My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 27


"I want to start anew with you", these words rang in Jingxiu's ears, like a fireworks, exploded in her heart. First there was an astonishing loud noise, then the colorful splendor, and finally, only the loneliness and gunpowder smell after blooming.

Jingxiu stared at Ji Youyan, her heart aching, she felt as if she was happy, and at the same time sad.

If you come to participate in this variety show, if you don't have the intention to meet Ji Yuyan again and restore the old good, you will be deceiving yourself. In that year, she broke up in the ward in a disheartened way, Ji Youyan choked her throat, and without a word of retention, she really walked away without looking back. So, she went from giving up to hope in France, and then from anticipation to giving up.

Can a simple "I regret it, I want to start over with you" can heal those pains that are tormenting each other? After breaking the mirror and reuniting, most of them just repeat the same mistakes.

Jingxiu's heart gradually cooled down.

She moved her thin lips, and her voice was slightly hoarse: "Have you become so fast?"

She said coldly: "A week ago you said we could be friends, and a week later, you think we can be lovers again?"

Ji Youyan noticed the change in Jingxiu's mood and defended: "I don't. Axiu, I never wanted to be friends with you. A week ago, strangers and friends, I had no other choice."

"So you have another choice now?" Jingxiu looked at her with a little mockery in his eyes: "Who gave you the confidence? Ji Youyan, what do you think I am? Why do you think I will wait for you where you are? ?"

Ji Youyan choked his throat and said bitterly, "It's not that you are waiting for me on the spot, it's me who is stalking and stubborn."

When Jingxiu heard her use such embarrassing words to describe herself, her heart trembled, and her fingertips on the back of the chair gradually turned white.

"I don't want to." She refused coldly. After a pause, she changed the subject and said, "I don't need you to clarify for me, and let your agent suppress all the unsent manuscripts."

This was rejected. Ji Youyan bit her lip and her eyes darkened. But soon she comforted herself again, she didn't expect Jingxiu to agree, she just wanted to express her feelings to Jingxiu, and wanted to tell Jingxiu that she wanted to chase her.

Jingxiu's attitude was not an outright rejection, it was already a good result.

Ji Youyan cheered up, suppressed the disappointment he had just failed to confess, and returned to Jingxiu: "Then what if I didn't help you, but you helped me?"

Jingxiu frowned at her.

Ji Youyan said calmly: "I've already made a big deal of the matter, and now it's rumored on the Internet that Duan Yunxi is using any means to tie me up to stir up the heat, and my fans are already pacifying his Weibo, if I don't help you clarify, don't put the two Duan Yunxi will not sit still if a Weibo of unknown meaning points to your incident. Teacher Jing, I am already riding a tiger."

Jingxiu said indifferently, "This is your own business. I told you not to interfere."

Ji You looked at Jingxiu sadly, but Jingxiu was indifferent.

After a long while, Ji Youyan smiled bitterly: "I know what you mean."

Jingxiu tightened his fingers, took a deep breath, pushed the chair abruptly, and flung his sleeves away.

The chair was rotatable, and with inertia, it slammed into the conference table with a loud bang. Ji Youyan looked at the chair absently, did she really make Jingxiu so angry

Jingxiu is so determined, isn't she... really being self-indulgent again

But she didn't get too upset, the phone on the desktop vibrated, and the caller ID was Wei Yizhen.

Wei Yizhen sent her the latest news and told her: "Jiang Chun just called me and said that Teacher Jing agreed with your plan. Specifically, I will go to Jiang Chun for an interview now."

Ji Yuyan smiled instantly. She knew that it was impossible for Jingxiu to die.

She reminded Wei Yizhen: "Sister Wei, please help me salvage the comment I posted on the trumpet this morning. When the media's suspicions are almost fermented, I will use the large Weibo to clarify. As for The two Weibo remarks are only directed at Teacher Jing's incident, so please help me respond to Sister Wei."

Wei Yi really let out a weak snort as an answer. After a pause, she asked Ji You before a rainy day, "What's your attitude towards the scandal with Jingxiu now?"

Ji Youyan narrowed her eyes, and said lightly, "As long as Jingxiu is willing, I am also willing." After a pause, she asked Wei Yi thoughtfully, "By the way, Sister Wei, now help me with the second half of next year. When the time slot is free, don't pick up anything."

Wei Yizhen wondered: "Why? Do you have any arrangements?"

Ji Youyan explained: "I'm going to fight for Gu Lingfeng's "Sunflowers in the Night". The start time should be in the second half of next year, and the specifics are still uncertain."

"Did you speak with Gu Lingfeng before? Are you sure? How did I hear that the roles have already been decided?" Wei Yi really doubted. This is undoubtedly a good resource. If Ji Youyan's first film can be directed by Gu Lingfeng, then her subsequent transformation will definitely go much smoother. But this is undoubtedly an unpalatable cake. Gu Lingfeng may not be able to watch Ji Youyan last year, not to mention that everyone has already made an order.

