My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 64


In this circle, as long as you can write two lines of lyrics and hum two lines of tunes that no one else has heard before, the agency will dare to be a talented original singer. As for singing skills, quality, and completion, that's another matter entirely. So when Wei Yizhen took over Ji Youyan, she knew about her debut experience, but she just thought that she was like most of the artists who came from the talent show in this circle and couldn't sing, so she turned to projection TV. As for the "creative player" label that he once put on Ji Youyan, Wei Yizhen only thought it was a regular package.

Unexpectedly, Ji Youyan really has two brushes. Wei Yizhen remembered the fact that she was born in Jinghua University. In this circle, everyone without knowledge or skills would like to create a person to set it up, but Ji Youyan is so low-key and regrettable.

Bo Xue did not comment any further on Ji Youyan's performance in playing the piano, she was still thinking, Gu Lingfeng took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and asked Ji Youyan, "Can you smoke?"

Ji Yuyan nodded lightly. Wei Yizhen was stunned again.

She saw Ji Youyan stand up, flipped her hair, and the aura around her suddenly seemed to be different again.

She stood up and raised her hands, she couldn't find the radiance she had when she just played the piano. There was an arc on the corner of her lips, as if she was smiling, but her eyes were cold and thin. She walked in front of Gu Lingfeng, lowered her head and used her red lips to put the cigarette butt between Gu Lingfeng's fingers, slowly raised her head, bit the cigarette, and looked at Gu Lingfeng with watery eyes, a charming and playful smile.

Wei Yizhen had read the script, and suddenly felt that the degenerate and nurtured depression in the later period had become a figurative figure and appeared perfectly in front of her eyes.

It was the face that he was used to seeing on weekdays, but his expression changed, Wei Yizhen actually felt that Ji Youyan seemed to have different facial features. Even if she won the role of the queen this year, Wei Yizhen listened to the comments of people in the circle, and Ji Youyan's acting skills did not seem to have reached the level of ease that she is today. Extraordinary performance

She quietly looked at the expressions of the producer and the investor, both of them were very calm, Wei Yi really couldn't see anything.

Gu Lingfeng was also expressionless. He turned on the lighter with a click and lit a cigarette for Ji Yuyan.

Ji Youyan leaned over, lit the cigarette calmly, and exhaled a puff of white smoke. The smoke obscured her facial features, making the smile on her lips become extremely pale and ethereal.

She stood there, smoking a cigarette. Wei Yi really couldn't take his eyes away.

After a few seconds, she turned around, swayed to the window, bent one leg, and sat on the window sill. The other leg, hanging in the air, swayed gently. The skillful gesture of her smoking and the childish movement of her legs are contradictory and strangely harmonious.

She tilted her head and looked out of the window, the smoke was clearly and fading between her fingers, and the mist was lingering around her lips. Ji Youyan's whole body is bathed in the warm sun of winter, which is obviously a warm and bright picture.

Wei Yizhen felt that everything he saw was melancholy and hopeless.

Gu Lingfeng's eyes finally revealed surprise. He could even imagine in his mind how breathtakingly beautiful this picture should be in the real shooting scene and under his lens.

Gu Lingfeng asked Ji Youyan to try two more back scenes. After that, he prepared tea and snacks to entertain Ji Youyan and Wei Yizhen, and decided to cooperate on the spot.

Not only did it decide that Ji Yuyan would play the role of Shen Yu, but Bo Xue, as the music director of the film, recognized Ji Yuyan's musical talent and officially invited Ji Yuyan to be responsible for the creation of Shen Yu's original episode in the movie.

When Ji Youyan and Wei Yizhen left, Bo Xue happened to be leaving, and the three of them walked and talked. When they walked to the car that was parked not far away from them, Ji Youyan politely stood not far away and watched, preparing to wait for Bo Xue to get in the car and leave, and then get in the car again.

About to leave, Bo Xue put his hand on the door of his driver's seat, suddenly thought of something, turned to Ji Youyan and said, "Youyan."

Ji Youyan tilted her head in response and stepped forward quickly.

Bo Xue said casually: "It's nothing, I just remembered something, I want to tell you."

"Teacher, say it." Ji Youyan respectfully said.

"Although Jingxiu asked Lao Gu not to mention it to you, she recommended you. However, over time, it will inevitably be mentioned accidentally."

Ji Youyan was a little embarrassed, Bo Xue patted her on the shoulder and said lightly, "Don't be nervous, just relax."

Ji Yuyan bit her lip embarrassedly.

