My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 1: Initial rebirth


The author has something to say: New article is coming _(:з」∠)_

To explain, this article is an extension of my other book, "Struggle for Harmony", I heard that your five elements are missing my part. There will be some similar settings, but the plot direction is generally different.

Zhou Jiayu woke up in the dark. He opened his eyes, and all he could see was the darkness where his fingers could not be seen. He twisted his body slightly, and found that his hands and feet were tied up, unable to move at all, his cheeks were forced to stick to the ground, and a faint smell of blood lingered in his nostrils. Isn't he dead... Where is this place, is there really hell after death? Zhou Jiayu's mind was a little confused, but before he could find the answer to the question, the darkness in front of him was dispelled by a bright light.

"That's him?" A man's voice sounded.

"It's him," the other replied.

Zhou Jiayu was about to ask a question when he heard the sound, but saw the two walked directly in front of him, grabbed his arm roughly, and dragged him out of the room like a sack.

Probably because he stayed in the dark for a long time, and after being dragged out, Zhou Jiayu couldn't stand the harsh sunlight outside for a while. He closed his eyes and felt himself being dragged down a long corridor and then thrown into the middle of a spacious hall.

"Sir." The voice that had sounded before appeared again, but it seemed to be talking to someone else, and the man said, "It was brought."

At this moment, Zhou Jiayu's eyes finally adapted to the surrounding light. He raised his head and saw the man sitting in front of him clearly.

The man had an extremely beautiful face, thin lips and a straight nose, and his long and narrow Danfeng eyes were slightly closed, as if he was taking a nap. His skin is different from the white of ordinary people, like transparent jade, which makes people amazed, but they feel a little less popular.

"Zhou Jiayu?" The man said lightly, his tone was cold and emotionless, calling Zhou Jiayu almost like he was calling something dead.

"Cough, who are you?" Zhou Jiayu asked in a hoarse voice after a few coughs.

The man didn't answer at all, he pointed at the corner of the hall, and his voice was as cold as ice: "What is that?"

Zhou Jiayu turned his head to look, his face stunned.

This hall is really strange, it is said to be a living room, and it is too big. There are seven thick wooden pillars with carved beams and painted pillars in the hall. Various patterns are carved on the pillars. Zhou Jiayu glanced roughly and found that some of the pillars were filled with birds and beasts. The man was referring to the top of the pillar. Zhou Jiayu initially thought that he was trying to make himself recognize the pattern, but when he looked carefully, the hairs on his back exploded.

I saw countless thin white threads hanging from the top of the dimly optic fiber column, and there seemed to be something hanging at the bottom of those white threads. Zhou Jiayu looked horrified, and even shrank back involuntarily: "Then , what is that? Spider web?"

"What else?" the man continued to ask.

Zhou Jiayu took a few more glances and said hesitantly, "I can't see clearly, it seems like something glowing under the spider's web..."

After a moment of silence, the man's finger lightly tapped the handle of the chair, and then said, "Take him down."

Before Zhou Jiayu could react, he was dragged out again.

But this time the person who dragged him was a little gentler, and at least he was willing to let him walk staggeringly.

Zhou Jiayu followed them along the bluestone path in the lush garden for ten minutes, and was finally locked in a small room.

"Stay inside." One of them said impatiently, "I ran out and died, but no one will help you collect the body."

Zhou Jiayu watched them slam the door away, always feeling as if he was having a dream - wasn't he just hit by a big truck, how could he appear here.

This question was answered when Zhou Jiayu saw a mirror in the room. What appeared in the mirror was a completely unfamiliar face with a handsome appearance. When he laughed, there was a cute pear vortex on the right corner of his mouth. With those peach blossom eyes, it looks like a very popular type for girls.

Zhou Jiayu: "Fuck—who is this?"

He was holding the mirror like petrified, completely stupid.

Zhou Jiayu was an ordinary civil servant and a staunch atheist. What happened in front of him was beyond his cognizance.

However, Zhou Jiayu didn't think that this was just the beginning, just as he was holding a mirror and thinking about his outlook on life, world outlook and values, a soft voice sounded in his mind: "Hello, hello. "

Zhou Jiayu was shocked when he heard this voice, thinking to himself, is he crazy or has a split personality

The soft voice continued: "Hello, Zhou Jiayu, you can ask me to sacrifice eight."

