My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 31: The second stage of Tiger King Body


Even if some weak and small worlds have something they covet, they will never act like robbers.

It may seem silly, but this is the most prudent and safe national policy.

The world situation is becoming more and more complicated day by day, and they must be stable.

What Chen Jianguo meant was that animals should no longer be viewed in the same old way, especially animals that had grown stronger.

Treat them the same way you treat other worlds, you won't offend me, I won't offend you, live in peace.

Otherwise, it might not be difficult to kill this batch of stronger animals.

What can be exchanged is hatred and continued killing.

Maybe one day, that animal will be so powerful that Qianguo can't afford to mess with it.

What to do then

At that time, even if you tried to be friendly, people would not believe you.

To put it bluntly, everything is for the country and for safety.

As for worrying about those animals becoming stronger and threatening Qianguo, Chen Jianguo and the others could see it very clearly.

Just like a different world, different worlds, will they be united

Totally impossible.

This is even more so in the eyes of those powerful animals. They are not a race, and their relationship with each other is almost all food and predators.

It is as difficult as climbing the sky to make the animals stronger together, and Qianguo doesn't have to worry about this at all.

Chen Jianguo expressed his meaning clearly, so he fell silent and watched Dong Pingtao think.

In just a few seconds, Dong Pingtao spoke and sighed softly: "Jianguo, what you said is right, it's time to change our mentality and vision."

Chen Jianguo nodded and smiled a little. He knew that the other party agreed with him.

After making a decision, Dong Pingtao obviously relaxed and said: "Continue to use satellite monitoring, as long as they don't harm our people and don't interfere in any way, it will be a few more neighbors."

"Okay, I understand." Chen Jianguo nodded.

"Then let's hold a meeting in two days' time to fully confirm this matter," Dong Pingtao said.

This is not a simple matter, it is a basic national policy, and it must be officially released.

"Okay." Chen Jianguo naturally had no objection, he paused for a while and said with some hesitation: "Since we have established a basic national policy to live in peace with them, should we try to contact them and express our goodwill

Not surprisingly, the awakened bloodlines of them are very intelligent, and they can have a preliminary contact and exchange. "

"Especially this tiger, known as the Northern Tiger King, has entered the second realm. According to the research institute's speculation, its intelligence may not be inferior to that of humans.

As long as there is a way to communicate, there is no obstacle to communicating with each other.

And according to its previous and current behavior, it is not irritable, it never attacks us humans, and it is very caring and loving for its family. It is simply an outlier among tigers.

Establishing communication with him should not be a problem. "

"In addition, after establishing communication, everyone can get what they need, and the world it owns should be the world of dinosaurs.

We can get a piece of dinosaur genetic research and give it an equivalent.

In this way, with the transaction, the relationship will be stronger. "

Dong Pingtao pondered: "For so long, animals have been very wary of us humans, and there are too few cases like Gun Gun. After all, it is a panda, our national treasure, and was raised by us, so it relies on us so much.

For other animals, it may be difficult to establish communication and make them trust us.

It's better not to disturb them yet, wait until they reach the second level, where they are more intelligent, and now mark their range of activities, and it is strictly forbidden for anyone to harm or disturb them. "

"Okay." Chen Jianguo thought for a while and agreed.

"As for the Northern Tiger King." After hesitating for a while, Dong Pingtao said, "Don't worry about studying dinosaurs now, as our research focus is not on this.

Tigers are cautious by nature. This tiger king loves his family so much. The two children are still young. When we go, first of all, we have a language barrier and it is difficult to communicate. It will definitely disturb their family.

If you don't do it, then don't do it. Since we choose to do it, we must do our best.

Think more about our neighbors, first find a way to solve the communication problem, and then design the best contact method. "

Chen Jianguo smiled, and said with admiration: "As expected of you, you are still so careful, okay, I understand, first study out a way to communicate with tigers."

Dong Pingtao smiled and changed the subject: "How about the research institute? Our neighbors have achieved this, so we can't fall too far behind."

"Currently, the third edition of the popularized cultivation method is about to be completed, and the first edition of the cultivation method has been fully promoted to the entire army. It is planned to be extended to all junior high schools, high schools, and universities next year.

It has been five months since the potion for accelerating cultivation entered the stage of official use.

In a maximum of two months, someone must be able to reach the peak of the first realm. With a breakthrough method, with our scientific research strength and cultivation geniuses, there will be results within half a year without accident.

The longer the time, the greater our advantage will surely be over our neighbors. "Chen Jianguo said confidently, the last sentence is even more meaningful.

They all know very well that no matter what, their own strength is the most important thing.

