My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 35: solve


The bridge was filled with yellow mist, revealing a strong ominous atmosphere.

When Qin Yihe heard Lin Zhushui say that he was going to go to the bridge, her eyes showed a taste of fear. She said, "But a living person can't go up... Once you go up, you can't come down."

Lin Zhushui ignored her and said to Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong, "Shen Yiqiong, wait here, Zhou Jiayu, come with me."

Shen Yiqian said: "Sir, I want to go too!"

Lin Zhushui said: "This Hashimoto is not a living person. Zhou Jiayu has a very yin constitution and will not be affected, but whether you can go up or not is unknown."

Shen Yiqiong was a little disappointed. He followed Lin Zhushui out just to see these things. It would be best to go to the bridge and see it up close. But since Lin Zhushui said so, he couldn't force it, said hello, and waited at the bridge with Qin Yihe.

"Let's go." Lin Zhushui said to Zhou Jiayu and walked towards the bridge.

Zhou Jiayu followed with a nervous expression.

Jiba said: "Don't be afraid, Lin Zhushui is here. Since he asked you to come up, he must be very sure of protecting you..."

In the end, before he could speak, he saw Zhou Jiayu say a little embarrassedly: "No, I'm not afraid, that is, that... Don't you think we are like this, it's a bit like a date or something."

Kazuha was silent. Through Zhou Jiayu's field of vision, it saw the thick yellow mist and the distorted Yin spirits in the yellow mist. It even felt a little admiration for Zhou Jiayu. It had reason to doubt that even if Lin Zhushui Asking Zhou Jiayu to dig graves, Zhou Jiayu also thinks that this activity seems to be really romantic.

In the end, Jiba said in a heavy tone: "'re just happy."

As they approached the middle of the bridge, the strangely-shaped Yin spirits around Zhou Jiayu also began to increase. The bodies of these Yin spirits are mostly mutilated. They have either broken hands or feet, and some are cut in half directly from their waists, and they can only wriggle on the ground. They all seemed to have lost their minds, and the followers instinctively moved towards the center of the bridge. They were groaning in pain all around, and the whole bridge was like purgatory.

Zhou Jiayu didn't dare to look around and kept staring at his feet. Lin Zhushui stopped when he stopped, and Lin Zhushui left when he walked.

The blood on the bridge also began to increase, and the scene of the car accident that had been repaired was all reproduced on the bridge at this time. Zhou Jiayu roughly counted, at least a dozen cars were scrapped on the bridge at this time, and some cars even carried three or four people.

The road is a little dark, and the more you go inside, the less places you can stay.

Zhou Jiayu accidentally stepped on something soft and fluffy. He was startled by the touch and looked towards the ground, only to realize that he had stepped on a white and tender hand.

That hand belonged to a little girl of four or five years old. Her face was covered in blood, and her head had been cut in half. Her eyes could no longer see the pupils, and it was a penetrating white. After being stepped on by Zhou Jiayu, she slowly raised his head, the eyes of the two met in mid-air.

Zhou Jiayu moved his feet away silently, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, kid, you continue."

The child slowly lowered his head and continued to crawl forward.

Seeing this situation, Zhou Jiayu had a cold sweat on his back. At this time, he clearly realized that the bridge he walked on was really terrifying.

Lin Zhushui heard the movement behind him, and asked softly, "Are you afraid?"

Zhou Jiayu smiled reluctantly and said, "I'm not afraid, haha, I'm not afraid when Mr.

Lin Zhushui's footsteps stopped suddenly, Zhou Jiayu thought he had something to say, but he unexpectedly reached out to him: "Come on."

Those hands, white as jade, slender as bamboo, raised their fingers slightly, making an inviting gesture.

Zhou Jiayu: "!!!"

"Zhou Jiayu?" Lin Zhushui called him again.

Zhou Jiayu took a deep breath and put his hand on it tremblingly. As soon as he put it on, he regretted that he didn't wipe the cold sweat on his hands first.

"I said I'm not afraid." Lin Zhushui held Zhou Jiayu's hand, and felt that his palm was full of sweat, and said, "I'm almost scared."

Zhou Jiayu couldn't refute.

When the two were in contact before, Lin Zhushui's hand had always been very cold, but now his hand was hot, and the heat was passed from the palm to Zhou Jiayu, alleviating the panic in his heart. Although Zhou Jiayu's mind was a little confused, he also felt that Lin Zhushui's actions were not ambiguous. It seemed that he only acted because he was worried about Zhou Jiayu.