Zhou Jiayu: "... a good name." If you say chicken, say Ba, and civilization is fucked.

Soft voice: "..."

The atmosphere instantly became embarrassed. Just when Zhou Jiayu was thinking about whether his split personality had found out what he was thinking, he found a shadowy image in his mind-he saw a turtle standing in a turtle shell. little bird on top. This bird is covered in black feathers and has three legs. At this moment, the round black eyes like soy beans are staring at Zhou Jiayu carefully.

Zhou Jiayu didn't recover a little, and even began to wonder if he was dead. These were all hallucinations before his death.

The little bird who claimed to be Jiba opened his mouth and said, "Hello, I can explain everything to you."

Zhou Jiayu was silent.

Jiba obviously sensed Zhou Jiayu's suspicion, he didn't speak any more, but flapped his wings vigorously.

Zhou Jiayu's eyes went dark, and then other pictures appeared. Many pictures appeared in his head. These pictures were a bit confusing. After Zhou Jiayu watched it carefully, he finally roughly understood what happened to him.

The former Zhou Jiayu died and was resurrected on a person with the same name and surname. Unfortunately, after his resurrection, he was no longer a nine-to-five civil servant, but a liar who was almost beaten to death.

The man who caught him was named Lin Zhushui, and he was a big boss in the Feng Shui industry. The liar used ghosts and gods to deceive and failed, and he even committed a taboo in the Feng Shui industry. , but was spared by Lin Zhushui.

After Zhou Jiayu read it, he felt that his three views had been subverted. He sat silently on the wooden bed and said quietly, "Then why did you save me?"

Jiba said, "It's not about saving you, it's about saving Lin Zhushui." When the little bird spoke, it pecked the white fluff of its chest with its sharp beak.

Zhou Jiayu could see clearly what the bird was doing, and he said, "What about you, what are you?"

Jiba changed from lying on his back to standing, and leaned his body to reveal his three legs, motioning Zhou Jiayu to look.

After Zhou Jiayu read it, he took a deep breath: "It turns out that the rumor of KFC's mutant chicken is actually true."

Jiba: "..." The flames began to ignite faintly around him.

Seeing that Xiao Jiba seemed to be angry, Zhou Jiayu quickly changed his words: "I'm joking, I know that the three-legged bird is very special, it's called the three-legged crow, right?" The three-legged crow, also known as the golden crow, is a myth. The birds that exist in the legend, it is said that the nine suns shot down by Hou Yi turned into three-legged black crows.

Jiba snorted softly and said, "I want to save Lin Zhushui, you have to help me."

Zhou Jiayu said, "How can you help?"

Jiba said: "I don't know yet, I have to explore slowly, but I did the resurrection of you. The original liar has been reincarnated—"

Zhou Jiayu thought about it and said, "Then it's not good for me to occupy someone's body like this?"

Jiba said: "That's because you don't know what he did."

Then Zhou Jiayu clearly knew the good things he had done with his body through the memory passed to him by Jiba. After reading the memory, Zhou Jiayu thought that if this person was sent to the police station, the circumstances would be particularly bad, or he would die with a reprieve. , or shot. It's okay for other liars to cheat some money, but this person almost killed several children in the name of Feng Shui. Fortunately, Lin Zhushui's people arrived in time. But even so, the bad things this person has done in the past are already itchy teeth that people hate.

After listening to Jiba's words, Zhou Jiayu sorted out his thoughts. He was rescued, so he had to repay the favor and help the little bird save Lin Zhushui—as for how to save it, the little bird was vague. Although Zhou Jiayu knew the general situation, he was still full of doubts. He really wanted to contact the outside world to prove that the bird in his mind was not his hallucination. But now there seems to be no such opportunity, he said: "I almost understand."

The room where he was locked was very simple, with only one bed, a table and a stool, and nothing else. The door was locked, and the windows were inlaid with dense fences, obviously not a room for guests.

Zhou Jiayu had been beaten, and his whole body was very sore. At this time, he received too much information, and his body soon became exhausted.

