My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 44


Ji Youyan set the alarm clock earlier before going to bed, and slept well all night until the alarm clock rang. It was still early, and the sky outside the window was not yet clear, but Ji Youyan didn't dare to stay in bed, so he got up with a bum.

After taking a shower, she changed her clothes and went out.

She wanted to make a cake for Jingxiubu. She thought that the timing of Jingxiu's return was uncertain, and the cake would be stale after a long time, so she divided it up. But when Jingxiu came back, even though it was past her birthday, she still wanted to convey her feelings to her.

She had to catch the earliest flight in the morning, so she was pressed for time and had to get up early. But she was afraid that there would be too much movement in the restaurant, and it would be bad to wake Jingxiu up, so she went to the catering department to borrow ingredients and an oven, made it before the flight, and put it on the dining table for Jingxiu for breakfast .

When Jingxiu got up, Ji Youyan had already set off by plane. Yao Xiao called for the meal, and when he entered the restaurant, he found a well-packaged cake prominently placed in the middle of the clean table.

After a little thought, she guessed what was going on. She gossips up and glances at the post-it note on the cake. Sure enough, the signature was Ji Yuyan.

The sound of Jingxiu's footsteps approached, Yao Xiao hurriedly backed away, pretended to be ignorant and greeted, "Mr. Jing, I ordered a meal, and suddenly found a cake on the table."

Jingxiu's footsteps paused, and his heart trembled. In the next moment, she responded with a "hmm" and tried her best to control her pace and came to the table.

The note on the cake packaging reads: "The cake is late, I hope my heart is not late. Axiu's new one-year-old, opened with a sweet cake, will definitely go on sweetly and sweetly." Behind it is a cute smiling face, signed Ji Youyan .

Jingxiu tore off the post-it note, water ripples in his eyes.

"Mr. Jing, do you still want to bring the pastries for breakfast?" Yao Xiao asked tentatively.

Jingxiu neatly folded the post-it note in half and put it in his clothes bag. "No, let's eat cake." She said lightly.

An ambiguous smile flashed across Yao Xiao's face, but he quickly restrained himself and replied, "Okay, then I'll call and talk to them."

Jingxiu gently opened the box of the cake, and the delicate white cake exuded a sweet fragrance, which suddenly penetrated into her heart from her nostrils.

I don't know when she would be able to do so well at West Point. The corners of Jingxiu's lips had an imperceptible curvature.

"Wow, Teacher Ji's craftsmanship is so good." Yao Xiao exclaimed while the phone hadn't gotten through.

Jingxiu was even a little reluctant to cut it open. She was rarely hypocritical, took out her mobile phone and took several photos before starting, and then cautiously uploaded a cloud disk backup.

Yao Xiao turned his eyes away knowingly, pretending not to see it.

"Master Zhang, I'm Yao Xiao, we don't need to bring all the pastries that Teacher Jing ordered in the morning..." With the word "la" still in her throat, Jingxiu interrupted her softly.

"If you don't bring it up, what do you eat?" she asked calmly.

? !

Yao Xiao turned to look at Jingxiu, then looked at the cake on the table... Although it wasn't very big, it was more than enough for two people to eat. Jingxiu has never been a stingy person, following her for so long, she can eat almost anything Jingxiu can eat.

So, is Teacher Jing going to share the cake for her? !

She turned her eyes to Jingxiu, Jingxiu turned her eyes away unnaturally, and suggested, "Send half of it up." There was no expression on her face, but her ears, which were exposed to the air, were still pitifully red.

Yao Xiao understood. What Teacher Ji does is different.

She held back her laughter and calmly returned to Jingxiu: "Okay, then I'll let them bring half of it up." She walked down the steps to Jingxiu: "It happened that they released two new products today, so I specifically called, I want to try it."

"Yeah." Jingxiu said casually.

Without waiting for the milk to arrive from the dining car, she carefully cut the cake. She took a paper plate to hold the cake, forked a small piece with a small fork, and put it in her mouth.

Creamy and rich, but sweet but not greasy, the cake is soft and delicious, and it melts in your mouth.

Jingxiu's whole body softened.

Yao Xiao pulled out the chair and sat down, looking at Jingxiu who was smiling genuinely, feeling emotional. It has been a long time since I saw such a pure and happy Teacher Jing.

Sure enough, the bell has to be tied to the bell.

"Mr. Jing, can I eat a small piece?" Yao Xiaoming asked knowingly. It was rare for Jingxiu to be so soft, and she couldn't help but want to tease her.

Jingxiu reflexively pulled the bottom of the cake and brought it in front of him, like a kitten protecting her food.

When the action was over, Jingxiu was embarrassed.

She curled up her fingers, suppressed her anger, and frowned at Yao Xiao quietly.

Yao Xiao hesitated, cleared his throat and said, "Ah, why hasn't the dining car come up yet, let me open the door and wait." Apply oil on the soles of his feet.

Jingxiu looked at the back of her slipping away with amusement, and then his eyes moved down to the cake in front of her. She took out the post-it note left by Ji Yuyan from her pocket, rubbed the black handwriting, and finally brightened her face.

Apparently one person couldn't finish the breakfast cake, so Jingxiu put the cake back into the box and put it in the refrigerator. Yao Xiao asked Jingxiu what he meant, and Jingxiu said that it was served as afternoon tea and supper.

