My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 66


Didn't Sister Wei order it? ! That... Ji Youyan's heart filled with ecstasy.

She quickly walked back to the room, put the takeaway on the table, and anxiously opened the takeaway bag, trying to find some evidence to support her conjecture.

As she expected, as soon as she opened the bag, she saw a post-it note on the delicate lunch box with the simple and eye-catching two words: Finished.

A smile crept up Ji Yuyan's cheek little by little.

It must be Axiu, besides her, who else would be so domineering and considerate.

"Maybe it's the wrong delivery? I don't know what to order, Wei is unsanitary, don't worry about it, come and eat our own." Wei Yizhen closed the door and said indifferently.

"Healthy! Sister Wei, I'll just eat this." Unexpectedly, Ji Youyan looked very determined.

Wei Yi was really surprised.

Ji Youyan said softly, "Axiu gave me some."

"Are you sure?" Wei Yi really didn't believe it. She walked over to Ji Youyan and looked at the post-it note, "No name is written on it."

"Well, it must be." Ji Youyan insisted. She opened the lid of the lunch box, and the fragrance of medicated porridge came out to her nostrils. The color and fragrance are all available, and Ji Youyan's appetite has been widened just by smelling it.

The portion is not a lot, but it must be enough to fill her stomach. Ji Youyan cherished and took a photo as a souvenir, and wanted to stretch out a spoon to taste it.

Wei Yizhen hurriedly held down her movements and said nervously, "Don't do it first, you've been a trafficker for so many years, and you don't have any precautions at all." The artist she used to bring almost encountered extreme black fans. It is not without incident.

"Can you confirm with Jingxiu?"

Ji Youyan actually had some doubts in her heart, but she just knew that Jingxiu gave her the order. She originally wanted to obediently finish eating and then send Jingxiu a picture of the bowl she drank, but seeing Wei Yizhen's appearance that she was not allowed to eat without asking, Ji Youyan compromised.

She first sent Jingxiu a [surprised animated expression], then attached a photo of the porridge, and then asked her, "Axiu, how did you know my room number?"

After a few seconds, Jingxiu turned back to her: "I saw your room card."

Ji Youyan subconsciously went to find the location of his room card - on the bedside table. She thought back and guessed that Jingxiu should have swept the thermometer while she was holding it. However, it must have only been a passing moment at that time, and Axiu was too careful!

Ji Youyan wanted to say something, but when she thought about Jingxiu being with her parents and the embarrassment just now, she felt embarrassed again.

The cursor flickered for several seconds, and Jingxiu seemed to have lost patience, and replied to her: "Go eat, it's cold."

Ji Youyan's eyes were soft and watery, and he replied, "Okay."

She showed the conversation to Wei Yizhen, then ruthlessly abandoned the dinner Wei Yizhen ordered her, and happily drank the porridge that Jingxiu gave her.

Wei Yizhen saw her eating with relish, chewing the bland porridge in his mouth, and suddenly felt sour.

Thankfully, she remembered that Ji Youyan could only eat porridge, and she was deliberately considerate and didn't order anything delicious. But Ji Youyan, she doesn't care about the delicious food!

Ji Youyan had a full meal and posted another update. The attached picture is a clean bowl with a love launch sticker attached. The words are: so sweet.

Double entendre.

This time, it is visible to all friends. Her joy was beyond words, and she couldn't help but want to express it to Jingxiu openly and secretly.

Soon a lot of friends commented and liked her.

Ji Youyan usually doesn't share this kind of trivial life in the circle of friends on weekdays. With the keen sense of smell of CP fans for many years, Ruan Ningwei gave Ji Youyan a like, and then immediately poked Ji Youyan privately.

She asked tentatively, "sister Ji, is there anything special about this porridge, so sweet?"

Ji Youyan's hidden joy was peeked through, and the joy was even greater. She pretended to be mysterious: "Guess what."

Ruan Ningwei understood at once, and said "Oh~" meaningfully.