He lay down on the hard bed with a belly full of doubts and fell asleep with his eyes closed.

The next day, Zhou Jiayu was woken up.

What woke him up was a certain man who dragged him into the house yesterday. This man looked very young and looked much younger than Zhou Jiayu.

Impatiently, he kicked Zhou Jiayu's bed and said, "Get up."

Zhou Jiayu sat up in a daze, raised his hand and rubbed his eyes: "Good morning."

The man ignored Zhou Jiayu, and his attitude seemed very bad. If Zhou Jiayu had slandered a few words before, but after Jiba explained to him what this body had done last night, he felt like he deserved it...

"Let's go." The man said, and went out the door.

Zhou Jiayu walked slowly behind him. He felt some swelling and pain in his right ankle. He thought it was hurt when he was beaten.

This garden is huge, surrounded by lush grass and trees, and the sound of gurgling water can be heard in the distance. The environment is very beautiful. It's just that the surrounding scenery is roughly the same. If unfamiliar people walk in it, I'm afraid they will soon lose their way.

After walking with the person in front for ten minutes at the end of the month, Zhou Jiayu saw a very beautiful three-story wooden building.

This small building is simple in shape and surrounded by fences. Before stepping into it, Zhou Jiayu smelled a faint scent of sandalwood. The fragrance was not strong, but it was shocking. Zhou Jiayu followed the man into the house, and after walking to the dining room, he saw two young people eating breakfast at the table.

"You will live with us in the future." The person who led the way for Zhou Jiayu, although he was introducing, had a very bad attitude. He looked at Zhou Jiayu with disgust in his eyes. He had already given orders, and he didn't even want to talk to Zhou Jiayu at all.

"Okay, thank you." Zhou Jiayu thanked politely.

There was a pair of bowls and chopsticks on the side of the table, which was a little far from the main table. Zhou Jiayu looked at it and determined that it was indeed reserved for himself. He sat there silently, ate a steamed bun, and drank a bowl of porridge.

"The room on the far right on the third floor is your room." After dinner, the man who brought Zhou Jiayu tossed a key in front of him, "Don't run around if you have nothing to do."

"Thank you." Zhou Jiayu said.

After the meal, several people dispersed. Zhou Jiayu was the last one to get off the table. He hesitated for a moment while looking at the tableware and chopsticks on the table, and then took it to the kitchen to clean it up after cleaning up.

At this time, the small wooden building was quiet. If Zhou Jiayu hadn't seen a few of them go upstairs, he would have thought that he was the only one in the room.

Zhou Jiayu washed the dishes and went to the end of the third floor with the key that the man gave him earlier.

The house assigned to him is still very simple, but it is much better than the previous log cabin. At least it has a window, and there is a pot of green spider plants next to the window. The bed is for single sleeping, there are tables and chairs next to it, and there is a wardrobe on the opposite side. Zhou Jiayu opened the wardrobe and looked at it, and found that there were actually a few changes of clothes in the wardrobe, which seemed to be prepared for him.

The prisoner's treatment is not bad... Zhou Jiayu thought so gratified.

This thought continued until lunch time.

Zhou Jiayu saw that it was almost time, and went downstairs to help, but when he got to the first floor, he saw the three people who had gathered before sitting on the sofa with a lifeless expression on their faces.

The man who brought Zhou Jiayu couldn't hold his breath and said, "Who is cooking today?"

Another said: "I did it yesterday."

The third person didn't speak directly, and was stared at him so much that he couldn't stand it anymore. He put down the phone and said in a resentful tone: "I'd rather do it, but are you willing to eat it?"

The three of them fell silent, not saying a word.

Zhou Jiayu, the new convict, didn't dare to speak, so he could only sit quietly on the edge of the sofa and pretend that he was a wood carving.

In the end, the man who brought Zhou Jiayu stood up and walked towards the kitchen with a bitter look on his face. Another shouted: "Shen Yiqiong, don't cook noodles, I fucking want to get sick when I see noodles—"

Shen Yiqiong said angrily: "Shen Erbai, don't talk nonsense with me, you can do it!"

