My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 82: Great talents appeared in the Tiger Clan


"Does Your Majesty feel that I am very different from the ordinary Tiger Clan

Think I'm an outlier? "

Wang Hu's expression didn't change, but the meaning was clear, indeed it was.

The tiger smiled a little and spoke calmly.


"My lord, I read in the human world that people have thousands of faces, so why not tigers

Tyrannical, bloodthirsty, gentle, stupid, impulsive, cautious, competitive, wise and so on and so forth.

Are tigers with different personalities not the tiger clan

Now all over the earth, all races except human beings have just embarked on the road of enlightening their spiritual intelligence and becoming intelligent beings.

Why does Your Majesty need to be obsessed with fixed impressions? "

Suddenly, Wang Hu woke up with a start, persistent and inherent impression~!

He seemed, indeed, to be.

His cognition of tigers is based on the combination of his previous life as a human and this life as a tiger.

But to be precise, this is all for Fan Hu who has not yet activated his intelligence.

The opening of spiritual intelligence, to a certain extent, is the birth of an intelligent creature, which is completely different from the past.

And he only met a few Tiger Clan who had activated their intelligence

Hanhan, Dabao Xiaobao, and the third child.

Not to mention Hanhan, Dabao and Xiaobao, they are in special circumstances and are not representative.

So, he has seen the tiger clan with enlightened wisdom, not counting the tiger in front of him, there is only one youngest in total.

But his impression of the Tiger Clan has solidified somewhat.

Leaving aside the concept of ethnic groups, racial awareness, and solidarity, it is indeed strange to change them all at once.

But when he looked at this tiger who looked like a scholar and a wise man, he also felt awkward. He felt that he was a different kind, not like a normal tiger clan. This was the solidified impression.

Humans have thousands of faces, but tigers are not necessarily the same, and other races are the same.

Intelligent beings, what are intelligent beings

It is to have your own unique thinking, and slowly, you will form a different character and existence.

Instead of intelligent beings, they just gradually formed instincts in order to survive and reproduce.

Therefore, non-intelligent creatures of the same race have almost the same behavior and character.

Not only is his impression of the Tiger Clan solidified, but he also has this invisibly for all other races except humans.

Maybe it's nothing now, but if he is like this in the future, he will definitely suffer because of it.

Opening up the spiritual wisdom represents a brand new beginning, and we must no longer use the past impressions to look at the various races.

A dog may not necessarily be loyal, and a cow may not necessarily be simple and honest...

The tiger in front of him is right. Now on the earth, all races except human beings are just beginning on the road of enlightening their intelligence and becoming intelligent beings.

Its cognition should actually be unfamiliar.

Including the Tiger Clan, there is an honest and honest youngest, and there is also the image of a serious and thoughtful scholar in front of him.

In the future, maybe there will be special bloodthirsty ones, funny ones, melancholic ones and so on.

Treat every living being with enlightened intelligence as if you were treating a stranger. Their previous racial habits and personalities can only be used as a reference.

Thinking about it this way, although the tiger in front of him was still a little awkward, it was already much better.

That's all right, so the rest is why he abandoned his previous habits so quickly and became aware of ethnic groups and unity

Is it because he is a genius who is good at learning and loves to think, and has learned those things from the human world in a short period of time

It may not be impossible, but Wang Hu will not believe it easily.

After pondering, the admiration became stronger.


"You're right, it's my king's cognition that has solidified.

I am very happy that the Tiger Clan has a genius like you. "

Putting aside those mistrust and uncertainties, he is really happy to see such an existence in the Tiger Clan.

Otherwise, if they were all like the third child, wouldn't he be exhausted


"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your compliment."

The tiger replied flatly.


"It seems that you are very good at learning and thinking, and you have realized that only by forming a group and uniting as one can we Tiger Clan survive better in this increasingly dangerous world.

So, what else do you think? Just say it all, let me listen. "

Wang Hu said with interest.

The tiger nodded, his expression more serious.


"Your Majesty is willing to listen, and of course I am willing to say that I have been learning about this world ever since I opened my spiritual wisdom and Qianguo contacted me.

Afterwards, I began to study the history and culture of Qianguo, and I thought a lot about it.

There are still many imperfections in it, but there are some, I'm sure.

There is an anomaly in the Qian Kingdom, and this world has huge secrets. Our Tiger Clan living in the Qian Kingdom has both advantages and disadvantages. Currently, the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

Moreover, the best way to deal with Qianguo is not to be hostile, but not to be close either.

