My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 112: Extra (5) Lin Jue and Xiao Jin


I saw Lin Jue in the picture suddenly burst out and hugged Xiao Jin. Xiao Jin was obviously stunned for a moment because of Lin Jue's movements, and even his movements were a little stiff.

Then there was a scene that made people speechless, I saw Lin Jue rubbing her hand on Xiaojin's arm, and then let out a subtle laugh, she said: "Oh, young man, the skin is so good, the hands are slippery... "

Xiao Jin seemed a little helpless, grabbed her and planned to send her to the bedroom, but the two of them pulled and pulled along the way, unable to walk for a long time. In the end, Xiao Jin was furious, hugged Lin Jueheng, turned around and went upstairs.

During the whole process, Lin Jue was like a pervert, giggling, rubbing her face against Xiao Jin's chest, and clapping her hand to say she was bigger than me.

When everyone saw this, they silently moved their eyes to a certain part of someone's body.

Although Xiao Jin was expressionless, Zhou Jiayu clearly saw a blue vein popping out of his forehead, Lin Jue smiled awkwardly beside him, and said, "Don't bother with me, I'm drunk and don't know anything... "Her voice became smaller and smaller under Xiao Jin's stare, and finally became inaudible.

Everyone has seen Xiaojin's figure just now, and her chest muscles are indeed beautiful, but it is absolutely impossible to say that she is bigger than Lin Jue, and it is just that Lin Jue, a drunkard, can shamelessly say such a rogue sentence.

Seeing this, Lin Jue silently took out a tissue and began to wipe the cold sweat on her forehead. She whispered, "Don't look at it..."

Xiao Jin said coldly, "Do you recognize it?"

Lin Jue said, "What do you want me to recognize? The child in your womb can't be mine..."

Xiaojin: "…"

Zhou Jiayu looked at him and wanted to laugh, but Lin Jue was still stubborn at this time, which completely aroused the anger in Xiao Jin's heart. When he saw his hand move, the picture moved again. But in the blink of an eye, Lin Jue and Xiao Jin had already reached the door of the bedroom, and Xiao Jin pushed open the door and walked in directly.

Lin Jue's eyes widened, her breath held her breath, and her expression was terribly tense. Obviously, she was afraid of what really happened to her and Xiao Jin. Fortunately, after two copies, Xiao Jin with a black face came out of the bedroom door.

Seeing Xiao Jin going out, everyone was relieved.

However, as soon as this breath was released, he was immediately lifted up again. Lin Jue, who should have been lying on the bed, rushed out of the room staggeringly, grabbed Xiaojin's waist with one hand, and screamed. don't go - there's a ghost in the house -

Xiao Jin's movements stopped, and he turned around: "Where is the ghost?"

"On the roof, on the roof." In the video, Lin Jue's expression can be described as pitiful, she can't see the little bit of madness just now, plus her usual strong style, Xiao Jin, who was interested in her. Suddenly his heart softened, he said, "Don't be afraid, there are no ghosts, I'll accompany you in."

Lin Jue nodded heavily, and dragged Xiao Jin into the room.

Lin Jue shook her hands and started to light an unknown number of cigarettes, but this time she was shaking so badly that she never managed to light it.

After Xiaojin entered this time, he never came out again. During this time, he heard a few roars from the room: "Lin Jue—" accompanied by Lin Jue's sharp laughter: "Little bunny, where are you running!"

Outside the house, there was a strong wind, lightning and thunder, and the heavy rain did not stop overnight. Zhou Jiayu was still thinking about how it would rain in this big winter last night, but the person in front of him gave him the answer today.

It wasn't until the next morning that Xiao Jin came out of Lin Jue's room. When he came out, it can be said that he was very embarrassed, his clothes were wrinkled, and he staggered a few steps while walking. His originally expressionless face was frowning, and half an hour later, Lin Jue also got up from his bedroom. Now, looking at her refreshing appearance, she doesn't look like someone with a hangover last night.

This time, everyone is completely speaking without perfunctory.

Lin Jue looked very painful and said, "This is the end of the matter, what are you going to do?"