Zhou Jiayu wanted to laugh when he heard their names, but felt that it was inappropriate to laugh at this moment. Later, he learned that there were four people around Lin Zhushui, one poor and two white, three and four, and the names were quite negative.

Zhou Jiayu was sitting quietly like a chicken. He thought they would not see him, but Shen Yiqiong turned his head to look at Zhou Jiayu: "Hey, why are you laughing?"

Zhou Jiayu felt a little wronged: "I didn't laugh."

Shen Yiqiong said: "You laughed! The corners of your eyes are still bent!"

Zhou Jiayu said in despair: "I was born like this." This body was born with smiling peach blossom eyes, can you blame him

Shen Yiqian said: "No matter, you just laughed, you laughed and you went to cook—"

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

Shen Erbai listened to it, and disagreed: "You asked him to do it? Aren't you afraid that he will poison us? Even if it is not poisoned, what if you spit two saliva?"

Zhou Jiayu nodded in agreement beside him, and thanked Shen Erbai for opening up new ideas for him.

Shen Yiqiong said, "It's okay, I'll be watching him, can you cook?"

Zhou Jiayu sighed, stood up resignedly, and said, "I know a little bit." After work, he lived alone and liked to eat, so he was very good at cooking. It's just that he was very worried that the food he made did not suit the tastes of these three people and that he would be made difficult. After all, the eyes they looked at him were not friendly at all.

"Then you go, I'll watch you do it by the side." Shen Yiqiong said gloomily, "You know what situation you are in now, if you let me find out what you want to do..."

Zhou Jiayu: "...Okay."

So Zhou Jiayu was escorted by Shen Yiqiong to the kitchen. He first looked at what ingredients were in the refrigerator, and then asked Shen Yiqiong what he wanted to eat.

Shen Yiqiong said, "Whatever, as long as it's not noodles, it's better to have some meat."

Zhou Jiayu then took out two pieces of fresh meat and steamed the rice. The ingredients here are not too rich, but it is no problem to make a few home-cooked dishes. He shreds the meat, coats it with starch, and stir-fries it with green peppers. I also picked up a large pot of green vegetables, sautéed them briefly, and finally cooked a bowl of tomato and egg soup.

When Zhou Jiayu was cooking, Shen Yiqiong looked at him eagerly. His eyes were like those of students in elementary school who wanted to see a new book. His desire made Zhou Jiayu feel like he hadn't eaten for a few days. illusion.

Zhou Jiayu just took the green pepper shredded pork out of the pot, and asked embarrassedly, "Do you want to try it first?"

Shen Yiqian said, "Try it!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed a large chopstick and stuffed it into his mouth. He couldn't help but nod his tears as hot tears came out. He said, "You actually know how to cook?"

Zhou Jiayu snorted: "I usually cook at home when I have nothing to do after get off work."

Shen Yiqiong said suspiciously, "You liars still have time off work?"

Zhou Jiayu: "... a combination of work and rest." Sorry, he almost forgot that he was a liar who didn't have to go to work.

Half an hour later, the food was on the table. Three dishes and one soup, Zhou Jiayu, had already made enough. There should be more than enough for four people.

The three of them didn't mean to be polite at all. They grabbed the chopsticks and started to plan the rice. They looked like African refugees who had been hungry for a long time. Zhou Jiayu was stunned.

So at the end of the meal, there was not even a mouthful of soup left, so Shen Yiqiong had to eat it all.

Zhou Jiayu was a little frightened, he didn't move his chopsticks much, and only ate half full. He looked at the three people who were slumped on the table because they were too full, and was about to stand up to clean up the dishes, but Shen Yiqiong called him Living.

Shen Yiqiong said: "My name is Shen Yiqiong, he is Shen Erbai, and this person is Shen Chaosan."

Zhou Jiayu nodded: "My name is Zhou Jiayu..."

Shen Yiqiong said, "I know what your name is. Anyway, you will live here in the future, so you can cook."

What else could Zhou Jiayu say, he nodded and said hello.

"There is a study on the left side of the third floor. You can go in and have a look when you are free, but the books inside cannot be taken out." Shen Yiqiong's attitude is much better than before, although he is still not eager, but at least he is willing to warn Zhou Jiayu has something to do.

Zhou Jiayu responded one by one.

