My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 14


The lights dimmed again, Jingxiu left the stage, and Ji Youyan also got up and went backstage.

But in an instant, the screen lit up, and it was a clip from the movie "Baye" - before the expedition, Hua Changqing, played by Jingxiu, stood on the stage of the commander, raised his arms and bent his bow and arrows. Immediately, the morale was high. She waved her sword and shouted to the tens of thousands of soldiers, "Are you ready?"

The soldiers who replied to her were fighting spirits: "Ready!"

The sound is neat and uniform, shaking the world, and the exciting and heroic march, which makes people feel hot.

The horn was long, and the pictures flowed along with it. The screen began to show the video carefully edited by the official. What flashed was the confident, hopeful and yearning faces of the off-court players when they were selected and recommended, with the generous and passionate narration. 's statement, which made people's blood boil.

The spotlight was on, and Liang Zhen, the instructor and host, stood on the lifting platform and slowly appeared in the center of the stage. He held the microphone and asked the students in a deep voice, "You guys, are you ready?"

The students had rehearsed before and knew that there would be such a question. They shouted in unison: "I'm ready!" The moment the deafening declaration sounded, the lights off the field also turned on in an instant, as bright as day. .

"I can't hear your voices. Say it again, are you ready?!" Liang Zhen frowned on purpose.

"I'm ready!" This time, the voice was even louder and louder!

Liang Zhen applauded with satisfaction, began to warm up and explained the rules of the game.

When Su Lihang, Ji Youyan and Jingxiu went to the backstage to change out of costumes and return to the tutor's seat, the game officially kicked off.

After the official start of the game, the atmosphere in the stadium was not as relaxed and active as it was just now.

There is no flight instructor in the first issue. Each mentor has a script in his hand, and the key words are marked on the script. It is a character set that has been communicated before and arranged for the mentor. Ji Youyan's character is generally gentle and friendly. She has never asked anyone else. She blindly guessed that Liang Zhenling's character may be a calm and elegant senior Fan, and Su Lihang's may be a humorous Tucao. As for Jingxiu... Ji Youyan Very suspicious, it is the cold and vicious Great Demon King!

The first performer was Zhang Weiye, the actress who had an ambiguous relationship with the investor at the dinner party. The reason why I chose the first one to appear is also because the first one is easier to impress the audience. The script she chose was an excerpt from a very successful literary inspirational film a few years ago. She is going to play the heroine who dreams of becoming a pianist, but lost her parents and left arm in a car accident. After waking up from a nightmare in the middle of the night, she drags the prosthesis of her left arm and goes to the living room to play the piano with one hand.

This scene was shot in a long shot. The heroine gently kissed the black and white keys of the piano with her lips, and happily played the song with her intact right hand. At the next moment, she suddenly jumped up and raised her prosthesis violently. She smashed the piano, and tears flowed out along with her frantic roar, spilling on the keys. In the movie screen, the bright moon hangs high outside the window, and the night is beautiful and hideous.

Zhang Weiye's acting skills obviously couldn't hold up this scene. When she dragged the prosthesis on the ground and walked around, her movements were obviously too stiff, and when she lifted the prosthetic to smash the piano, she used too much force. In the whole performance, there was the original pearl and jade in front, and there were too many places to complain.

But considering the resources behind her and her being the first, Ji Youyan, Liang Zhen and Su Lihang all chose relatively mild comments, not wanting to put too much psychological pressure on the players behind at the beginning of the game.

"It's still pretty good, but for the part of the road that went out of the house with the prosthesis, the mood should probably be... sad and gentle." Liang Zhen thought about it.

Su Lihang complained: "Yes, I also think there is something wrong there. I always feel that you are not dragging a prosthetic limb, but... a corpse."

The audience burst into laughter, and Zhang Wei also laughed.

Ji Youyan joined behind Su Lihang and commented euphemistically: "Actually, compared with my previous expectations for you, I feel that there is still a lot of room for improvement. A little nervous, isn't it?" The key to this scene is the pain of being torn apart. , she didn't feel it at all.

Zhang Wei also nodded shyly.

So Ji Youyan turned his head and asked Jingxiu, who had not spoken or even smiled: "Mr. Jing, what do you think?"

Jingxiu tapped the table twice with the pen in his hand, frowned slightly, and spit out a few words seriously: "I feel very bad."

Zhang Weiye's laughter suddenly froze, Ji Youyan and the other two tutors were also stunned, and everyone looked at Jingxiu.

Jingxiu looked at Zhang Weiye and said calmly, "I agree with what the teacher said earlier, but only in the scene of dragging the prosthesis, your emotions are very wrong, and the emotions expressed by your limbs are not right, you dragged too hard. And..." She pointed directly at the key point: "When you dragged it, it made a rubbing noise because it was too hard. At the first moment, you wanted to laugh, right?"

Zhang Wei didn't expect her to look at it so carefully, and he didn't expect that she had managed to such an extent that someone would actually embarrass her so frankly. She was a little flustered and defended: "Mr. Jing, I... I didn't notice it, I was very nervous at the time."

"As soon as the corner of your lips rose a little, you immediately lowered your head. You may think these movements are very subtle, but in the close-up of the camera, these subtle movements are invisible."

"Mr. Jing, I like you very much, and I have always used you as an example, I..." Zhang Wei also continued to try to defend.

"Now is not the time to talk about this." Jingxiu interrupted her ruthlessly, and said bluntly, "I think it's very bad. It's not just that you don't perform well, but that you don't pay enough attention."

"Weiye, you don't believe in your own drama at all, and you don't even try to convince yourself to believe it. How can you convince the audience in this way?"

