My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 105: Memories


Although the memory is vague, the person in front of him is not very remembered. But Zhou Jiayu had an intuition that he didn't lie to himself. When the car reached the destination, Zhou Jiayu reconfirmed his idea after seeing the surrounding buildings.

"Can you remember?" the man asked him.

Zhou Jiayu's hair has been turned into a bird's nest by the piece of paper, but he also dared not to speak out.

In the face of the man's question, Zhou Jiayu gave the answer very cautiously: "I don't remember very much... But when I woke up, no one remembered." He showed a sincere expression and wanted to tell the man that he did not lie, Not on purpose not to remember him.

The man glanced at him indifferently and extended his hand to him.

Zhou Jiayu shook it tremblingly.

"My name is Lin Zhushui." The man said warmly, leaned over slowly, kissed Zhou Jiayu's auricle, and the heat hit Zhou Jiayu's ear, making him feel flushed, the man said, " It's your husband."

Zhou Jiayu's face turned red all of a sudden, and he shivered and called out, "Sir."

Only then did Lin Zhushui show satisfaction, he picked up Zhou Jiayu directly from the back seat, and walked into the yard.

The yard is very large, and there are lush vegetation everywhere. As soon as Zhou Jiayu enters, he has a familiar feeling that he has been here before. But I can't remember it again. He has been lying on the bed for too long, and his body is very thin. Although he is working hard to rehabilitate, he can't actually walk alone.

Lin Zhushui held him and walked to a small wooden building.

When he saw the wooden building, Zhou Jiayu's familiar feeling became more obvious. He was now completely sure that he had indeed been here before.

"Zhou Jiayu." Lin Zhushui said, "Welcome back." He said, carrying Zhou Jiayu into the small building.

In the living room of the small building, there were five men and one woman. On the sofa on the right, there was also a weasel with snow-white fur. When they saw him and came in, they all cast an excited look at them. The woman's eyes flashed with excitement, and she rushed to Zhou Jiayu and called out, "Zhou Jiayu—"

Zhou Jiayu was taken aback and whispered, "Hello."

"You're finally back." The woman seemed to find something wrong with him, "What's the matter?"

Lin Zhushui said, "He doesn't remember."

The woman said, "Don't remember?" She looked suspiciously at Zhou Jiayu up and down, "Jiayu, aren't you afraid that your husband will blame you for pretending to have amnesia?"

Zhou Jiayu thought to himself what I had done, why was he afraid that he would blame me, did I act like a scum before the accident? With such doubts, Zhou Jiayu said, "I'm sorry, I really don't remember..."

"Oh, my name is Lin Jue." The woman introduced herself, then turned to look at the people behind her, "What about them, do you remember them?"

Zhou Jiayu followed Lin Jue's gaze and saw five men, each with his own style, but one of them was the most striking - because his skin was too dark.

Under their staring gaze, Zhou Jiayu quietly wiped off his sweat, but pretended to be calm: "I seem to know someone..." He pointed to the blackest one, "What is your name, black, right?"

The blackest one was also the youngest one. Hearing this sentence, his expression became distorted, and he gritted his teeth and said Zhou Jiayu, what the hell are you talking about.

Zhou Jiayu looked at his expression, and even suspected that if Lin Zhushui was still holding him at this moment, he would rush over and beat him.

"Oh." Zhou Jiayu smiled awkwardly, "I'm sorry, I really don't remember."

Lin Jue laughed so hard that she was about to burst into tears: "I'm going to die from laughing, Jiayu, why are you so cute—" Although she didn't remember anything, she had to use her skin color to stimulate Shen Yiqiong.

Then Lin Jue introduced himself to Zhou Jiayu, saying that this is Shen Yiqiong, Shen Erbai, Shen Chaosan, Shen Musi, and Xiaojin...

Zhou Jiayu wrote them down one by one, and happily asked if we are all friends

Shen Yiqiong said ruthlessly, "No, you and we are not friends."

Zhou Jiayu: "Huh?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "You are our mistress."

Zhou Jiayu: "Well..." He heard Shen Yiqiong's words, and inexplicably made up a bloody drama in his mind, why did he want to be with the man behind him, but in the end his family did not agree, he In a fit of rage, he wanted to leave him, but he had a car accident at the last minute and lost his memory and so on.

