My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 113: Have a real home


From the corner of the eye, he saw the embarrassed and pleading expression, and in response to those words, the confused Di Baijun suddenly couldn't help laughing, and almost burst out laughing.

Even if he held back, his big and beautiful eyes were bent, as beautiful as a crescent moon.

Hastily turned his head, couldn't help humming softly: "Who wants to beat you."

The corners of Wang Hu's brows twitched, he was overjoyed, he held back his laughter, and speaking meant a good thing, not to mention the coquettishness in the tone of his words that maybe even Hanhan himself didn't realize, it was a good thing.

Enduring the numbness, make up your mind, and fight.

He said softly, "Bai Jun, I am willing to be beaten by you, for the rest of my life."

Di Baijun was numb, she wasn't as thick-skinned as that guy, her face turned to the other side, she was about to turn red, and she twisted and struggled a bit.

Seeing that he was still struggling, he pretended to be angry and said, "If you talk nonsense again, I won't let you go."

"I'm not talking nonsense, everything I say is sincere, and I have never lied to you." Wang Hu immediately assured.

"Hmph, I don't believe it." Di Baijun rolled his eyes, paused, and said angrily, "If you didn't keep making me angry, who would beat you?"

"It's okay, Mr. Bai, if you want to hit me, just hit me. I will resist. No matter how you hit me, I will love you. I love you more than anything else. I love you forever." Wang Hu couldn't help but quietly glanced at the direction of the cave entrance, Feeling a little guilty and embarrassed.

But success or failure depends on one stroke, he dared to say anything thick-skinned and shameless, and he put it all together.

Anyway, except for Hanhan, no one knows, and the third one who knows must die.

Wang Hu secretly felt ruthless in his heart, but Di Baijun was extremely ashamed and embarrassed, this bastard is too thick-skinned, how did he say it

His neck started to turn red, and he began to struggle lightly again, pretending to be angry and said: "You're still talking nonsense, let me go."

"I won't let you go, you haven't agreed to me yet." Wang Hu stepped up, keeping his head closer, and said firmly.

Di Baijun couldn't speak anymore, and the atmosphere was eased by the words just now, Wang Hu didn't give Hanhan any more time, and wanted to take advantage of the victory to pursue and approach step by step.

"Bai Jun, promise me? Marry me, and I will make you the happiest wife in the world.

Let's lead the Tiger Clan together and become the strongest in the heavens and ten thousand realms. I will make you the most honorable woman in all the heavens and ten thousand realms. At that time, I will be the boss among men and you will be the number one among women, okay? "Wang Hu said sincerely.

Di Baijun couldn't control his heart, he felt a little sweet, but he finally found a place to speak, and immediately said with disdain: "Arrogant and conceited."

"I'm not arrogant. I'm not afraid of anyone except you, Bai Jun. No matter who they are, I'm sure I'll defeat them one day." Wang Hu quickly said to himself.

Di Baijun's heart was sweet again, but on the surface he snorted disdainfully.

Wang Hu thought hard, scratched his stomach, thought of sweet words, and made a promise.

As for whether it can be done in the future, does that matter

Fool first, no, it's to impress Hanhan first, and then we can talk about it after we get it. Only when we get it is the most important thing.

After getting it, hehe, I got it all, so why is there so much trouble

Gently but firmly said: "In the future, I will definitely make up for you the most grand wedding.

At that time, I will let the powerful races of the heavens and the world, and even the gods and Buddhas in the sky, come to congratulate.

I want you to be the most beautiful, happiest, and most beautiful bride in the world. "

Di Baijun ran away after thinking about it, as if, thinking of that scene.

A shy smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

But after waiting for two or three seconds, seeing that Hanhan was still silent, Wang Hu felt that he was a little out of words.

I'm also a little anxious, aren't you satisfied after hearing so many sweet words

He couldn't bear it any longer.

With a flash of eyes, looking at that snow-white and delicate skin, I felt ruthless in my heart, naive, you forced me again.

"Bai Jun, if you don't speak, I'll take it as your consent." Wang Hu said.