Ji Youyan touched the place on the chair that Jingxiu touched just now, and said softly: "I'm not sure, but I will try my best. If it can be done, there will be news at the end of the year at the latest, Sister Wei, please help me empty first. Let's take a while."

Wei Yizhen pondered what other connections she might have, and said politely: "Okay, it's okay to be free, but don't make any big news for me."

Ji Youyan laughed and promised her, "Don't worry, where did you want to go?"

Shortly after hanging up the phone, Ji Youyan saw that the remarks that she had commented on "I don't brush my teeth, my mouth is so stinky" on her Weibo account with a trumpet in the morning were excavated by "careful people", and the media immediately started to hype it up with the headline "Ji Youyan is small." The number is righteous and broke the news", "Ji Youyan's trumpet supports Jingxiu". Afterwards, the media trend, who had been holding on to Duan Yunxi before, also changed, and she began to link her remarks of "I think about it" and "I'm still angry" on Jingxiu's incident. Duan Yunxi also began to whitewash himself.

There were also some people who tactfully began to help with the number of seats. According to the timeline, Ji Youyan's trumpet line "She played a joke with me" and the statement issued by the program team "Jingxiu shut the actress out of the house is just a joke between the two" are perfect. match. This Weibo was posted before the incident, which shows that it is not a public relations statement, but a complete fact. The argument that Jingxiu bullied the actresses in the same group was untenable.

Jingxiu's fans organized a counterattack, scolding the whistleblower for ulterior motives, demanding an apology from the whistleblower, and giving Jingxiu justice.

An hour later, the publicity team estimated that the format was almost the same, and notified Ji Youyan that he had logged in on the Twitter account and posted on Weibo.

Ji Youyan found out the picture of the warm baby taken last night, and posted today's third Weibo: Last night's beauty is not frozen, I would like to thank Teacher Jing for his generous sponsorship. @ Jingxiu. The attached photo is the same as the trumpet's scalding cream photo, warm baby photo and last night's red carpet photo.

In a short sentence, the amount of information is full.

The first information the public can get is that Ji Youyan is claiming a trumpet. After thinking about it again, Ji Youyan and Jingxiu seem to have a good relationship, and Jingxiu also gave her a warm baby and scald cream. Then there is, so everyone guessed that the second deletion of Weibo and trumpet remarks was all because of Jingxiu's anger

The media moved quickly, and with the efforts of Wei Yizhen, Jiang Chun, and Duan Yunxi's team, the hot search for "Ji Youyan supports Jingxiu" and "Duan Yunxi's back pot man [laughs and tears]" began to go up.

After Ji Youyan posted his blog, Liang Zhen and Su Lihang, who never wanted to say a word, could not pretend to be dead. Under their Weibo, there are all kinds of ridicule from the people who eat melons.

Soon after, Su Lihang posted a blog: I heard that Teacher Jing is very strict? The attached picture is a screenshot of the first episode - Jingxiu was emotionally moved by the performance on stage, and looked a little sad. Su Lihang deliberately intercepted it a little bit collapsed and a little cute, and also typed four big characters "Wronged Baba."

Liang Zhen also posted a blog later, which was very simple, and directly forwarded the clarification statement from the official blog of the program team. Although Ji Youyan felt that he looked a little reluctant, he helped to refute the rumor.

Several parties cooperated, but in one afternoon, the whole situation was reversed. The people who were skeptical at first stood in line with Jingxiu, and the big V in the industry also began to endorse Jingxiu, angrily denounced the untrue news, and all relevant hot searches became "" Su Lihang's expression pack", "Liang Zhen refuting rumors", "Ji Youyan Jingxiu" and other entries.

Sun Ting didn't contact me, and the representative's spokesman looked like he didn't know anything about it and didn't acknowledge it. Jiang Chun contacted the people above and learned that the people behind Sun Ting were currently in a game with Jingxiu. Sun Ting probably just put the old and new hatred that Jingxiu didn't give her face together, and used Jingxiu as this. Things come to knock the mountain and shake the tiger. I don't know if there will be a follow-up, but judging from the situation today, Jingxiu's turmoil has been temporarily suppressed.

In the evening, Jingxiu hosted a banquet to thank everyone for their cooperation and help in this turmoil. At the banquet, Jingxiu took the initiative to offer a small toast to everyone at the table as a token of thanks.

Su Lihang had a rare opportunity to embarrass Jingxiu and teased Jingxiu: "Mr. Jing, shouldn't you have a cup of respect for Teacher Ji? Teacher Ji is sacrificing herself for others today, and cutting swords for Teacher Jing." Familiar in the circle In the way of hype, after a little thought, you can understand that Ji Youyan's trumpet was clearly exposing himself, and it was a hot search for Jingxiu.

Jingxiu cast a glance at Ji Youyan, Ji Youyan felt distressed that Jingxiu had already drank a lot, and hurriedly said, "Mr. Su, if you want to bully Teacher Jing, just say it, how can you borrow my name?"

She made a gesture and joked, "Be careful, I'll stab you first."

Su Lihang cooperated with Ji Youyan's movements and shook his body, and suddenly burst into laughter.

