My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 69


Jingxiu stood up abruptly, his legs were a little weak. Ignoring the disgruntled eyes of the people behind her and the cameras wandering around, she walked out quickly.

The place was too noisy to call back at all. Jingxiu quickly walked towards the backstage while sending WeChat to ask where Ji Youyan was.

The staff subconsciously wanted to stop her, but when they could see Jingxiu's face clearly, they let her go. Ji Youyan was probably doing an interview, so she didn't reply.

Jingxiu didn't want to chat more with the media behind the scenes. She asked where the interview room was, put on a mask, asked the staff to lead the way, and trotted to the interview room. The backstage was in chaos, and no one noticed Jingxiu's arrival.

Jingxiu called Yanzhou back while running.

The other party answered the call quickly, it was a woman's voice: "Miss Jing, you can count the call back."

"What's the matter? How is it now?" Jingxiu asked solemnly.

"Professor Ji has hyperglycemia and ketoacidosis. He was in a coma when he was sent to the hospital and is still being rescued."

Jingxiu said in a trembling voice, "Which hospital?"

"The City's No. 1 Hospital. I immediately contacted the phone number you left for me, Miss Jing. The hospital attaches great importance to it, and now there are many experts."

Jingxiu was in a turmoil and scolded: "I asked you to take more care of them, especially to pay more attention to Professor Ji's body, how could this situation develop!"

A few months ago, she asked someone to investigate Ji Yuyan's parents, and then bought the next-door suite where Ji Yuyan's parents lived, and invited two people to pretend to be neighbors and take care of them nearby.

The other party was a little aggrieved and defended: "I feel that Professor Ji's spirit is not very good these days, but Professor Ji said that it may be a cold. I persuaded him to see a doctor, he thinks it is unnecessary, and one of my neighbors can't say much. In the evening, I was worried. I cooked more dumplings and asked Xiao Ke to send them there. By the way, I checked to see if Professor Ji was feeling better. Only then did I find that Professor Ji was vomiting and Professor Zhong had called the emergency number. We immediately contacted someone. Followed them to the hospital, helped take care of Professor Zhong, ran up and down..."

Jingxiu took a deep breath and replied rationally, "Sorry, I was in a hurry, and my tone was a little heavy."

It was almost time for the interview room, and when he turned the corner, there would be media reporters waiting in front of him. Jingxiu stopped in time. She was afraid that she would appear there, cause riots, cause extra troubles, and bring more trouble to Ji Yuyan's departure.

She hung up the phone and asked the accompanying staff to go out to see if Wei Yizhen or Lin Yue were at the door.

A few seconds later, the staff came back and replied that Wei Yizhen and Lin Yue were both at the door and Ji Youyan was still interviewing.

Jingxiu stood in the stairwell and called Wei Yizhen.

"It's me, Jingxiu." As soon as Wei Yizhen answered the phone, he heard Jingxiu announce himself. She was still wondering, but Jingxiu just kept talking to himself: "Sister Wei, Yanyan's father has an accident, and he is trying to rescue him now."

Wei Yi sighed sincerely, and subconsciously questioned, "What did you say?"

"Yanyan's father is rescuing, Sister Wei, can you arrange Yanyan's itinerary? The location is Yanzhou." Jingxiu repeated.

Wei Yizhen reacted now, and immediately agreed: "Okay, yes, I'll arrange it right away."

The relationship between Jingxiu and Ji Youyan is extraordinary, so Wei Yi really has no doubts why Jingxiu knew the news earlier than Ji Youyan. She turned her head and said a few words to Lin Yue, then immediately left the door of the interview room, went to the stairwell to find Jingxiu, took Jingxiu to Ji Youyan's lounge, and then called one by one to arrange the follow-up itinerary .

After Ji Youyan finished the interview, she came out with a smile on her face, asked Lin Yue for a mobile phone, and couldn't wait to go to the scene to find Jingxiu.

After walking through the corridor full of reporters, Lin Yue handed over her cell phone to Ji Youyan, wondering, "Sister Ji, Sister Wei said that the schedule has changed, and asked you to go to the lounge to find her, and she will tell you in detail." They will go back to Lingzhou tomorrow afternoon to prepare for the program to be recorded the day after tomorrow. After finishing this interview tonight, it is free time.

Ji Youyan replied to Jingxiu's text message: "I'm done with the interview, I'll come to you later." She reluctantly said, "Sister Wei has something to say?"

Lin Yue was also very puzzled: "No, sister Wei answered the phone, her face darkened, and she left in a hurry."

Ji Youyan frowned, it's not a good thing to make Wei Yizhen so restless, right

While talking, she and Lin Yue went to the lounge. She pushed open the door, turned around, and saw Jingxiu sitting beside the chair. Immediately, she forgot all her worries, and said in surprise, "Axiu, why are you here?"

Contrary to her joy, Jingxiu looked at her with heavy eyes, without a smile at all.

"Yanyan..." she said sternly.

If it was normal, and Jingxiu called her by her nickname, Ji Youyan would definitely be overjoyed. But Ji Youyan saw the sadness in her eyes, and her smile disappeared.

"What's wrong?" She squatted in front of Jingxiu and tentatively grabbed Jingxiu's hand.

Jingxiu turned his hand and held Ji Youyan's hand.

Jingxiu's uncharacteristic initiative made Ji Youyan's heart beat even louder.

"Yanyan, your father has ketoacidosis and is being rescued at Yanzhou No. 1 Hospital." Jingxiu couldn't bear to tell Ji Youyan such bad news, but he still spoke cruelly and gently.

