My Fierce Tigress Wife

Chapter 86: shocked the nations


Slowly, as this aura became more powerful and terrifying, it began to permeate outside the cave, affecting a wider and wider range.

The first ones to be affected were Wang Shan and Su Ling.

The huge pressure is getting stronger day by day.

If they didn't know that it was made by their big brother (big devil), they would have turned around and fled long ago.

I don't know if it's because I know it was my father who made it, or because of the white tiger's blood, but Dabao and Xiaobao are fine, they still play carefree every day.

It's just that they didn't have a mobile phone, which made them tantrums for a while, and of course they were suppressed by Di Baijun.

As for Di Baijun, he will not be affected by this breath.

He stays not far from the cave every day, even for rest.

There was solemnity in the tiger's eyes, like anticipation, like nervousness.

After the first day, when the aura in the cave suddenly strengthened, Di Baijun knew that the first transformation was over.

Not relaxed, more dignified.

The next day passed, and the aura suddenly strengthened again.

The third day passed, and it was still the same.

Then, after the fifth day passed, the breath suddenly increased for the fourth time.

The seventh day passed, and the fifth time...

The ninth day passed, and the sixth time...

At this time, the seriousness in Di Baijun's eyes became intense to the extreme.

The sixth metamorphosis.

This is already an unattainable number of times for ordinary creatures, but from her perspective, it is of course clear that in a certain respect, this is actually the real beginning.

If that bastard can successfully complete the seventh transformation, then...

Tiger Palm used all his strength unconsciously, not even in the mood to practice, and stared closely.

At the same time, after the breakthrough Wang Hu completed the sixth transformation, just when he felt a little weak in succession, the two great talents and supernatural powers seemed to be activated.

It seems that there is an invisible force coming to help him carry out the seventh transformation.

In a blink of an eye, five days passed, and the breath intensified for the seventh time. Within a hundred miles, except for Di Baijun, Su Ling, Wang Shan, Dabao and Xiaobao, there were no living beings, and they all ran away in fright.

Di Baijun showed a kind of joy on his expression, and finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

The seventh metamorphosis.

This bastard is not bad, barely qualified.

With his head held high, a unique look of pride emerges.

In a blink of an eye, another six days passed, and the breath increased for the eighth time.

Di Baijun was in a brisk mood, mixed with surprise.

That bastard~ is really amazing!

Eighth time!

Could it be that he can complete the ninth time

I shook my head as soon as I thought about it, it's impossible.

Although the bastard is very talented and has two extraordinary talents, how can the ninth transformation be so simple


But looking at the time passing day by day, the bastard's aura was still getting stronger little by little, and it didn't seem to stop, Di Baijun gradually became a little dumbfounded.

No way~!

In the cave, with the help of the two great talents and supernatural powers, after completing the eighth transformation, Wang Hu couldn't go on.

But at this time, an invisible majestic mysterious force surged out from the universe map, helping him to undergo the ninth transformation.

It is clear in my heart that the map of the universe is really not that simple. It not only takes him to experience the feeling of breakthrough, but also provides him with the mysterious power of breakthrough.

After all, if you want to achieve nine complete transformations, you don't know how to transform and you can complete the transformation.

That requires great potential and strength to support.

Relying on his own strength and potential, he should only be able to complete six transformations. With the two great talents and supernatural powers, he can complete eight transformations. This is the limit of what he can do by himself.

For the next and last time, I still need the help of the universe map.

He is quite satisfied with this result, after all, don't underestimate the six transformations and eight transformations.

According to the information Hanhan gave him and what he said in the past, if he has completed six transformations, he is already a true genius, enough to become the pillar of all races.

Completed eight times, the absolute pride of all races, extremely rare.

As soon as he didn't awaken the tiger clan of any bloodline, he was able to complete seven transformations by himself, which was enough to shock the existence of the clear situation.

But now, it is better to complete the ninth transformation.

Concentrate on absorbing more aura from all directions, strengthen the brand new power and body, and undergo the ninth transformation under the mysterious power.

The surrounding animals ran farther and farther away, and the spiritual energy also surged abnormally.

At this time, Qian Guo also noticed it.


In Li Aimin's office, Li Tong called and said solemnly: "Old Li, you sent me a message a few days ago. The monitoring center found that there was an abnormal situation in the north. It seems that a large-scale animal escaped from a place, but the specific situation unknown.

