My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 6


When Ji Youyan returned to the suite, it was quiet and the living room was pitch black.

She closed the door gently, leaned against the door panel, and stared at Jingxiu's closed door in the dark. The stamina of the drink at the dinner party came up, her body and stomach began to heat up, and even her heart became fiery and restless.

After a long absence, she clearly had a thousand words to say, but she never got the chance. Today, the words she and Jingxiu said were counted on both hands.

Ji Yuyan opened the handbag and took out a long box. In the box, there is a delicate and delicate bracelet, and in the middle of the bracelet is a black and white, naive, jade-carved panda. She put it in the palm of her hand and looked at it with the moonlight coming in from the window, her eyes full of tenderness.

This is the sixth anniversary gift after she designed the sketch herself in the last life, but it was too late to perfect it, and she lost the reason for giving it. In this life, after she was reborn, she sorted out the manuscript, and after perfecting the sketch, she immediately contacted the jewelry designer that Jingxiu had always liked, and went to France to participate in the production in person.

I wanted to give it to her, I thought about it for a long time, thinking of the last life finally turned into regret. She instinctively turned around and wanted to go to Jingxiu's room.

One step, two steps... Suddenly, she stopped. She raised her hands, sniffed close to the sleeves on both sides, and laughed dumbly.

The smell of perfume mixed with the smell of alcohol turned into an annoying stink.

Really drunk. At this time, Axiu must have rested, not to mention disturbing her dreams, and she still smells of alcohol that she hates the most, do you think she is not enough to offend her

Ji Youyan patted his hot forehead, put the box back in his bag, turned around and walked to his room.

In the room where there was only one dim lamp, Jingxiu kept wiping his hair still, listening to Ji Youyan's footsteps, accompanied by his own heartbeat. … ushered in the sound of the door closing.

She turned her head to look at the stomach medicine lying quietly under the table lamp, sighed imperceptibly, and resumed the movement of wiping on her hands.

Speaking of which, why did Axiu like pandas so much, in the end, she didn't seem to ask the question. Ji Youyan blew her hair after taking a shower, and her thoughts slowly dispersed.

Seven years ago, after a certain platform introduced foreign idol groups to develop variety shows, variety shows about developing idol groups were in full swing on various platforms and even satellite TV. However, in the program mode introduced, the personnel selected by the variety show are all the trainees of various companies with existing contracts. After the variety show ends, the groups formed are limited to a limited number of years, and the number of people is relatively large, which leads to After the group, the original brokerage company of the group members and the brokerage company signed by the group later had conflicts due to the division of interests, and even went to court. In the end, the group existed in name only before the day it was dissolved. As a result, such variety shows often compete with great momentum. After the game, after the heat of the contestants is exhausted, there is no water.

Based on many previous lessons, Xin Mu Technology, which had just emerged on the video website and competed for the market, improved the mode of the program and launched the "Idol Creation Project", a women's group talent show. All members of the program selected 99 amateurs without contracts, and after a two-month unified training, through competition and referendum, the best combination of three people was finally selected, which became the company's next women's team. .

New Mutual played a banner to pay tribute to the disbanded "EVE" three-member women's group that once swept Asia, and will hire the original EVE's manager and song and dance teacher generously. It will take three years to build the first domestic women's group, and then Create a myth.

Although the probability of this show breaking through is too small, the show's low threshold, high exposure and high rate of return have attracted many amateurs who have no way to enter the circle. To be able to walk on this show, even if you can't form a group, earn a little fame and traffic, it is an excellent stepping stone.

It was under such a desperate gamble that Ji Youyan and Jingxiu, who were almost kicked out of their home at the age of 20, gave up their master and doctoral degree programs and met in this variety show.

Ji Youyan kept forgetting to ask Jingxiu when he first saw her and what impression he had of her. But she remembered it very clearly. At that time, she remembered Jingxiu in the center of the crowd at a glance, and gave her a definition—inaccessible.

At that time, all 99 contestants arrived at the lobby of the program recording center, waiting for the program group's dormitory assignment results and the next announcement.

There was chaos in the whole hall, everyone didn't know each other, but they were already busy connecting with each other. Ji Youyan only wears light makeup and wears simple and plain clothes, and is inconspicuous among the beauties who are all gorgeous. In addition, she used to be in school, and she was always sought after by others. She had never tried to take the initiative to reach out to others. She was slow and introverted to the point of being dumb, so several contestants chatted with her awkwardly and left. , she was completely forgotten by the crowd in the corner.

However, seeing that he was isolated from the excitement, Ji Youyan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

She really couldn't handle the awkward enthusiasm of a stranger. Some face-blind, she observed the girls in the hall like an outsider, only to think that these girls are very beautiful and charming, even if they are wearing makeup, they are too similar, and it will take a lot of time for her to recognize these people. .

Until she turned her head inadvertently and saw Jingxiu surrounded by a small group of people.

Stunning, not enough to express the wonder in her heart. Ji Youyan glanced at Jingxiu, looked away, looked around at the other girls, and suddenly felt that it was boring. Her gaze, unconsciously, returned to Jingxiu.

