My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 6: I have a child



In a forest, there was the deep howling of wolves, and the pack of more than a dozen wolves seemed to have received an order. The team that was originally on foot immediately turned into a fast march.

Moreover, there was no confusion in the whole process, like a well-trained army.

After a while, the pack of wolves found their target.

A mother wild boar weighing more than 300 catties, and her two cubs.

Compared with the body of the wild boar mother, these wolves are much smaller, but the relationship between the two is inversely proportional.

The wild boar mother screamed anxiously, and fled quickly with her two children.

The wolves followed behind, as if they were not in a hurry, and did not launch an attack, but followed closely like salivating.

After hundreds of meters, "Howl~!"

A distinctive howl of wolves rose, and the wolves seemed to have received an order, as if waking up from a deep sleep, showing their fangs.

It picked up the speed fiercely, and soon, the wolves caught up with the two little wild boars.


The two little wild boars made a frightened sound, and the mother wild boar had no choice but to turn around and stop the wolves.

The wolves did not fight recklessly, but took the opportunity to surround the mother and son.

Afterwards, more than a dozen wolves seemed to have a unified order, and they cooperated one after another to attack the mother wild boar.

With its huge body and thick outer skin, the wild boar mother does not seem to be showing weakness, but is majestic, repelling the attacks of wolves again and again.

However, it failed to display its best skills and went on a rampage because it wanted to protect its children.

Once it leaves its child, its child will definitely die at the mouth of the wolf immediately, so it can only passively resist and fight back.

In this way, after a while, under the continuous attack of the wolves, blood began to see on it, and it became panting.

But there is also good news. It seems that the wolves' attention is on the wild boar mother, and they didn't hurt the little wild boar much.

A little attack after a while was only tentative. When the wild boar mother counterattacked, he stopped and continued to attack the wild boar mother.

A few wolves came in one wave, one wave after another, without any stagnation, like a raging wave, endless.

Twenty minutes later, the mother wild boar was dripping with blood and gasping for breath. Her body, which seemed to be indestructible, was weak.

There was panic and uneasiness in the cry.

Suddenly, it seemed to understand something, became fierce, and rushed in one direction brutally.

He didn't stop it head-on, but followed from the side except for a few little wild boars who attacked and followed.

The two little wild boars fell to the ground first and couldn't afford to die. When the mother wild boar saw her furious, she turned around and rushed away, and the wolves quickly dispersed.

The wild boar mother looked sadly at the two dead little wild boars, howling, and continued to rush in one direction.

The little wild boar was dead, and it was time for him to run for his life.

But at this time, it was too late. Having wasted a lot of physical strength and suffered injuries, it could no longer escape the siege of wolves.

It didn't take long before I could only fall down with fear and never get up again.

The wolves howled, with a kind of joy.

And in the downwind, a pair of eyes looked from beginning to end, watching this good show of wolves hunting pigs.

The unsuspecting wolves are ready to start eating.

Suddenly, a gust of wind roared in, and the next moment, there was an earth-shattering roar of tigers.


It is like the most masculine thunder in the world falling, sweeping away all the darkness in the world.

The pack of wolves trembled, and almost all the wolves began to tremble visibly with the naked eye, terrified.

Regardless of the food, both eyes looked in the same direction, and then retreated in unison, the fear became more intense, as if they were about to run away at any time.

Wang Hu stopped about ten meters away, looked down at the wolves with cold eyes, domineering and dismissive.

It seemed that the wolves were not taken seriously at all.

An invisible but real power, like a mountain pressing down on the wolves.

All kinds of low growls of anxiety and fear resounded among the wolves, and some wolves kept retreating.

If they didn't care too much about food and the existence of the wolf king, they would have escaped.

Standing here at this moment is just the last persistence.

Wang Hu didn't care about their persistence, and he didn't care about their thoughts at all. Without saying a word, his explosive power surged, and his huge body rushed directly towards the wolves.


The terrified wolf howling reached its peak, but it did not hinder Wang Hu's actions at all. He slapped a trembling wolf flying in front of him with a slap, and knocked down a fleeing wolf in a few steps.

Lock the throat, shake it, pick it up directly, let it howl, blood flow down.

When the tiger's eyes glanced around, the wolf pack completely collapsed, and without caring about anything else, they frantically fled in all directions.

Wang Hu didn't intend to let them go. He tore the wolf in his mouth, completely severing its life, and started chasing and killing other wolves.

The terrified howling of wolves lasted for a long time in the forest before it subsided slowly.

Wang Hu, with blood dripping from his mouth, returned here with a terrifying aura.

As if nothing had happened, he finished eating the two little wild boars, and dragged the mother wild boar back to the cave.

It is better not to waste this food.