Only with enough strength can they choose to have neighbors, not be chosen.

Dong Pingtao nodded, said a few more words, and Chen Jianguo left, continuing their respective busy lives.

At home, no, to be precise, at the door of the house, Wang Hu continued to practice.

He didn't know it at all, but in fact, their family had long been exposed to the eyes of human beings whom he had always been afraid of.

To put it bluntly, he was just an ordinary person in his previous life, and he didn't know much about how advanced technology is and how powerful a superpower can be.

Of course, even if he knew, there was nothing he could do, he could only practice desperately to increase his strength.

In the blink of an eye, another month has passed.

Hanhan is still like that, ignoring him with a cold face, letting him strike up a conversation with the cheek, but still ignoring him.

However, there is also a reason why he has restrained himself a lot during the recent strike-up.

He doesn't want to irritate this fool anymore, let's use time to smooth things out.

For more than a month, apart from practicing, hunting and sleeping less time when necessary, he just played with Dabao and Xiaobao.

One is that he is willing, and the other is to show the deep love between father and son and the closeness of father and daughter in front of Hanhan.

This method is still effective, although Hanhan has no reaction on the surface.

But Wang Hu could feel that every time Hanhan saw it, there would be out-of-sight, out-of-mind resentment rising, but she forcibly controlled it.

It's okay, Wang Hu can wait.

And for Hanhan's cold violence, he already had an ice-breaking plan, just after Hanhan broke through to the second level.

At midnight on this day, waiting for the time to pass, finally, Wang Hu's eyes seemed to light up.

Because the number of the map of the universe has finally reached 2.

Without hesitation, with a thought, the 2 changed to 0 again, and the light spot representing the Tiger King body suddenly doubled in size, and the light became much stronger.

At the same time, Wang Hu's consciousness came to that dark space again, and he could clearly see every corner of his body.


A silent roar appeared in the body, accompanied by a force like a river, which surged all over the body, transforming every corner of the body again.

It's the same as opening the first stage of Tiger King Body, only more thorough and more mysterious.

With the transformation, the resonance of every cell in the whole body became more intense.

In the resonance, there seemed to be faintly mysterious lines appearing.

The pattern seems simple, but when you look closely, you can't understand it at all, and you can't see it clearly.

At this time, Emperor Baijun in the cave was startled, and ran out quickly, looking at Wang Hu, frowning.

the bastard...

Is it the awakening of innate supernatural powers

His eyes were slightly startled, and he took a closer look and found that something was wrong.

This is not a new awakening of innate supernatural powers, but advanced innate supernatural powers.

But the astonishment did not diminish in the slightest. After the general innate supernatural power was awakened, it was fixed.

Although it will become more and more powerful with the increase of strength, its essence has not changed.

When the essence becomes stronger, that is the advancement of innate supernatural powers.

This kind of situation is extremely rare. In the Tiger Clan, only when the bloodline is upgraded and evolved can it be possible to advance the awakened innate supernatural power.

Ning Mei scrutinized it carefully, Di Baijun could be sure that this bastard hadn't even awakened his blood.

A trace of doubt flashed, and he was a little depressed. Could it be true talent

I want to say no, but I believe it a little bit.

Although this bastard is stupid and stupid, he deserves to die in every way, but in terms of cultivation, he is indeed considered extraordinary.

After thinking about it, he raised his head slightly, showing his arrogance.


What about talent

Sooner or later, the deity will trample this bastard under his feet.

He turned around and walked back to the entrance of the cave, staring at Wang Hu's body and the darkness.

I don't know how much time has passed, Di Baijun's eyes moved, and he ran into the cave like lightning, as if he had never come out.

After more than ten seconds, the transformation was over, Wang Hu opened his eyes, the expression of joy was obvious, and sufficient confidence was born, and he wished to roar.

But I still held back, Dabao and Xiaobao should still be sleeping, children can't keep waking them up.

Run away some and start testing.

The first is the flow of blood and energy, gathering on the claws to the greatest extent, and grabbing fiercely towards the other foreleg.

As a result, there was no injury, only the blood energy was reduced a little.

I was even more happy in my heart, and then I bit myself, tried all my strength, and was still unscathed.

Satisfied, Wang Hu let go, feeling more confident than ever before.

The second stage of Tiger King Physique has been completed, and the strength of the peak of the second stage must be surpassed to injure him.

He doesn't know how strong the peak of the second realm is, but he probably knows how strong he is now, and he is still far from the peak of the second realm.

With this kind of defense, coupled with his current speed, most of the shells of human beings can no longer do anything to him.

So, how can you not have confidence

(The new book asks for support, thank you.)

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(end of this chapter)