We sent people to investigate and found that this abnormal situation was getting bigger and bigger, and people who were close to that place felt a strong sense of fear.

And we also found signs of the Tiger Clan next to Tiger King and Su Ling nearby.

So we speculate that this situation may be related to Tiger King. "

"Is it related to Tiger King?" Li Aimin looked more serious, thought for a while, and said calmly, "What do you want to call?"

"Old Li Yingming, I didn't ask people to go deeper after I speculated that it was related to the Tiger King. I want to apply for a satellite reconnaissance to find out what's going on?" Li Tong said solemnly.

Since it was discovered that it was related to Tiger King, the level of the matter must be raised.

There are many methods that cannot be used.

For example, the satellite can detect accurately, but he doesn't have the right to use it to detect Tiger King.

Li Aimin murmured, according to their agreement with the Tiger King, they were not allowed to investigate the situation of the Tiger King at will.

Although he broke the agreement, Tiger King would not know.

But an agreement is an agreement, and he will not break it unless it is absolutely necessary.

It's like rules, without rules, there is no way.

Those who break the rules at will will never end well.

A few seconds later, he said in a deep voice, "Leave this to the superior in advance, you can call directly to ask about the situation."

"Yes." Li Tong replied.

after one day.

Li Aimin received the result of the secretariat's intelligence gathering and speculation from all parties, and got through to Dong Pingtao's phone call.

As soon as the phone was connected, he said directly and seriously: "Leader, I have something important to report."

"Tell me." Dong Pingtao looked calm.

"I'll send you the file first, you can take a look." Li Aimin said while operating.

A few minutes later, Dong Pingtao looked solemn, his brows were slightly frowned, and there was no emotion in his tone.

"So the current speculation is that Tiger King is likely to break through to the third realm?"

"En." Li Aimin nodded, with a somewhat complicated tone, "Through various information, we have confirmed that Tiger King's family left where they were, including his third brother and Su Ling, and the possibility that he is breaking through is as high as 90%. "

There was silence on the phone.

The third realm!

If ordinary people knew the news, they would be amazed at most.

But they, who are at the top of the world, of course know it.

What kind of power is contained in those three simple words? And what kind of influence does it represent

After a few seconds of silence, Dong Pingtao chuckled, "We still underestimated this Northern Tiger King!"

Li Aimin smiled helplessly, nodded and sighed: "No one thought that he would break through so quickly!

I really don't know, is it good or bad? "

"Now that we have made a choice, we will stick to it.

Good or bad, let time tell. "Dong Pingtao sighed softly, but with an indescribable firmness.

Li Aimin understood, nodded silently, and said a word firmly: "Okay."

"Next, watch strictly to prevent anyone from doing stupid things." Dong Pingtao's tone returned to calm and forceful.

"Yes, I understand."

In the blink of an eye, thirty days had passed since Wang Hu retreated.

With Wang Hu's closed-door retreat as the center, within a radius of two hundred miles, there is a tremendous coercion. No animal dares to stay here, even the birds are far away.

This place seems to have become a dead place.

As a result, it took half a day for Wang Shan and Su Ling to hunt back and forth.

This morning, the sky was clear, and it seemed to be another peaceful day.

Suddenly, the coercion was like a volcano accumulated for thousands of years, and finally reached a peak, and suddenly vented.


There seemed to be a thunderbolt exploding in the clear sky, and the violent reverberation echoed between the void and the forest, and the more distant animals ran in all directions in panic.

next moment-


Like the howling of a tiger from ancient times, from low to high, it soared to the sky in the blink of an eye.

Majestic and domineering.

It seems that in this world, only the roar of the tiger is left.

And as the roar of the tiger exploded, a phantom of a giant tiger with a height of 100 meters stood in the void, roaring up to the sky, with a domineering power, overlooking the world, sweeping across the sky, hundreds of miles of white clouds dispersed with a roar.

The endless mountains and forests and the terrified beasts were all trampled under his feet.

At this moment, all major countries in the world were also alarmed.

(Thank you for your support, don't worry, it will be on the shelves soon, and it must be updated.)


Thanks to Zhuojiu people for tipping another 3000 starting coins, thanking Jiangnanyu outside the Great Wall for tipping 500 starting coins, thanking the mediocre head for tipping 166 starting coins, thanking Long Companion, Nuerhachi, book friend 20180702082927466 for tipping 100 Starting point currency, thank you for rewarding 999 book coins in the sunset of qq reading, thank you.

(end of this chapter)