Ji Yuyan smiled like a little fox who had succeeded in stealing fishy. Wei Yizhen was scooping the porridge without looking at it.

On the way back from the dinner, Jingxiu saw Ji Youyan's news as soon as he swiped WeChat.

Pretty obedient. There was a gentle smile on Jingxiu's face that he didn't even realize.

She didn't give Ji Yuyan a thumbs up, but seriously read the comments of her and Ji Yuyan's mutual friends and Ji Yuyan's reply under this dynamic. Looking at the rows of hearts and ids under the photo, she suddenly felt that something was wrong.

She pulled down suspiciously, pulled to Ji Yuyan's previous post, stared at it for a few seconds, and then pulled back to the one she just posted on top.

I just think it's weird - this one has so many likes and comments, the previous one is so pitiful, and there is no one to comfort and care about

Jingxiu pondered for a while, and then raised his eyebrows clearly. This guy, when did he learn to be so cunning.

Jing Shurong looked at her daughter's doting look on her phone, and asked dissatisfiedly, "Looking at her again? Are you so happy?"

Jingxiu turned off the screen in embarrassment. After a long while, she bit her lip and said softly, "Yeah."

Jing Shurong sighed: "You, it's really good, the scar has forgotten the pain." She reminded Jingxiu, "I made an appointment with Carine for you, will you go and talk to her the day after tomorrow?"

Jingxiu shook his head and refused: "No need, Mom, I know my own state. Don't worry, I'll be fine a long time ago."

Jing Shurong knew her daughter's stubbornness and couldn't persuade her, so she half-truthed: "If she bullies you again, I really won't forgive her lightly."

"No matter what, this is a matter between me and her. Mom, don't interfere." Jingxiu said sternly.

Jingxiu's father could understand Chinese, but he could not speak very well. He agreed with Jingxiu's words and beat Jing Shurong in French: "Young people will solve their own problems."

Jing Shurong avoided the eyes of Jingxiu and said helplessly, "Okay, I said something wrong. Just remember to be happy."

Jingxiu smiled and said softly, "Then I'll go back tomorrow." Returning is like an arrow.

"Didn't you say it'll be a few more days?"

Jingxiu said slyly, "Don't you just say I'm happy?"

Seeing Jing Shurong's unhappy appearance, Jingxiu's father asked Jing Shurong affectionately, "Isn't it enough for you to have me?"

Jing Shurong: "… "

There was a burst of laughter in the car.

Ji Youyan, as a new TV station with popular film and television works this year, was invited to attend the New Year's Eve Live Gala of Satellite TV and sang the episode of "The Bells of the North City".

Usually actors, even some singers, attend such a large-scale live broadcast party, in order to avoid the on-site deviation or temporary accidents, they will record the song in advance, and then it will be good to lip-synch.

When following Wang Junchan, Ji Youyan always followed this process for the sake of insurance. So Ji Yuyan was already numb. This time it was originally arranged like this, but Wei Yizhen now knows Ji Youyan's ability, and in order to pave the way for Ji Youyan to sing a movie episode later, he wants to help Ji Youyan win the real singing from the chief director, and ask Ji Youyan if he has confidence.

Ji Youyan's whole body's blood boiled, and his throat was so tight that he couldn't speak for a while. That was the stage she had long been away from and dreamed of.

After a long while, she said in a low voice, her eyes shining like stars: "Of course I have." Rare confidence and even complacency, but it will not make people feel disgusted.

Wei Yizhen even felt inexplicable pity.

"Sister Wei, save me an internal VIP ticket." Ji Youyan urged.

She turned around and sent Jingxiu a WeChat message and asked her carefully, "Axiu, are you coming back before New Year's Day?"

"En." Jingxiu was packing his luggage.

Ji Youyan smiled brightly, "Then... Do you have any activities on New Year's Eve?" She used the app to find out that Jingxiu didn't have a public itinerary that day.

Jingxiu's eyes twitched, and without answering, he asked, "What's wrong?"