But even so, Zhou Jiayu was very happy. He thought that Shen Yiqiong couldn't follow him, otherwise Lin Zhushui would hold one hand in hand, like a kindergartener. Zhou Jiayu thought so comfortably, and even the terrifying atmosphere around him was reduced a lot.

The 800-meter-long bridge will soon come to an end. At the second half of the bridge, the wreckage of damaged vehicles, vague flesh and blood, and blood flowing on the ground can be seen everywhere.

"It's almost there." Lin Zhushui said.

where? Zhou Jiayu looked up and saw something faintly at the end of the bridge. It seemed to be a huge stone tablet, standing abruptly at the other end of the bridge, and all the dead were crawling towards the stone tablet.

Zhou Jiayu walked to the vicinity of the stone monument, but a cloudy wind suddenly blew up beside him. This cloudy wind and the cry of the deceased were blowing towards the two of them.

Lin Zhushui raised his left hand and slashed heavily into the air. The wind was broken right here, and Zhou Jiayu even paused briefly when he heard the cries.

"Go away!" Lin Zhushui scolded coldly.

For the first time, Zhou Jiayu heard Lin Zhushui's indifferent tone. Although Lin Zhushui treats people coldly on weekdays, he can be regarded as peaceful, but at this moment, Zhou Jiayu can only hear the strong disgust in his tone.

The tombstone is in sight. The surrounding ground was full of mourning dead. They rubbed the blood on the stone tablet, and then disappeared into the thick fog behind the stone tablet.

After walking in, Zhou Jiayu discovered that on the stele, countless names were engraved in bright red fonts densely.

Lin Zhushui said, "What is engraved on it?"

Zhou Jiayu quickly replied: "It's some names." He read the names engraved on the stone tablet from top to bottom, but the more he looked, the more strange he felt, "Okay, so strange."

Lin Zhushui said, "Strange?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "Yes, some of these names are people's names, and some of them look like... net names or something." Most of the names are normal, but a few names are incompatible with other names. For example, Zhou Jiayu saw a somewhat similar screen name: Rabbit that eats oranges - a normal person, it is impossible for a normal person to have such a name.

Lin Zhushui didn't say anything, just said, "Look for Qin Yihe's name."

Zhou Jiayu was stunned: "Qin Yihe? Why is her name?" Shouldn't he be looking for Tang Xiaochuan

Lin Zhushui didn't explain: "You'll know when you find it."

When Zhou Jiayu heard the words, he turned his attention to the stone tablet. The stone tablet was nearly two meters high. At this time, the light was dim, and it was not easy to find a name. After searching for a while, Zhou Jiayu still found the target. When he saw the name Qin Yihe on the stone tablet, he finally understood why Lin Zhushui said that.

Because Qin Yihe is not engraved on the stone tablet alone, there are three words after the name: lover.

Qin Yihe's lover, the one who was cursed on the stone tablet, turned out to be Qin Yihe's lover? !

Zhou Jiayu was stunned, he immediately thought of a key point: "Tang Xiaochuan thought that Qin Yihe was going to marry abroad, but she didn't know who Qin Yihe was going to marry, so she wrote this name on that website?"

Lin Zhushui nodded.

Zhou Jiayu was speechless. Perhaps Tang Xiaochuan would never have imagined that her curse was actually fulfilled on her own body. Qin Yihe did not change her mind, she still loves Tang Xiaochuan, and regards Tang Xiaochuan as the love of her life, the only lover.

Zhou Jiayu's mind was a little confused: "But sir, didn't you say that the website was closed a year ago? Then what does the website have to do with the accident on the bridge... "

Lin Zhushui said: "In our industry, there are always people who want to reverse the yin and yang." He said, "There is a legend that if a dead person gathers enough grievances, they can turn into a zombie."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Zombie?"

Lin Zhushui nodded: "Zongzi can be revived by nourishing it with the blood of a boy for several decades. In the eyes of some people who have nowhere to go, this is probably a way of resurrection."

Zhou Jiayu caught the main point in Lin Zhushui's words: "So... that website actually collects grievances?"

Lin Zhushui didn't answer and asked, "If you click on this website, what name do you want to fill in?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "That's not true..." He was already very satisfied with his current life.

Lin Zhushui said, "Then what do you think the person who wrote the name on this website was thinking when he typed those words?"

Zhou Jiayu didn't have to think about it to know that there must be endless resentment and disgust, so disgusted that even in the face of such an almost ridiculous method, his face would be distorted, and he seriously typed those few characters on the keyboard.

Tang Xiaochuan is one of them.

She hates Qin Yihe for being ruthless, hates Qin Yihe's cruelty, hates Qin Yihe's abandonment, cuteness is stronger than hatred, she is not willing to fill in Qin Yihe's name, but transfers her hatred to Qin Yihe. On a non-existent object of empathy.

