My Feelings Can Wait

Chapter 92


After publicly expressing support, Ji Youyan's backstage on Weibo completely fell. In addition to normal fans and some comments and @ that supported and praised her voice, there were countless yin and yang strange and foul language attacks. Wei Yizhen told Ji Youyan not to go on Weibo for the time being, so as not to be affected by the mood after learning from the propaganda team.

Ji Youyan obeyed the instructions, simply uninstalled Weibo, and devoted himself to filming.

In mid-April, she has a "National Drama Festival" to attend. At noon that day, it happened that Jingxiu attended an international conference on the theme of "protection of the disabled and vulnerable groups" as a goodwill ambassador. Ji Youyan borrowed Lin Yue's mobile phone to watch the live broadcast on his way from the airport to the conference venue.

After waiting for the long speeches of the others in front, the camera finally swept to Jingxiu following the host's announcement. In the live broadcast, Jingxiu and two other Chinese stars were sitting among a group of blond and blue-eyed foreigners. It was obvious that the other two stars were also some of the most handsome and beautiful, but when Jingxiu sat between them, it was the first thing that caught the attention of people. The attraction of being able to notice her, and having noticed it is hard to look away.

She is wearing a silver-gray suit with a generous design and a slim fit, her long hair is parted, and her makeup is light but delicate. With her cold expression, she has a sense of elite and abstinence.

The barrage that had been changing steadily in front of him instantly became dense the moment Jingxiu appeared, and when Jingxiu stood up and walked up to the stage to give a speech, the barrage turned into a swipe like a madman. "Wow, Jingxiu's profile is amazing", "Ah ah ah, sister's set is too good-looking", "[Love Eye][Love Eye]", "Ah, these long legs are real Is it?" "I'm in love with love", "Is the temperament too good", "Is it too late for me to start confessing now?"…

Ji Youyan looked at the barrage with honor. She happily posted a barrage on Lin Yue's trumpet to swear her sovereignty: "It's too late, mine." After posting, she closed the barrage, and frantically took screenshots while admiring Jingxiu's beauty and beautiful English. .

Lin Yue's heart was bleeding. Her mobile phone memory is only 32G, and it is estimated that Jijie will collapse after watching this live broadcast. She wanted to remind Ji Youyan, but she looked at Ji Youyan with a smile on her lips, and her heart softened again.

Although Sister Ji didn't say anything in the past few days, the cooperation has been canceled one after another. The cooperator and even the director team of "There is a Faith in the World" have interviewed Sister Ji. After all, it still affects Sister Ji's mood. .

Forget it, sister Ji's happiness is the most important thing. Lin Yue endured it.

At the end of the "National Drama Festival" in the evening, Lin Yue docked with the team photographer as usual, helped Ji Youyan to select three satisfactory photos from the passed photos as official promotional photos, and cut Ji Youyan's account number with his mobile phone. He directly helped Ji Youyan to speak out.

Just after posting on Weibo, Wei Yizhen called and handed over Ji Yuyan's work arrangements for tomorrow with Lin Yue.

Although many of the jobs that Ji Youyan had talked about before were blown out because of the clear position, but unexpectedly, because of the clear position, she received an olive branch from some collaborators who also stood out or supported but were inconvenient to speak.

One of them is the fashion director of the Swiss watch and jewelry brand who is scheduled to meet tomorrow. She believes that Ji Youyan's independent and brave elite female image is very consistent with the brand's concept of "eternal classics, voice of the times", and intends to discuss cooperation.

When Lin Yue returned from the phone call with Wei Yizhen outside, it was time for the celebration to end. Lin Yue answered the phone, accompanied Ji Youyan for a brief interview, and then went to the dressing room to change into the brand-sponsored dress.

Lin Yue went to return the dress and left the phone to Ji Youyan. While Ji Youyan was waiting alone, she couldn't help but check the information on Weibo again.

The first few articles on the hot search are all about tonight's grand ceremony, except for the one about "Jingxiu xx meeting". When Ji Youyan saw Jingxiu's name, he was tired and swept away more than half of it. She clicked on the entry and saw that Jingxiu's speech at the meeting and beautiful pictures were all over the square.

