My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 140


Ji Youyan stroked the tiny folds between her brows, "It's not what you think, I'm fine." She looked away for a moment, and comforted Jingxiu: "Will I tell you more at night?"

Jingxiu touched Bai Yu with the pulp of his finger and reluctantly gave a "hmm".

"Thanks to you." Ji Youyan grabbed the soft catfish that she was pressing on the white jade, held it in his hand, and diverted her attention: "If it wasn't for you these days, my mother would have been miserable by herself, hard work. is you."

Jingxiu looked at her bloodshot eyes, suppressed her worry, and pretended to be relaxed and sighed, "You seem to be working harder."

Ji Yuyan was puzzled.

"It's dark, thin, and haggard." Jingxiu's tone seemed to be disgusting.

Ji Youyan blinked her eyes and pretended to be aggrieved. Before she could defend herself, Jingxiu coaxed her softly: "Did you not sleep well? Let's sleep for a while, it will take more than half an hour to get to the hospital."

Ji Youyan's brows were relieved, and she leaned her head on Jingxiu's shoulder in a rare and delicate manner. Jingxiu adjusted his sitting position to make Ji Youyan more comfortable.

She was wearing a down jacket with a hat, and the fluff on the hat was soft and warm.

Just like Jingxiu. Ji Yuyan was trapped in the familiar aroma, and finally found the peace of mind that he had not seen for a long time. She was very tired, but her brain was very awake. She couldn't sleep, so she leaned on Jingxiu's shoulder, exchanged with Jingxiu about Ji Changsong's condition, and asked if Zhong Qingyu was embarrassing her.

Jingxiu cares about her about Xue Beng, Ji Youyan is afraid of her worry, so she deliberately describes it plainly.

"The car passed through most of the canyon, and the road ahead was too rough. The local tour guide suggested to walk there, so all five of us got off the car. In fact, the distance is not very far. If it goes well, it will be there in an hour. I didn't expect to leave About 20 minutes later, we suddenly heard a loud noise from the top of the mountain, followed by the screaming of the local tour guide. We didn't know what he was doing, but when we looked back at him, we saw that there was snow not far behind him like a flood. It poured down from the sky."

After the catastrophe, Ji Youyan was not without fear. "When the ice ball hit us, we ran in the opposite direction, and we could hear the sound of layers of snow behind us. By the time we stopped, the people who couldn't hide over there were buried alive by the snow. ."

"We could see that some people's shoes, hands, and bags were out of the snow, struggling. The avalanche seemed to have stopped, and people from other countries were shouting to save people. We recovered and rushed to the ground. We went up to the rescue. Before the rescue team came, we had no tools, and we used our hands to dig through layers of thick snow.”

Her hand should have been hurt at that time. Jingxiu's heart skipped a beat when she heard it, she moved her shoulders to signal Ji You to speak. Ji Youyan sat upright with interest, and heard Jingxiu call her name calmly: "Ji Youyan."

"It's so dangerous, you still insist on going forward?" Jingxiu's face was serious.

Ji Youyan bit his lip, lowered his head and said, "But even so, I didn't have time to see him for the last time."

Jingxiu's heart trembled. Of course she knew what Ji Yuyan was doing despite the danger, but what she wanted more than those unknown possibilities was Ji Yuyan's sure safety.

She slowed down and said, "Promise me, I won't do it again. Don't put yourself in such danger next time."

Ji Youyan gave a "um", as if thinking of something, his eyes were deep, and he said solemnly: "There will be no next time, I promise you."

For Jingxiu's sake, she will also take care of herself.

Because they had greeted the hospital in advance, the car drove directly to the door of the inpatient department. Ji Youyan and Jingxiu, wearing hats and masks, got off the car one after the other and quickly walked towards the elevator in the building.

After Ji Changsong stabilized, Jingxiu asked the hospital for a single-room senior ward in advance, so that Zhong Qingyu could rest and Ji Changsong was transferred out of the ICU.

In the ward, Zhong Qingyu had been waiting for a long time, and saw Ji Youyan pushing the door and entering, safe and sound, and the heart that he had been holding after hearing the avalanche really fell. She cared a few words about Ji Youyan's life outside, and she disliked her disgraced face, as if she had gone to Africa, and then accompanied Ji Youyan with Jingxiu to the attending doctor's office to learn about Ji Changsong's situation.