"If that person dies, Qin Yihe will come back." Tang Xiaochuan thought so, tapped the keyboard with his fingers, and entered the six words that would pull her into the abyss under the black page.

A year later, all the resented names were engraved on stone tablets and stood on the bridge, and the resentment began to gradually gather and even become reality.

Tang Xiaochuan happened to live near the newly completed bridge, so the curse was fulfilled.

"When the bridge is built, the bridge starts from both ends." Lin Zhushui released Zhou Jiayu's hand, "When the bridge is finally completed, the last bridge will be placed between the two ends, which is called Dragon."

He stretched out his hand and slowly removed the string of crystal clear jade beads on his wrist.

In an instant, Zhou Jiayu felt a cluster of flames ignite in front of him, and the air around Lin Zhushui became extremely hot. The temperature actually made him involuntarily take a few steps back.

"Closing the dragon is a very important step." Lin Zhushui said, "It's just a pity that the bridge board of the closing dragon has been manipulated." He walked forward slowly, and the moaning dead beside him all showed fear. The color, as if encountering the shadow of the sun, began to dodge to the side.

The stone tablet was in front of him, Lin Zhushui raised his hand and slapped it on it.

"Ahhh!!!" The next moment, the stele let out a shrill scream, and the bloody names on it began to fall down one after another like rotten pieces of meat, and the stele itself began to melt.

Lin Zhushui was speechless and slapped again. His movements did not seem heavy, but the stone tablet seemed to be completely abolished, and the original two-meter height began to shrink rapidly and flowed to the ground.

Zhou Jiayu looked down, only to find that after the stele melted, it turned into foul-smelling blood.

"Do you want to replace the dead ghost?" Lin Zhushui said coldly, his thin lips parted lightly, and he spat out words with disgust, "It's a pity, you found the wrong person."

After he said this, the cry of the stone tablet also stopped, and it seemed to have completely lost its vitality.

After the stele disappeared, the yellow fog began to gradually fade away. The soul of the deceased that originally surrounded it seemed to have lost its goal and looked at the surroundings sluggishly.

Zhou Jiayu felt that Lin Zhushui must be handsome at this time. Why do you think? Because Lin Zhushui became extremely dazzling after he took off the chain on his wrist. Zhou Jiayu held on to tears for a while and felt that it was not good. He felt that if he continued to watch it, he might not see Lin Zhu for the rest of his life. water out. So he closed his eyes reluctantly, and his ears were still listening carefully to Lin Zhushui's voice.

"Okay, open your eyes." After an unknown amount of time, Zhou Jiayu felt Lin Zhushui whisper in his ear.

Zhou Jiayu opened his eyes and found that his vision was still very blurry, but he could barely see other things. He said, "Sir, are you finished?"

"It's early." Lin Zhushui said, "Let's go, go back."

Zhou Jiayu obediently followed Lin Zhushui and walked back. At this time, the yellow fog almost dissipated, but the terrifying scene around him remained. Zhou Jiayu asked what to do after asking, and Lin Zhushui said that these He couldn't control it, and he had to invite a few eminent monks to come over.

Zhou Jiayu said excitedly, Sir, you know a lot.

Lin Zhushui did not answer.

The two got off the bridge, and Zhou Jiayu discovered a very cruel fact. His eyesight, which should have been 5.00, has not recovered yet. The surrounding area looks like a layer of gauze, and he can only see within 50 meters at most. s things. After getting very close, Zhou Jiayu saw Shen Yiqiong and Qin Yihe waving at them.

"You are finally back." Qin Yihe said, "I almost thought I would never see you again."

"What's the matter with you, Zhou Jiayu? I waved to you for a long time and you haven't seen it." Shen Yiqiong said, "Why are you crying?"

Zhou Jiayu's eyes were stinging at this time, and he had to bite the bullet and say, "I'm touched by Mr.

Shen Yiqiong's expression was complicated, he patted him on the shoulder, and made a mouth shape: This flattering bull.

Zhou Jiayu: "..." He didn't want to either! Can't this little bastard, Shen Yiqiong, change the subject!

Lin Zhushui was obviously not as fooled as Shen Yiqiong. He raised his eyebrows: "Tears? Zhou Jiayu, what's wrong with your eyes?"

Zhou Jiayu said a few words vaguely, but Lin Zhushui instantly understood what was going on with his eyes, and he finally sighed as if he couldn't help Zhou Jiayu: " will take a few days. All right."

Zhou Jiayu felt very embarrassed.