"In order to avoid misunderstanding, let's make it clear with you first. Although she recommended you, if you are not suitable, Lao Gu and I will definitely not choose you. The reason why Lao Gu and I choose you is because you yourself Convinced us with his ability."

"Don't waste your talent, just work hard."

There are not many chances for her music to be affirmed by such a weighty senior. Ji Yuyan had mixed feelings for a while, and her nose was sore. Joy, mixed with inexplicable grievances.

"Thank you teacher, I will." She said sincerely.

Bo Xue smiled, "Okay, let's go, pay attention to safety on the road."

After Bo Xue left, the audition was officially over. Ji Youyan relaxed, and suddenly the world turned around and shook his body.

Wei Yizhen hurried forward two steps and supported her, "What's going on?"

"It's okay, I... just a little dizzy." Ji Youyan said weakly.

Wei Yizhen went to look at Ji Youyan's forehead, but she didn't know if it was because her hands were too cold, but she felt the temperature was too hot. "Are you burning again?" Wei Yizhen asked nervously.

"It's okay, maybe I was too nervous just now, I'll just get in the car and have a rest." Ji Youyan insisted.

"Nervous? I didn't see it at all." Wei Yizhen helped her into the car.

Ji You couldn't say anything, so he tried his best to laugh at himself: "If you can't pretend, how can you be an actor?"

Wei Yizhen: "..."

When she got in the car, Wei Yizhen wanted to take her to the hospital, but Ji Youyan said no. "I think it's more useful than anything to let me go back and have a good night's sleep now." Besides, I just hung up the water in the morning, and now I go to the hospital, and I can't hang up again.

Wei Yizhen saw her tired look and thought it made sense. She handed the hot water cup to Ji Yuyan, started the car and sent her back to the hotel to rest.

Ji Youyan took two sips of water, relieved her breath, and couldn't wait to send Jingxiu a WeChat message.

After two lives, her joy can finally be shared with the person she wants to tell the most. Just thinking about it like this, Ji Youyan felt that he had gained double the joy.

She took out her mobile phone and was editing when she heard Wei Yizhen ask her, "It's almost twelve o'clock, do you want to order something to deliver to the hotel? Or do you want to eat something in the hotel?"

It's almost twelve o'clock... On Axiu's side, it's still four or five in the morning. Ji Yuyan stopped his fingertips in time.

It was so dangerous, I almost quarreled with her.

"Just go back to the hotel and have some porridge. I don't have any appetite now." Ji Youyan looked at the clock on the breath screen, every second was like a year.

During the peak period, Wei Yizhen was blocked. She stopped the car and chatted with Ji You: "Did I underestimate you too much?"


"I haven't heard of you talking about music creation."

Ji Youyan was slightly startled, and said lightly: "Before today, it was nothing worth mentioning."

Wei Yi was really dumbfounded.

Actually, yes and no. Ji Youyan is being treated badly. Wei Yi really sighed and said half-jokingly, "You're wasting too much time. Why should you rely on your face when you can rely on talent?" It's a pity to follow Wang Junchan down that route.

"I'll take Sister Wei and you're praising me. Fortunately, I still have a face to rely on, otherwise I might have been a street performer back then." Ji Youyan joked.

When it came to music before, Ji Youyan was full of unwillingness. But now, she has been able to face it peacefully.

Maybe it's because of a different mindset and expectations. Now, she is very content to get an affirmation and an opportunity.

Wei Yi really sneered. She tentatively asked: "So, what do you think about music now?" This involves future route planning.

Frankly speaking, Wei Yi really thinks it's too late, and I don't suggest Ji Youyan turn his attention to music when his acting career is booming.

Fortunately, Ji Youyan was sober, and she replied, "Sister Wei, acting is life, and music is a dream."

Ji Youyan felt that she had become a reality, she had regrets, but she was somewhat relieved.

"I just want to make music happily, and I don't want to add too many utilitarian things to it. I don't need it to settle down, I can add icing on the cake." Abandoning it, there is no sense of urgency to make a living, but it seems that I have regained my original intention. , regained the confidence and calm in music.

This idea coincides with Wei Yizhen.

Being talented is a good thing. As long as there is no distinction between primary and secondary, Wei Yizhen still supports her multi-residential development. "Okay, when we go back, we can talk more carefully when we have time."

"If you like, I can help you pay attention to resources in this area."

Ji Youyan smiled and said, "Okay, thank you Sister Wei first."

The car moved, Wei Yizhen started the car and moved on. Ji Youyan closed his eyes and felt in a trance that he could feel the car's progress.

very nice. It seems that everything is going in a good direction. Ji Yuyan closed her eyes hard and blinked away her tears.