I feel that my life is still quite exciting, and Zhou Jiayu is very happy.

"So Jiayu, do you remember what happened to you and my brother?" Lin Jue asked.

Zhou Jiayu shook his head and honestly said he didn't remember.

"Oh." Lin Jue said, "Don't you remember?" She seemed to be smiling, but Zhou Jiayu's back became cold, and she involuntarily shrank back.

"Alright..." Lin Jue finally said, "Everything starts anew."

Zhou Jiayu felt that he was being hugged from behind. It was the man named Lin Zhushui. He leaned on his side and murmured, saying that you are finally back.

Zhou Jiayu was ignorant, but vaguely felt something, reached out and gently grabbed Lin Zhushui's hand.

After that, Zhou Jiayu was asked to live here. He was worried that those friends would look for him everywhere, but Lin Zhushui invited them all over the next day.

"I have been in love with Zhou Jiayu for three years." This is how Lin Zhushui introduced it to his friends. There was a hint of melancholy in his expression, and with that face it was heartbreaking, as if Zhou Jiayu really A scumbag who abandoned his wife, "But he didn't want to make our relationship public. Later, he disappeared suddenly. I've been looking for him. I didn't expect to find him after so long."

Zhou Jiayu was served delicious food beside him. Facing the suspicious eyes of his friends, he could only embarrassedly express that he really didn't remember.

"Then what? Do you want to stay here?" the pregnant girl asked Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu glanced at Lin Zhushui, facing his faint smile, he hesitated for a moment and nodded: "I think... I seem to be quite familiar with this place."

"I didn't expect it, I didn't expect it." The friends sighed, "Zhou Jiayu, you've been pretending to be a single dog, and you've fallen in love with someone so early. It's too much, too much."

Zhou Jiayu smirked embarrassedly beside him, feeling the warmth of Lin Zhushui holding his palm.

So the matter was settled, Zhou Jiayu decided to live here. The friends left after confirming that Lin Zhushui had prepared everything for Zhou Jiayu, and said that they would come here every three days to visit Zhou Jiayu, probably also implying that Lin Zhushui should treat Zhou Jiayu well. Jia fish.

Lin Zhushui smiled and said that he accepted the supervision of his friends.

That day, Zhou Jiayu stayed here. The weasels and the little paper figurines in the room liked him very much, so he touched the weasels with his left hand and the little paper figurines with his left hand.

The food cooked here is all he likes to eat. From this point of view, Zhou Jiayu believes in the fact that he has lived here.

The only fly in the ointment is the rehabilitation that comes with it.

After finding Zhou Jiayu and learning about his situation, Lin Zhushui immediately helped him find the best rehabilitator and arranged a strict rehabilitation plan. How to eat, how to move, how much to exercise every day, what needs to be done, the rehabilitation plan is completely in line with Zhou Jiayu's specific situation, the purpose is to restore his body to health as soon as possible.

But it would be easy for the atrophied muscles to recover again. When Zhou Jiayu was walking with difficulty with the parallel bars, because of the pain, cold sweat soaked through clothes after another. He was fine, Lin Zhushui became irritable first. stand up.

"Is there no better plan?" Lin Zhushui was arguing with others, "The one with the least pain."

What did the person on the other side say.

Lin Zhushui replied coldly, "I don't need to be quick, I just need the least painful one."

Zhou Jiayu pushed in the door and saw Lin Zhushui and the helpless rehabilitator next to him.

"Sir, I'm fine." After Zhou Jiayu settled down, he started calling Lin Zhushui to call Mr., although he was embarrassed at first, but after calling Shunzui, he was fine, "I want to recover sooner, it's really fine. ."

Lin Zhushui walked to his side, squatted down, his expression gloomy: "I don't want to see you hurt."

Zhou Jiayu didn't understand why he reacted so much to the word pain, so he could only comfort him, saying that he didn't actually have that much pain, and he also wanted to get better soon.

Lin Zhushui said, "It's better to have a long pain than a short one. Didn't you just say you don't have pain?"

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Sir, don't use such a calm expression to make trouble unreasonably. He was also a little helpless, but Lin Zhushui finally complied with his advice and told Zhou Jiayu that if he couldn't stand it, he must speak up, and he would choose a more gentle solution for Zhou Jiayu.