Shen Yiqian said, "Go up and rest, I'll wash the dishes."

Zhou Jiayu hesitated for a while, but agreed. He felt that living here was not an overnight thing, and it would be good to assign work content to each other.

After lunch, it was lunch break. Zhou Jiayu took a nap, got up and went to the study at the end of the corridor on the left.

The study is quite big, and Zhou Jiayu was dazed by the contents of the books in it. He had at least heard of "Tui Bei Tu", "Book of Changes" and so on, and there were some books that he had not even seen before, and the content inside was even more It was so jerky that Zhou Jiayu was suspicious of life.

However, the three-legged black sacrifice eight came in handy at this moment. It appeared in Zhou Jiayu's mind again, and he began to popularize some more introductory knowledge with him, similar to the basics of the six-line gossip compass pattern and so on. .

Zhou Jiayu was confused in learning.

Jiba really couldn't do anything, so he simply gave him a different method, saying: "Feng Shui and Feng Shui are not all mysterious and mysterious things. For example, in Feng Shui, it is said that houses cannot be built at crossroads. It makes people feel irritable, and the people who live in it will also be affected. This is a feng shui saying, in fact, there must be cars coming and going at the intersection, the noise is heavy, and the exhaust gas is high, and it is normal for the house to be affected.”

Zhou Jiayu said, "So...?"

Jiba Dao: "So when it comes to Feng Shui, it's not really mysterious. Most of it can be explained by science, but a few may not have reached its height yet."

Zhou Jiayu suddenly became interested, and he said, "I will understand if you say that. What is it that the few sciences can't explain?" He remembered the hanging silk threads he had seen in the hall before, and asked Said, "What are those silk threads I saw before?"

Ji Ba Dao: "That is the manifestation of the auspicious auspicious energy. It is more complicated, and you must not understand it now."

Zhou Jiayu thought thoughtfully: "So my rebirth has something to do with Feng Shui?"

Jiba said: "It's related but it doesn't matter. Let me tell you this. Your life is linked to Lin Zhushui's life. If he dies, you won't be able to live either." He probably saw Zhou Jia In the depths of Yu's heart, he doubted the matter of rebirth, Jiba said bluntly.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Then what do I need to do?"

Jiba said: "The specifics are not clear, you learn first, and more learning should always be beneficial." As he said, he shook the fluffy feathers on his body.

In the study, Zhou Jiayu was taught by Sacrificial Eight for an afternoon. Although the progress was not obvious, he at least understood the basics.

Zhou Jiayu also made dinner that day. Seeing that there were not many dishes in the refrigerator, he wanted to order some noodles.

Who knew that the three people in the room were very resistant to noodles. Shen Yiqiong claimed that he had had enough of noodles and wanted to vomit when he saw noodles. In the end, Zhou Jiayu said helplessly: "But there are not many dishes in the refrigerator, so let's cook my own food and make fried rice for you."

Shen Yiqiong agreed.

As a result, when dinner was made, the three of them held the fried rice and stared at Zhou Jiayu's noodle bowl. The appearance of the noodles is really good, the noodles are white and crystal clear, soaked in a light-colored soup, covered with green chopped green onions and vegetables, and covered with a golden poached egg.

After Zhou Jiayu took a bite, he couldn't put down his chopsticks: "You, do you want to try it?"

Shen Yiqiong didn't say a word, just stretched out his chopsticks, took a sip, and looked at the fried rice in front of him: "I also want to eat noodles tomorrow."

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

The other two were so thick-skinned that Shen Yiqian held back and said no.

The three of them were obviously disdainful of the noodles just now, but now they can't wait to throw their eyeballs into Zhou Jiayu's bowl. Zhou Jiayu was quite uncomfortable eating this dinner, and he finally breathed a sigh of relief. .

Zhou Jiayu's first day living here went smoothly, at least he knew the names of a few people in the house. He went back to his room at night and took a hot shower.

I hadn't paid much attention to it before. After Zhou Jiayu took off his clothes, he found that he was covered with blue and purple patches all over his body. The skin of this body was originally white, and it looked even more appalling. But thinking about what this person did before, it seems that being beaten like this is not too much... Zhou Jiayu smiled bitterly to comfort himself.