Xiaojin's expression was indifferent, but the words he said were shocking: "Our dragons have always kept themselves clean. I'm just an adult. You take advantage of me and are not responsible for me. That's not acceptable."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." God fucking cleans yourselves, isn't it just a legend that the dragon's nature is lustful

Lin Jue obviously thought the same as Zhou Jiayu, she was about to open her mouth to refute, when she saw Xiao Jin raised her hand and made a stop gesture: "Though I thought clearly before saying that slandering our dragon family, although I don't mind, but other Long Jie don't. Mind, I don't know."

Lin Jue fainted in an instant. No matter how brave she was, she didn't dare to scold the dragon. Even after Xiao Jin got angry, it rained outside every day, and she couldn't stand it.

"How exactly should I be responsible?" Lin Jue also knew that he couldn't help himself, so he finally accepted his fate and said, "Tell me about it?"

Xiaojin's eyes turned around from Zhou Jiayu and Lin Zhushui, and said, "Get the certificate with me."

Lin Jue sat up straight, her eyes widened: "Get the certificate? You don't even have an ID card now, how can I get it from you?"

"I have it." Xiao Jin took out a certificate and put it on the table in front of him, "I'm not a black household now."

"Why do you have..." Lin Jue was startled, she reacted and looked at Lin Zhushui, "Zhushui, did you get it for him?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Yes."

"Why??" Lin Jue was shocked.

Lin Zhushui took a slow sip of the tea in front of him. He didn't express any opinion from the beginning to the end. Facing Lin Jue's question, he gave an answer that left everyone speechless. He said, "Because he To pay living expenses, you need to work, and if you need to work, you need an ID card.”

Lin Jue: "????"

Xiao Jin said, "Yes, I paid for living here."

Although this scene was so serious, Zhou Jiayu still tried very hard not to laugh out loud. He always felt that Lin Zhushui had expected this day, so he prepared his speech early.

"I have an ID card, can we go get one?" Xiao Jin said, "You said you were responsible for me."

Lin Jue looked like she was about to pass, she trembled: "But I'm already thirty-five years old, you..."

Xiao Jin said, "It's okay, according to your human age, I'm only eighteen."

Lin Jue said, "Oh, oh, our legal age for human boys is twenty-two."

Xiao Jin said, "It's okay, my ID card is twenty-two."

Lin Jue: "..."

She obviously didn't know what to say, so she could only light another cigarette.

"So what's your answer, Lin Jue." Xiao Jin's expression was very serious, not like a joke at all.

Lin Jue heard Xiao Jin's question, and her expression gradually became solemn. She put out the cigarette, sighed deeply, and sat up straight: "In that case, let's have a good talk."

Kim nodded.

Lin Jue took a deep breath and seemed to be mentally prepared. She said, "Xiaojin, you are a dragon and I am a human. Have you ever thought about the age gap between us? Decades of human beings are nothing for you guys. At the click of a finger, you'll watch me grow old, even die."

This question is so sharp that Zhou Jiayu's breathing paused slightly, but Xiao Jin's expression was very calm, he said, "Of course I thought about it."

Lin Jue said, "What do you think?"

Xiao Jin said, "I don't mind."

Lin Jue reached out and wiped his face, and said in a tone that was almost a wry smile, "How could you not mind."

Xiao Jin's expression was light, but the firmness in his eyes was so obvious, he said, "I wouldn't mind, instead of watching you be alone for the next few decades or With other people, I want to be more involved in your life. Is the meaning of life only thought of death?"

Lin Jue said, "But—"

Xiao Jin said, "I have a lot of time, so I can wait." His expression softened, "I don't mind."

Lin Jue had nothing to say. For the first time, Zhou Jiayu saw a look of embarrassment on her face. Xiao Jin is not a person at all, and his way of thinking is also different from people. He is firm, stubborn, and refuses to say a word to give up what he wants.

Lin Jue's indifference may make other people feel hurt. Life is only a few decades old. How many people are willing to spend time on an uncertain thing in these decades.