The doctor said that the situation was the same as what Jingxiu told her on the road. Now it has stabilized for the time being, but if the operation is delayed, as Ji Changsong gets older, the situation may get worse in the future, and it will be even more difficult to operate. Therefore, it is better to have surgery as soon as possible. Of course, any surgery has risks, not to mention Ji Changsong has diabetes and other problems.

Ji Youyan weighed it over and over again and was inclined to perform surgery, but the stakes were so important that she didn't dare to make a decision right away.

After coming out, it was nearly 3:30, which was the visiting time when the hospital's ICU was open. During the visit, only two family members can enter at a time. Jingxiu knew the rules and said that she was waiting outside, and Ji Youyan and Zhong Qingyu went in to visit.

In the ICU, Ji Changsong has taken off the ventilator and can speak independently. Seeing Ji Youyan, he just looked up and down a few times, his voice was weak, but his tone was always calm: "It's dark, do you often run outside?"

Ji Youyan nodded, and before he had time to speak, Ji Changsong asked again, "I heard your mother said that you were looking for someone. Has that person been found?"

Ji Youyan didn't know how to answer, so he just said vaguely, "That's it."

"That's good." Ji Changsong affirmed.

Ji Youyan frowned and asked Ji Changsong straight to the point: "Dad, what do you think about the surgery? I heard your mother said you meant to do it? Didn't you really want to?"

"Sooner or later you have to be stabbed, escape is not the way." Ji Changsong said calmly.

Ji You was speechless for a while, Ji Changsong lowered his eyelids, was silent for a few seconds, and explained, "I had something to worry about before."

"Yanyan, I'll tell you one thing. In case of any accident during the operation, take good care of your mother. She is easier to get along with than me, with a knife-like mouth and a tofu heart... "

As if explaining the funeral, Ji Changsong spoke calmly, but Ji Youyan's nose was sore. "Mom, you can take care of yourself, I can't take care of it alone." She rarely showed a willful attitude like a little girl.

Ji Changsong glanced at it firmly, and let out a soft laugh from his nose. "Are you alone?" He glanced sideways at Jingxiu who was standing quietly outside the glass window, then changed the subject and said, "She is fine, she has worked hard for her these past two days, I can see that it is true for you. Take care."

Ji Youyan's eyes followed him and fell on Jingxiu. Jingxiu noticed it and knew that it wasn't something bad, so he showed a shallow smile.

She went in with Zhong Qingyu to see Ji Changsong. At that time, Ji Changsong was still wearing a ventilator and couldn't speak, but when Jingxiu told him not to worry about Zhong Qingyu, she would take good care of her, Ji Changsong looked at her for a long time, made a hoarse whimper, and nodded to her. At that moment, Jingxiu felt a burning sensation in his heart.

She knew that they finally truly accepted her, the Ji Yuyan who loved her. In fact, she has never been very concerned about the opinions of others, but Ji Changsong and Yu Zhongqingyu's recognition of her is very important.

She was fortunate that Yanyan could finally get rid of this shackle and be free.

Ji Changsong retracted his gaze and said earnestly, "I have nothing to worry about now. Since you have identified her, neither your mother nor I can control you, so the rest of the road should go well, don't let me and your mother feel that now Your recognition is connivance."

Before that, he didn't want to operate, was he worried about himself? Ji Youyan looked at his serious face as usual, his throat was sore and his eyes were sore.

"We'll have a good time, you can supervise it." She sniffed, joking in a nasal voice.

A smile flashed in Ji Changsong's eyes, and he was noncommittal.

After leaving the ICU, the three of them went to the attending doctor's office again to confirm the time of the operation and the things to pay attention to. Back in the ward, Ji Youyan answered Wei Yizhen's call and dealt with some work. Jingxiu watched Zhong Qingyu chat with Lin Yue about Bhutan and Nepal.

After Ji Youyan finished the phone call, Zhong Qingyu urged Ji Youyan to take Jingxiu and Lin Yue back to eat and rest. She could see both the bloodshot in Ji Youyan's eyes and the blackness in Lin Yue's eyes.

Ji Youyan couldn't resist her, and he had something to say to Jingxiu alone, so he agreed and made an appointment with Zhong Qingyu to come to accompany her at ten o'clock in the evening.

The three of them got out of the hospital and got into the car. From time to time, Lin Yue looked back at Jingxiu and hesitated.

