My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 142: Full text complete


After the Spring Festival, Ji Youyan and Jingxiu returned to Beicheng in a low-key manner to start work. On Valentine's Day, the good news of the passage of the new law arrived as scheduled. Ji Youyan and Jingxiu, like other supporting stars, generously sent blessings to the new law. On the same day, because of the cooperation relationship of "Sunflowers in the Night", the two people were invited to shoot the Valentine's Day double cover magazine and released. Because the composition was too ambiguous and the picture was too seductive, the relationship between the two once again caused a heated discussion in the public. .

Blocking is not as good as sparse. Under such heat, Gu Lingfeng launched the trailer of "Sunflowers in the Night" and announced the movie's final release date.

Because I was too curious about the relationship between Jingxiu and Ji Youyan, once the trailer was released, the number of clicks exploded. As a result, when I entered the trailer a little bit, and before we could see what was going on between Jingxiu and Ji Youyan, everyone was distracted by the words "Ji Youyan" written on the screen behind the three lines of writing, composing, and singing.

Ji Yuyan can also sing, write lyrics and arrange music? Most people had a question mark in their hearts, and read the letter suspiciously.

The color of the trailer screen is outstanding, stepping on the various nodes of the background music, and the editing rhythm is relaxed and relaxed, which well shows the high level of Gu Lingfeng's film guide. He is a long-established director, and the audience has high expectations for him, so it is not a surprise. But unexpectedly, Ji Yuyan's song seems to be pretty good

Soon, the popularity of the scandal about Ji Youyan and Jingxiu dropped, and the hot search rankings such as "Sunflowers in the Night" and "Ji Youyan is nice" rose rapidly. Various gossip entertainment forums and related discussions also filled the homepage. .

When I opened the entry square, most of the speeches were made by melon eaters who were amazed, and Ji Youyan's fans cried with joy, "My treasure girl has finally been heard by everyone."

After hearing the real feedback from the market, Ji Youyan was relieved and allowed Wei Yizhen to contact well-known music critics to help her build momentum and promote marketing.

As a "musician who was underestimated in the past", Ji Youyan was re-acquainted by everyone and gained a large wave of passers-by fans.

On the same day, the song topped the new song charts of major music apps, and in the next few days, it topped the hot song charts and successfully won the championship for several weeks. This achievement, Ji Youyan is the first among the actors who are famous for acting in the new generation.

In the voice of fans, Ji Yuyan announced that she will release a new album after many years.

In the busy album preparation, the time has shifted to March, and the film has started its promotional activities. Ji Youyan and Jingxiu have got a fair and honest opportunity. It is also this month that the number of excellent CP super talk fans has surged, and everyone is ridiculing. These two people are really Isn't it a love affair at public expense

This question remained unanswered until the film's official release in April. As in the previous life, "Sunflowers in the Night" was well-received and well received. Amid the affirmation, the box office continued to rise.

Everything went well, except for the fans of Jingxiu and Ji Youyan, who started to tear up secretly after a short period of peace-because it was rare that Ji Youyan's performance was not inferior to Jingxiu's. So there are always people who compare the performance of the two people in the movie, and then there will always be dissatisfied fans who will refute them.

The war continued until the Golden Magpie Film Festival at the end of June, when both Ji Yuyan and Jingxiu were nominated for Best Actress for their performances in "Sunflowers in the Night."

Ji Youyan and Jingxiu were helpless and funny when it comes to fans' private fights. They actually have no idea about this "Queen". Wei Yizhen and Ji Youyan discussed the draft plan for "if winning the award", and Ji Youyan directly said with a smile that he didn't need it. She subconsciously thought that everything would follow the trajectory of the previous life, and it was a matter of course for Jingxiu to win this actress.

Jingxiu knew what she was thinking and didn't point it out. He just contacted Wei Yizhen in private and told her to prepare carefully and participate in the whole process.

Until the film festival entered the competition for the best actress, the host was selling off on the stage, and Ji Youyan quietly patted the back of Jingxiu's hand under the stage, still waiting to be proud of my girlfriend.

So when the picture on the screen was fixed on Shen Yu-Ji Youyan's huge personal poster, and the audience cheered and cast their eyes on her, she lost her temper.

She stared at Jingxiu in a daze, with no happy expression on her face.

The camera is zooming in to capture Ji Youyan's every move, Jingxiu pretends to congratulate, hugs Ji Youyan sideways, blocks her expression, and reminds in a low voice, "Yanyan, it's time to go up..."

