My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 43


The sound of Jingxiu's footsteps outside the restaurant was clearly audible, clack-clack, as if stepping on Ji Youyan's heartbeat. Ji Youyan looked at the small half of the cake on the table, and wanted to cry without tears.

But Jingxiu still came back, at such a late hour.

After Ji Yuyan was depressed for a few seconds, she couldn't help but be elated. She couldn't help it, she walked out of the dining room quickly, and intercepted the dusty Jingxiu in the living room where the lights were not turned on.

As soon as they met, they both stopped in tacit understanding and looked at each other in silence.

When Jingxiu entered the door, he saw the light leaking from the restaurant and guessed that Ji Youyan had not slept yet. She sighed in her heart, for Ji Youyan's expectations and for her own heart.

After all, she was reluctant to buy a new ticket, and after a hasty dinner with Tao Xingruo, she rushed back on the last flight.

Ji Youyan had already taken a shower, and at the moment she was only wearing a nightdress and a nightgown casually. Her hair was naturally loose, and she had noodles in clear soup, which was the complete opposite of her elaborate dress at noon. She looked at Jingxiu with delicate makeup, and regret overwhelmed her heart. She should have waited desperately until zero o'clock.

Jingxiu only noticed the thinness of her clothes.

"Axiu, happy birthday." Ji Youyan broke the silence with a dry voice.

She stood in the light and shadow leaking from the dining room, her face half clear and half hazy. What is clear is the tenderness in her eyes, and what is hazy is the gloom that Jingxiu can't see clearly. Just like her people, bright and contradictory. Jingxiu slid his throat and replied without emotion, "Well, thank you."

Ji Youyan couldn't distinguish her expression, and her heart beat faster and faster. She bit her lip and subconsciously told her: "I made a cake for you." After that, she regretted it. What else can I say when the cake is gone!

Jingxiu moved his five fingers imperceptibly, and a heat flowed through his heart. Just as she was about to speak, Ji Youyan confessed in a low voice: "But I thought you would come back tomorrow, so I'll share it with everyone."

"… "

Jingxiu looked at her, angry and funny for a while. So is she to blame for coming back too late

Ji Youyan took two steps towards her, trying to see Jingxiu's expression clearly. She rescued nervously: "There is still a small piece, do you want to eat it?" Saying this, thinking of the remaining cake, she felt that she might have lost her mind, and blushed so much that she wanted to find a hole to dig in.

"No, thank you anyway." Jingxiu replied lightly. She could see Ji Yuyan's embarrassment, eased her face a little, and said softly, "It's very late, why haven't you slept yet?"

"I want to wait past zero." Ji You said obscurely. After midnight, she can completely give up and completely believe that Jingxiu will not come back today. She even allowed herself to immerse herself in the more and more miserable emotions that were getting closer and closer to zero.

How can she sleep? The sadness that Jingxiu had experienced before, it was time to punish her for feeling more.

Jingxiu frowned, did you want to wait for her to come back when it was past midnight? Did you divide the cake? But seeing Ji Youyan's sincere expression, Jingxiu's heart softened, "It's almost zero, rest early."

After she finished speaking, she took a step towards her room. Ji Yuyan suddenly reached out and grabbed her wrist.

At the moment when the warmth melted, Ji Youyan and Jingxiu's hearts throbbed.

Jingxiu turned sideways to stare at Ji Youyan, and Ji Youyan released her hand awkwardly. There seemed to be stars twinkling in her eyes, and she asked anxiously, "Song... do you like it?"

Jingxiu moved his foot unconsciously. After a while, she looked away and said, "With the window open, isn't it cold?"

Ji Youyan was stunned, and looked at the living room window subconsciously. It's closed. Suddenly, she was so blessed that she realized that Jingxiu was talking about the window in her video.

I didn't say I didn't like it, I still cared about whether she was cold or not, that's what I liked! Ji Yuyan's eyes brightened.

She raised the corners of her lips and said, "cold."

"But I thought it was for you, so it's not cold." She took another step towards Jingxiu and said in a low voice.

Jingxiu's heart trembled, her rationality made her take a half step back unnaturally.

Ji Yuyan noticed it. She didn't have the courage to take another half step, and consciously changed the subject and said, "Wait a moment." After that, she hurriedly walked towards the coffee table, her expression not daring to show the sadness in front of Jingxiu.

Jingxiu's nails dig into the palm of his hand.

Soon, Ji Youyan came back, holding three beautifully packaged small boxes in his arms.

"A birthday present for you." She handed out the box and said softly.

Jingxiu looked at Ji Yuyan fixedly.

Ji Youyan smiled and said: "The top one is this year's birthday present, the next two..." She lowered her voice: "It's the birthday present prepared the year before and last year."

She didn't dare to look at Jingxiu's expression, and her eyes fell on the box in her hand: "I thought they would never be given away again." Maybe not.

The gift that she did not dare to give after breaking up in the last life, she was indeed not found after her death. They were hidden in the treasure box under the bed by themselves, and never saw the light of day.

The softness between Jingxiu's brows finally couldn't be concealed. She restrained for a few seconds, approached Ji Youyan, stretched out her slender hands, and lowered her eyes to help Ji Youyan turn over the untidy collar of the nightgown.