As long as we have enough power, we can just sit back and watch the situation change... "

The calm and confident voice sounded for a long time, and Wang Hu also listened carefully for a long time, and joined in, turning into a discussion.

He realized that an intelligent genius really appeared in the Tiger Clan under his rule.

How long has he been enlightened

He already has his own views on many things, and they also coincide with him.

Here is a real helper who can help him.

Gradually, although there is still some distrust and vigilance remaining, he is truly regarded as a subordinate,


"What do you think of what this king asked Su Ling to do?"

Wang Hu was not unusual, as if he was just asking ordinary questions.

The tiger's expression remained unchanged, and he still spoke seriously and seriously.


"Your Majesty, I have also learned a lot from Butler Su during this period of time. I thought that Your Majesty's foresight is really shocking.

The habits that my Tiger Clan has passed down for countless years are not so easy to change, but they need to be taught.

Moreover, our tiger clan is strong enough to survive alone in the mountains and forests. Even if we open up our spiritual wisdom in the future, if we want to unite them, we must have an absolute king to rule them and lead the tiger clan.

Just like a group of dragons without a head, a group of tigers must also have a head in order to form a powerful force.

This king is none other than you, the great king. "

The resolute and firm voice made Wang Hu overjoyed.

Especially looking at the serious look of the other party, saying good things about him, as if it is only natural, I feel a little comfortable.

He knew that the other party was not flattering, but it was because he was not flattering, but telling the truth, that made him feel so comfortable.

Also, the attitude of the other party is undoubtedly agreeing with what he is going to do.

How could he be unhappy


"My lord, when the time is ripe, we can learn from human civilization, create a real dynasty for our tiger clan, and accelerate the evolution of our tiger clan's civilization."

Wang Hu's eyes brightened slightly, the real dynasty!

Of course he understood the meaning of this, and the backlog of ambition was aroused a little.

After a few seconds, he pressed down and spoke calmly.


"There is no need to talk about things that are too far away now."

The tiger was thoughtful, as if he had suddenly woken up, nodded his head, and solemnly agreed.


"Your Majesty is so farsighted, I was just happy for a moment, Meng Lang."

Wang Hu smiled and shook his head, saying it was nothing.

Suddenly, as if thinking of something, a trace of surprise and uncertainty flashed across.

He took a deep look at the tiger in front of him, didn't he say it on purpose

After thinking about it for two seconds, I didn't care.

No matter what, it is a happy event for him to have such a talented man with wisdom and a good voice, so there is no need to pay more attention to some minor details.

The tone is quite gentle.


"Do you have a name?"

The tiger shook his head and said calmly.


"I thought about it before, but I have been busy studying, but I haven't settled down. I wonder if the king has a good name?"

Wang Hu felt a little itchy in his heart. It was a very comfortable thing to name such an outstanding tiger.

After pondering for a while, he said seriously.


"This king's relatives gave them the surname Wang, and among the human beings in the Qian Kingdom, the king is the king.

You might as well take Jun as your surname, I hope you can continue to study hard and become the most knowledgeable and wise man of my Tiger Clan, so I will give you a question.

You ask, how? "

The tiger's eyes lit up, as if he was muttering the word Junwen, and he seemed to understand some deeper meaning.

Gratitude surfaced on his always serious expression, and he lowered his head and said with a sense of surrender.


"Your Majesty thanked you for giving me the name, and I will surely live up to my Majesty's high hopes in the future."

Wang Hu nodded in satisfaction. The more he thought about the name, the more satisfied he became.

Junwen, Junwen, both nice and meaningful.


"From now on, you will live near here and help me deal with my Tiger Clan's affairs."

Wang Hu said, Jun Wen nodded in response.

He didn't say anything more, and asked Jun to read more about what Su Ling taught the third child, would it be helpful for Su Ling

Wang Hu came to Hanhan's side, explained the matter roughly, and finally said with satisfaction: "I never thought that a genius would appear in my Tiger Clan so soon, and we will all be more relaxed in the future."

After hearing this, Di Baijun was a little unhappy.

Because when Jun Wen talked to her, he didn't talk so much.

She didn't even know that Jun Wen had so many extraordinary opinions and was so talented.

Talk to the bastard, but don't tell her.

My heart is out of balance.

(Thank you for your support, make up yesterday's.)


Thank you Yiyu|I donated another 200 starting coins, thank you for your hard work and rewarded another 100 starting coins, thank you.

(end of this chapter)