My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 7


From the hot tea and cake at the meeting, to the cooperation at the wine table, to the current stomach medicine, the intersection with Jingxiu today was like a revolving lantern in Ji Youyan's mind. Maybe she thought too much, maybe Jingxiu just followed the usual kindness. But Ji Youyan still felt that there seemed to be a heat current that overflowed from his heart and flowed all over his limbs.

There was an uncontrollable smile on her face, but her eyes were a little hot. The impulse and emotion surged in her mind, urging her to grab the box beside her, and strode out of the door.

When he really stood at the door of Jingxiu's room and raised his hand to knock on the door, Ji Youyan woke up again.

But this time, the desire was too strong, and she could no longer suppress it with reason.

She gritted her teeth and stopped giving herself time to look forward and backward. She raised her hand and tapped it twice gently and carefully.

Unexpectedly, Jingxiu responded much faster than she expected. Almost in the next second, the owner opened the door by a half-person-wide gap, and Jingxiu's white-walled face appeared in the shadows.

"Is something wrong?" Jingxiu frowned and said lightly.

Ji Youyan seldom saw Jingxiu showing such impatience to him before, but she was stung by her attitude several times today, and she felt a little overwhelmed for a while. In front of people, she could already pretend to be a great orator with a clear tongue, but standing in front of Jingxiu, as long as she glanced at her, she was beaten back to her original form - back to that clumsy and dumb mute.

She shook her hand unconsciously, felt the box grasped between her fingers, and finally remembered the purpose of her trip.

"I just met in a hurry, so I didn't have time to give you the prepared meeting gift." Ji Youyan laughed, but did not pierce Jingxiu's goodwill in delivering the medicine just now.

She opened the box, revealing the bracelet inside, and handed it to Jingxiu, with a soft tone: "I insisted on adding a little bit of red between the eyebrows, Slyvia didn't understand it, and argued with me for a long time, but I think, you should I'll like it." Slyvia is the French designer that Jingxiu likes. When they traveled to France together before, Jingxiu took her to visit and they were quite friendly.

The moment Jingxiu saw the bracelet in the box clearly, his fingers tightened on the doorknob, and there was a flash of surprise, confusion and pain in his eyes that could not be concealed.

Ji Youyan saw it clearly, thinking that Jingxiu didn't like it, and couldn't help but feel his heart hanging in his throat.

The stalemate seemed to be only a few seconds, but also as long as centuries.

"I like it very much." Jingxiu finally opened the door a little wider and reached out to take the box.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but Ji Youyan felt that Jingxiu looked down at the bracelet for a while, then raised his eyes to look at himself, and the color in his eyes seemed to be stained with a little warmth.

"I didn't prepare a present for you," she told calmly.

Ji Youyan immediately raised her eyebrows and said, "It doesn't matter. You like this gift, it's the best gift for me." After a pause, she laughed at herself: "Besides, I have to thank you tonight, With your light, I can stand here with all my tail."

Because of her family education, the word "thank you" is just normal to Ji Youyan, and she is used to expressing it both to her own people and to outsiders. But Jingxiu didn't know what came to mind from these words, but in an instant, Ji Youyan saw her expression turn cold, and the coolness in her eyes was even worse than before.

"So, shouldn't there be a thank you gift?" Jingxiu clenched the box in his hand, lowered his snow-white neck, and said coldly.

Ji Youyan was stunned for a moment, then said in a sullen voice, "No..."

"Heh." The voice was barely audible, like a sneer, but it was dull. Jingxiu raised his head and moved his hand holding the box in Ji Youyan's direction, then suddenly stopped and retracted it.

After a long while, she looked away, her eyes fell on the darkness behind Ji Youyan, and she said without emotion: "Thank you for the meeting gift, what else is there?"

How could Ji Yuyan not understand such an unceremonious expulsion. Ji Youyan had an intuition, she stepped on the thunder, but when she panicked, she didn't know what she should say at this moment.

