down, Ji Youyan's entire wound recovered very slowly. Although Ji Youyan didn't cry out in pain, Jingxiu saw it in his eyes and felt pain in his heart.

She discussed the adjustment notice with Gu Lingfeng in private, and asked Ji Youyan to rest for a few days, but Gu Lingfeng was hesitant to see that Ji Youyan's mental state was clearly subdued these days, which was very suitable for filming at this stage of depression. He felt that Ji Youyan was just in the state of being in the movie, and it would be a pity not to shoot, but Jingxiu knew in his heart that this was not the case.

Ji Youyan is not an experiential faction, she will not have such an obvious situation of indistinguishable people and dramas in her acting. Yan Yan has something in his heart and can't be happy.

Neither of them could convince the other, and finally Gu Lingfeng suggested that Jingxiu ask Ji Youyan for his own opinion. Ji Youyan was naturally embarrassed because he delayed the whole group's schedule by himself, and Jingxiu couldn't beat her, so this matter had to be left to nothing.

On the night of a week after being discharged from the hospital, at 6:30, there was a night scene in which Shen Yu and Qiao Yue quarreled, and Shen Yu stayed alone in their apartment.

This is a gloomy one-man show, and Gu Lingfeng chose to shoot with long shots. The lighting and other aspects have been arranged in advance. In order to make the picture realistic and coherent, Ji Yuyan will enter the state from the dark at half past six, and will wait under the camera until the sky turns completely dark to start the natural interpretation. I can only shoot like this once a day, and there is no fault tolerance at all. The difficulty of shooting can be imagined.

In the dead space, Shen Yu was wearing the nightdress that was on the gloves when he was caught, and was sitting alone in a disheveled manner. Night fell completely, and there was no light in the house, it was dark like a closed box.

She finally stood up and turned on the light as if she had found her soul. Can press the switch, the light does not come on. She just remembered that the light in the bedroom broke yesterday, she bought a light bulb, and Qiao Yue left before she had time to replace it when she came back today.

She sat back on the bed and fumbled to open the drawer by the bedside. In the drawer was an old iron pencil case, which contained a box of matches, a box of small fireworks in hand, and a box of cigarettes.

She opened the matchbox, followed the edge and stroked it gently, and a cluster of faint firelight ignited in the dark night. She looked at the firelight, her eyes very quiet and distant.

Soon, the light went out. So she cut the second one, the third one...

One went out, one lit, a whole box of matches, only the last one left.

No one sells matches now.

No one will borrow her matches to light up the night with fireworks.

Shen Yu opened the cigarette case, poked out a cigarette with his lips, and struck a match to light it.

The light of the match went out, the light of the cigarette butt lit up, Shen Yu leaned against the bed quilt, quietly smoking a cigarette, with tears in his eyes, but a relieved smile on his lips.

She is not an amazingly beautiful appearance, but in this scene, every frame of her expression is just right, and every frame of the picture is breathtakingly beautiful.

In the monitor, there is deep blackness, white smoke that seems to be absent from the gloomy fingertips, and sunflower murals looming on the wall through the downstairs lights.

Scenery and people complement each other.

The audience was so quiet that needles could be heard falling, and everyone was silent in the mood created by Ji Youyan until Gu Lingfeng shouted out that exciting: "Okay, let's go!"

One-off! There was a burst of cheers in the audience, Gu Lingfeng stepped forward to talk to Ji Youyan, and there were voices all around praising Ji Youyan's simple scene.

Only Jingxiu heard his heartbeat and distressed voice amid the lively noise.

The author has something to say: Yao Xiao: This time, the teacher who changed the season is in a hurry to make it public. Hey, when I was young, the scumbags came back to the old. The vicissitudes of life.jpg

Ji Xiaojiao's wife complained: Axiu! She said I was scum, woo woo

Teacher Jing raised his eyebrows: Xiaoxiao, who are you calling scumbag

Yao Xiao was nervous.

Jing Miaomiao: Who do you say attacked

Ji Xiaojiao's wife is dry: ... is this the point? !