"Lingzhou doesn't have underfloor heating, so I'll bring a thicker one next time."

Ji Yuyan froze for a moment.

She raised her head, Jingxiu's gentle face was close at hand, she could even feel Jingxiu's warm breath gently brushing her neck.

Heart beat like a deer.

Maybe it was the night that gave her courage, Ji Youyan licked her lips, released a hand holding the box, and was about to move.

Just when she wanted to reach out and wrap her arms around Jingxiu's waist, Jingxiu turned over the collar and backed away abruptly.

She didn't look at Ji Youyan's expression again, she reached out and hugged the three boxes, and said in a calm voice, "Thank you, you have a heart." Then, she turned neatly and walked to the bedroom.

Ji Youyan watched her leave, and touched her collar with her empty hand, feeling like she was in a dream. She looked at Jingxiu's slender back, and the urge to hug her made her heart hurt.

But in the end, she still stood cautiously and said softly, "Good night."

They used to be so intimate, and Jingxiu also deliberately slowly tied the belt of his nightgown, which made him fall back on the bed with her again. She thought that if Jingxiu was willing to hug her, she would not turn around and leave like this.

She dare not.

She wasn't sure if she could withstand the blow of Jingxiu breaking away from her embrace, and she wasn't sure if Jingxiu would feel that her sincerity in correcting her mistakes was not enough and her behavior was frivolous.

She comforted herself and proceeded step by step. Since Jingxiu was willing to give her time to prove herself again, she should also give Jingxiu time to consider and let go.

She went back to the restaurant and ate the rest of the cake with a smile. This time, taste buds seemed to grow in my heart, and every bite was sweet.

In Jingxiu's bedroom separated by a wall, Jingxiu forgot his tiredness, and could not take a bath to rest, he lowered his long eyelashes, and opened the box gently.

The gift from the previous year was the in-ear headphones that Ji Youyan customized for her. The appearance of the earphones is generous and delicate, with a silvery-gray metallic luster. Two pandas with different postures are delicately engraved on the back of the ear shells, and the brows are still the bright red point. In addition to distinguishing between the left and right English on the wiring, at the bottom part close to the plug, her English name is also written in Junyi's BP body.

She once complained to Ji Youyan that she didn't know if her auricle was too small, and the earphones on the market felt pain after wearing them for a long time. Ji Youyan kissed her ear at the time and promised to help her customize one. Later, Ji Youyan got busy, and no one mentioned it again.

After a lapse of years, Jingxiu stroked the earphones with mixed feelings. Even though she hadn't really measured her auricle, the earphones fit perfectly to the auricle.

It seemed to her ears that she once asked Ji Youyan how to make the size of the gift for her to be just right, Ji Youyan rubbed the tip of her nose, and said softly: "Where else is the size of your body, it's me. unknown."

Jingxiu's eyes were like water. She went on to open last year's box.

Last year's gift was a small MP3. Jingxiu plugged the headset into MP3 and turned on MP3.

There are 365 files in the directory, and the time of storage is last year.

She randomly opened an audio, and Ji Youyan's sweet and magnetic voice followed the wire, passed into her ears, and reached her heart.

"Hello, Jingxiuxiu, good evening, Yanyan here exclusively broadcasts the American text radio station for you before bed..." She read two American texts for her, one in Chinese and one in French, and finally, a tender good night, a good dream .

Jingxiu stood in front of the table. In the silence, tears streamed down her cheeks and fell on the MP3 screen. After breaking up, what kind of mood did Ji Yuyan use to record these 365 audios for her

In the melodious light music after "Good night", the audio automatically skips to the next one. Jingxiu's heart was numb, she suddenly unplugged her earphones and hurried out the door.

But he opened the door full of enthusiasm, and it was dark all around - Ji Youyan had already returned to the room to sleep.

Jingxiu walked in the darkness, step by step, and finally, looking at Ji Youyan's closed door, he stopped.

That closed door became thicker and stronger in the dark, just like Ji Yuyan's closed door to her.

In the past, she couldn't knock on Ji Youyan's door; now, how much is Ji Youyan's door open to her? She seemed to have thought of something, and her heart slowly calmed down.

She didn't know how long she had stood before she turned around and silently returned to her bedroom.

She dared not open Ji Yuyan's third gift, and put it in the drawer by the bedside. There is also a small box in the drawer. In the box were all the small things Ji Youyan had given her during the six years of dating, as well as the manuscripts she threw into the trash.

She put her headphones and MP3 in, too, and sat absentmindedly.

The phone rang, and Tao Xingruo sent her a WeChat message, concerned that she arrived at the hotel safely. Jingxiu replied to her: "It's already here."

After a few seconds of silence, she asked Tao Xingruo again, "Do you really want to treat Ning Wei like that tomorrow?"

Tao Xingruo answered her calmly, "Yes, it's not broken, it's not established."

Jingxiu recited these words silently in his heart.

After a long time, she still clicked on Gu Lingfeng's avatar and sent a message to Gu Lingfeng.

The author has something to say: Teacher Ji knows nothing and slept soundly.