Fortunately, there were other things that attracted everyone's attention, so that everyone didn't continue to struggle with Zhou Jiayu's eyes. After the yellow mist dissipated, the deceased on the bridge began to leave one by one.

Qin Yihe also saw Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan came back from the bridge, but the wound on her face was gone, and she returned to her usual pale, but at least intact face, she walked in front of several people with a dull expression, ignoring the people who were talking to her. Qin Yi River.

Zhou Jiayu noticed something strange. After thinking for a while, he was surprised: "Ah? Why is Tang Xiaochuan's shadow gone?" Although her shadow was irregular before, at least it was still there. Now the dim street lights are projected on her. , but did not leave any traces on the ground.

"The hair that was burned just now is her shadow." Lin Zhushui said, "Someone made it on purpose." The spirit body has no shadow, but someone deliberately helped Tang Xiaochuan to make up for this flaw. Of course, this shadow is probably no different to ordinary people, but Zhou Jiayu is very sensitive to this aspect, so he should be able to see the difference in the shadow.

Zhou Jiayu suddenly realized, thinking of the hair that Lin Zhushui snatched from him, I am afraid that those long hair are related to Tang Xiaochuan's shadow.

"Let's go." Lin Zhushui said, "Let's go back first."

Although Zhou Jiayu felt that they didn't stay on the bridge for a long time, in fact, it was already early in the morning, and the dark sky had begun to light up faintly.

Several people got into the car and prepared to leave the bridge.

Zhou Jiayu finally glanced at the bridge, the smoke on the bridge gradually dissipated, the bloody and weird scene also melted like a mirage, the flat bridge surface reappeared, and there were even passing vehicles on it, as if he had just What happened was just a terrible dream.

Zhou Jiayu thought to himself, but there was Lin Zhushui in this dream, and it didn't seem to be scary.

Qin Yihe drove the car to the downstairs. As soon as she stopped, Tang Xiaochuan got out of the car and went into the corridor. Looking at her back, Qin Yihe said with a complicated expression, "Master, what should I do next?"

Lin Zhushui asked, "Who told you that Tang Xiaochuan needs to find a ghost to be at ease?"

Qin Yihe said: "The owner of a group, many people in the group have encountered this kind of thing, and he occasionally gives some advice. By the way, the spiritual forum that wrote a lot of things in this regard was also created by him. Yes." She said and took out her phone, trying to find the group.

Who knew that just after opening the button, Qin Yihe was stunned when she saw the system prompting that the xx group had been disbanded.

"What's the matter?" Qin Yihe frowned, "... Why did it suddenly disappear."

Lin Zhushui was not surprised, and said, "This matter should be resolved. In two days, I will recruit someone to save Tang Xiaochuan's soul and let her enter the reincarnation earlier."

Qin Yihe hesitated, biting her lower lip and still said what was in her mouth, she said, "Master, I, I want to ask, Xiaochuan, can you still recover?"

After she knew that Tang Xiaochuan had a car accident, she hurriedly returned to the country and held a funeral for Tang Xiaochuan like a sleepwalker. After the funeral, Qin Yihe didn't want to live alone, but one night, she went to the bridge where Tang Xiaochuan had an accident, and when she was about to jump off the bridge to accompany Tang Xiaochuan to leave, she saw a familiar figure - Tang Xiaochuan. However, something seems to be wrong with her memory and sanity. As soon as she heard the name Qin Yihe, she would scream madly, as if the name caused her extreme pain.

In desperation, Qin Yihe borrowed the identity of Tang Xiaochuan's cousin and brought her home.

At this time, Qin Yihe was not surprised to find that Tang Xiaochuan, who appeared again, was no longer human. Although she looks like a human being and can even eat and talk, on some special nights she drives alone to the bridge and returns the next morning.

In addition, Tang Xiaochuan's memory went back to the time when they broke up a year ago. She even re-entered a certain forum that should have disappeared, and entered a certain paragraph of characters again.

After that, Tang Xiaochuan and Zhou Jiayu met by chance.

At first, Qin Yihe didn't take this matter to heart, until the group owner mentioned it casually, saying that if he could find someone who could open a certain website and bring it to the bridge, the trapped soul would be freed from death. out of the cycle. Only then did Qin Yihe have some unexpected thoughts.

Fortunately, she met Zhou Jiayu and Lin Zhushui, who was protecting Zhou Jiayu, so it didn't cause a catastrophe.

When Qin Yihe said these words, Lin Zhushui kept thinking, and he finally asked a question: "You said before that you saw a living person on the bridge, what's the situation?"