She felt that her shoulders were wet and lubricated, and then Ji Youyan said "um", sat up straight, said "thank you" to her with slightly red eyes, and stood up on the stage.

Thousands of stars were waiting for her in front. Everyone only saw how swaying she was wearing a black fishtail evening dress. Only she herself knew how ruthless she was walking.

In that moment of extreme consternation, her long-lost memory suddenly seemed to have been opened.

All together she remembered. She remembered that at that time, Jingxiu never regretted what he had asked before, what Daokong asked:

Destiny is self-destructing, and karma is self-inflicted, don't you regret it

The number of lives in the next life, the glory of the rest of the world, do you not regret it

Life and death are destiny, success or failure is in the sky, do you not regret it

She took another thing that should have belonged to Jingxiu. Ji Youyan stood on the stage, looking into his tender eyes from a distance, and sadness came from it.

She suddenly understood that she was never waiting for Jingxiu to prepare for the public, and Jingxiu had nothing to lose; it was Jingxiu who had been waiting for her, waiting for her to be really ready.

She took a deep breath, suppressed her emotions, took the trophy from the guests, responded to the host's congratulations, and delivered her acceptance speech.

She admitted that she did not expect to win the award, so she was not ready to speak.

"Thank you for the affirmation of the judges, thank Director Gu for giving me this opportunity, thank you..." After a brief and official thank you, she said: "Finally, I want to thank my partner, Teacher Jingxiujing, there is no excellent Qiao Yue. , there would be no brilliant depression, and without her, there would be no me."

She stared at Jingxiu and whispered, "You are the queen in my heart"

On the spot, everyone didn't feel that something was wrong, only that she knew how to be a man after pressing Jingxiu as a newcomer to the movie, and let Jingxiu go down the stairs.

She got off the stage, handed the trophy to Wei Yizhen who was waiting under the stage, and left the scene on the pretext of going to the bathroom.

Until it was almost over, Ji Yuyan never came back. Jingxiu couldn't rest assured, and sent a text message to ask Ji Youyan, but it took several minutes for Ji Youyan to reply that she was in the lounge.

Jingxiu explained to the people next to him, and immediately got up and left the scene.

In the lounge, Ji Youyan's eye makeup was already worn, and she lowered her head to look at Jingxiu who came looking for her.

Jingxiu sighed in his heart. She locked the door, walked over to her, followed the way Ji Youyan teased her, and scratched the bridge of Ji Youyan's nose: "Who is this bullying us?"

Ji Yu was silent.

"We won the grand prize, we should be happy."

She didn't say it was okay, but when she mentioned Ji Yuyan, her mood came up again. She opened her mouth and said in a low voice, "Axiu, I remember everything."

Jingxiu was stunned: "What do you remember?"

Ji Youyan's voice was so harsh that it seemed to be squeezed out of his throat: "Remember all the conditions you promised the master. Axiu, it's me... "

Jingxiu covered her mouth, preventing her from speaking. "With or without those conditions, you deserve this award today."

"Besides, you remember, so do you remember what I said?"

She stared at Ji Youyan, her voice soft, "I said, I don't regret it."

In an instant, the water in Ji Youyan's eyes evaporated into substance and fell on the back of Jingxiu's hand.

"I also said..." Jingxiu held Ji Youyan's chin with his hand and kissed Ji Youyan's tears distressedly, "Yanyan, your glory is my glory."

Ji Youyan stretched out his arms around Jingxiu's waist, closed his eyes, and raised his chin to meet Jingxiu's tenderness.

Salty tears mixed with sweet breath, Ji Youyan whispered and panted in Jingxiu's ear: "Axiu, my greatest honor is Jingxiu's girlfriend."

Since the release of the movie, Ji Youyan's performance has amazed everyone, so about the best actress in this film festival, although Jingxiu's voice is louder, Ji Youyan also has no shortage of supporters. That night, as soon as the news of Ji Youyan winning the crown came out, it instantly swept the Internet.

She is known as the dark horse that came out. Her acceptance speech was watched again and again, and her performance on and off the stage was almost always watched by netizens with a magnifying glass frame by frame.

Soon, the speech that everyone thought was nothing at the scene was interpreted by netizens to have other meanings.