When he arrived at the hotel, Ji Youyan immediately took a bath and brushed his teeth, washing away the smell of cigarettes. Wei Yizhen helped her order porridge and took her temperature - thirty-eight degrees, and it was still burning. Ji Youyan said that he would be fine after taking some medicine and sleeping, but Wei Yizhen didn't say much. She stayed with Ji Youyan for more than an hour. Seeing that her fever had dropped to 37 degrees, she also went back to her room to catch up on sleep.

After Wei Yizhen left, Ji Youyan fell asleep in peace. During this sleep, Ji Youyan fell into a particularly drowsy sleep. When she woke up, it was completely dark outside the window.

Ji Youyan was stunned for a while, his first reaction was, what time is it now? What time is it in Paris? !

She grabbed her phone and looked at it. It was after six o'clock in the evening, and she felt like a pardon. She sat up straight, clicked on WeChat, and immediately sent a message to Jingxiu: "Axiu, good afternoon. [cute]"

Jingxiu didn't respond, and Ji Youyan guessed that she might not have seen the news. Her throat was so dry that she had to get out of bed and pour herself a glass of water to moisten her throat. She leaned on the bay window and inadvertently swept across the downstairs, the Christmas trees lit up all over the street. She just remembered that today is Christmas.

"Merry Christmas. Does it still hurt after removing the stitches on your head?" His throat became more comfortable, Ji Youyan put down the water glass and continued typing, "I went to Director Gu's audition today, and Director Gu decided that I would play Gloomy. Besides, thin snow thin Teacher, also decided to let me be responsible for the original episodes of depression."

"Teacher Bo told me that you recommended me, Axiu, this time I won't say thank you, just say I will work hard and live up to your expectations."

She was still typing, and the "Typed" status finally appeared on the dialog box.

Ji Yuyan stopped moving. Before Jingxiu's words were sent, the corners of her lips were already raised.

"Merry Christmas." Jingxiu replied to her, "Your head is fine."

The state of being input continues, and Ji Youyan waits affectionately.

"Congratulations, I look forward to the next cooperation." Jingxiu said very officially.

As if she realized it herself, after a few seconds, she moved again. After dawdling for a long time, she added: "Mr. Bo has a very high vision and can make you responsible for the episode, which shows that she is very optimistic about you. Don't be under pressure, there is still a long time, you should prepare carefully and act as you expect. ."

Although the words could not feel Jingxiu's tone, this was the longest message Jingxiu had ever sent her after Jingxiu added WeChat. Ji Youyan looked at her rare words, and could already feel Jingxiu's happiness.

With sweetness in her heart, she replied "Okay." and "[Bi Xinxin's animated expression]".

Jingxiu did not respond again.

Ji Youyan stared at the dialog box and hesitated. She actually wanted to tell Jingxiu that she had a fever today, and she had done the work while sick. But after thinking about it, he felt that he was so hypocritical, did Jingxiu worry for nothing

Like a naive jerk trying to get attention.

But when she saw the liveliness of the street downstairs, and then looked at her deserted room, her mood suddenly fell.

Headache, chest tightness, it seems really uncomfortable all of a sudden.

Ji Youyan stroked Jingxiu's head, and endured and endured, the desire to care about his sweetheart finally overwhelmed his reason.

She compromised and persuaded herself to post a circle of friends for half an hour. If Axiu sees it, she will treat it as the Christmas present she begged for her willfully. If Axiu didn't respond, then she didn't see it, and it was normal.

She found the medicine prescribed by the hospital, put it on the table and took a picture, and then took a picture of the back of her hand, which was bruised by the eye of the needle due to hanging water.

The text is a simple unhappy face expression.

Then, she chose, only Jingxiu was visible, and sent it out.

The first second it was sent, Ji Yuyan regretted it - so shameful!

She secretly spat at herself, hypocritical and pretentious, but... she was reluctant to delete it.

Every minute and every second, it became more and more uncomfortable. Because now not only headaches and chest tightness, but also very nervous. Ji Youyan hesitated for a while, patted his forehead, and decided to delete it.

Just as she grabbed her phone, the phone screen suddenly lit up.

It's Jingxiu's video call request!

Ji Youyan froze, and then she bent her eyebrows and bit her lower lip with sincere shame and joy.

It seems that in an instant, the waist is not sore and the legs are not sore!

The author has something to say: Teacher Ji, a scheming girl who combines talent and beauty.

Sister Ji: Axiu is my medicine. Rejuvenate your hands, cure your illnesses, go up to the fifth floor in one breath, effortlessly!