My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 11: Bastard I'm going to kill you


Wang Hu, who is in the northeastern border area of the Qian Kingdom, has not yet felt the impact.

However, he has already taken precautions. Since the recovery of his spiritual energy and his rapid growth in size, he has stopped passing under the cameras he knows.

After all, now that the aura is revived and everything has a chance, who knows what humans will do

In the early stage of this spiritual recovery, human beings undoubtedly have the absolute upper hand.

Even today's Wang Hu, although powerful, is actually nothing to human beings.

Just in case, yes.

He even thought about whether to go further to the north, which is even more inaccessible.

His current site is not far away from the town where human beings are active.

But after thinking about it, I gave up again.

First, Dabao and Xiaobao are too small, so it is not safe to move.

Secondly, the people close to him are like people from the same country in his previous life. He has a natural affection, and the north does not belong to this country. They are white.

He doesn't know what the other country is like, at least in this country, it also pays attention to the protection of animals and has done a good job in preventing poaching.

The third one was the biggest problem, which made him feel even more headache.

Seeing Hanhan who went to sleep again, thinking of the gaze just now, compared to the first time I saw Hanhan who could barely move, now I just felt a guilty conscience and lack of confidence, the improvement has been very great.

But he was still nervous, it had been ten days since the spiritual energy had been fed back, and Hanhan had been sleeping most of the time in the past ten days.

When I wake up from sleep, except for eating and some abnormalities, I am almost in a daze, my eyes are blank, and no one pays attention to it.

In this way, he has no choice but to go north.

Other than that, nothing else has changed.

Although he couldn't feel the aura, as time passed, Wang Hu could feel that he could continue to strengthen, but the speed was very slow.

Much slower than when he grew up naturally before.

The time between the two little guys was too short, and he couldn't notice any changes.

Another point, he passed various tests in the past ten days, but he couldn't find a way to increase that number.

Only after midnight every day, it will increase by 0.01, and now it is 0.25.

That is, one day increases by 0.01, fixed.

It will take seventy-five days to reach 1, so he can only wait slowly.

Sighing lightly, seeing that the two little guys were also full, they began to devour the venison in front of them.

According to Wang Hu's guess, this deer is estimated to weigh about 400 catties, with more than 200 catties of meat.

Hanhan ate more than 30 kilograms and fell asleep, while Dabao and Xiaobao ate negligible.

The rest was eaten up by Wang Hu not long after.

His appetite was much larger than before, and every time he ate more until he was full.

The reason is simple, now that the aura is revived, creatures can obviously use the aura to break through the limit.

He doesn't know how to absorb and utilize spiritual energy for the time being, and the universe map doesn't work for the time being, so he can only use some stupid methods, such as eating.

Eating a lot should be useful, right

After eating, clean up the mess and start exercising outside the cave.

The method was created by himself, constantly hitting trees with palms, charging with extreme speed, exercising tree climbing ability, exercising jumping ability and so on.

He started exercising like this when he was a child, for the sake of strength and self-protection.

Later, after fully growing up, it was gradually abandoned, because no animal was his opponent anyway.

The spiritual energy revived and hope came, so he picked these up.

Eating a lot, coupled with constant exercise, he believes is better than nothing.

He was exercising, and the two full-fed little guys were playing around with great energy. Wang Hu ignored them, as long as he didn't leave his sight outside the cave.

Tired from exercising, take a break and continue exercising. It feels almost done. When the two little guys fall asleep, he will go out to hunt and continue to eat.

He's been here for the past few days.

In a blink of an eye, another month passed.

With continuous efforts, Wang Hu's shoulder height is almost 1.6 meters, and he feels stronger.

The two little guys have also grown up a lot. They are physically strong, strong-headed, and full of energy.

Hanhan is still the same.

That night, Wang Hu went hunting as usual, and Hanhan slept with the two little guys in the cave.

Suddenly, the sleeping Hanhan moved his body, and slowly opened his tiger eyes.

For a moment, the dark cave seemed to light up.

In those tiger eyes, it was no longer emotionless, but a domineering and noble that seemed to trample everything under its feet.

There is no need to analyze it, as long as you look at it, you will have this feeling naturally.

However, at the next moment, the feeling of domineering and noble disappeared, and turned into a daze, as if he suddenly thought of something.

She turned her head stiffly to look at the two small bodies sleeping beside her.

The tiger's eyes widened to the maximum, he was in a daze for a few breaths, and in an instant, everything became restless and unacceptable.

The body jumped up, quickly ran out of the cave, and skillfully came to a hillside, and couldn't help it anymore.


The extremely suppressed roar rose, and anger, disbelief, and complex emotions emerged one after another.

After a few heavy breaths, it seemed that most of his energy and energy had been vented. He turned his head and looked at the cave with tiger eyes, which was extremely complicated.