When Di Baijun came back to his senses, he was in a hurry.


Before he finished speaking, his body was turned around by a strong force, and that bastard's face was pressed against him domineeringly.

All the words were blocked in his mouth.

At this moment, the whole world seemed to be quiet, and my mind was blank.

There are only two eyes, Wushen opened them to the maximum, and a thought filled his whole body.

The bastard kissed me, kissed me...

Wang Hu increased his strength in his hands, and hugged Hanhan's body tightly. The fragrant breath gave him a crazy impulse.


With a loud shout from the bottom of my heart, with incomparably great, tempered, and the world's greatest perseverance, I took the initiative to move my head back a little, and ended the kiss.

The tone was strong: "I don't allow you to disagree, you are my wife, you can't run away."

After finishing speaking, looking at those delicate red lips, she couldn't hold back, and kissed them again.

A few seconds later, he held back again with the best perseverance in the world, ended the kiss, and hugged Hanhan's body so tightly.

Without saying a word, in this silent and firm way, he expressed his heart to Hanhan.

After a few more seconds, finally, Di Baijun came to his senses, his beautiful face was already flushed red, and his body was struggling.

Seeing that he couldn't struggle, a pair of bare hands couldn't help but hammer Wang Hu's back, and said angrily, "You bastard, bastard."

"Yes, I'm an asshole, and I'll be an asshole to you for the rest of my life." Wang Hu said without hesitation without letting go.

"Shameless you." Di Baijun was in a hurry.

"Then I'm only shameless to you, because you are my wife, I love you, I love you to the point of madness, what's shameless, I can do anything for you." Nasty sweet words, no need to think at this moment, Wang Hu felt that his talents were springing up, and he opened his mouth to come, and he didn't feel embarrassed at all.

All of a sudden, his face seemed to be strengthened tenfold.

Break the cauldron into the boat, ride the wind and waves, and do it in one fell swoop.

Di Baijun was panting, he didn't know what to say, he could only say sternly, "Let go of me."

"No, you promised me everything. I want to hug my wife right now." Wang Hu shook his head.

"When did I promise you?" Di Baijun was taken aback.

"Just now you acquiesced, and we both kissed." Wang Hu replied affirmatively.

Di Baijun laughed angrily, "Nonsense, I didn't agree, please let me go."

Wang Hu's eyes flickered, and immediately turned sad, and his tone became even more: "Bai Jun, do you hate me that much if you don't agree?"

Di Baijun froze, and wanted to say yes, but he couldn't say anything when the words came to his lips.

For a moment, she was a little stunned.

What's wrong with me

Why not say it

Is it really in my heart...

Distraught, and tangled.

This bastard is stupid and stupid, has no eyesight, can't take care of big and small treasures, and always makes me angry.

If the father, emperor and mother saw it, they would definitely not like it.

But, but...

"Bai Jun, you don't have to hide it from me. Do you really hate me that much? Are you really unwilling to marry me?" Wang Hu asked again.

Di Baijun gritted his teeth, the corners of his clothes were wrinkled.

"Do you really hate me and don't want to marry me?" Wang Hu let go of the hug, let them face each other, and spoke for the third time.

Di Baijun couldn't bear to look at the extremely sad expression, his mouth seemed to be stiff, and he couldn't say anything.

Wang Hu sighed softly in his heart, he still wants to force me to use more moves.

"Cough, cough cough..."

Immediately, he started to cough, and the bloodstains on his body began to bleed again.

Di Baijun was startled, and quickly touched it with his hand, "You can heal your injuries quickly."

"Bai Jun, I'm fine, you answer me first, you really hate me so much, don't you want to marry me?" Wang Hu asked for the fourth time as if he didn't care about the blood coming out.

The tone was low and sad to the limit, as if a rope had collapsed to the extreme and was about to break.

Di Baijun couldn't take it anymore, and said fiercely: "Don't you have a gift for the proposal? What about your betrothal gift? How can you propose like this?"

After finishing speaking, he lowered his head, not daring to raise it.

Wang Hu smiled and succeeded.

