My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 28


Because of the things in her heart, Ji Yuyan slept very unsteadily that night, and she woke up automatically before it was bright. She grabbed the phone to check the time, woke up for a few seconds, and quickly opened Weibo to check the hot search.

Sure enough, as they expected the worst outcome, Sun Ting sent Jingxiu up again. However, this time the hot search is not at the top, but it has already climbed into the top ten.

Two entries, one is "Jingxiu's nails" and the other is "Jingxiu Jiyouyan".

Ji Youyan sat up in a hurry, and without putting on a coat, wearing thin pajamas, he clicked on the entry and checked the hottest Weibo.

This time the hot search material is from the super words of excellent CP.

After the resurrection of the excellent CP last night, the whole super talk was full of joy. Some people beat the blood, and carefully sorted out the sugar and some details that Jingxiu and Ji Youyan had inadvertently released since the "National Producer" program was launched. As a result, Ji looked at Ji Ji, details that many straight people would not have noticed were dug out by CP fans with a magnifying glass.

For example, in the preview of the second episode of the program, we can see that Jingxiu's right hand was out of the country with the microphone, and the other nails were manicured, only the middle and ring finger nails were trimmed round and clean, which is fascinating.

For another example, when Jingxiu went to Beicheng to shoot a magazine before, a fan met Jingxiu on the plane and secretly took a photo and posted it on his private Weibo. In the photo, Jingxiu is reading a book with his head down, and on the wrist that flips the pages, he is wearing a unique bracelet, and the ornament in the middle of the bracelet is a naive panda. The screenshot zooms in on the middle part of the bracelet, and a little red between the panda's forehead is faintly visible.

The moment this detail was excavated, the entire CP super talk was boiling.

As we all know, Ji Youyan likes pandas. Around her, there are many panda ornaments, panda pillows, panda pendants... And these pandas, without exception, have red brows.

From the prospect of Xiu, there is a very precious pendant, which is a panda like this, and she has also said generously that it was given to her by Ji Youyan. CP fans have speculated that the bracelet Jingxiu is currently holding is most likely given to her by Ji Youyan recently.

In order to prove the authenticity of these sugars, their detective skills were illuminated, and many clues from many years ago were rediscovered by them. As a result, a touching love drama of falling in love, breaking up, and recombination was almost completely presented in front of them.

CP fans feel that they are just enclosing their own cuteness and entertaining themselves. They did not expect that these materials were quickly transported to the Goose Group and Tianya. Overnight, a high-rise building was built in the Goose Group, attracting a lot of attention. Then the Goose Group's Weibo account forwarded the screenshot, and each marketing account also started to operate.

All of a sudden, the rumors that Ji Youyan and Jingxiu used to be true and false, and the rumors of rumors surfaced in front of the public again, and even some marketing accounts directly marked "Jingxiu and Ji Youyan have quietly reunited?" in order to grab attention. white title.

Ji Youyan looked at the pictures attached to Weibo, with mixed thoughts, joy and worry for a while. It was a prophecy, if someone really wanted to give her a little joy, but she didn't expect it to be done in this way.

The analysis of CP powder in the revelations is almost half true and false. Jingxiu's nails were not cut for her after the reunion, but at first, the nails were cut for her.

After Jingxiu won the Best Newcomer Award, the schedule was so full that there was no time to go home. It happened that Ji Youyan was unemployed at home and couldn't stand Jingxiu's coquettish behavior. In addition, she was uneasy when she heard that Jingxiu had a cold, so under the cusp of the storm, she still took the risk to give Jingxiu a surprise.

That night, the two had a deep love and a fire. During the bath, because of the inconvenience of nails, Jingxiu was unilaterally bullied by Ji Youyan. After leaving the bathroom and turning to the bed, Jingxiu wanted to win back a little bit of the situation. He was anxious to find nail clippers, but he turned the table and the cabinet and couldn't find it. The atmosphere is strong, the fire has been lit, it is impossible to find someone to deliver it temporarily, Jingxiu is downcast, Ji Youyan is amused and laughed, so angry that Jingxiu pounces on her and presses her down for a while.

Early the next morning, Ji Youyan fell asleep when he heard Jingxiu on the phone. She opened her eyes, hugged Jingxiu and slapped her face, and asked her whose phone number was. Jingxiu licked her chin, her voice hoarse and sexy, and replied slyly: "There was no announcement in the morning, I asked Xiaoxiao to send me nail clippers."

Later, Ji Youyan had sore back and weak legs for several days.

Also from that day on, Jingxiu never had nails on his middle and ring fingers, and never had a manicure done. This detail, when first discovered by the media, contacted the paparazzi to photograph Ji Youyan's visit to Ban Jingxiu, which also caused an uproar.