"Don't you think the word partner is very ambiguous? Does it mean "partner" or "spouse" in English? It was specially changed to English, with a pun?"

"I also think the latter is very ambiguous, You are the queen in my heart, isn't it really a confession?"

"Hahahaha, isn't I the only one who thinks so?"

"To tell you the truth, the aura between them is too cute. When you watch the video for three minutes and fifteen seconds, is JYY still touching JX's hand?"

"I bet they really have a situation with a pack of spicy sticks."

"I'll add a pack of spicy sticks."

"Upstairs, I'll add fifty packs!"

But no matter what the outside world guessed, Ji Youyan and Jingxiu never responded positively. Because Ji Youyan is now an actress, the new album released in May has also received rave reviews and sales are amazing. For a time, the popularity of the people has soared, and there is no limelight, so no media has to dig deep at this juncture. This scandal angered everyone.

On the eve of his birthday in July, Ji Youyan participated in another film festival. Before the opening, there was a backstage interview, and Jingxiu was also resting beside him. The reporter asked Ji Yuyan: "This year is the tenth year of debut. The previous ten years have been fruitful, and the next ten years are coming soon. Yuyan, can you share with us your expectations for the future."

Ji Youyan bit her lip and said with a smile, "I'm looking forward to a title."

"Oh, what title?" the reporter asked curiously.

Ji Youyan blinked slyly and refused to speak.

After this video came out, it was taken out of context by some people who had been waiting for Ji Youyan for a long time, questioning whether Ji Youyan was a little too inflated and being so arrogant in front of Jingxiu

Wei Yizhen saw the comments on the Internet, and asked Ji Youyan strangely what this sentence meant. Ji Youyan glanced at her in disgust, Wei Yizhen suddenly realized, and clapped his hands "oh".

This misunderstanding was not resolved until July.

Because his career has improved in recent years, and it coincides with the tenth anniversary of his debut, Ji Youyan promised fans as early as the beginning of the year that on his birthday this year, he will hold a tenth anniversary birthday party with free tickets. Thank you for your company for ten years. .

The location of the birthday party was chosen at the Huanzhou Grand Theater, the recording location of the "Idol Creation Project" that year, the place where her dreams with Jingxiu and fans began. On the day of the birthday party, except for Ji Changsong who was not suitable to come because of heart problems, Zhong Qingyu, Jingxiu, Jingxiu's parents, Tao Xingruo, and Ruan Ningwei all came to the scene.

The place was almost full.

The first half of the birthday party was about the review of the past ten years, fan interaction and other links. At the end of the interactive link, on the stage, Ji Youyan gently sang the theme song of the "Idol Creation Project" that year, awakening everyone to the green years of that year. 's memories.

The audience chorus, in tear gas, the birthday party transferred to the second half.

Ji Youyan put on the earphone customized for her by Jingxiu, held the microphone customized for her by Jingxiu, and used her singing to lead everyone back to the past, to the present, and to the future.

She sang three songs from past competitions, three songs that sank in one album, and in the soft harmony of everyone choked up, she sang ten songs in the new album that everyone is familiar with.

The song is played in a soothing style before and after a strong sense of rhythm, and the song burns with each other, and the mood rises little by little, and finally detonates the audience.

It seems to be a medium-sized concert with an excellent atmosphere.

Jingxiu looked up at Ji Youyan from the audience, waved the cheering stick in her hand and hummed softly. Taking advantage of the dim lights and the chaos in the scene, she followed the fans to call Ji Youyan during the interval between singing.

No one else could hear her, but Zhong Qingyu and Jing Shurong who were sitting next to her heard it—how can Jingxiu (my daughter) be so emotional? !

The two cast their gazes from both sides of Jingxiu in shock, but Jingxiu felt nothing. They looked at each other and smiled, pretending they didn't notice Jingxiu's gaffe, and turned their heads quietly.

After the last majestic alternative rock song on the album, Ji Youyan went back to the backstage, changed out of his leather jacket, and took off his heavy makeup.

The lights came on again, and she appeared on the stage with clean makeup, holding a guitar, wearing a simple white T-shirt and blue cropped jeans, just like when they first met.

She adjusted the height of the microphone and said to the audience with a slight smile: "Finally, I want to bring you three new songs that have not yet been released."

"The first song is called "Homecoming", and I gave it to you who have accompanied me all the way from borrowing and unnamed to now. Thank you for your support and company, thank you."