The fans showed their magical powers, intercepted Jingxiu from all angles, added filters that were satisfactory to them, and shouted that I can do it. One of the bloggers said: "I want to be the microphone in Teacher Jing's hand, and she will hold it in her hand." Ji Yuyan likes the tone of several photos in the attached picture.

She saved them one by one, gave her a thumbs up, thinking that she would let Lin Yue open WeChat and send the screenshots of the evening to her mobile phone.

While continuing to swipe Weibo, the phone in the bag suddenly vibrated violently. Ji Youyan answered the phone, and Wei Yi's angry voice immediately came over: "What are you doing?!"

"I didn't do anything, I was waiting for Yueyue to go back with me in the lounge." Ji Youyan was reprimanded at a loss.

"I mean, what did you like that Weibo for? Do you think you're not getting enough limelight right now?"

"What Weibo?" Ji Youyan asked subconsciously, and after asking, she realized something was wrong. She hurriedly switched Lin Yue's phone to the homepage of Weibo's personal center, and saw that the username... It was three big characters "Ji Youyan"!

Ji Yuyan's hand trembled while holding the phone.

"Sister Wei! I'm on the wrong account! I thought I used the trumpet Yueyue to like." Ji Youyan was embarrassed and collapsed.

Wei Yizhen prepared a load of words to educate Ji Youyan, but all of them were jammed into his throat by Ji Youyan at once. "What should I say to you?"

"Sister Wei, I was wrong." Ji Youyan admitted his mistake very sincerely. "What about now? Do I cancel?"

Wei Yi really said helplessly: "It's too late, the screenshots have already been circulated. You cancel now, isn't there no silver 300 taels here?" The incident happened suddenly, and they were completely unprepared. Now too many opponents are staring at Jingxiu and Ji Youyan, and if there is a mistake, they will immediately swarm over them.

"Isn't it canceled?" Ji Youyan tentatively asked.

"Forget it, this is the end of the matter, you can leave it alone. I'll contact Jiang Chun to see." Wei Yi really sighed.

Ji Youyan could hear the tiredness in Wei Yizhen's tone, darkened his eyes and said guilty: "I'm sorry Sister Wei, I will never make such a low-level mistake again."

Wei Yi really knew that she didn't do it on purpose, and felt sorry for her pressure during this time. She eased her tone and said, "It's alright, fortunately what you liked was something too outrageous, we'll just deal with it coldly." When she was about to hang up the phone, she worriedly said, "If you really want to swipe Weibo, put yourself on the line. When you put it back on Weibo, you can only use the small account, don't touch the big one again."

Ji You's words are as good as they are.

After Lin Yue came back, she learned about it from Ji Youyan's mouth, and her eyes were red with self-blame. It was her fault that she forgot to switch back after helping Ji Youyan to promote Weibo just now.

Ji Youyan was also very frustrated, but she comforted Lin Yue: "I didn't see the account I logged in clearly." She flicked Lin Yue's forehead and smiled: "Okay, I'll punish you, it's even."

Lin Yue wanted to cry and laugh.

Ji Youyan pretended that nothing major happened, and returned the mobile phone to Lin Yue, "Okay, send me all the pictures I saved on your mobile phone today, and you will be punished."

The two got into the car, Lin Yue shared pictures with Ji Youyan, and Ji Youyan put back his Weibo on his mobile phone. She logged on the trumpet to check the form on Weibo. There is no news about her likes on the hot search, but there is already an entry "Ji Youyan likes to show love to Jingxiu" in the real-time rising hotspot.

Without opening it, she can also guess what tone the marketing account should use to describe this matter. With a heavy heart, she felt that because of her own fault, Jingxiu was implicated, and Wei Yizhen and Jiang Chun were also implicated.

She sent a message to Jingxiu, "Axiu, I'm sorry, I made a mistake."

Jingxiu didn't get back to her for a long time. After Ji Youyan confirmed that it was a trumpet, he logged into Jingxiu's super chat to check the clues about Jingxiu's itinerary, guessing that Jingxiu should have boarded a flight back to China.