"New Year's Eve, on Lancheng Satellite TV, I want to sing the song "Lovely Road" solo. It's a real song, can I... invite you to come and listen to it live?" Ji You said anxiously.

Jingxiu suddenly stood up and suddenly felt a little dizzy. She was stunned for a while, then she smiled and replied reservedly, "I'll think about it."

Ji Yuyan was a little disappointed.

As if he could feel her mood, Jingxiu added, "It should be possible."

Ji Yuyan buried herself on the pillow and laughed sullenly.

Jingxiu stood there and read Ji Youyan's invitation several times.

She walked to her desk, opened the cabinet at the bottom, and took out a cardboard box that had been dusty for many years. She brushed the dust off the box, opened the cardboard box, and stroked it, nostalgic and gratified.

After two days, Ji Youyan returned to Lingzhou to prepare for the guidance of the new program. The publicity needs photos, so Ji Youyan's team set out in the middle of the night to shoot street shots, and returned to the hotel after seven o'clock in the morning. Ji Youyan saw that Lin Yue was too sleepy, and teased that her eyes were not big at first, but now there is only a gap left in her sleepiness.

Lin Yue pushed open the door and muttered, "Sister Ji, you are in good spirits."

Ji Youyan just wanted to snort when he opened his mouth, but he couldn't help but yawned.

She quickly raised her hand to cover her mouth, and Lin Yue laughed, but after two seconds of laughter, Lin Yue's laughter stopped abruptly.

Ji Youyan said lazily, "What's wrong?"

"Mr. Jing, are you back? Did we quarrel with you?" Lin Yue asked awkwardly from the front.

Ji Youyan's heart trembled, he immediately raised his foot and grabbed in front of Lin Yue, overjoyed and said, "Axiu?"

Jingxiu was sitting on the sofa in the living room talking to Yao Xiao. Hearing the sound, they reflexively looked towards the door.

Ji Youyan didn't feel sleepy anymore, she strode to Jingxiu and followed, and said warmly, "Axiu, when did you come back?"

"It's not too long since I arrived." A very shallow smile appeared on Jingxiu's face.

"Have you eaten yet?" Ji Youyan sat down on the sofa beside him and asked with concern.

"Eat on the plane."

Ji Youyan saw that the coffee table was full of exquisite small boxes, and asked, "Is it a gift?"

"Yeah." Jingxiu replied. She was talking to Yao Xiao about how these gifts should be sent to whom.

Seeing Lin Yue, Jingxiu took a box and said casually, "Yueyue, just right, Christmas... and Happy New Year?"

Lin Yue took the gift with both hands and was flattered: "Thank you, Teacher Jing."

Ji Youyan looked at Lin Yue with her cheeks raised, and teased, "I don't envy it at all."

After she finished speaking, she was afraid of being misunderstood by Jingxiu, so she nervously explained, "Axiu, I really don't envy." She said that Jingxiu's safe and healthy return was her best gift.

Jingxiu laughed. She gave a "hmm" and got up and went back to the room.

Ji Youyan subconsciously followed Jingxiu step by step.

Jingxiu entered the room and opened the suitcase, Ji Youyan politely stopped at the door, leaning against the door frame.

"Your gift." Jingxiu handed Ji Youyan two delicately packaged gift boxes, and said lightly.

Ji Youyan took it and said tenderly, "Thank you, I like it very much."

Jingxiu pursed her lips, said nothing, and walked back to the living room.

"Can I open it and take a look?" Ji Youyan sat back on the sofa with Jingxiu. She wanted to spend more time with Jingxiu, and she also wanted to know what gift Jingxiu gave her.

"Okay." Jingxiu fluttered his long eyelashes.

Ji Yuyan was full of anticipation, and carefully opened the outer packaging of the gift.

When he opened the box and saw what was inside, Ji Youyan's smile gradually subsided, and his nasal cavity slowly became congested.

The author has something to say: Sister Wei: There are lemon fruits on the lemon tree, and there is only me under the lemon tree.