My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 71: The third child wants to be the second child


And how to solve it is a big problem.

In the past, if it really didn't work, they could be hunted and killed on the spot.

But now, it is absolutely impossible.

Once they are hunted and killed and other animals know about it, even if they are not of the same race, they will die and the fox will be sad.

Because in the eyes of the animals, they are too strong!

Naturally, at certain moments, they are in the same camp.

This camp is called races other than humans.

Then the relationship that has been managed with great difficulty is likely to be ruined in one day.

This is absolutely not acceptable.

After a moment of contemplation, Dong Pingtao said, "Let's leave it to the Secretariat for discussion."

"Okay." Li Aimin nodded.

Everyone has their own strengths. Although they are the leaders of this country, when it comes to IQ, they are definitely not as good as the Secretariat as a whole.

What they have to do is to choose the most suitable one from the methods submitted by the Secretariat.

A day later, the secretariat proposed several methods to Dong Pingtao and Li Aimin.

After pondering for a while, Dong Pingtao said calmly: "What do you think of the second one?"

Li Aimin frowned slightly, hesitatingly said: "Using beasts to rule beasts, convincing many beast kings to go to the border, and let them settle this matter is indeed the most stable method, and it can also serve multiple purposes.

But if it goes smoothly, it will be equivalent to dividing up territory at the border. After this time, the beast kings may be equivalent to occupying the mountain as kings. "

After a pause, he continued: "This method is indeed very beneficial for the present and the future, firstly, to solve the problem of animal invasion.

Second, it is equivalent to adding an extra layer of protection at the border.

Thirdly, it is also possible to move the powerful ethnic groups in the interior to the border to avoid possible dangers in the future.

Fourth, it is also possible to let the various races fight each other, and we stand by and watch.

But if we want to intervene in those border areas in the future, we will have a serious concern.

Moreover, the various ethnic groups are likely to grow rapidly because of this, so I am worried that other hidden dangers will be planted. If they unite... "

The second method is not complicated. It is to let the beast kings of various races come forward, let them lead their clans to change their home, to the border, and let them solve the problem of animal invasion.

It is actually not difficult to convince them of this, and they are sure to do the country.

After all, the animals are short of food now, and no matter how much food there is, they won't be too much.

But while this method has great benefits, it also has disadvantages.

Animals continue to enter the country of Qian, what if the various ethnic groups become bigger because of this, and their positions get closer, and they unite to fight against the country of Qian

Dong Pingtao nodded, and said in a calm manner: "It makes sense, but even if we don't move the various ethnic groups, the ethnic groups that were originally on the border will not take this opportunity to become stronger

Maybe the speed will be faster. If we move to the past, it may not be delaying some of their powerful time. "

After a pause, he said again: "Now the earth is getting bigger every day, and our living space is also getting bigger, and no one knows when it will stop.

In a short period of time, our country does not need to worry about living space.

With the larger the living space and the better the environment, it is certain that all ethnic groups will become stronger.

Tiger King, Snake King, and Bear King are all gathering groups, we can't stop them.

Because our real enemy is not the various races in Qianguo, but those unknown alien worlds. "

Sisi's heaviness emerged in Dong Pingtao's eyes. He is still a human being after all, no matter how calm and unhurried he appears.

But the power of that different world actually made him extremely heavy.

It's just that he has undertaken too much, so he can't show it.

Li Aimin couldn't help nodding, equally heavy.

"The direction of progress has been set, and the future trend is the strength of the individual.

The strength of the race must also yield to the strength of the individual.

No matter how big the clans are, it doesn't matter, because the strong are the last to be seen.

We will be stronger than them. We have so many advantages. If we can't do this, we will only die when we face our real enemy.

On the contrary, they are good helpers of all races, because we have a common real enemy. "

"Furthermore, even if we don't do this and let the powerful people of various races scatter, won't they be united

After all, one day, they will unite together.

Because our country is too strong, they will unite together.

Tiger King and the others gather their ethnic group, which is the embodiment of their wisdom and fear.

But we can't really regard them as one, they are actually scattered, after all, they are different races, and they are regarded as food for each other.

Between us and them, there will always be only one relationship, using each other and guarding against each other.

To a certain extent, this is similar to our relationship with other countries, but it is a little further away.

After all, countries and we belong to the same family of human beings, and there is still some possibility of complete integration. "

"In the final analysis, everything depends on strength in the end.

All ethnic groups are adjacent to each other on the border. When they are all strong to a certain extent, one party will decline and the other will continue to be strong.

As long as our country is still stronger than the opponent, it will be stable and not bad.

Moreover, our country sits in the center and has four borders. No matter how big a race is, it can only unify one border. "

After calming down his emotions, Dong Pingtao said it almost in one breath, as if he was speaking to Li Aimin, but also as if he was speaking to himself.

Li Aimin was convinced.

Because relative to the power of the unknown world, relative to the various races, they will eventually become stronger, and to a certain extent, they will unite.

He is worried that the various ethnic groups will grow bigger and unite against Qianguo, which is not enough to fight against it.