The season is in early summer, and the weather is already a little hot.

Zhou Jiayu changed into a refreshing T-shirt after taking a shower, and sat by the bed blowing the cool breeze.

The sky outside the window was already dark, and the lush woods were shrouded in darkness. Most of the wide areas in the garden are tall pines and cypresses, and there are some green and tall bamboos beside the trail.

Zhou Jiayu was enjoying the shade, but suddenly saw a figure walking towards the small building from far and near. He took a closer look, only to realize that the person was Lin Zhushui who he had seen in the hall before.

Lin Zhushui was wearing a light-colored long-sleeved Tang suit with the collar buttoned to the top, with a cold temperament like a block of ice. With his eyes closed, he walked on the curving bluestone path without showing any signs of sluggishness. If Zhou Jiayu hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that he was blind.

As Lin Zhushui got closer and closer to the small building, Zhou Jiayu reached out and rubbed his eyes heavily. He suspected that he was hallucinating, but he saw a light-colored mist around Lin Zhushui, and the mist rolled around him, somewhat like the dark clouds gathered in the sky before the rainstorm.

"What are those black mists?" Zhou Jiayu asked Jiba.

Jiba said: "It's life."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Fate?"

Sacrificial Eight Road: "Yes, it is Lin Zhushui's life."

Zhou Jiayu wanted to continue asking questions, but Lin Zhushui, who was walking on the trail, suddenly turned his head and looked in Zhou Jiayu's direction. Zhou Jiayu's heart jumped, and he slid down the stool like a fish and squatted on the floor. He squatted for a moment before he came to his senses, not knowing whether to laugh or cry: "What am I so afraid of... He can't see me anyway." But he still waited before lying down by the window again.

At this time, Lin Zhushui had disappeared, and the garden had returned to silence again.

Looking at the direction Lin Zhushui was walking, he should have come to this small building, but Zhou Jiayu didn't hear anything, and he didn't know where he went.

With wild thoughts in his mind, accompanied by the cicadas in early summer, Zhou Jiayu fell into a dreamland.

The next day, Zhou Jiayu knew that Lin Zhushui had indeed been here yesterday, because the three people in the building had become two yesterday. Listening to Shen Yiqiong's words, it seemed that Shen Chaosan was sent by Lin Zhushui to work. .

"I want to go out too." Shen Yiqiong complained to Shen Erbai at noon, "Tiantian nests at home and eats noodles..."

Shen Erbai lowered his head and looked at his phone, ignoring Shen Yiqiong.

Zhou Jiayu was not familiar with them and did not dare to talk to them, so he obediently prepared to cook lunch.

Someone brought fresh meat dishes this morning. Zhou Jiayu took a look and took out the spareribs to make them with sauce, and fried bamboo shoots with shrimp and hibiscus steamed eggs.

Shen Yiqiong was still not at ease with Zhou Jiayu today, so he took a stool and stood guard in the kitchen.

Zhou Jiayu didn't understand why Shen Yiqiong was so worried about spitting at him at first, but only later did he realize that Shen Yiqiong was the one who hit him the hardest after being sacked, and Zhou Jiayu's swollen ankle was the one he kicked... Shen Yiqiong apologized to him after getting on well with him, saying that he shouldn't have kicked so hard. Zhou Jiayu smiled and said it didn't matter, anyway, I spit a lot of saliva in the food I cooked behind your back.

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

However, the relationship between the two of them was not that good at this time, so Shen Yiqiong, who likes to eat but can't cook, can only stay by Zhou Jiayu's side and watch him cook.

Zhou Jiayu took off his apron, filled three more bowls of rice, and was about to move his chopsticks when he sat down, when he saw the two people opposite him who were looking like starving ghosts suddenly sat upright and turned into a calm look. The appearance of an outsider.

Zhou Jiayu was thinking about whether the two had fallen for evil when he heard a familiar voice behind him: "Eat?"

"Yes, we are going to eat, have you eaten, sir? Would you like to eat with us?"

"Who did it?" Lin Zhushui asked again.

"Yes, it was made by Zhou Jiayu." Shen Yiqiong seemed a little embarrassed, and continued, "Isn't it because he is idle and has nothing to do... Let him do the cooking."