Without a response from Jingxiu, Ji Youyan felt empty in his heart. She couldn't sleep, and had insomnia until midnight. Seeing that the entry for herself and Jingxiu was completely invisible on the hot search, she breathed a sigh of relief and fell asleep in a daze.

But what she never expected, just after she fell asleep, one wave just flattened, and another wave rose again.

At 5:00 in the morning, one of Jingxiu's support clubs was dissatisfied with Ji Youyan's always intentional and "unintentional" to bring Jingxiu on stage, so he used his personal account to tweet about Ji Youyan, which led to the beginning of the morning, Jingxiu only fans followed on a large scale. Connotation Ji Youyan.

Ji Youyan's fans were naturally dissatisfied, and at noon, the anti-black team directly added Jingxiu, the sub-skin account of the support club, to the anti-blacklist and punched in to report. This time, Jingxiu's fans were completely blown up, and the two sides were torn apart. The incident fermented into the evening, and the names of Ji Youyan and Jingxiu were once again linked to the "real-time rising hotspot".

Jiang Chun and Wei Yizhen both urgently contacted the top management of the support club to quell the situation, but it didn't work for a while. Ji Youyan has been swiping Weibo on the way back to the hotel after work.

She watched the blood and rain in the entire Weibo Square, as if she saw the situation where her fans and Jingxiu fans quarreled many years ago.

Physically and mentally exhausted.

No matter what she does, it's impossible for Jingxiu's fans to be forever satisfied with her, right

When she got out of the elevator, she automatically connected to the Internet again, and saw a WeChat message pop up. It was a message from the system: Jingxiu sent a circle of friends to remind her to watch it.

Ji Youyan was refreshed, Axiu came back? !

She opened it nervously, and what she saw was a half-length photo of Jingxiu—Jingxiu's slender fingers pulled half of the suit open, artificially revealing her curvy upper body... and the left inner pocket of the suit. On the inner bag, a bracelet is half in the bag and half exposed in the air.

Ji Youyan saw at a glance that it was the bracelet she gave to Jingxiu.

The text is accompanied by: you are here.

Ji Youyan was stunned for a few seconds, and the smile gradually spread from his eyes. Did Jingxiu use this method to comfort her mistake

She is not the one because of the microphone, but this bracelet, which is always on Jingxiu's heart.

Ji Youyan's heart was overwhelmed with warmth. She gave Jingxiu a thumbs up, and then pretended to easily poked her and sent an emoticon package made by her screenshot: "Pretty sister, please step on me with your long legs.jpg" This is a photo of Jingxiu wearing a suit and taking the stage.

Jingxiu yelled at her, "boring."

After a pause, she added: "Don't think too much, it's all right."

Ji Youyan listened to her smiling voice, and finally let out a low laugh. All the anguish in her heart dissipated, replaced by a sense of stability and satisfaction.

Regardless of whether Axiu's fans are dissatisfied with her, Axiu is by her side, fighting side by side with her.

Ji Youyan stood at the door of the room and replied to Jingxiu with a soft voice: "Okay, I don't want too much."

"I just want you."

Jingxiu didn't respond for a few seconds, Ji Youyan thought she was shy, so he wanted to cool himself on purpose, so he took the room card and opened the door first.

She entered the door, and before she had time to put the key card in the card slot to turn on the light, a shadow appeared in the darkness.

Ji Youyan was startled, and before he could react, he smelled a familiar scent on the tip of his nose.

Her heart suddenly calmed down and she was ecstatic. She closed the door and quickly walked up to her, hugging the figure into her arms, but instead made Jingxiu groan in a low voice.

"Why aren't you panicking?" Jingxiu leaned against Ji Youyan's arms, slightly annoyed.

Ji Youyan buried her face in Jingxiu's neck, and without answering, asked, "Why are you here?" It was full of surprise.

Jingxiu felt her love, and her heart and body softened together. She turned her head and licked Ji Youyan's ear, and said slyly, "Didn't you let me step on you?"

"I'm here. But it's the one who picks flowers." Jingxiu exhaled like a blue orchid.