As for wolf meat, it's not tasty, so throw it away.

As for the wolves, this was what he had been looking for for several days, and he finally found it tonight, and he even watched a good show for free.

The horror of the wolves was evident.

Although it poses no threat to adult tigers, it poses a greater threat to cubs, so they have to die.

Speaking of which, the strength of this pack of wolves, among all the targets Wang Hu has hunted and killed in the past month, only the brown bear can be compared.

But killing the wolves was much easier for Wang Hu than dealing with the brown bear.

This can be regarded as one thing subduing one thing, and an adult tiger restrains a wolf.

Even a pack of wolves is useless, because an adult tiger can easily kill a wolf, and has a good ability to find the wolf king.

Adding the two together, the pack of wolves is nothing to adult tigers, and if the wolf king is killed, the pack of wolves will naturally collapse.

What's more, Wang Hu, the invincible tiger king in the mountains and forests, doesn't look down on him at all with a pack of more than a dozen wolves.

He had already killed about half of it just now, and the remaining strength was greatly damaged, which is no longer a concern.

It took nearly a day to drag the mother wild boar's body back to the cave. Without taking a break, she tore off a piece and continued the great business of food delivery.

Results as always before heading back to the cave to start resting.

In a blink of an eye, more than a month has passed, Wang Hu is no longer going out to eliminate possible threats at this time, and spends most of his time staring at Hanhan, and his heart begins to become more and more nervous.

Because if he remembered correctly, the pregnancy period of a tiger is about three months.

The time for Hanhan to give birth is not far away.

In addition, the possible threats are almost eliminated, at this time, he naturally wants to stay by Hanhan's side as much as possible, just in case.

There was another point that made him feel extremely depressed.

Even now, this fool is still refusing to eat the food he sent and hunts alone.

Every time at this time, he wished to beat up this fool, he was disobedient and stupid at all.

I'm about to give birth, what if I get hurt

Of course, no matter how depressed you are, you have to bear it. At this time, the tigress is extremely sensitive and cautious. She can't provoke her, so she can only try her best to help.

Another eight days later, on this day, Wang Hu delivered meals as usual.

The still unattractively handsome figure appeared, and walked to the food, but this time, instead of lowering his head and biting it, he stared blankly.

Wang Hu, who thought it was the result of the past, was shocked immediately.

Immediately, I saw that Hanhan raised his eyes and looked in his direction.

Wang Hu was nervous for a while, and after more than ten seconds, Hanhan lowered his head and began to eat food.

Wang Hu was overjoyed at once, this Hanhan finally got the hang of it, no, he was moved by him.

For a moment, I felt a little sad, it was not easy!

For the first time, he felt that it was so difficult to be nice to a person.

Immediately, another thought appeared, Hanhan ate, could it be that she is about to give birth

As soon as the idea came out, it felt very possible, and my heart was even more pleasantly surprised and excited.

Until Hanhan finished eating and walked into the cave, Wang Hu stayed for a long time before leaving.

The next day, he came to deliver food again.

Hanhan also ate it again.

It lasted for three days until the fourth day when Wang Hu saw Hanhan out to eat again, he keenly noticed her abnormality.

It seemed that he was a little weaker, and his eyes seemed to be no longer so cold.

Stomach, tummy, well, he couldn't see any change in his stomach, let alone be sure.

Suppressing the ups and downs of emotions, he didn't go forward to make sure, and sent them off for a few days in a row. This time, Wang Hu couldn't help it.

He deliberately hid under the slope a few meters away, and when Hanhan came out to eat, Wang Hu was sure that he smelled something different.

Hanhan has two very weak but definitely different smells on him.

He was completely sure that Han Han was born.

gave birth to his child, his little tiger.

He held his breath and was stunned for a moment, just a long daze.

He has a baby!

He was an orphan in his previous life and a tiger in this life. He seems to be a superfluous existence in this world, and he even named him himself. He actually has a child.

He is not alone anymore.

Suddenly, an urge to cry came unexpectedly and fiercely.

I endured it and endured it, but I still couldn't hold it back, and my eyes watered automatically.

And just when he was in a daze, the tigress, whom Wang Hu used to call Hanhan, after eating the food, looked coldly at the small slope that couldn't hide Wang Hu's huge body at all, and turned around proudly and entered the cave.

After a long time, Wang Hu managed to calm down his emotions. He felt unusually strong all over his body, and his thinking was also unusually active.

I have children and a wife, and the next step is to look after the children and live with my wife and children.

Right, that is it.

Find a way, think of a way.

While thinking quickly, he rushed to the distance like the wind.

After running for several miles, he jumped onto a big rock, and countless emotions poured out of his chest.


"I have a baby!"

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(end of this chapter)