Jingxiu was inexplicable: "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Jing, didn't Sister Yao Xiao come with you?" Lin Yue hesitated.

Ji Youyan answered with interest: "What does it have to do with you?"

"It's been a long time since I saw her, so I miss her." Lin Yue replied in a low voice, and after replying, she found Ji Youyan and Jingxiu staring at her with a meaningful smile.

Lin Yue panicked and wanted to hide it: "It's just the kind of miss of ordinary friends."

"Did any of us say it's not what ordinary friends miss?" The words "ordinary friends" were bitten by Jingxiu, full of ridicule.

"Xiaoxiao is preparing dinner, you can see it when you go back." After speaking, she said seriously: "I originally wanted to let you and Xiaoxiao sleep in the guest room these days, but it seems that Xiaoxiao and you are sleeping together. Not too safe."

Lin Yue blushed to the point of her neck, "Mr. Jing, you and Sister Ji have learned badly!" She repeatedly denied: "I don't, it's not what you think, I'm just... just..." She hesitated, but she couldn't go on. .

Ji Youyan kindly helped her out, "Okay, I won't tease you. You know what you're thinking."

Lin Yue lowered her head and did not deny it.

"If you really think about it, you have to think clearly about what it means. Also, Yao Xiao seems to be very straight, so you have to prepare in your heart." Ji Youyan was a lot more serious, and she was afraid of getting hurt, so give her a vaccination first.

Lin Yue whispered "um".

Ji Youyan saw that she was not in a high mood, and changed her tone to encourage her: "The moon is the first to get the moon, and you should have a lot of opportunities in the future. Take it by yourself."

Jingxiu caught the meaning of her words and raised her eyebrows to look at her. Ji Youyan tilted her head and said with a smile: "I'm not leaving, the focus of the next work is also in Beicheng, Mr. Jing, you are ready to accept a stick. Are you ready?"

Jingxiu's eyes swayed, don't ignore her at first, but the unrestrained curvature of her lips betrayed her good mood at the moment.

When they got home, Yao Xiao just finished the meal, and the four of them ate dinner together. Then Yao Xiao took the meal to the hospital. Lin Yue and Ji Youyan took a shower and went back to their rooms to make up for their sleep.

When Jingxiu came out of the shower, Ji Youyan was still sitting on the bed, looking down at the book in his hand, as if he was lost in thought.

Jingxiu lifted the quilt and went to bed, and asked her casually, "What are you looking at? Aren't you sleepy?"

Ji Youyan came back to his senses and smiled reluctantly, but the smile didn't reach his eyes: "Axiu, I have something to show you."


"Because the person who heard the clue said that the master was seriously ill, I was very afraid of missing it and insisted on going as soon as possible. But it is not as good as the sky, and the time was delayed by the avalanche on the road. I missed it by half an hour." Saying that, she took out a page of letter paper from the book and gave it to Jingxiu, "Master knows that we are looking for him, so he left this letter for us."

Jingxiu felt that she was suppressing something in her tone. She was stunned, reached out to take the letter, and glanced at a dozen lines.

On the letter, Daokong seemed to know what they were confused about, and briefly explained the reason why Jingxiu would be in pain from time to time in the middle of the night.

It was because of an accident when Jingxiu looked back in time in the previous life - Ji Youyan's soul body joined her in the battle. Jingxiu entered the battle as a physical body, and Ji Youyan said that his soul and body were too weak to pass through, but Jingxiu's soul sense unconsciously sensed Ji Youyan's existence, and divided his essence to protect Ji Youyan, and he was one body. Against the punishment of the two of them, his three souls were unstable, and his energy could not be returned to the cage.

The three souls are damaged, and the deficiency is cold to the bones, so they will be induced and magnified the pain and disease in the body when the yin qi between heaven and earth is at its peak. Jingxiu's three souls are complete only when Ji Youyan touches her body and connects her soul. Unless the three souls repaired their own body in a long time, Jingxiu would be doomed without Ji Youyan's company to repair her damage in each life.

Dao Kong said that Ji Youyan was Jingxiu's luck and Jingxiu's medicine.

The author has something to say: Jing Miao: It seems that the dog food that this bald bald recently voted for is ok, please give her some comments.

Author Jun: Online 嘤嘤嘤, nod madly.

There are probably two chapters left, so let me figure out how to wrap it up better.