But Xiao Jin can, but Lin Jue doesn't want to, he can wait, when Lin Jue is forty, fifty, or even sixty years old, dripping stone wears it, even if it is a stone, he can cover it up.

"But I will grow old, but you won't." Lin Jue said, "I will be full of gorgeous hair..."

"I can accompany you to grow old." Xiao Jin said, "I'm not human, so I won't be obsessed with appearance." His tone was sincere, and his eyes were full of stubbornness when he looked at Lin Jue.

Lin Jue seemed to be helpless. She sighed and sighed again. The cigarette butts in front of her were almost full of ashtrays.

The room was extremely silent, and everyone was waiting for her answer.

Finally, Lin Jue opened her mouth slightly, and she said, "Okay, let's try."

Everyone was relieved, and Xiao Jin also rolled his eyes and smiled. Zhou Jiayu had heard Lin Zhushui say before that he figured out that Xiao Jin was Lin Jue's final destination. At this time, seeing this scene really happened, he also felt it. comfort.

In the evening, Lin Zhushui put his arms around Zhou Jiayu and explained some things about Lin Jue in detail.

Lin Jue and her predecessor were childhood sweethearts without guesswork. She was weird, but he was gentle and generous. The two grew up together, practiced Feng Shui together, and roamed the world together.

This should have been an enviable story, but unfortunately the subsequent development was unexpected.

Not long after Lin Jue and her lover got engaged, her lover suddenly contracted an incurable disease, and within three months, she gradually lost her vitality in the hospital bed.

Watching a loved one gradually lose his life is probably the most brutal punishment.

Lin Jue began to smile reluctantly, then became silent, and finally cried and begged, she begged him not to leave, not to leave her alone in the world, saying the vows they had made, and even began to look for some people to continue their lives. Forbidden.

But how can people rob people from the king of hell

Lin Jue's lover still left. Before leaving, he asked her to do something about him.

"What's the matter?" Zhou Jiayu asked with a sour heart upon hearing this.

"He wants her to live to be forty." Lin Zhushui said, "He figured it out."

"It's figured out?" Zhou Jiayu was a little dazed, "What did he figure out?"

"I figured out Lin Jue's real karma." Lin Zhushui said, "He is just a passer-by in her life, not a destination."

Lin Jue and her lover are both extremely talented. Although it is not easy to calculate things related to their own numerology, he still makes a slap for Lin Jue.

This hexagram made him leave without regrets. He knew that before Lin Jue turned forty, someone would love her and take care of her for him. Although he was unwilling, he was reluctant to let her accompany him to Huangquan.

"That variable is Xiao Jin?" Zhou Jiayu said, "Sir, have you figured it out long ago?"

Lin Zhushui nodded, he said yes, I figured it out.

It's just that he can only calculate the existence of this variable, but he can't know what it is and where it came from. But I didn't expect an unintentional exploration, and this variable suddenly appeared.

Xiaojin is the cause left by Lin Jue when he traveled with Qingmei, and finally gave birth to the fruit of Lin Jue's marriage.

Cause and effect complement each other, and the arrangement of fate is always so magical.

"Xiaojin still has five years." Lin Zhushui said, "He can do it."

Zhou Jiayu hummed and prayed secretly in his heart, I hope so.

After that incident, Xiao Jin moved into the yard where Lin Jue lived. Although he said that he wanted Lin Jue to pull the marriage certificate, he did not force Lin Jue.

But after that, no matter where Lin Jue went, there was a taciturn man behind him. He wouldn't say much, but he would take care of her silently, help her keep out alcohol, exorcise evil spirits, and raise the delicate flowers in the yard.

And Lin Jue's life didn't seem to have changed much, except that he brought an extra black umbrella that was big enough to cover the two of them.

The best way to let go of a relationship is not to forget but to cover it up. No one knows when Lin Jue's heart moved. When Zhou Jiayu and the others knew that Lin Jue and Xiao Jin were officially together, it was on the day Lin Jue was thirty-eight years old. night.