Ji Youyan didn't seem to understand what Jingxiu was saying, and her eyes were confused. In the next instant, all the blood on her face faded, and her body shook.

Jingxiu was shocked, and quickly squatted down to support Ji Youyan: "Yanyan!"

Ji Youyan pushed Jingxiu away, stabilized his body, stared at Jingxiu, and said coldly and firmly: "Impossible! Who said that!"

She looked in disbelief, and said it was impossible, but her tears fell uncontrollably.

Jingxiu's heart was twisted like a knife, and his eyes were red.

She didn't care about Ji Youyan's harsh words, she held Ji Youyan's face with both hands, and wiped Ji Youyan's tears with her thumb, "It's true, the news from Yanzhou."

Ji Youyan felt like she was about to suffocate with heartache, and her whole body seemed to have had her soul taken away, and she remained motionless.

Suddenly, she stood up abruptly, and Jingxiu also stood up quickly, in case she could tip over at any time.

Ji Youyan murmured, "Impossible." How is it possible? When she left home, Dad didn't even have a single white hair on his head. He was in good health. How could he be seriously ill? She convinced herself.

Like the last straw, she held up her phone to call her parents. But the moment she opened the address book to broadcast, she suddenly remembered that she didn't have their contact information at all.

As she expected, the note on the air was the "mother" call, and the response to her was ruthless: "Hello, the number you dialed is an empty number."

Ji Youyan burst into tears, guilt and remorse tearing her heart apart. What kind of daughter is she, she doesn't even have the phone number of her parents.

"Where's Sister Wei? I want to go back." Her mind was dull, she couldn't think, and she was full of heart. She wanted to go back to see them. They must all be living well in Yanzhou.

Wei Yi came in really nicely, seeing the state of Ji Youyan and Jingxiu, and knowing that Jingxiu had informed Ji Youyan.

She went straight to the point and said, "Yu Yan, I've made arrangements. The nearest flight, the flight from Yanzhou in an hour, hurry up and don't delay." She instructed: "Yueyue, go get your sister Ji's flight. Get your coats, masks, scarves and bags."

Jingxiu had already taken one step away and handed it to Lin Yue.

"Yanyan, I'll ask Sister Wei to take care of you." Jingxiu glanced at Ji Youyan and told Wei Yi to tell the truth.

Wei Yi was really surprised by Jingxiu's deep affection. She nodded solemnly: "It should be. Then let's go first."

Ji Youyan, like a puppet being held by Wei Yizhen, followed Wei Yizhen two steps before turning around as he remembered something.

Jingxiu stood there, watching them sadly.

Ji Yuyan felt her heart hurt even more. She was confused and wanted to say something, but she didn't know what to say.

Jingxiu stared at her and comforted: "Don't be afraid, uncle will be fine. Come on, pay attention to safety on the road." His eyes were full of tenderness.

Ji Youyan choked his throat, nodded, and turned to leave.

Jingxiu stood there, looking at the closed door and the empty lounge, feeling as if his heart had been gouged out, it was empty, and it still hurt.

She slumped down on the back of the chair.

When Ji Yuyan needed her like this, she couldn't accompany Ji Yuyan by his side.

Apart from watching her go away, she actually couldn't do anything.

She can't go. She is not suitable. She will only cause her trouble.

In the eyes of the world, and in the eyes of Ji Youyan's parents, she is unqualified.

Jingxiu raised his head, tears silently falling down his cheeks.

She took a deep breath, held back her heartache, wiped away tears, and began to call in an orderly manner.

She called Jiang Chun first and asked her to suppress all the related scandals about herself and Ji Youyan tonight. Tonight Wei Yizhen will focus on promoting Ji Youyan's singing skills. She doesn't want to overwhelm her. Then she calls her friend Guan Zhimei and entrusts her to help save Ji Youyan's field the day after tomorrow and act as a temporary mentor. Finally, she notified Tao Xingruo and asked her to contact Wei Yizhen in time to help with the hospital in Yanzhou.

She couldn't accompany Ji Youyan by her side, so she could only do her best to make Ji Youyan worry-free.

Ji Yuyan slowly calmed down on the way to the airport. She took the mobile phone number that Wei Yizhen handed over, and called her mother Zhong Qingyu's mobile phone again.

This time, the phone was finally connected after a long beeping sound.

"Hello." The woman's voice was hoarse. Obviously cried.

Ji Youyan grabbed the phone, tears flowing first.

The unfamiliar and familiar voice of her mother seemed to awaken her dead memory for many years, and all kinds of tumultuous past rushed towards her. No matter how many estrangements and contradictions there were later, the care and warmth that her parents had given her during the 20 years of living together day and night was still one of the softest places in her heart.

She has not gone back to find her parents after her rebirth, and she admits that she has a grudge in her heart. She was heartbroken. In the last life, even when she died, her father refused to come to see her. As if she was dead or alive, as he said when he drove her out of the house, she has nothing to do with them anymore.

But now she suddenly dare not think, is her father really unfeelingly refusing to come

Still, he can't come.

"Mom, it's me..." Ji Youyan choked. This mother, after a lifetime, eight years.

The sound of breathing on the other end of the phone fell suddenly, followed by a clearly audible sob.

"Mom, don't cry, where's Dad? How is Dad?"

At the same time as Ji Youyan's comfort, there was a concerned male voice on the other end of the phone: "Auntie, what's the matter? Whose phone is it?"

A few seconds later, Ji Youyan heard her mother reply with a crying voice: "Xiao Fang, it's Yanyan."

Is he too? ! Ji Yuyan was even more confused.

The author has something to say: Xiao Fang: Guess who I am

Teacher Jing looked coldly: You are cannon fodder :)