Ji Youyan did not expect, nor did CP fans, that Jingxiu kept this habit after breaking up. Jingxiu does not often do manicures on weekdays, so the difference in nail length is not obvious. It was also after Jingxiu's manicure a few days ago that Ji Youyan was surprised to think about it.

What really surprised Ji Yuyan was the photo taken secretly by passers-by.

Ji Youyan recognized the bracelet Jingxiu was wearing on the plane at a glance. It was the one she gave to Jingxiu on the day they reunited. After sending it, she actually lost it secretly, and she didn't know when she would be able to see it on Jingxiu's wrist.

And it turned out that Jingxiu had already worn it. Ji Yuyan's eyes softened. Did Jingxiu deliberately avoid her to wear it? Do you still like this bracelet from her

Ji Youyan knew that she shouldn't be overjoyed by such a dangerous revelation, but when she thought of the arrogance and care that Jingxiu might have when wearing this bracelet, she couldn't help but raise the corners of her lips.

After hesitating for a few seconds, she still clicked on the photo and saved it like a treasure.

Then she continued to pull down and read the comments.

This time Jiang Chun and Wei Yizhen were all ready, so the navy that Sun Ting bought and the navy they bought were almost half-way. In addition, Jingxiu fans have gone through yesterday's battle, and their organizational skills and combat effectiveness have been greatly improved. Therefore, in the front row of this review, there are many rumors and clarifications from Jingxiu fans.

They made a jigsaw puzzle. The photos of the jigsaw puzzle were taken from Jingxiu's photos six years ago, one a year, and they were put together for comparison. In the photo of Jingxiu, every right nail is circled with red lines, so you can see at a glance that Jingxiu's middle and ring finger nails have been trimmed and flattened since six years ago. Any manicure. These include the two years when she had no contact with Ji Youyan on the bright side after she retired from acting.

There is reason and evidence. The so-called nails that were cut because of Ji Youyan's reunion are completely false.

Jingxiu's fans swiped and clarified: "Jingxiu already clarified six years ago, because the middle finger and ring finger are prone to inflammation, so they have been trimmed and smoothed, and they have not done manicures. Teacher Ji and Teacher Jing met Yu Wei and went all the way. Good friends here, I hope that the two of you will continue to shine in the future, and the friendship will last forever. Please let the rumormongers spare the two cuties!"

Ji Youyan's fans also participated in the review: "Mr. Ji and Teacher Jing are very good friends, please do not over-guess. The new variety show of the two teachers is on the air, please go and watch. I wish the friendship between the two teachers will last forever. "

Ji Youyan felt a little at ease, no matter what, the situation was well controlled compared to the bloody storm of the year.

He couldn't sleep anyway, so Ji Youyan simply got out of bed to brush his teeth and wash his face, and informed Lin Yue to order the meal early. After she finished dressing, she went directly to the living room to wait, preparing to send Jingxiu a wonderful good morning greeting.

I don't know when there was a small potted cactus on the coffee table. Ji Youyan looked at its furry appearance and couldn't help feeling pity. She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the soft thorns of the cactus, and felt more and more that it was a matter of its own accord—as long as the strength and method of touching were appropriate, the thorns on Jingxiu’s body were just like this little cactus, soft and not stinging.

Just as she thought about it, the phone suddenly vibrated violently, causing her conditioned reflex to shake her hands in fright—the soft thorns pierced her hands all over.

Ji Youyan gasped, not knowing whether to laugh or cry. She plugged in her earphones to answer the phone, and stood in front of the brightly lit window to pull the thorn.

"Are you up?" Wei Yizhen asked casually, and without waiting for Ji Youyan's answer, he said straight to the point: "Have you read Weibo? Sun Ting really pushed the boat and brought the topic to the past between you and Jingxiu."

"Well." Ji Youyan had a short thorn that couldn't be squeezed out, and replied casually: "Didn't we expect it?"

"But Jingxiu can't hold back his draft." Wei Yi was really annoyed. She originally thought that she would help Jingxiu to stand out and sell her personal favor, and Jingxiu should be able to handle the follow-up matters. But Jiang Chun actually said that Sun Ting has a good media with her, and the situation is a bit special now, and she will not sell her face.

"Jiang Chun promised that the matter would end with an apology from Sun Ting, but it's not time yet."

Ji Youyan frowned and speculated, "Sun Ting will probably throw Zhang Weiye and that eyeliner out as scapegoats."

Wei Yizhen didn't deny Ji Youyan's speculation, and worried: "But for news, the timeliness is the most important. The time when Sun Ting was crazy was enough for the public to take your relationship with Jingxiu seriously. Besides, you and Jingxiu used to be. It's not that there is no real hammer, although Jiang Chun bought it back at a high price back then, I always feel uneasy."