So the rehabilitation continued, Zhou Jiayu gritted his teeth and insisted every day, his clothes were wet one after another.

I sweat so much during the day, so naturally I have to take a shower at night.

Before doing these things, the nurses came, but now it is Lin Zhushui who helped.

Amidst the smoke, both of them were sitting in the bathtub. Zhou Jiayu was held in Lin Zhushui's arms, and he gently washed the foam from his hair from behind.

Zhou Jiayu was too thin. After lying on the bed for several years, almost all of his muscles had atrophied, and he was covered in bones when he hugged him. Lin Zhushui gently helped Zhou Jiayu to rub his head, asking how hard he was from time to time.

When Zhou Jiayu was washed like this by Lin Zhushui at first, he still felt embarrassed. After a few times, he became numb. Now he was lying in Lin Zhushui's arms humming and falling asleep. Lin Zhushui softly called him Jiayu from behind.

"Well... it's good." Zhou Jiayu said in a daze.

"Yeah." Lin Zhushui's voice was a little low, with a taste that he didn't usually have. He put his chin on Zhou Jiayu's shoulder, and the two of them whispered: "I miss you very much, especially."

Zhou Jiayu's drowsiness immediately woke up, and he whispered, "Sorry... I didn't mean to sleep that long."

"No." Lin Zhushui said, "It's me who should say sorry."

His hands kneaded Zhou Jiayu's joints and massaged him: "I failed to protect you."

Zhou Jiayu felt a little sore from being pressed, and gritted his teeth and hummed softly. After humming for a while, he realized that the atmosphere didn't seem right. Lin Zhushui's breath suddenly became heavier behind him, and he stopped talking.

The two were already skin-to-skin, and the changes on their bodies were naturally very obvious. Zhou Jiayu clearly felt a hot, hard object against him, and his body immediately stiffened, and he didn't know how to react.

"Do you hate it?" Lin Zhushui asked him in a low voice behind him.

"No... I don't hate it..." Although Lin Zhushui said that they had been in love for several years, Zhou Jiayu still felt as if he was at a loss for the first time after this incident. He really didn't hate it. Lin Zhushui's contact, and even when he was close to Lin Zhushui, there was a feeling of blushing and heartbeat. Zhou Jiayu answered Lin Zhushui's question, which seemed to let the people behind him breathe a sigh of relief.

Lin Zhushui slowly kissed Zhou Jiayu's auricle: "If you say you hate it, I don't know what to do."

Zhou Jiayu felt a little distressed when he heard Lin Zhushui's tone, he held Lin Zhushui's hand and worked hard to summon up his courage: "It's not annoying, if you want... I can..."

"I really want to." Lin Zhushui's tone was very serious, "When I found you, I wanted to hug you very much."

Zhou Jiayu didn't expect him to be so straightforward, and his heart was beating like a drum.

"But not now, your body is too weak." Lin Zhushui's fingers slowly slid along Zhou Jiayu's spine until he touched the wound that first appeared in the car accident. Distressed, "Does it hurt?"

"Well..." Zhou Jiayu nodded, "but it's much better now, it doesn't hurt as much." He paused and whispered, "If you don't mind, I can... help you with..."

Lin Zhushui laughed lowly when he heard Zhou Jiayu's words, he kissed Zhou Jiayu's shoulder and said ok.

The next day's breakfast, Zhou Jiayu and Lin Zhushui did not show up until noon.

It was summer now, and although Lin Zhushui was very careful, he still left some traces. But although everyone saw it, they pretended not to see Zhou Jiayu for fear of being thin-skinned. They didn't discuss a few words until after the two went to rehab in the afternoon.

"The action of chasing the water is finally fast." Lin Jue sighed while drinking afternoon tea, "I thought it would take at least a year this time."

"That's right." Shen Yiqiong agreed, "Sir, it's really different when you've been in love once, and you're much more skilled."

Lin Jue: "So when did you fall in love?"

Shen Yiqiong threw the cup and turned away, leaving Lin Jue behind him laughing.

Although Lin Zhushui managed to find his little stupid fish again, the two of them made rapid progress and lived a life without shame and impatience. But Zhou Jiayu's death still has some sequelae.

