My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 117: I will support you forever


As soon as the sound came out, the boundless mountains and forests suddenly felt a sense of silence and submission.

Wang Shan was overjoyed and immediately shouted.



The second child who was fleeing in front of him was covered in cold hairs, and the look of awe filled that tiger's face.

He didn't dare to run anymore, he stopped immediately, his tiger eyes swept around, and said without thinking and full of emotion.


"Brother, you are here, second brother, I will finally see you again."

The sincere voice spread far and far away, and Wang Shan also stopped, looking at the second child with some astonishment in his eyes.

Did I hear you right just now

You must have heard correctly.

But how does it sound, the second child, no, now the third child really wants to see the eldest brother

Suddenly, a golden light came from nowhere, fell on the ground after a flash, and turned into a figure.

Wang Shan immediately called Big Brother again, Wang Hu nodded to him, smiled quite satisfied and said: "Very good, third child, you did a good job this time."


"Hahaha, sure, big brother, I must be very good at doing things."

Wang Shan laughed happily, not being humble at all, just muttering to himself.

Brother, this is the first time you have praised me, right

How petty.

No, I am not the third child now, but the second child, I quickly reminded.


"Brother, I am not the third child now, but the second child, and the second child has already given up the position of the second child to me."

Wang Hu smiled, he has been here for a few minutes, and he listened to what the second and third child said just now.

The third child did really well this time, and he is worthy of his careful teaching for so long.

As for the matter of the third child becoming the second child, it's just nonsense.

He didn't respond, he put away his smile, and looked at the second child lightly.

At this time, the second child was looking at the figure in his eyes full of surprise, this is the eldest brother

this smell~

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, he exited in shock.


"Brother, you have reached the Divine Body Realm!"

The memories in his mind have some descriptions in this regard, but for him now, they are a little too far away, so he can't react for a while.

Dao body!

The eldest brother has reached the third level, the divine body level, which is his Taoist body.

The awe in his heart became stronger in an instant, and it was over, the eldest brother had reached the third level, and he had no chance to resist at all.

The entire tiger face wept for a moment, and immediately corrected its mentality, becoming full of longing.



He shouted affectionately, and immediately rushed towards his eldest brother, as if he wanted to hug him well to relieve the pain of missing him.

A sneer flashed across Wang Hu's eyes, and a golden light shone on his fingers.

The body that rushed over suddenly soared into the air, as if flying.

The next moment, it spun rapidly there, faster and faster, like a spinning top in a blink of an eye.


"Brother, I'm good, good, miss, miss you~"

The intermittent voice seemed to be thrown out, full of tremors.

The corner of Wang Hu's mouth curled up, and his mouth was stiff. With a thought, he turned even faster.


"Brother, I, I, swear, swear... I, really, really, want to, you, I, early, just, want to, go, find, you..."

The increasingly trembling voice was still firm, as if he was determined to die, as firm as a mountain.

Wang Shan, who was watching from the side, was completely stunned and stared blankly.

That's not what the third child said just now.

How can he talk such nonsense


"Brother, the second, no, the third is lying, he doesn't miss you at all, he doesn't want to find you at all, he still lies to you now."

Wang Hu glanced at him and stopped him from continuing.


"Brother, brother, brother, please, believe me, my second brother, I have been, thinking, thinking about you..."

As he said that, some unknown objects were thrown out of the spinning top.

It was full of bad smell, but the mouth was still so hard.

Wang Hu couldn't help but sneered, he really wanted to see how stubborn this guy could be

The finger was put down, the golden light disappeared, and the invisible force dissipated along with it. The second child fell from the air all of a sudden, fell solidly, spit out more things from his mouth, and obviously lost most of his consciousness.

Wang Hu waited leisurely for a few seconds, then said calmly, "Do you really miss me?"


"Ken, I'm sure, big brother, I was going to find you a long time ago."

The second child was out of breath, and said hard.

"Okay, since you miss me so much, how about letting big brother get close to you?"

The second child looked ugly and shook his head tremblingly.


"Okay, okay!"

Wang Hu snorted softly, and with a flash of golden light in his hand, the tiger's body, which was limp on the ground, flew into the air again, changed direction, threw its limbs away, and spun crazily.


"Brother, I, yes, you, dear, younger brother, younger brother, younger brother, younger brother, ah! I, in the future, will definitely, listen to you."

"You will be obedient?" Wang Hu said expressionlessly.


"Affirm, affirm, listen, speak."

The second child hurriedly yelled with difficulty.

"But big brother, I don't believe it." Wang Hu said flatly.