Zhang Wei was also speechless, his face flushed, and he was about to cry. She looked like a delicate girl who was overwhelmed by Jingxiu's sternness.

Su Lihang attached to Ji Youyan's ear and whispered in exclamation: "Mr. Jing is too dare to say it." If you don't offend investors, if you are too aggressive, some people will easily lead to the collapse of the character after the broadcast.

Ji Youyan didn't have the heart to respond to Su Lihang, and sweated for Jingxiu in his heart. She knew that Jingxiu was only out of professionalism, and she could not see Zhang Weiye's bullying and insincere attitude towards things and people.

She suddenly laughed lightly, attracting everyone's attention, and then as if embarrassed to disturb everyone, she explained in a nostalgic tone: "I just remembered that I had just started acting, and Teacher Jing guided me. time. It's still as strict as ever..."

Jingxiu looked sideways at her deeply, Ji Youyan pressed down and looked at her with a calm smile.

Liang Zhen responded quickly and said, "Wei, take a good look at what Teacher Jing said, maybe, you will be the next season's queen."

Zhang Wei can be considered as being held up, and he has to go down the steps if he doesn't go down. She burst into laughter and replied in a hoarse voice: "Thank you teachers for your comments and expectations, I will definitely pay attention next time."

The atmosphere finally calmed down. When assessing the grade, Ji Youyan suspected that Su Lihang and Liang Zhen might have considered giving B in order not to offend others, but now they should give C in order to be less obvious. Judging from Jingxiu's strict standards, maybe Zhang Wei can only reach D.

Considering Jingxiu's assessment, between C and D, she carefully chose D.

As a result, Su Lihang and Liang Zhen both chose C as Ji Youyan expected, but Jingxiu unexpectedly chose C too!

So, instead, it became Ji Youyan who held a D card high in a unique way. Ji Youyan was stunned, and hurriedly looked at his brand with the cheeky face, pretended to panic and changed C, and explained innocently: "Ah, I made a mistake."

Jingxiu calmly cast a glance at her, and the corners of his lips rose slightly for a moment.

Xu was because the first contestant had been kicked out by Jingxiu, and the following contestants, regardless of their acting skills, had a correct attitude, and Jingxiu never spoke harshly again because of this.

Most of Jingxiu's comments are not many, but they are often to the point. Movies and TV are still very different, especially in the actors' grasp of many details and physical beauty. In this life, Ji Youyan has not been electrocuted yet, but when she died in the last life, she was also a new actress who had just won a small golden cup. Therefore, there are many things she didn't feel when she watched Jingxiu's variety show in the last life. After hearing Jingxiu's words after she has achieved her vision and literacy this time, Ji Youyan has to admire Jingxiu's professionalism and sharpness.

She and Jingxiu have always held similar judgement visions until Ruan Ningwei's appearance.

Ruan Ningwei performed a self-injury clip that was not difficult, not easy to shine, but not easy to make mistakes.

The character she played deliberately lied to her girlfriend for two more days of business trip because she wanted to surprise her, and then went home early on her anniversary with her girlfriend, only to accidentally bump into her girlfriend and girlfriend downstairs in the community. A scene where boys who have always had a crush on each other hugged each other. She didn't dare to make a sound, she left sadly, and sat alone on the bench in the community. She asked the big tree on the side if she should tell her girlfriend about what she saw, but she comforted herself and said that nothing happened, and nothing happened. She tried to act, and if she didn't see anything, what she was supposed to be like when she got home. After a few sweet questions and answers, her tears began to fall uncontrollably.

Originally, her girlfriend was not discouraged because she was begging for that boy, and then she was moved by her silent companionship during her breakup. Now that the person she really wants to love can fall in love, breaking up with her is inevitable.

After crying for a while, she wiped away her tears, red-eyed and once again pulled out a brilliant smile, and said in a light tone: "Dangdang, I'm back, are you surprised?"

In this one-man show, except for the last sentence, which was a little unstable, Ruan Ningwei's performance was remarkable in the rest. From the elation and emotion on the brows at the beginning, to the stupor and pain when they bump into each other, to the forced laughter and tears when self-comforting, the change of emotions is natural, appropriate and fascinating.

Ji Yuyan was very surprised. When she chose this script for Ruan Ningwei, although she had the intention to speculate on her, she did not expect the effect to be so good.

Liang Zhen and Su Lihang were obviously also very satisfied with Ruan Ningwei's performance, and their faces were full of praise.

Su Lihang jokingly said, "When I saw the script, I thought you were trying to be lazy, Xiao Ruan, but I didn't expect that, Xiao Ruan, you were going to show up and be stunned."

Liang Zhen agreed: "Except for the last sentence where the emotion is not enough, Ning Wei's acting is very good in the rest, which is surprising."

Ji Youyan nodded: "I also think the performance was very good, it exceeded expectations." She looked at Jingxiu habitually, and found that Jingxiu tapped the table twice with a pen, her thin lips pursed tightly.

Ji Yuyan suddenly felt bad.

Sure enough, Jingxiu said calmly, "I have the exact opposite opinion to everyone else. I don't think your acting, Ning Wei, can be considered good."

"After I got the script yesterday, I have roughly seen the original works of these clips that everyone has selected. Ning Wei is different from all the other contestants. Only you, only you have chosen the clips you played in unusually."

There was an uproar.

Yes, Ruan Ningwei's performance was her first play in the circle, a lily character that was relatively rare in TV themes back then.

Ji Youyan clasped her hands, glanced at Jingxiu, and then glanced at Ruan Ningwei, who was embarrassed on the stage, feeling guilty and at a loss.

It was she... who helped Ruan Ningwei pick such an opportunistic script.