After laughing, Liang Zhen suddenly said, "I didn't expect Teacher Ji and Teacher Jing to have such a good relationship in private." His eyes were a little ambiguous.

He entered the circle earlier than Su Lihang, and he had already heard about the scandals of Jingxiu and Ji Youyan in the circle. But when he saw Ji Youyan and Jingxiu getting along before, he thought it was just a rumor after the CP was fired back then. Now it looks like it's real.

When he asked this question, the eyes of everyone on the table became a little different. Jingxiu and Ji Youyan talked about love, and everyone has heard of it before. Those who don't know are curious, and those who know are embarrassed.

Jingxiu frowned, Chen Desheng observed his words, and immediately wanted to change the subject, but Ji Youyan casually continued, "Does it seem like I have a bad relationship with Teacher Jing?"

Liang Zhen said lightly: "That's not true."

Ji You snorted and showed off generously: "Mr. Liang, you may not know that when I and Mr. Jing didn't debut, the CP with Mr. Jing was the hottest CP in the show. If the relationship is not good, how can we get hot? "

She spoke so frankly, and Liang Zhen felt that there was nothing between her and Jingxiu.

Jingxiu calmly cast his eyes on Ji Youyan, surprised that she could be so calm now. Ji Youyan caught Jingxiu's gaze, and suddenly turned his head and smiled at her.

Jingxiu rolled his eyes as if nothing had happened, but the condensation between his brows dissipated a lot.

Ji Yuyan felt a little joy in her heart.

On the way back to the hotel, Ruan Ningwei sent Ji Youyan a WeChat message and said with concern: "Sister Ji, I have seen everything about Teacher Jing on the Internet. Several of our students are grieved for Teacher Jing and want to ask if there is anything we can help Teacher Jing. Did you do it?"

Ji Youyan was relieved, and returned to Ruan Ningwei and said, "It's all right, don't worry."

She said casually: "After the interview, I asked about my impression of the tutor. It would be good to praise Teacher Jing a few more words."

Ruan Ningwei felt relieved and agreed, "Okay."

A few seconds later, "the other party is typing" was displayed, and there was no news for a long time. Ji Youyan was thinking about how embarrassing Ruan Ningwei was going to write, and almost lost her patience. Ruan Ningwei finally had the courage to send the message: "Sister Ji, you are very brave today. Our excellent CP's super words are all deceitful."

"Excellent" was her and Jingxiu's previous CP names. Ji Youyan laughed and joked with Ruan Ningwei: "Didn't you say you were cute before? Are you still so concerned now?"

Ruan Ningwei said embarrassedly: "I was also resurrected by you today, Sister Ji. I'm a little excited now, and my writing is a little ready to move."

Ji Youyan laughed out loud, this guy. She didn't drink much in the evening, and now she looked at Ruan Ningwei's word "heroic" and thought about what happened today, but she felt inexplicably drunk. Her heart was hot, she bit her lip, put down her restraint and said, "I authorize you to write, but there are two conditions, okay?"

Ruan Ningwei asked curiously, "What are the conditions?"

Ji Youyan said slyly: "One condition is that you add an inner monologue for me."

"Yes." Ruan Ningwei said without hesitation. Authorized by the master to write fanfiction, plus an exclusive monologue, this is the pinnacle of CP fan career.

Ji Youyan rubbed his fingertips and continued: "The other condition is that you have to send it to Teacher Jing after you finish it."

Ruan Ningwei: "…"

Two seconds later, Ruan Ningwei began to withdraw messages frantically, one, two... delete all the messages she sent.

"Sister Ji, just pretend you haven't seen me tonight, good night." Slip away.

Ji Youyan was angry and funny: "..."


She quit the conversation with Ruan Ningwei, opened Weibo, and clicked on Ruan Ningwei's "excellent CP" super talk. In the super words, there are groundhogs screaming all over the screen.

She swiped for a while with interest, then quit to read her Weibo comments. Under her Weibo, fans of Jingxiu came in groups to thank her.

Thank you for supporting Jingxiu, thank you for speaking for Jingxiu, I am glad that Jingxiu has such a good friend, and wish their friendship will last forever...

It is completely different from the full screen of abuse and malice sent to her by fans of Prospect Xiu for many years.

The recognition she had worked so hard for for a long time in the past seemed to finally get a little bit today. However, she didn't seem to be as happy as she thought.

Without this "1" of Jingxiu, what's the use of having more "0" after it

Ji Youyan lost interest and leaned against the car window, looking at the night scene that was rapidly flowing backwards outside the window, feeling lonely.

It would be great if time could go backwards so fast.

She still opened the dialog with Ruan Ningwei and wrote down the feeling she hoped Ruan Ningwei would help her convey:

I used to be most afraid of the eyes of others, but now, I am looking forward to someone who will be able to penetrate far away.

This will give me a little joy.

The author has something to say: Sister Ji: Are you all the little cuties who told Axiu not to promise me that they are all devils? Take revenge! o(╥﹏╥)o