Thirty-eight years old, she is still beautiful, with gorgeous eyebrows, wearing a slim cheongsam, sitting on the sofa in the middle of the room. The years love her so much that she is reluctant to leave a trace on her body. If it weren't for the innocence of her youth in her eyes, I am afraid that everyone would think she was just a mature girl.

Xiao Jin was still sitting beside Lin Jue, he lowered his eyes, peeled the pine nuts from his eyes, and all the pine nuts went into Lin Jue's mouth beside him.

Lin Jue said, "We are getting married."

There was a huge cake in the room, which was ordered by Xiao Jin himself. On top of the cake was a little golden dragon made of fondant, surrounded by a girl sitting on the ground. The girl's appearance was almost seven or eight similar to Lin Jue's. Her hand was on Jinlong's back, and her eyes were full of happiness.

After Zhou Jiayu found out, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. Ever since he knew about Lin Jue's 40th appointment with her childhood friend, Bian has been in a state of unease. Although Lin Zhushui didn't say it, Zhou Jiayu could actually feel it, and even he was worried about what would happen if Xiao Jin failed to melt the ice that was hot on the outside and cold on the inside. .

Everyone was not surprised when they heard Lin Jue's words, but their hearts were filled with consolation.

"Congratulations, uncle." Shen Yiqiong said congratulations first, "When are you going to hold the wedding? I have to prepare gifts for you in advance..."

Lin Jue raised her eyes: "Leave me alone, take care of yourself first, when will you marry the one from your family?"

Shen Yiqiong fainted instantly when he heard the words, and said aggrievedly, "I don't like boys."

Lin Jue said, "You don't like boys who are so happy to introduce themselves? You said you like to play basketball... And those dowry gifts, did you return them?"

Shen Yi sternly said no, he would not accept it.

Everyone laughed when they heard this. The peach blossoms bloomed one after another at home. Lin Zhushui also made a good start. The four apprentices found their partners one after another, and Shen Yiqiong was probably one of them. The one with the biggest twists and turns, who would have thought that he would be able to hook up with the ancestor of the weasel at any tomb. Because of this matter, Xiao Huang in the family has been sullen for several days, because if Shen Yiqiong really married the weasel ancestor, wouldn't his seniority go up at once? Xiao Huang is afraid that he should be called Shen Yiqiong Grandfather and grandmother, you will never be able to scold him again in the future.

The wedding is almost entirely handled by Xiao Jin. From the style to the size of the wedding dress, he almost always manages it himself.

Lin Jue went out for a few days except for measuring the wedding dress and taking wedding photos. The rest of the days were spent in the garden with Zhou Jiayu's nest in the sun almost every day.

Zhou Jiayu originally thought that she was getting fat and started to gain weight, but who knew that within a few days, Lin Jue found out that she was pregnant.

On the day he found out about this, when Little King Kong entered the house, he heard Lin Jue crying and shouting: "Your Majesty, the concubine already has a dragon seed in her stomach, you can't leave the concubine..."

Xiaojin: "..." He turned his head to look at Zhou Jiayu with a blank expression, and asked Lin Jue what happened again with his eyes.

Zhou Jiayu was very happy when he heard the news before, but now seeing Lin Jue's behavior, he couldn't help laughing and laughing. He could only say, "It literally means that my uncle is pregnant."

Xiaojin's eyes lit up all of a sudden, he walked to Lin Jue's side a few steps, half-squatted around Lin Jue's waist, put his face on Lin Jue's stomach, raised his head: "Really?"

Lin Jue smiled and said, "Yeah"

Xiao Jin said, "How long has it been?"

Lin Jue twisted his finger: "Three months..."

Xiao Jin frowned when he heard the words: "How did you find out?"

Lin Jue cheeky: "My aunt is always not on time..."

Xiao Jin really had no way to hold Lin Jue. He held Lin Jue's hand and asked seriously, "I want this child, would you like it?"

When he asked this sentence, he was probably a little hesitant in his heart, afraid that Lin Jue would choose to give up the child for some reason.

"Okay." Lin Jue tapped Xiao Jin's straight nose with her fingers, "I will."

Xiao Jin laughed. This smile was very bright, like a child who got a lollipop. He hugged Lin Jue heavily, and the atmosphere between the two was extremely sweet.

