My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 118: New Home Gathering Array


It is undeniable that gathering the tiger clan is indeed of great benefit to him.

And at his current position of strength, almost everything he says and does can represent the Tiger Clan.

Even if he doesn't do anything, whoever wants to deal with the Tiger Clan must first consider him.

It can be said that his relationship with the Tiger Clan is already inseparable.

No way, who made him too strong, and there are not many tigers.

But after gathering the tiger clan, the one who gets the most benefit is definitely the ordinary tiger clan, not himself.

If he doesn't gather the Tiger Clan, with his current strength, who can do anything to him? Still at ease.

After gathering the Tiger Clan, under his protection, many Tiger Clans will have more status and a better environment to grow up.

Just like now, the earth dominates human beings, which country dares to despise the Tiger Clan

Dare to blatantly slaughter a tiger

Since he broke through to the third realm, he has seen from the Internet that many countries, including the other four major countries.

Both have issued laws that cannot actively harm tigers, and offenders will be punished severely.

It's self-evident why.

On the other hand, if all the Tiger Clan are like the second child and want to be at ease, then he will not be able to gather the Tiger Clan.

What will be the result

Humans, including other races, don't think that he, the tiger king, can't get together, they just think that he, the tiger king, doesn't care, doesn't want to gather, and doesn't care about the tiger clan.

Then would they be afraid of him and not kill other Tiger Clan


The status of the other tiger clan is definitely not as high as it is now.

All in all, Wang Hu's every move now is not only about himself, but about the entire tiger clan, and even affects the world.

If other tigers are like this now, Wang Hu doesn't really care too much. At most, he will punish him and drive him out of the tiger clan.

Okay, you took advantage of me and wanted to be free.

Okay, I won't stop you either, take back part of the benefits, and you can just fend for yourself.

I don't care about you.

But the second child is his own younger brother, so it is impossible for him to ignore it, and the second child's actions will have extremely bad effects.

This is still living in his territory, the time is still short, and no one has noticed the second child.

No one knows what will happen in the future.

The second child died inexplicably, Wang Hu would not be surprised.

Of course, there is no need to tell him these things now, one day, the second child will realize it by himself.

If he is really dissatisfied with what he has done then, then simply break the two legs and raise them up.

Anyway, with his current ability, it is not difficult to raise him.

Suppressing his anger a little, he said in a low voice: "Third brother, you continue to patrol, brother, I will take this bastard back first."

Wang Shan became anxious when he heard this.


"Brother, I am the second child, not the third child, but the second child, no, the current third child gave me the position of the second child in person."

The corner of Wang Hu's mouth twitched, he glared at him, and said angrily, "Can you let this thing go? Well, I know you want to return the bullying you received from your second child, so I promise you.

From then on, every seven days, you can fight with the second child, as long as you don't kill him. "

The second child lying on the ground looked even more ugly, he can't beat the third child now.

Wang Shan was a little disappointed at first, but when he heard what happened later, he suddenly became happy, and looked at the second child with bright eyes.

Well, as long as you can beat the dick, that's fine.


"Okay, brother."

The corner of Wang Hu's mouth twitched, and he grabbed the second child, and it turned into a golden light and disappeared into the sky.

Wang Shan is still full of anticipation, and when he goes back, he will be able to teach his second child a lesson.

He wants to give him back all the bullying he suffered before, no, give him back double.

Thinking about it, I went to patrol more vigorously according to the plan.

On the other side, in about ten minutes, Wang Hu returned home with his second child.

Throwing this thing on the ground casually, smiled wryly at the Hanhan who had already walked over, and said helplessly in tiger language: "Mr. Bai, this is the second child. I am the one who can't discipline him. This bastard has already broken through to the stage of transformation." , I just wanted to be alone in the mountains and forests, regardless of my identity and the tiger clan, I couldn't help but give him a lesson and bring him back."

Di Baijun looked at the second child, seeing the weak look on his face, and put away the thought of giving him a lesson immediately.

In the same tiger language, he said: "It's all about discipline in the future."

Wang Hu nodded, called Su Ling, and gave her the task of leading the second child to the world.

Five days passed in a blink of an eye. At this time, in Hanhan's eyes, Wang Hu's injury was almost healed, so Wang Hu started to build a new home.

The first thing is to chop down a huge mountain about 20 kilometers away from the passage of Dinosaur World, and then chop it horizontally from the middle, cutting it off abruptly.

Forming two sides of 90 degrees, one side is a wide platform, and the other side is a steep mountain wall.

The new home is in the mountain wall.

The first step was completed with great movement, and the next step was to build a place to live in the mountain wall.

The hall, the bedroom of Wang Hudi Baijun, the bedroom of Dabao and Xiaobao, the bedroom of Su Ling, the servant, the retreat room, the storage room, etc., and a few guest rooms and the like.

Fortunately, the mountain they chose was huge, otherwise it would definitely be hollowed out.

Only Wang Hu can do this job now, after all, Di Baijun's body has not recovered yet, and Su Ling and the others are not strong enough.

Wang Hu could only be alone, drilling holes bit by bit according to the blueprint Han Han gave him.

The overall speed is also very fast, but some details are more troublesome.

For example, the ground and walls must be compressed to the extreme, so that they become flat in the end, which is smoother and stronger than human concrete floors.

It took a full two days for Wang Hu to complete the work.

Next, it's not his business, Hanhan personally went to the battle to arrange the large amount of furniture she bought in the past few days in the new home.

Tens of millions of dry coins are generally spent.

But don't be silly, by now, even Wang Hu doesn't care much about the money in these banknotes.

Spend whatever you want, let's say it's not enough, anyway, as long as he thinks about it, he will never be short of it.