Li Aimin nodded, and said in a slightly dignified tone: "You are right, leader, but I see it narrowly.

However, there are countless animals that have flooded into the border this time.

The number of groups that the Beastmasters gather is limited, can it be solved? "

"Heh." Dong Pingtao showed a little smile, and pointedly said: "Don't underestimate these beast kings, those who can reach the second level at this time are not idle people.

Bloodline inheritance is extremely mysterious, and their methods may far exceed our imagination.

The more than one hundred tigers gathered by the Tiger King, and the hundreds of tigers that have not gathered, and one-fifth of the northern border area are handed over to him, I think it is all right.

The groups of other beast kings gathered are limited, and they don't have such a big appetite, so they just happened to find more. "

"Then I'll start making arrangements now." Li Aimin said decisively after pondering for a while.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's hold a meeting of the cabinet to formalize it." Dong Pingtao raised his hand and said calmly.

Li Aimin raised his eyebrows imperceptibly, and nodded in response.

When Dong Pingtao and Li Aimin were discussing this major event that might affect various races, Wang Huzheng was quite pleasantly surprised.

A month or so had passed since the spiritual energy was fed back, and that day he was practicing as usual, when a roar of a tiger came, and a tiger with a shoulder height of four meters came running from the north.

Wang Hu looked over and was overjoyed.

third child!

And he has actually broken through.

A few jumps went up to meet them, and in a blink of an eye, the two tigers came together.

Wang Hu raised his tiger palm, and happily touched the third child's head.

The third child let out a low growl and turned his head, full of reluctance, but he still didn't escape the tiger's paw.

After a while of rubbing and twisting, Wang Hu became more joyful, and his spiritual power surged, and he passed on the method of mind communication.

The tiger language has not been passed on, after all, the third child has just broken through and opened up his spiritual wisdom, teaching too much is not good for him.

After waiting for a few seconds, the third child roared softly.



There was some novelty and fear in the voice.

Wang Hu's eyes lit up when he heard it. After more than ten years, he finally heard this big brother.

Feeling happy, he couldn't help but think of the tiger mother back then, the first existence in two lifetimes who was sincerely kind to him.

Blinking, putting away his emotions, he slapped hard.


"Good boy!"

The third child's body shook violently, and the fear in his eyes grew stronger.

Wang Hu was a little embarrassed, and couldn't help but exerted force just now.

As for the fear in the third child's eyes, he is not surprised. The second child and the third child have been scared by him since they were young. Coupled with his current size, it is normal to be afraid of him.

After a long time, maybe, it will be fine.


"That's right, he's better than your second brother. I'm afraid the second brother's breakthrough hasn't happened yet."

His eyes swept over the body of the third child, and Wang Hu nodded in satisfaction.

To say that when I was young, the third child was the weakest in body shape, but I never thought that after practicing, I could always overwhelm the second child.

The third child's eyes brightened slightly, and he was also happy.


"Brother, did I break through first?"

Wang Hu nodded in response.

In the blink of an eye, the third child became eager to move, full of anticipation to speak.


"Brother, can I be the second child? Let the second brother be the third child."

Wang Hu was stunned for a moment, his eyes became a little strange, the youngest child was relatively quiet since he was a child, he never expected that he would come up with this idea!


"Why do you want to be the second child?"

The third child said honestly.


"He used to hit me when he was young, but now I break through first, he can't beat me anymore, it's time for me to be the second child to beat him."

The voice is full of taking it for granted, and there is also a unique simplicity.

Wang Hu heard it funny, the second child was quite naughty when he was young, he beat the second and third child, and the second child beat the third child, raised the tiger's palm, rubbed it again, and scolded with a smile.


"Okay, how many years have passed, I still remember so clearly, we are tigers, why are we so stingy

Besides, if you can beat Big Brother me, do you still want to be the boss? "

The third child looked up at his elder brother suspiciously, and said honestly.


"Then I can't beat you, brother?"

Wang Hu's smile froze, this bastard really has such an idea!

It's been years since I've played!

He patted the tiger's head with a slap, and said softly.


"Okay, be your third child honestly, don't think about messing around."

The youngest looked disappointed, and answered, not daring to refute.


"Come on, I'll take you to meet your nephew, niece, and your sister-in-law."

The third child nodded.


"Remember, no matter what, you must be called sister-in-law. Your sister-in-law will always be your sister-in-law. Also, don't say that I said this, understand?"

Wang Hu instructed.

(Thank you for your support.)


Thanks to Zhuojiu people for tipping another 15,000 starting coins, thanks to the little tadpole who loves reading poems for tipping 1,000 starting coins, thanking Yangliuan Fireworks Yi Leng, and Zhuang WD for tipping 500 starting coins, and thanking Qidian for naming, Bingtangyu It’s really hard to reward 200 starting coins, thanks to Qinshuiliu, Qi Nang, Yiru Fanzhang, and Dusk Bell for rewarding another 100 starting coins, thanks to the author himself and mortals in QQ reading for rewarding 588 book coins, thank you Senxia I rewarded 100 book coins, thank you.

(end of this chapter)