Love really makes people fat. Yao Xiao slandered.

In the afternoon, I started to record the materials of the students' promotion and elimination. Since it does not involve the work of commenting, it is fine if Ji Youyan is not present.

As Jingxiu expected, Lu Min was implicated in the drama with Ruan Ningwei, and was eliminated from Waterloo from an A-level player in his acting skills. And Ruan Ningwei, lingering on the popularity of the first phase, counted down to get into the promotion.

When Lu Min was announced to be eliminated, Ruan Ningwei's expression changed drastically. She glanced at the ugly-looking Lu Min from a distance, her heart was chaotic and her face was bloodless.

In her mind, Jingxiu's stern question "You may have the next chance, others may not have it." Repeatedly echoed in her mind. Self-blame and guilt were frantically tearing at her heart.

Jingxiu stared at Ruan Ningwei and sent Tao Xingruo a text message in time.

Things went as they planned.

After recording the show, they dispersed. Ruan Ningwei pulled Lu Min and asked him to stay. Lu Min's eyes reddened and she threw off Ruan Ningwei's hand. Ruan Ningwei staggered and bumped her elbow on the judge's table.

Someone who was about to go out immediately ran down after hearing the sound.

"Lu Min, what are you doing?" The students who had not left all gathered around.

Ruan Ningwei didn't dare to show pain, she said with tears in her eyes, "It's alright, it's alright, it's my fault." She asked Lu Min earnestly, "Can we go out and talk?"

"What else is there to talk about?" Lu Min sneered, "Now the acting is pretty good? Pretend to be pitiful? Actually, it feels good to step on me, right?"

Before Ruan Ningwei could speak, Gu Zinan, a student on the side, scolded: "Lu Min, why are you crazy? You have been eliminated, don't catch anyone and bite if you are angry? "Others followed suit and accused Lu Min.

But before she could finish her words, Lu Min asked angrily, "Gu Zinan, don't stand and talk without your back hurting! What are you proud of, what right do you have to point fingers at me here?"

"If I didn't fucking choose her as a showgirl, would I have gotten to where I am now?" Lu Min roared.

"If you can perform well in a one-man show, you can't perform well in a pair. Who the hell are you lying to?"

Everyone around was silent.

Frankly speaking, they didn't feel no sympathy for Lu Min in their hearts. Lu Min's strength is obvious to all. If it weren't for Ruan Ningwei, he would never have been eliminated at this time. Moreover, Ruan Ningwei's performance is really strange, not to mention that she has performed well in her first play and one-man play before, but if she really can't play against others, she will stay in the show. What? Isn't this recording a show and trapping people

Ruan Ningwei's tears fell and she said, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, it's all my fault."

Like grabbing a straw for survival, she panicked and said eagerly, "Lu Min, I'll go and tell the director, I'll give you my quota..."

"Oh, just give it to me if you say it? Is the show started by your family?!" Lu Min interrupted mercilessly, "Yes, Ruan Ningwei has a backstage, so you can do whatever you want. The script for the first episode, Why would you be able to play the drama you've acted in, in the third episode, why would you be able to play with Chi Dongqing..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was stopped by Jingxiu, who came after hearing the news: "Enough, Lu Min!"

The veins on Lu Min's forehead moved, and he clenched his fists. After a long while, his cheeks trembled and he bumped Ruan Ningwei away, and left a loud voice, "Ruan Ningwei, if you really don't know how to act, get out of the entertainment industry. Just be pitiful for others who still need to eat." .

The audience was silent, and the onlookers looked at Ruan Ningwei with complicated expressions. They thought that Lu Min was too much and had no manners, but Lu Min's words also hit them hard. Maybe Lu Min's today could be any of them tomorrow. People with capital are just different... It is fair to say that there is no fairness.

Ruan Ningwei couldn't stand everyone's pointing eyes, she wanted to escape, and she wanted to find a hole to dig in, but Jingxiu tightly bound her wrist.

"It's all gone, what happened today, it's as if it never happened." Jingxiu swept over everyone solemnly.

Everyone immediately dispersed as birds and beasts.

Jingxiu let go, Ruan Ningwei squatted down and whimpered. Grief, anger, guilt, and despair flooded her heart, causing her to collapse completely.

"Mr. Jing, I want to quit the competition and the entertainment industry." She buried her face in her knees, crying out of breath.

Maybe she should have confessed her life long ago.

She didn't want to struggle anymore, and she didn't have the face to struggle anymore. From the moment Lu Zishan turned and left her, she would not be able to act in her life.

Tao Xingruo walked in silently, Jingxiu sighed and took a step back.

Tao Xingruo squatted down and hugged Ruan Ningwei with the utmost tenderness. She gently rubbed Ruan Ningwei's hair with her chin to comfort her.

Ruan Ningwei froze and looked up at the person in front of her in astonishment. On his face, there are pity pear blossoms with tears.

"It's me." Tao Xingruo said in a low voice.

The tenderness in her eyes shook Ruan Ningwei's spirit.

She suddenly remembered how Tao Xingruo condescendingly handed her the bank card in the plastic chair in the hospital a few months ago, and declared coldly, "I don't lend money, but I can give it to you for free."

"However, after receiving the money, you will be mine in the future."