Lin Zhushui didn't say it was good or bad when he heard the words, but he actually found a place to sit down and said casually, "Then try it."

Shen Yiqiong also seemed to be a little frightened. They had greeted Lin Zhushui to eat before, but Lin Zhushui refused every time. But then again, it seems that their craftsmanship is not a good thing for the gentleman to taste...

Zhou Jiayu obediently lowered his head and ate his meal silently.

The vegetables and meat here seem to be specially provided, and the quality is much better than the ones outside. The shrimp is also very fresh and the crispy asparagus is fried together to make it even more delicious. The pork ribs in sauce are not woody, soft and tender Juicy and very tasty.

Because of Lin Zhushui's presence, both Shen Yiqiong and Shen Erbai's food looks much better. Zhou Jiayu, who had seen how they ate yesterday, couldn't believe it was the two he saw yesterday.

Lin Zhushui's aura was very strong, he sat diagonally opposite Zhou Jiayu, Zhou Jiayu lowered his head while eating, and occasionally glanced there.

He also quietly observed Lin Zhushui up close for the first time.

Some beauties are only suitable for viewing from a distance, but Lin Zhushui is obviously the type that does not affect his beauty at all. His hand holding the chopsticks is also extraordinarily beautiful, with well-defined joints, slender and fair, and even the dishes look extraordinarily elegant.

Although Zhou Jiayu thought that Lin Zhushui was very white before, at this time, when he looked at it up close, he found that his skin could indeed be described as flawless. Touch it to see if the touch is as cold as jade—of course, Zhou Jiayu only dared to think about it in his mind.

This meal was so quiet that I couldn't even hear the sound of chewing on a table.

Lin Zhushui looked good at eating, but Zhou Jiayu was a little surprised by the amount of food. He originally planned to eat the leftovers at noon at night, but the three of them ate all the dishes silently, leaving only the leftovers. some soup...

Satisfied, Shen Yiqiong volunteered to wash the dishes, but Lin Zhushui said, "Wait first, I have something to tell you."

"Sir, what's the matter?" Shen Yiqiong asked.

Lin Zhushui said, "On the 14th of next month, know what day it will be."

Shen Yiqiong said eagerly: "I know, sir, who is going this time?"

Lin Zhushui said, "I originally wanted to go to Musi, but he hasn't finished his work yet, and he doesn't seem to be able to come back in time."

Shen Yiqian said: "Then can I make it?!"

Shen Erbai, who was sitting next to him without saying a word, suddenly said, "I want to go too!"

Zhou Jiayu was dazed when he heard it. He originally wanted to leave quietly by himself, but he always felt that it was a bit awkward to stand up at this moment. So I simply huddled in the corner and pretended to be the air.

Listening to Shen Yiqiong and Shen Erbai's self-recommendation, Lin Zhushui didn't say anything, but took out a pocket watch-like thing, placed it on the table, and said, "Open it and take a look."

Shen Yiqiong and Shen Erbai came together and opened the cover of the pocket watch, only to find that the pocket watch was broken.

Lin Zhushui closed his eyes, sat beside him, and tapped the table with his fingertips: "Who will come first."

Shen Yiqiong looked at the pocket watch carefully, the tip of his nose sniffed like a dog: "Woman, the person is gone, there are children..."

Shen Erbai replied: "It should have died of illness, and I have lived a very hard life..."

The two of you said one sentence to another, Zhou Jiayu was confused, and finally looked at Lin Zhushui eagerly, as if he wanted to ask for the final answer.

Who knew that Lin Zhushui had no expression, he tapped the table with his finger again, and said indifferently, "Anything else?"

"No." Shen Yiqiong scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

Lin Zhushui said, "Woman, she has passed away, and her life is hard, right?"

Shen Yiqiong and Shen Erbai both nodded and said yes.

Lin Zhushui heard the words, but turned his head and said to Zhou Jiayu, who had a bewildered face, "Come and have a look."

As soon as these words came out, the three of them were all stunned. Zhou Jiayu was the stupidest one, he pointed to himself: "Me, me?"

Lin Zhushui nodded.

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