This deity actually had a child with Yifanhu!


Thinking of this, I couldn't control my irritability, and let out a low growl.

Thinking back to the scene where he was forcibly forced that day, he was furious and murderous.

You bastard, damn you.


He slapped hard on the ground in front of him, and the killing intent became more and more surging.

This deity is going to kill you, smash your bones into ashes, blow your soul away, and suffer the most cruel punishment of my tiger clan a thousand times, no, ten thousand times, a hundred thousand times.


He roared like venting, panting heavily.

Suddenly, her ears moved and her body stiffened.

"Aw~ woo~!"

"Aw~ woo~!"

In the cave, there was an anxious voice with a childish voice, and there was also a kind of fear and panic.

Her eyes trembled for a while, then trembled again, and her body trembled. After a few seconds, she took a deep breath and walked into the cave.

When I came to the entrance of the cave, I saw the anxious cries of the two little guys turned into joy, running towards her, clinging to her forelimbs, and kept yelling 'oooo, oooooo'.

Tiger Eye was stunned again, staring blankly at the two little guys, his irritability and anger disappeared, and a complex, novel and indescribable emotion emerged.

He couldn't help but raised the tiger's palm, gently rubbed Dabao's head, and then rubbed Xiaobao's head, a touch of tenderness flashed.

Gritting her teeth, she suppressed the urge to go find that bastard and kill him now, and let the two little guys follow her to the cave to continue sleeping.

Soon, under her gaze, the two little guys who had been forcibly woken up fell asleep.

After staring blankly for a while, my mind couldn't help but return to the distant past, and a little sadness arose.

Is this how my father and mother tried their best to protect me back then

The father, the mother, and Bai Jun also have a child!

Although, although...

There was another wave of killing intent, which subsided after a few seconds.

No matter what, they are all my children, and I will protect them as well as you do.

A gentle smile emerged from his eyes, looking at the two little guys who were sleeping.

After a while, she stood up, her palms touched the ground forward, her front body bent down, her hind limbs were slightly bent, and her tiger's mouth opened slightly. After a few breaths, her breathing seemed to become regular.

Sometimes long, sometimes short.

About half an hour later, he stopped his movements, with some dissatisfaction in his eyes.

After all, he is the body of a tiger, and he has never been exposed to the methods of cultivation, and his spiritual energy is not enough.

Sighing inwardly, he calmed down again.

Fortunately, I remembered all the formulas in the clan back then, and I also remembered the lowest cultivation method of Fanhu, otherwise, there really was no suitable cultivation method for a while.

According to the current level of aura, within five years, it is almost enough to reach the state of transformation, and it can only reach the state of transformation before it can go further.

However, the spiritual energy in this world is recovering, and the spiritual energy is constantly rising, the time will definitely be shortened, and the upper limit will also be increased.


A hint of worry appears, after all, it is a small world, even if the spiritual energy is revived, how far can it go

If he can't recover to the seventh level, it may be difficult to return to the clan after all.

The deity failed to break through, and the time is short, but if it is known to foreign enemies after a long time, the consequences will be unimaginable.

The brows were frowned, and the irritability reappeared, and the next moment, all of them were transferred to that figure.

Bastard, this deity will definitely blow your soul away.

Just as I was hating, suddenly, with a movement of my ears, I also smelled that familiar smell.

The killing intent surged violently, a domineering and noble air swung away, and his eyes stared at the corner of the cave with incomparably cold eyes.

Two seconds later, a figure trotted in, and as soon as he turned the corner, his body paused, as if he had froze.

Wang Hu was lucky tonight. He caught a deer weighing at least 400 kilograms. Naturally, he was in a good mood. He put the deer carcass outside the cave, walked briskly into the cave, and prepared to call his wife and children out for dinner.

Just after turning the corner, suddenly, the already familiar eyes descended, and the body froze immediately, looking with both eyes.

Immediately, there was a thrill in my heart.

It is different from the previous ones, more domineering and noble.

More importantly, it was even colder and surprisingly cold, as if, as if it meant to kill him.

Looking at his wife in a daze, she seemed to have completely changed, that kind of domineering and noble, as if she had broken away from the common world, and she was even more beautiful.

Blinking, nervous, inexplicably guilty, and puzzled.

what happened

Why did it suddenly seem like he was going to kill him

Just about to let out a gentle roar, Hanhan glanced at the sleeping Dabao and Xiaobao, and ran past him to the outside of the cave.

Wang Hu froze for a moment, then followed out with a frown, no matter what, he had to figure it out.

(Thank you for your support.)

... ... ...

Thanks to Comrade Wang Feilong for rewarding 500 starting coins and becoming the first fan of this book, thank you.

(end of this chapter)