The finger stretched out and changed the direction.

The spinning top stopped and then changed direction.


"Brother, I really, can't take it anymore. If you go on, you won't, have me, this, brother."

The crying voice was intermittent, extremely weak, and there was a feeling that life was worse than death.

After spinning for another half a minute, Wang Hu let out a cold snort and lost his strength.

The second child fell to the ground with a 'bang'. Even though he had no more strength in his body, he kept spitting acid water from his mouth.

As for the others, as early as when it was spinning just now, it had already been vomited.

At this time, he looked like he was about to die soon, with more air out than air in.

On the side, the youngest had already watched the excitement with a smile on his face, and he wasn't worried at all. He is a majestic tiger clan man, what can he do if he spins around? Certainly not dead.

"Do you know what's wrong?" Wang Hu said coldly with his hands behind his back.


"Know, I know I was wrong."

The second child was limp on the ground, humming weakly.

"What's wrong?" Wang Hu narrowed his eyes slightly.


"It's my fault. I shouldn't have listened to what Big Brother said, and even lied to Big Brother."

The second child said honestly that he never wanted to experience the feeling just now, it was worse than beating him up.

"Hmph." Wang Hu snorted coldly, he thought he was going to keep talking.

"How dare you lie to me with your little thoughts? You think you made an excuse, and if you refuse to admit it, I will have nothing to do with you.

Ridiculous, your elder brother, I want to hit you, do I need a reason, an excuse? "

Wang Hu hated that iron cannot be made into steel, and rebuked coldly with confidence.

The second child's face was full of frustration and exhaustion, and he didn't even have the urge to curse, he just wanted to cry.

Or the asshole who doesn't make sense or who likes to beat them up.

The third child who was very happy at the side suddenly became unhappy.

Because he found out that the elder brother was not only talking about the second child, no, the third child.

Wrap him in too.

The eldest brother never needed a reason to beat him, no excuses.

Wang Hu didn't relieve his anger. In fact, he was really angry.

This is not a matter of the second child simply wanting to live alone and not come to him, it has a lot to do with it.

"Looking at you, you are living a very happy life, but unfortunately, wanting to be alone and carefree is simply ignorant.

Without the unity of the entire ethnic group to form a stronger power to protect, in today's world, who can be at ease

Do you think you are smart

You are actually the stupidest. In this regard, the third child is much smarter than you.

Stupid without knowing it, and wanting to pull the third child out of the group together, hehe, who do you think you are

Do you think you can live freely and safely in this world today

You are worse than a frog in a well, and you think you are very smart.

If you weren't my own brother, if it wasn't for the sake of my dead mother, do you think I want to control you

Do you know that if you drag the third child, you are harming him. I really want to beat you to death. "

The more he talked, the angrier he became, the more frustrated he became, he raised his hand and slapped the second child on the head with golden light.

The second child, who didn't even have the strength to call out the pain, could only bear it silently, looking at his elder brother pitifully.

Some lucidity regained, flickering with shock.

Is what brother said true

How can it be so serious

"Do you think I'm lying to you? Why do you think it's so serious?" Suddenly, Wang Hu sneered.

The second child was startled, and immediately shook his head obediently.

Wang Hu snorted again, "I'm too lazy to talk to you idiot, I'll give you time to see and think for yourself.

If you can't satisfy me when the time comes, I'll break your legs and raise you in a valley. I'll raise you for the rest of your life, lest you get killed someday and I have to avenge you. "

The second child was afraid, he could feel that the eldest brother was not joking with him, what he said was true.

He might really break his own legs and lock himself up for a lifetime, that's not what he wanted.

The third child on the side was also taken aback, and couldn't help but think, if he pissed off his elder brother, would his elder brother treat him like that

After much deliberation, there is only one answer, definitely yes.

Thinking about it, I couldn't help shrinking my tiger's head, not daring to look at my elder brother.


"Brother, I know I was wrong, and I will definitely not let you down again in the future."

The second child honestly admits his mistakes and promises.

Wang Hu didn't want to say anything more, the second child was quick-witted and thoughtful, not as honest and forthright as the third child.

No matter how much truth is said now, at most it will be ignored for a while, and it will soon be forgotten. Only by letting him see and think for himself can he deeply understand and act for it.

Do you really think he is the one who gets the most benefit from gathering the Tiger Clan

(The third chapter is still updated, but the number of words is a bit small. Today, a total of 11,000 words are dedicated. Please subscribe and ask for a monthly ticket. Thank you.)


(end of this chapter)