He knew very well that when Hanhan said this, he had succeeded.

Unspeakable excitement surged up, his pale face was almost in high spirits, he endured it, and immediately said: "Those flesh and blood, these three interspatial bags, and the entire tiger clan are all my betrothal gifts."

Di Baijun lowered his head and glanced at the flesh and blood in the direction of the hole, and suddenly felt relieved.

It just feels as if a major matter has been solved, it is extremely relaxed, and there is also an unspeakable joy and sweetness, and the beautiful big eyes are all crooked.

Proudly raised his head, pointed his delicate chin at Wang Hu, looked upwards, and said proudly: "How is that enough?"

Wang Hu rolled his eyes and said seriously: "Then is it enough to add a pair of treasures?"

"A pair of treasures?" Di Baijun was surprised, couldn't help mustering up his courage, and glanced at the bastard.

"Big Treasure and Little Treasure." Wang Hu chuckled.

Di Baijun couldn't help laughing, and immediately raised his small fist to hit the bastard in front of him, pouted and said, "I know it's nonsense."

Wang Hu hugged him again, and said softly, "Everything I have from now on will be a dowry gift for you."

Di Baijun wanted to struggle in a symbolic sense, but in the end he didn't struggle, but he still felt a bit at a loss and too fast.

He muttered softly: "Then you also have to give me some time to think and prepare."

Wang Hu smiled and said: "Bai Jun, I know you are embarrassed, but think about it, in the eyes of any outsider, we are already husband and wife.

We are now a real husband and wife, and no one else knows about the changes. It's just the two of us, so there's nothing to be ashamed of.

Between the two of us, you don't need to think too much, you don't need to express anything, just wait for me to spoil you, and you will get used to it after a few more days. "

Di Baijun thought about it, it was true, but he was a little embarrassed, the bastard was too embarrassed to speak.

What pet


After thinking about it, I still felt a bit at a loss, and said fiercely: "Then you are not allowed to be angry with me again in the future."

"I never thought of making you angry, Bai Jun. I just want to pamper you. If I do something wrong and you get angry, just tell me and I will definitely change.

From now on, we will live a good life, live together happily as a family, and will never be separated. "Wang Hu said immediately.

Di Baijun pursed his lips, suppressed the smile that came out of him, paused, and said embarrassingly, "Let go of me first."

"I don't want to let go, I just want to hold you, hold you forever." Wang Hu said truthfully.

At this time, he really didn't want to let go.

After the extreme excitement, there was a sudden sense of emptiness.

So successful

His way of licking tigers ended successfully like this

The aloof Hanhan agreed to be his wife just like that

He still has a lot of tricks that he has worked hard to think of but hasn't used yet.

He suddenly felt a sense of unreality, so he wanted to hug Hanhan in his arms tightly to drive away the unreality.

"Let go, what if Big Treasure and Little Treasure come in?" Di Baijun still felt awkward and embarrassed, and said in a tone of coquettishness that had never been done before.

Wang Hu smiled and hugged him even tighter.

This is my wife, beautiful effervescent wife.

Can't help but whisper in Hanhan's ear: "Come in, come in, anyway, we are their biological parents, it's okay."

"I don't want it." Di Baijun immediately shook her head, thinking of that scene, her face became hot, absolutely not.

"Okay." Knowing that his wife is thin-skinned, Wang Hu didn't force her. When the subject changed, her tone became more boring: "Mr. Bai, you are my wife now."

Di Baijun gave the bastard a light slap, showing a look of disgust, and said that he knew all about it.

"Bai Jun, you are really my wife." Wang Hu said again, with a touch of questioning.

"Also, don't be ashamed." Di Baijun couldn't bear it anymore, and said angrily.

"I'm not ashamed, I have a wife." Wang Hu smiled. At this moment, he felt a peace in his heart that he had never felt before.

He did have a wife and two kids.

His home is complete.

For decades, he really had a home, a home that belonged to him.

(It's time to eat, and the update time is up, so this chapter doesn't have 4,000 words, but I still ask for a subscription and a monthly pass as usual.)


(end of this chapter)