After the first song was sung, she waited until the fans wiped away their tears to express their love for her, and then she plucked the strings and sang the second song.

The second song is called "Homecoming", which is for parents who support and understand them.

The last song was different from the first two. She looked at Jingxiu in the audience and said, "I'll tell you the name after singing."

Tao Xingruo and Ruan Ningwei found Ji Youyan's sight and began to coax. Jingxiu seemed to feel something, bit her lip, and the base of her ear started to heat.

"Dark clouds hide the footsteps of twenty years old

suddenly intruded with you

I can't restrain my heartbeat..." She kept looking in Jingxiu's direction, grinning and singing softly.

Slowly, not only the people around Jingxiu discovered it, but everyone in the audience discovered it, and invariably followed Ji Youyan's gaze to the corner where Jingxiu was.

"The Milky Way illuminates the distance of thirty years old

engraved with your eyes

Cover all things as barren

morning and evening

sun and rain

Only you can clear the fog..." Word by word, soft and affectionate.

The whole place started to get restless.

Ji Youyan put down the guitar, picked up the microphone on the stand, and got up to sing a cappella: "... Covering everything is love."

"Morning and sunset

sun and rain

Please spend time with me..."

She walked towards the edge of the stage, the last word fell, and she just happened to stand in front of the stage opposite Jingxiu's seat.

"The name of this song is "Homecoming", also called "Jingxiu"."

"Jingxiu, will you marry me and be the destination of my life?" She stretched out her hand towards Jingxiu and smiled.

Under the attention of all the people, Jingxiu stood up and slowly stepped up from the stage, standing opposite Ji Youyan.

She didn't say good or bad, just took out the ring from her bag, took Ji Yuyan's outstretched hand, and pushed the ring into her ring finger.

"Why did you take the lead." She sneered at Ji You dotingly.

The audience exploded, screams and exclamations came one after another.

Excellent super talk boiling.

Micro and blog are paralyzed.

In the last five minutes of July 21, Ji Youyan posted a Weibo and blog:

In an interview not long ago, a media teacher asked me what my expectations were for the future, and I said I was looking forward to a title. Fortunately, on the last day of the 29-year-old, this wish came true. "

Jingxiu forwarded:

Hello, Mrs. Jing.

Later, some media conducted an exclusive interview. In the interview, the host asked Ji Youyan: "Actually, many people worry that it is not the most suitable time for you and Teacher Jing to open up your relationship. What do you think about this?"

Ji Youyan said slyly: "If you hesitate, there will never be the most suitable time."

"Then have you worried that it will affect your development after it is made public? After all, in fact... the mainstream concept has not been completely reversed."

"It's not true at all." Ji Youyan curved his lips and said relievedly, "But this is something that must be faced."

She said: "Maybe for many people, heterosexual love is a matter of course, just like everything in the world is attracted by gravity. I know it is easier to go downstream, but I can't help it, I Just go upstream."

"Because I'm only attracted to her."

"She is my sun, and I always spin towards her."

The author has something to say: This time my preview is accurate, and it is over as promised. (There is a high probability that there will be no extras, but before the "End" label is marked, there may also be short daily snippets randomly dropped. I have considered the matter of Miao chasing Ji Wang in the past games, but I am afraid that I will not write well. On the contrary, it affected everyone's imagination, so I decided not to write it. After all, half covering the face with the pipa is probably the most beautiful.)

From December last year to now, this article finally comes to say goodbye. When I typed the three words "End of the full text", I was quite emotional, feeling reluctant and relieved. I did my best to complete it. I hope I didn't disappoint everyone, and the excellent CP didn't disappoint everyone.

Thank you for your company for more than eight months. Writing this article, I have gained a lot of "best" in my coding career. I have reunited with a lot of cuties, and have also met a lot of cuties. When I think about it, it will give birth to the preciousness of joy. Thank you for supporting the genuine version, thank you for casting thunder, thank you for your comments, thank you for irrigating everyone, thank you. (Seeing the needle, thank you for my cute 3800-word long comment on the quilt in the mountain city. It's really so heartfelt, alright)

I wish every little cutie can meet sweet love and share every beautiful moment of morning, sunset, sunshine, rain, and life.

Finally, if the little cuties are interested, you can click on my column and collect my next pre-collection "Pumping for You". (But at present, except for the modern text that will not change, the information on other texts may change. Cover your face)

So, if you are lucky, we will see you next time~

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