My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 45: A powerful alien world


Can the body of a tiger really achieve this level

Di Baijun has a wide range of knowledge, but he has never seen or even heard of such a situation among the tiger clan.

In a mere metamorphosis state, two innate supernatural powers have been awakened, and these two innate supernatural powers have also advanced.

It's completely unreasonable.

If she hadn't seen it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed it.

All of a sudden, she wondered if this bastard had opened some kind of secret blood? Or is it also the reincarnation of the Almighty

But what secret bloodline can the Tiger Clan hide from her

Even if it is a secret bloodline, how can it compare to the white tiger bloodline

Even she, who had the strongest white tiger blood back then, did not have this situation.

It is impossible for a powerful person to be reincarnated. This bastard obviously knows nothing about cultivation knowledge. The method of cultivation was bestowed by her. What kind of powerful person is this

The Wang character on his forehead was deeply wrinkled, Di Baijun couldn't figure it out, and couldn't see it through.

But there was one thing that made her mouth puff up unconsciously.

After this bastard, his cultivation speed will be faster than her again.

Thinking of this, she felt dissatisfied, resentful, uncomfortable and angry.

With such a strong heart, he raised his head and looked down at that bastard.


With a heavy cold snort in his heart, he was still arrogant.

But it's just a temporary lead, it's nothing at all.

When you reach the Divine Physique state, and the blood of the deity is further awakened, you will definitely be able to throw you bastard far away.

The deity does not believe it, but you can awaken more innate supernatural powers to increase the speed of cultivation

Having summoned up his arrogance, Di Baijun no longer looked at Wang Hu, he was cold and domineering.

Just still standing there, didn't go away.

After a while, suddenly, Di Baijun was very fast and entered the cave in a blink of an eye.

A few seconds later, Wang Hu slowly opened his eyes, with obvious joy, and immediately got up and ran to a distance to start experimenting.

Immediately, a completely different feeling appeared when the supernatural powers of the supernatural time talent were activated.

In his eyes, in his perception, the world around him seems to slow down, and he can grasp everything.

With a light leap, he jumped up to a height of tens of meters. When he fell, he could stretch his body freely. Everything was easy, as if he was really flying.

Running up, it was like a golden lightning running to the distance.

While running, all the surrounding situations are still under his control.

He can do whatever he wants.

After experimenting for a while, I stopped, feeling a little addicted, that feeling is really great!

It is so powerful that it seems to be able to control everything around it.

This is the second stage, the second layer, of the spiritual time.

All abilities related to speed, including running speed, agility, reflexes, explosive speed, etc., except for that ability, have all increased by two times.

Compared with the double of the first layer, the second layer seems to be only doubled, but it is double its own foundation.

He is a tiger, his speed is already fast, doubled, and doubled again.

A simple one is a huge increase in strength.

Among the masters, if the speed is a little faster, life and death may be separated.

What's more, this is doubled, all kinds of speeds are doubled, and the power is far more than doubled.

With the first floor, it is completely two levels.

Wang Hu couldn't help but think to himself, no matter who is in the second realm, if he meets him, he will probably be beaten passively, right

Thinking of that scene, he was a little happy.

From then on, he dared to say that he was not afraid of anyone in the second realm.

At the same time, he also discovered that the innate magical powers that this golden finger helped him to unlock were all focused on a certain aspect, which had a sense of extreme.

Tiger King Body is the ultimate in defense.

The ultimate time is the ultimate speed.

Next, if you turn on your innate supernatural powers, it may be the ultimate in other aspects, such as the ultimate in strength.

After thinking for a while, I calmed down and couldn't fall asleep, so I started to practice.

After dawn, Wang Hu added food to Hanhan's mother and son again, and set off to continue the next day.

Running among the mountains, looking for tigers, and observing the world today.

With the recovery and growth of spiritual energy, after more than two years, the animals are generally much larger, and the vegetation in the mountains and forests is not to mention, very vigorous.

This exuberance promotes the growth of herbivores, and the growth of herbivores promotes the growth of carnivores.

In this mountain forest two years ago, there was no way to supply the Wang Hu family at that time.

Now, two years later, it can barely supply Wang Hu's family at that time, no wonder they have grown up so fast like the second child.

Time is running out, Wang Hu is not too hard, looking for one by one, and he doesn't care if his own cultivation is delayed.

He would go home every eight or nine days at most, and if he found one of the ten tigers back then, he would bring him back in advance and throw him into the world of dinosaurs.