For example, during the Spring Festival, Xu Ruizhuang came here to visit Zhou Jiayu's grave, and he stopped by the Lin family to see other people, but as soon as he entered the house, he saw Lin Zhushui hugging a strange young man. Sit together on the sofa. The young man had a handsome face and seemed to be seriously ill, and there was a wheelchair next to him.

In terms of seniority, Xu Jinliang's master Xu Jian and Lin Zhushui are of the same generation, so Lin Zhushui can also be regarded as Xu Ruliang's elder. But when he saw the scene in front of him, Xu Rinliang still couldn't contain his inner anger - Zhou Jiayu has only been gone for a year, and Lin Zhushui has found a new person to take his place

And such anger broke out completely after knowing that the young man's name was also Zhou Jiayu.

Xu Ruan said angrily, "Lin Zhushui, you are too fucking unhuman!"

Lin Zhushui raised his eyebrows and glanced at Xu Jinxuan indifferently.

Zhou Jiayu was taken aback. The bald head wearing a gold chain was a little scared as soon as he came in. This man was tall, with strong muscles all over his body. He also had a shaved head and a thick baby arm. Gold chain, sitting there like a triad.

Shen Yiqiong was also shocked: "Xu Jinxuan, are you crazy? How can you talk?"

Xu Rin said: "Am I wrong? How long has Zhou Jiayu been dead, and Lin Zhushui has already had a new love?" He gritted his teeth, obviously feeling worthless for Zhou Jiayu.

Shen Yiqiong said, "Fuck, this is Zhou Jiayu—you come out and I'll tell you in detail."

Xu Ruizang obviously didn't think Shen Yiqiong could say anything, so he glared at Lin Zhushui before turning around and going out.

Zhou Jiayu was also stunned by Xu Jinxuan, and he said, "Sir, what does this person mean?"

Lin Zhushui said expressionlessly, "It's okay, there is something wrong with his brain."

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

Twenty minutes later, Xu Ruizang came in from outside the house, his expression looked a little empty, he seemed to have made some mental preparations, and looked up at Zhou Jiayu: "Zhou Jiayu, do you remember me?"

Before Zhou Jiayu could speak, Shen Yiqiong muttered beside him, "How could he remember? If he remembers that you forgot your husband, he might be torn apart on the spot..."

Zhou Jiayu asked timidly, "I-I owe you money?"

Xu Jinliang: "..."

Shen Yiqiong smirked beside him.

Xu Ruizang said, "... I owe a lot."

Zhou Jiayu looked at Lin Zhushui, and Lin Zhushui sneered, "Xu Ruizhui, I think your skin is itchy again?"

Xu Ru scratched his bare head, laughed awkwardly, and then apologized to Lin Zhushui, saying that he shouldn't have called Lin Zhushui that name just now, but he was afraid that Zhou Jiayu would be bullied, so he reacted So big.

Lin Zhushui's expression was rather indifferent, and it took a long while for him to respond indifferently, but he didn't feel like he didn't drive Xu Rui out directly, which was already quite a face for him.

Zhou Jiayu was still a little afraid of Xu Jinliang, so he shrank in Lin Zhushui's arms and didn't dare to move.

Xu Ruizang was a little helpless, and after chatting with Zhou Jiayu for a while, he got up and said goodbye, saying that he would come back later.

Shen Yiqiong: "Then how long are you going to come and see later?"

Xu Rinhuang said: "Either I grow my hair, or Zhou Jiayu reminds me..."

Shen Yiqiong laughed.

Xu Jinxuan left here in a heartbeat, and he didn't know if he would seriously discuss with Xu Jian about hairstyles after returning.

After living here for a few months, Zhou Jiayu's memory showed signs of recovery. He first remembered the names of some of his friends, and then remembered that he was a civil servant. The intermittent and incoherent recovery of these memories was the result of Zhou Jiayu's hard thinking.

However, in Zhou Jiayu's memory, there is still nothing about Lin Zhushui. Although it feels familiar, this person seems to be forcibly erased from his memory.

Zhou Jiayu felt a little melancholy when he thought of this, and asked Lin Zhushui if he couldn't remember anymore, would Lin Zhushui hang him up.