Zhou Jiayu was also very happy beside him, there was another new addition to the house.

In the past few years, Xiao Zhi has a lot of younger brothers and sisters, but the only fly in the ointment is that he has not yet received his daughter-in-law, but has become a big brother.

They can grow up to the size of their body, but I don't know if it is because there is only one branch, the small paper of one meter and two never grows again, but maintains the current size.

Zhou Jiayu and Lin Zhushui cannot have children of their own, and Xiao Zhi is equivalent to their biological son.

However, after so many years, Xiao Zhi's habit of licking people's hair has not changed. His favorite is Lin Zhushui's black hair, which has slowly changed from white in the past two years.

This extravagant enjoyment is only available occasionally, and most of the time, Xiao Zhi can only smash the weasel. After it knew that Shen Yiqiong had also found a weasel to fall in love with, it even expressed great approval, apparently because of the hair on the ancestor of the weasel.

And Xiaozhi's younger brothers and sisters, because of Xiaozhi's drive, have also developed such a habit. Zhou Jiayu has recently been thinking about letting them restrain themselves, otherwise they would doze off on the sofa and stand up and take a few pictures out of their hair. A little paper man who only hums and chirps.

The wedding is scheduled for the beginning of next month. At this time, I was overjoyed to hear that Lin Jue was pregnant.

For the next period of time, Lin Jue became the key protection object of the family. All the foods that pregnant women taboo will not appear at home, cigarettes can't be smoked, and alcohol can't be drunk.

Lin Juesheng was unlovable, and said that he wanted to smoke and drink all day long, but Lin Zhushui said beside him, not salty or bland, why don't you get your head scalded.

Lin Jue: "I've burned my head, thank you."

Everyone: "… "

The reaction in the early stage of pregnancy was great. Xiao Jin was afraid that Lin Jue would be uncomfortable. Every day she thought about changing her food. As a result, Lin Jue didn't eat two bites, but Shen Yiqi got fat.

Lin Jue asked him to let him eat less, so that he wouldn't get fat and become a blind man.

Shen Yiqiong said, "I'm fat and blind, maybe he won't like me anymore?"

Lin Jue said, "Did you dream? You were confessed in the tomb. At that time, people liked you as if you were invisible. Do you still expect him to let you go when you gain weight?"

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

Lin Jue said, "People aren't such a superficial weasel. The skin and stuff are like clouds for him - but you're different. If you really gain weight, which girl would you like?" The black-skinned beautiful boy, although he has dark skin, at least has a sunny temperament and handsome eyebrows. If his mother is really fat, then basically the rest of his life can only be spent with invisible weasels.

Xiao Huang agreed very much when he heard the words, and screamed beside him.

Shen Yiqiong's expression twisted for a while, and he put down his chopsticks angrily, saying that it's okay if I don't eat it, you can't eat it, and you won't let me eat it.

Lin Jue raised his head arrogantly: "I don't agree with you and continue to eat."

Shen Yiqiong: "I accept it."

Xiaojin didn't say anything beside him, and gave Lin Jue another piece of dish with chopsticks.

When Lin Jue was full, she burped and said that her back was sore. Xiao Jin held her in his arms and slowly massaged her waist and legs.

Zhou Jiayu saw that his eyes were full of smiles, but he was holding the back of his hand by his side. Lin Zhushui leaned into his ear and said something in a low voice. Others watched as Zhou Jiayu's ears began to overflow a little red, and finally spread to his cheeks and even his neck.

"Are you okay?" Lin Zhushui asked.

"Just... you can only play it once." Zhou Jiayu whispered, "I can't stand it..."

Lin Zhushui said slowly, "It's fine, I'll rub it for you when it's sour."

The only single dog present, Shen Yiqiong, threw the bowl angrily, turned around and walked away. He was almost choked to death by eating dog food, and even began to wonder if he was a real dog.

But then again, it seems that it is quite easy to get off the list. Shen Yiqiong starts to worry again when he thinks of the piles of dowry gifts sent to his home.