The only troublesome thing was the courier. Su Ling kept carrying the courier back and forth, which was very troublesome.

But Wang Hu still didn't ask people from Qian Kingdom to help deliver it. He didn't want humans to step into his territory unless it was a last resort.

Therefore, Su Ling could only continue to be in trouble.

After arranging the large furniture outside, Di Baijun and Wang Hu looked at the ground very seriously in their bedroom.

"Bai Jun, now we just need to put the spirit stone on it, right?" Wang Hu looked at the pattern that he couldn't understand at all, and asked curiously.

Di Baijun nodded, and said, "There are twelve eyes in total, and each eye should be filled with spirit stones. Twelve catties of low-grade spirit stones should last for half a year. After all, this can only be regarded as an ordinary spirit gathering array. Law.

We now have twenty-five catties of spirit stones, which can last for a year. "

"Didn't you say that this spirit-gathering formation is barely enough for the two of us to practice

A year is not short, and we will definitely be able to obtain new spirit stones by then. When we become stronger, we will arrange better spirit gathering arrays. "Wang Hu said confidently.

This is a formation arranged by Hanhan himself. The spirit-gathering formation has the effect of gathering the surrounding aura, allowing them to practice together in one place, and the speed of cultivation will be accelerated.

The disadvantage is that it needs to consume spirit stones, and the twenty-five catties of spirit stones he brought back from that other world can only be used for about a year.

Di Baijun felt a little embarrassed, she was really not sure about setting up a better spirit gathering array.

After all, she has never learned it before, and even this one is what she wrote down unintentionally.

The knowledge she knows the most is the tiger clan's cultivation techniques and combat supernatural powers, not these formations, alchemy and the like.

Of course, there is no need to say it now, anyway, this gathering spirit array is enough for now, let's talk about it later.

Put down the spirit stones one by one, according to what Hanhan said, the divine power was aroused.

Immediately, the pattern of the formation, including the spirit stone, began to emit a faint light, as if it was exerting a wonderful effect.

Wang Hu immediately sensed it carefully, and found that the auras from all directions were indeed gathering around their room.

I am happy in my heart, from now on, the husband and wife don't need to be far away when they practice, they can just stay in this bedroom.

After completing the formation, Wang Hu covered the bedroom with a clean and beautiful floor covering an area of about 300 square meters.

Then put the furniture, the most conspicuous one is undoubtedly the big bed.

It is five meters wide and nine meters long. It is not bought, but Wang Hu himself made it out of extruded stones, which are very hard.

Wang Hu was arranging the big furniture, while Di Baijun was arranging the small ones.

Tents, sheets, mirrors, dressing boxes, wind chimes, clothes, etc.

In about half an hour, this bedroom has a new look.

There are many modern technological objects of human beings, but they are full of antique flavors, very warm, and also have a grand, palace-like feeling.

Wang Hu smiled and said, "From now on, this will be our bedroom."

A look of shyness flashed in Di Baijun's eyes, he turned his head away and didn't speak.

Wang Hu didn't say much, he was not in a hurry about this right now.

Firstly, Hanhan's body hasn't recovered yet, and secondly, he feels too fast, Hanhan won't agree, and it's useless to be anxious.

After sorting out the details again, I started to decorate the room next to Dabao and Xiaobao.

Because the two little guys are too small, equivalent to two or three-year-old human children, Wang Hu didn't let them live separately, and a bedroom was right next to their bedroom.

After two or three hours of busy work, the whole new home is finished.

As soon as you come here, you will first see a square platform of thousands of square meters. On the steep mountain wall is a cave about 30 meters high and wide.

After entering, it is the lobby, a place to discuss matters and receive guests on weekdays.

There are only two seats at the top, which naturally belong to Wang Hu and Di Baijun.

Behind the hall is the back hall, which will be used as a place for two little guys to play and eat at home.

Stretching out to both sides are Su Ling's bedroom, and some storage rooms, guest rooms and so on.

Behind the back hall are the two bedrooms of Wang Hu's family.

The overall structure is not complicated, simple and clear.

But for Wang Hu's family and a maid, it is completely enough.

As for the second and third kings, ask them, they will all live around this mountain.

Wang Hu made dozens of caves in a row and gave them a place to live. He has already set the rules, the stronger the strength, the closer to his home.

This is a manifestation of status, and it can also get some benefits because of the spirit gathering array. The closer to his home, the more spiritual energy.

When the new home was completely completed and stood in the hall, Wang Hu felt an indescribable sense of satisfaction in his heart.

I have a wife, children, and a family, and my power is getting stronger little by little.

The family and business are both happy, and everything looks so beautiful.

Unable to help himself, he hugged Hanhan who was at the side, and kissed him deeply.

Immediately attracted Hanhan's little fist to serve, coupled with that shy and annoyed coquettishness.

"You're crazy, in broad daylight."

Wang Hu smiled and didn't resist, anyway, he couldn't hurt him, just hit him casually.

In the end, Di Baijun had no choice but to snort heavily, expressing his displeasure.

When Wang Hu was about to coax him, the second child came.

Immediately, Di Baijun returned to his aloof and majestic appearance.

Wang Hu also became serious.

Walking into the hall, the second child, who is now called Wang Liang, shouted obediently and obediently: "Brother, sister-in-law."

He spoke the language of the tiger, which was not taught by Wang Hu and Di Baijun, but the knowledge of this aspect in his awakened blood.

When Di Baijun knew about it, he was still a little curious, because the tiger language was actually the same as the tiger language in the wild world.

We must know that even if we are of the same race and in the same world, there will be differences in language due to different regions and customs.

(The first chapter, some things are delayed, sorry sorry.)

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(end of this chapter)