"Wait..." Seeing Jingxiu taking a step back to close the door, Ji Youyan subconsciously stopped him.

Jingxiu stopped as she wished.

She blocked the light, and in the dim light, Ji Youyan felt that Jingxiu's face was ambiguous, as if it was cold, and it seemed to have something unclear.

Ji Youyan cleared his mind for a moment after taking a bath, and once again there was chaos like drunkenness. She finally remembered something, squinted her eyes, and said sternly: "I just read the script. In the opening episode of the mentor show arranged by the director team, you need to perform an action scene from "Domination". However, your body How can you do such a big move again, it's too risky."

Two years ago, when Jingxiu was filming the movie "Disparity", an accident occurred due to a mistake by the work team. He fell from a high altitude with Weiya hanging on it. He was lucky enough to save his life, but broke his left hand and left rib, and the rest of his body also had bone fractures and other injuries. contusion. The doctor regretted and bluntly said that Jingxiu, who is rare in the new generation in recent years, has an amazing image of Wudan, and will never be part of action movies from now on.

It's very strange that Jingxiu did not perform this scene in the mentor show of the previous life. This made Ji Yuyan very uneasy, always worried about whether something happened during the rehearsal process that changed.

Ji Youyan's caring and gentle voice pressed on Jingxiu's heart, it was warm, but with uncontrollable pain.

She closed her eyes, those days of pain and fear seemed to be yesterday. It hurts everywhere, in the body and in the heart. The moment she fell, she thought she was going to die and wanted to see Ji Youyan; after the catastrophe, when she woke up, she was in pain and fear and wanted to see Ji Youyan.

She needs Ji Youyan so desperately, but where is Ji Youyan.

Late care is like a quilt in summer and a fan in winter - superfluous and ridiculous.

Jingxiu put his arms around his chest, took a step to the side, and leaned halfway against the door. The light flowed out with her movements, and Ji Youyan could see Jingxiu's face clearly.

Eyes like ice knives, eyebrows with frost.

"What does it have to do with you?" Jingxiu's lips even curled up a little.

A short question without emotional ups and downs, but like a sharp arrow, with a bitter cold, it poked straight into Ji Yuyan's heart.

Ji Youyan's face turned pale, he opened his mouth to speak, but stopped. Her eyes were full of sadness, and she explained embarrassedly: "Axiu, I... I'm just worried about you. Talk to Director Chen, he will understand, we don't need to take risks, right?"

"We?" Jingxiu repeated the word, lowered his head and smiled lightly, the emotion in his eyes softened, "What identity are you using to say this now? Colleague? Friend?"

"Or... heh, kind ex?"

At the end of the speech, with a faint hoarseness and trembling, it was hidden under her aggressive aura. Ji Youyan didn't notice, she was full of clamor, no, not at all...

She didn't want to be her colleague, she didn't want to be her friend, and she didn't want to be her ex.

But when she opened her mouth, she couldn't make a sound. She is really nothing now...

Jingxiu seemed to be unwilling to entangle with her any longer. She stood up straight, obviously ready to close the door.

In the panic, Ji Youyan subconsciously chose to say: "Friend, Axiu, can we still be friends?" She comforted herself, first to ease the relationship, first to find an identity that can justifiably care about her, and the rest can be done gradually, she There is still time.

She has no confidence now, no confidence that the words "I want to start anew with you" from her ex, who has failed Jingxiu a lot and has not been in contact for two years - say it out of her own mouth, it will not make Jingxiu even more disgusted.

However, the answer is clearly not much better.

Jingxiu raised her thin lips, as if she had heard a very funny joke, and her eyes were a little wet with laughter. After laughing, she sighed and said with emotion: "Mr. Ji has always been forgetful. Whatever she has said, she can turn her head and forget it. Or..." At this point, she paused and did not continue. He retorted: "No."