A month later, Li Tong got the news and immediately reported it.

"Find traces of the Northern Tiger King in Mount Qiu?" Chen Jianguo frowned.

"Yes, the satellite accidentally photographed it three days ago, and then notified us. We paid attention and found that the Northern Tiger King has been running all over the mountain, as if he was looking for something." Li Tong said seriously.

Chen Jianguo groaned softly, and said solemnly: "Don't bother, as long as it doesn't hurt the people of our country, don't bother, after all, we agreed."

"Yes." Li Tong nodded.

After a pause, he said again: "Old Chen, we haven't captured that big boa constrictor in the past five days, it has been hiding in the water and can't come out.

We speculate that it may be about to break through. "

Chen Jianguo frowned slightly, and said calmly: "Be careful, no matter what, don't let it hurt the people. Once you really break through, follow the plan."

"Yes, I understand." Li Tong replied.

Without further words, Chen Jianguo hung up the phone, closing his eyes and frowning, with a tired look on his face.

For a long while, I looked at a piece of top-secret information on the desktop and remained silent for a long time.

Half a month ago, off-land, a portal to another world opened at some unknown time, and a few race creatures with three eyes, who were similar to humans in Asia and the continent, came out.

All of them have the power of the second realm, and they clashed with the local tribes unscrupulously, and the final result was that those few creatures from other worlds were wiped out.

But within a short time, thousands of second-level creatures and an army came out, bloodbathed the tribe, and spread around to compete for territory.

The United Nations of the world acted immediately and decisively launched a large-scale land scrubbing with missiles, which almost wiped out the thousands of creatures, and only arrested a few for interrogation.

Then the joint army was sent to guard the passage in the other world.

It seems that the matter has been resolved, but none of the high-level officials in the world does not have a heavy heart.

The thousands of troops in the established Second Realm were like a mountain pressing down on them.

They all know how scary that is.

It means that this different world must have a third realm, or even a fourth realm, or even...

They didn't dare to think too much, they could only find ways to explore the situation.

So far, no news has come out of the people sent in to investigate the situation, let alone a single person.

Obviously, the whole army was wiped out.

The only thing that made them feel at ease was that the few creatures from other worlds who were captured alive were finally tortured for some information.

Then there was even more heaviness, and a slight respite.

The vast three-eyed family.

World channel restrictions.

Chen Jianguo sighed, full of exhaustion and worry, and smiled wryly.

It's really a blessing and a curse!

three days later.

Ordinary people don't even know that the leaders of the five major countries in the world have another video conference.

The faces of the five old men were all heavy, and they did not hide anything.

After a short few seconds of silence, Dong Pingtao spoke first, "All countries send people to practice in our country, and I agreed to do it. The number of people from each of your four countries is 10,000, and the other countries are 5,000.

But if you enter our country, you must abide by our laws.

Once a situation arises that our country cannot cope with, these people must join the fight. "

"Of course, this is a certain thing. After all, we are now one." An old white man nodded immediately, and others also said that there was no problem.

In today's world, Qian Country has the strongest aura and the fastest cultivation speed. They have been discussing for more than a year, and they have not reached an agreement until now.

"Okay, now that we've reached this point, I don't have anything to worry about, I'll speak first." The leader of the North Bear Kingdom said in a deep voice, "Everyone knows about the three-eyed court, and its strength is unbelievably strong.

It is only a nobleman in the court who knows the world passage and is eyeing our world.

But the strength of this noble may have exceeded our imagination.

If it weren't for our special world channel, which can only allow strong people who do not exceed the corresponding level of spiritual energy to pass through, our entire earth may be over.

But now the aura is increasing, we can't stop it, and we don't know to what extent it will increase. Will the damn nobles send over strong men that we can't handle

Therefore, we must really reach a single heart and join forces in an all-round way.

Otherwise, one day, all of us human beings will probably become that damned slaves. "

The naked words are not like what the leader of a big country said.

But at this time, the other four people didn't feel strange at all.

Because they are human beings too, and they will be like this in the face of such a mountainous situation.

"I agree, we must be single-minded. We have no other choice. This may be just the first three-eyed family. Who knows if there will be a second? A third

If we hesitate any longer, we are sinners of mankind. "

(Thanks for the support, thank you.)

... ... ...

Thanks to Clown Yu and Mo Lishang for tipping another 100 starting coins, thank you.

(end of this chapter)