This girl not only looks beautiful, but also has a dusty temperament, and the clothes and jewelry all over her body all show her low-key luxury. It seems that the strength is not ordinary, and the background is not ordinary.

Thinking about it, it wasn't just her who saw it, everyone saw it, so there were waves of people who contacted the girl.

It's just... Ji Youyan looked away and smiled faintly in his heart.

She didn't know if others saw it, but she saw it. Although the girl always smiled at the person she was talking to, her eyes were always filled with a cold, sparse and light emotion. Like a haughty white swan, coldly looking at a group of chattering ugly ducks without self-knowledge. Ji Yuyan thought of this metaphor with some wickedness.

I don't want to be that stupid duck. Ji Youyan was not without pride and warned herself in her heart.

So until the dormitory was divided, she dragged her luggage into the dormitory and found that there were six people in the dormitory, one of whom was this arrogant and outstanding girl, she just smiled lightly with her when their eyes met, introduced each other's names, and then I staggered my eyes, found my bed, and started packing my luggage.

The roommates next to him had already started to communicate and laugh familiarly. Ji Youyan kept silent, only took off the backpack on his back and prepared to make the bed.

The backpack strap had just been taken off halfway, and he turned his head to take off the other side, when he was caught off guard, a white and beautiful catkin appeared in Ji Youyan's line of sight.

"This pendant is so unique." The owner of the hand held the panda pendant, and the voice was like a clear spring, clear and clean.

Ji Youyan followed the sound and slammed into Jingxiu's amber eyes. Seeing the clear smile on her face, she couldn't help but startled.

"Did you order it yourself?" she asked.

Before Ji Youyan could answer, his roommate, Wang Meng, heard the conversation here, came over, and said, "Wow, really, Yuyan, your panda is so chic, who gave it a frown. A cinnabar, so cute."

Ji Youyan heard Wang Meng's teasing, her eyes touched Jingxiu's eyes, her ears were inexplicably warm, and she said embarrassedly: "I... I'm used to it." Seeing Jingxiu looking at the panda a little trance, she changed the subject: "You Do you like pandas?"

Jingxiu nodded.

"Then... If you don't dislike it, I'll give this to you as a gift for the first meeting." After that, Ji Youyan took off her backpack, took out a box and handed it to Jingxiu, which contained another eyebrow and dipped a little cinnabar. panda pendant.

A smile appeared on the corner of Jingxiu's lips, he took it with both hands, and asked her with interest, "Do you always have a lot of pandas in your bag?"

Ji Youyan blinked, and just about to answer, Wang Meng and other roommates joked familiarly: "A lot of them? Should those who see them have a share?"

Ji Youyan quickly and awkwardly explained: "No, no more, sorry, but I have prepared other gifts for everyone."

Later, when they got together, Ji Youyan joked that the panda was the matchmaker between them. Without the panda, Miss Jing might not have noticed her as a nobody at all. What did Jingxiu answer to her at that time

Ji Youyan hadn't recalled the reason, when a soft knock suddenly sounded outside the door.

Neither light nor heavy, rhythmically three times, and then there is no sound.

Ji Youyan turned off the hair dryer, and for a moment thought it was his auditory hallucinations. The next moment, she realized something, put the hair dryer on the table and rushed to the door to open the door.

She put her hand on the doorknob, she hurriedly released it, raised her hands and quickly scratched her hair a few times, intending to comb her frizzy hair, but she was afraid that people outside the door would be in a hurry. Within two seconds, she gave up her struggle and hurriedly opened the door.

"Ah... Jing... Teacher Jing, did I bother you by blowing my hair?" Ji Youyan stuttered and almost bit his tongue because he changed his mouth.

Ji Yuyan's nightdress was in a hurry, and the neckline almost turned into a low cut. Jingxiu looked at the beauty that was about to come out, his throat slid, he moved his eyes away calmly, and denied in a succinct manner: "No."

She raised her hand and handed it forward, only to realize that Ji Youyan was holding two pill boxes in her hand.

Ji Youyan took it in a daze, and heard Jingxiu explain coldly, "Don't get me wrong, when I sent Yao Xiao back to the room, Lin Yue asked me to bring it to you at your convenience."

"It's getting late, I won't disturb you." After speaking, Jingxiu turned around and left, leaving Ji Youyan to say a long-lost "good night" to the air.

I don't know if she heard it. Ji Youyan closed the door desolately, walked back to the table, pressed the still burning upper abdomen, and took the medicine with the hot water that Lin Yue had helped her to boil earlier.

Following her and Lin Yue's practice, she habitually opened the first drawer of the table. Generally no matter where you go, medicines are stored in this location. Just when she put the two boxes of medicine in, she saw that there were already two boxes of the same stomach medicine lying quietly in the drawer.

Yes, stomach pain is an old problem, how could Lin Yue not help her prepare stomach medicine, but ask Jingxiu to bring it temporarily.

Was Jingxiu worried about her stomachache but no medicine

In an instant, Ji Youyan's heart jumped like crazy.

The author has something to say: Jingxiu: Don't you want to be that ugly duck

Ji Youyan: Gah? quack quack! quack quack!