Lin Zhushui was quite free and easy, touched Zhou Jiayu's head and comforted: "If you can't remember it, then don't think about it. It's fine now."

Zhou Jiayu felt guilty. He looked at Lin Zhushui's white hair, thinking that it must be very hard for him to find him, but he just couldn't remember it, and no matter how hard he tried, it would be blank.

Lin Zhushui looked at Zhou Jiayu's appearance, afraid that he would care too much, so he never mentioned these things in front of Zhou Jiayu again.

Zhou Jiayu was actually quite happy when he lived in the Lin family, but as time went on, his original materialistic values were somewhat subverted. The most subversive is actually the little paper that jumped and called his father likes to lick his hair, and then Zhou Jiayu also found that he seemed to be able to see something else.

For example, one day they happened to go out for supper, and Zhou Jiayu saw a series of white shadows floating outside the house. At first, he thought it was his eyes that had hallucinations, but after rubbing it a few times, he actually saw the white shadows that became even more intense. eye-catching.

"Did you see anything?" Zhou Jiayu was startled and asked with a pale face.

"It's just dirty stuff." Lin Zhushui sat next to Zhou Jiayu, his tone didn't change at all, "Come on, eat shrimp."

Zhou Jiayu opened his mouth and let Lin Zhushui put the peeled shrimp into his mouth.

Everyone else looked like they were commonplace, which made Zhou Jiayu wonder if he was making too much of a fuss.

"Alright, alright." Shen Yiqiong said, "You were going to have an accident as soon as you had supper, I knew you had to bring Mr.

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Does he still have such a strange setting

Everyone was drinking beer, and the atmosphere became enthusiastic. Shen Yiqiong was the one who talked the most and talked a lot about Zhou Jiayu's past. Some things Zhou Jiayu felt very familiar, and some things he didn't remember at all—for example, when Shen Yiqiong said that he had lent him two thousand yuan, Zhou Jiayu expressed doubts.

"But it's good to be back." Shen Yiqiong drank the beer and sighed heavily, "Fortunately, Mr. found you, otherwise we don't know... what to do."

Zhou Jiayu heard the bitterness in his words, and vaguely guessed that a lot of things must have happened during the time he disappeared, and Lin Zhushui's white hair was evidence of these things.

After three rounds of drinking, everyone was drinking a bit high, Lin Zhushui also drank a lot, but Zhou Jiayu didn't touch it because of physical problems.

Lin Jue stood up and said that she was going to sing on the side of the road to celebrate, but no one persuaded her, Shen Yiqiong was still ordering a song next to her.

Xiao Jin showed helplessness and went out with Lin Jue, probably because she was afraid that she would run into danger in the middle of the road.

Zhou Jiayu smiled beside him, feeling that this scene was unusually familiar, he turned his head and looked at Lin Zhushui, a scene suddenly flashed through his mind.

"What?" Lin Zhushui suddenly turned his head.

Only then did Zhou Jiayu realize that he had just said what was on his mind, but facing Lin Zhushui's drunken and gentle black eyes, he had to repeat it again, he said, "Sir... your eyes , can you see?"

Lin Zhushui paused: "Do you remember?"

"Well." Zhou Jiayu laughed, leaned over and kissed Lin Zhushui's eyelashes, "I remember."

Everything about Lin Zhushui reappeared in his mind.

He remembered everything about Lin Zhushui, and also remembered their previous separation and their reunion at this time.

The author has something to say: Continue to be blind and sweet, you can't be ashamed of the character of the author of my sweet essay.

The next book is going to open romance, girls who read romance can go and read it, and put a thick copy:

"Did You See My Bird"

Lu Yan petted a macaw named Turtle, one person and one bird love each other, and their love is stronger than gold.

One day, a neighbor suddenly moved in from Lu Yanjiao's downstairs. A few days later, Lu Yanjiao found out that her little cutie had betrayed.

So her daily routine changed to shouting down every day: "Bai Su, have you seen my bird?"

Over time, rumors began to spread in the community that a woman had been playing hooligans to her neighbors for a long time.

Lu Yanjiao: "... Bai Su, wait for me!!"

This is a story of two people who can't be separated from each other.

cp is the heroine who escapes the talk and is the hero of the high-cold male god.