"Don't insult me, and don't insult yourself." She frowned and affirmed solemnly.

This time, after she finished speaking, she closed the door without hesitation and left Ji Youyan alone in the darkness and silence.

insult? Ji Youyan looked at the ruthless door panel and couldn't react for a while.

what did she say? Ji Youyan stepped on the floating pace and returned to his room in a lost soul.

In the dark bedroom, the flashing blue light of the mobile phone on the bedside is particularly obvious. Ji Youyan rubbed his temples, suppressed all the thoughts in his heart, and walked quickly to the bed.

It was the reminder of the WeChat message - Ruan Ningwei added her.

Ji Youyan passed easily, then lifted the thin quilt and lay down on the bed, closing his eyes and resting.

The phone in her hand suddenly vibrated, Ji Youyan raised her hand and opened it. It was Ruan Ningwei who greeted her with an emoji and explained, "Good evening, Sister Ji, I'm sorry to bother you. It was Mr. Tao who asked me to add you. of."

What to do with her? it goes without saying.

The script she got today, and now every student has also got it and started to prepare.

In the first phase of the program, 99 students performed solo performances of 1-3 minutes, and the instructors would rate them for the first time based on their performances. The later rating is based on the popularity of fans voted outside the venue. The later competitions are all co-actors. When students select co-actors, they will be selected in descending order of rank and popularity. Obviously, the higher the popularity, the higher the autonomy, and the more powerful alliances are more likely to be outstanding, and the more popular players are naturally more willing to co-star with popular players to create a topic. The difficulty is obvious for those with a lower level who want to turn the tables.

A good start is half the battle. The importance of the first grade is obvious.

Ruan Ningwei is obviously not the first, let alone the only one, in this show. And there are very few who can be selected into this show who have not had a relationship with each other. RBI more or less, the relationship is close or not.

There are human relationships in everything, and there are potential rules everywhere.

Fortunately, Ji Youyan didn't hate Ruan Ningwei, and even after Ruan Ningwei committed suicide in the previous life, she still admired and pity this "empty sister". This made her feel that the matter of starting a small stove to guide Ruan Ningwei became relatively less annoying.

Moreover, the tutors in the later stage also have to choose the students they want to guide for guidance, and Ruan Ningwei will naturally be brought by her, so it should be a guide in advance. Ji Yuyan comforted herself with deceit.

She couldn't open her eyes and help others on key reviews like some of her peers, so Ruan Ningwei mainly had to rely on herself. After several deliberation, Ji Youyan helped Ruan Ningwei to choose and slightly modify a playful and manageable script.

Do not seek success, but seek no fault.

Ruan Ningwei was a little surprised when she heard the choice, but she accepted it without any objection.

The conversation was about to end, Ji Youyan glanced at the panda pillow beside his pillow, and suddenly decided to trouble Ruan Ningwei: "Ning Wei, can I trouble you to go to my house when you come tomorrow, and bring me something? ?"

Ruan Ningwei responded with a good temper.

After the explanation was over, it was already late at night. Ji Yuyan turned off the lights and prepared to rest. After a long day of running around and tired, her body was so sleepy, but her mind was like an energetic wild horse, so galloping that she couldn't sleep.

Tossing and turning, confused, and about to fall asleep, Ji Youyan sat up abruptly and fished a precious reed from the boundless river.

She understood what Jingxiu was saying.

Back then, when they were chatting about their feelings, they said, "People who have been in a relationship cannot become friends after breaking up. Unless, they have never really loved each other." At that time, Jingxiu took it seriously.

Ji Youyan slumped against the back of the bed, reflecting on herself, she was the one who made a blunder.

However, if you can be lovers, who wants to be friends

The author has something to say: Teacher Jing's heart: I'm angry! The bracelet is also returned to you!

Reach out gracefully, no, a little reluctant o(╥﹏╥)o

Sister Ji: quack! cute! (*?▽?*)