Although public recognition of homosexuality has been much higher in recent years, a proposal three years ago that same-sex couples could apply for civil union ultimately failed. Obviously, if public figures are labeled as gay, their acting careers will be in jeopardy.

So Wei Yi was really worried: "Yo Yan, what are you thinking now? Shouldn't I have left you alone in this matter? Now it's really hard to ride a tiger."

She persuaded Ji Youyan: "It doesn't sound good to say, Youyan, you are different from Jingxiu. Jingxiu, she can be fearless, but with her background and her current height, even if she is confirmed to be gay, it is nothing but irrelevant. Small things. But for you, if you're not careful, it's a disaster."

This is not the first time Ji Youyan has heard this. This is the truth, and because it is the truth, it was Wang Junchan's curse on her in the past.

She sank her eyes and comforted Wei Yizhen by saying, "Sun Ting won't do it, he just didn't dare to really bite Jingxiu to death for the sake of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger."

Wei Yi was really silent.

Ji Youyan persuaded her: "Sister Wei, let's think in a good place. As long as we don't have a real deal with Jingxiu, we will have more advantages than disadvantages. How many people can't ask for a CP fried with Jingxiu?"

Wei Yizhen said angrily, "Why do you have the same voice as Jiang Chun?" If Ji Youyan was a man, she could still convince herself.

Ji Youyan eased the atmosphere and said with a chuckle, "What I said is true." Anything she can do for Jingxiu can be unconditional, but Wei Yi really isn't. Ji Youyan pondered for a few seconds, and decided to tell Wei Yizhen what he had planned last night: "Sister Wei, do you remember what I told you yesterday that I am going to fight for Gu Lingfeng's "Sunflowers in the Night"?"


"This movie is a two heroine movie, mainly about the friendship and bond between the two heroines. As far as I know, one of the heroines Gu Lingfeng has already decided is Jingxiu, and the other heroine has Zhuanyuan. room."

"Gu Lingfeng's films have always been very popular. In recent years, he has been transforming into commercial films, trying to achieve better box office results. Jingxiu undoubtedly has box office appeal, but relying only on Jingxiu as a promotional selling point is obviously not enough. of."

"So?" Wei Yi was really puzzled.

"So we can convert the scandal between me and Jingxiu this time into useful commercial value for Gu Lingfeng. If we can make good use of this scandal, it can give me a chance to win another heroine role." Gu Lingfeng during the last meal Very impressed with her. She is confident that her understanding and interpretation of the role can convince Gu Lingfeng. Compared with Fang Shan, whom Gu Lingfeng finally found in the last life, her weakness is the gap in box office appeal, and the public's current curiosity about the true and false rumors between her and Jingxiu can make up for this very well.

Wei Yizhen said: "I understand. And you and Jingxiu will have a long variety show recording period. In order to dispel the rumors of feuding yesterday, you and Jingxiu must continue to be friendly in front of the media. As long as With our reasonable guidance, the scandal between you and Jingxiu can always remain popular. If you can win a movie, then Gu Lingfeng can use it to stir up another wave and use it as a big selling point. "

Ji Youyan nodded: "That's what it means. So sister Wei, don't worry too much, Jiang Chun will do the work, we just need to accept this wave of heat with peace of mind."

Anyway, Wei Yizhen was finally persuaded. Ji Yuyan hung up the phone and took a deep breath.

The prickly prickly prickly pear was still on the finger, and it should have been picked out with a needle. Ji Youyan thought about going back to the room to find out if there was a needle, and turned around only to find that Jingxiu had come out without knowing when.

With a glass of water in her hand, she looked at Ji Youyan quietly, her face sinking like water.

How much did Jingxiu hear? Ji Youyan's throat froze, and she suddenly panicked.

Seeing Ji Youyan's panicked appearance, Jingxiu pulled his lips, raised his hand and took a sip of water, his smile not reaching his eyes.

"The calculation is really good." She lowered her eyes and praised Ji You lightly.

The author has something to say: After reading last night's comments, Sister Ji's mentality collapsed: I am the 1! 11111! real!

Teacher Jing glanced at her: Huh

Sister Ji bit the quilt and made 0 with tears.

Hahahaha, I'm going to die from laughing at you little cutie, that sentence doesn't mean that. Obviously, without the 1 of Jingxiu, no matter how many 0s she has, her life will not have the so-called 100 points.

The flustered little cuties, take a look at the copywriting, and take the right seat hahaha.

Don't panic, little cuties, Teacher Ji and Teacher Jing generally haven't misunderstood for a long time now. The road of development is tortuous, and the future is bright!