Qin Yihe's eyes showed fear: "it seems to be a couple, they are similar to me and Xiaochuan, the wife died in a car accident, and the husband accompanied his wife to the bridge. I saw with my own eyes that as soon as he stepped on the bridge , the whole person melted into black blood."

Zhou Jiayu heard the words and immediately remembered the stone tablet. After being touched by Lin Zhushui, the stone tablet melted and turned into black blood. Immediately, some associations occurred in his mind, and he blurted out, "Could it be that the stone tablet..."

Lin Zhushui probably knew what he wanted to say next, nodded and said, "A lot of people have died."

Zhou Jiayu shuddered when he remembered the black liquid that melted under his feet.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Sir, then... why can only I open that website?"

When Lin Zhushui heard the words, he was half-smiling, but he said, "Who said that only you can open it? Tang Xiaochuan, didn't you open it too?"

Zhou Jiayu was speechless.

Lin Zhushui said, "That person is just looking for someone with a very yin physique. The net is cast down, and it's another matter if you can't catch fish."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." He actually heard Lin Zhushui's pun, yes, he was a stupid fish caught by someone.

A few people chatted for a while, and the morning sun was slowly rising from the horizon. Warm sunlight enveloped the earth, dispelling darkness and haze.

Qin Yihe looked a little tired. She leaned on the car and said, "Master, Xiaochuan can go to reincarnate, right?"

Lin Zhushui nodded.

Qin Yihe said: "Then, can she think of me before she reincarnates?" She seemed to be saying something extremely difficult to say, "Xiaochuan's death also has something to do with me. If I had been braver..." She choked up and was speechless.

Lin Zhushui took out a piece of talisman paper from his arms: "This talisman is used to soothe the gods, and it can also be used on Yin spirits, but from what you said before, I'm afraid Tang Xiaochuan doesn't want to remember it."

Qin Yihe's expression was a little sluggish when he heard the words, and after a while, he took the talisman paper from Lin Zhusailor.

Most things have been resolved, but the key behind the scenes culprit has not been found. However, Lin Zhushui said that he was in no hurry and told them to go back to the hotel to rest and talk about other things in the afternoon.

After a busy night, Zhou Jiayu was also a little tired. After arriving at the hotel, he fell asleep and fell asleep until two o'clock in the afternoon, only to be woken up by Shen Yiqiong's knock on the door.

Shen Yiqiong said, "Zhou Jiayu, are you awake?"

Zhou Jiayu looked at Shen Yiqiong's radiant appearance, and sighed in his heart that it was great to be young. When he was eighteen years old, he could stay alive all night and the next day, but now he feels that his body can't hold it anymore. The whole mind was dumbfounded, he said: "Well... I woke up, what's wrong?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Sir asked me to call you up and go to the bridge together."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Oh! Okay, right now!"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Are your eyes any better?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Okay, it's better..." It's good that Shen Yiqiong didn't mention it. When he mentioned it, Zhou Jiayu immediately felt that his vision was still a little blurry, but he didn't say it, but fooled it.

After washing up, Zhou Jiayu ate something and went to the bridge with Shen Yiqiong. Lin Zhushui and Jiang Nineteen passed first. It was said that the road would be closed or something, but Zhou Jiayu didn't know the specifics.

When we got to the edge of the bridge, the road to and from the road was blocked, and pedestrians could not pass. Although the reason given to the public is that the bridge needs to be repaired, the actual situation is probably only known to them.

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong walked to the center of the bridge and saw Lin Zhushui, River Nineteen, and construction workers. They broke a piece of the deck and seemed to be looking for something.

"Here?" Lin Zhushui asked.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Well, here, sir, what are they looking for?"

Lin Zhushui said, "I'll find out in a while."

Jiang Nineteen also looked like he had not slept well, and his face was not very good-looking. Even when he brought Zhou Jiayu and the others, he just greeted him casually and continued to let the workers look down.

"There is something!" Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Jiang Nineteen rushed over and said, "What?!"

The worker didn't dare to touch it, and pointed to a black stone tablet that should have been made of concrete. This stone tablet is only over one meter long, and various names are engraved on it densely. Zhou Jiayu also went over to take a look and found that the stone tablet was somewhat different from what she saw yesterday. Yesterday's piece was bigger and taller, with more names on it, as if it had grown from flesh and blood.

"Fuck it!" Jiang Nineteen directly swears, "Is this going to kill our Jiang family?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Move the stone tablet up, there's something under it."

The workers pried open the stele and found that there was really something under the stele. It was a small wooden sign, in vermilion red, with a few words written in golden fonts. It looked very beautiful. After Zhou Jiayu recognized it, he barely recognized a "red". As soon as this thing was exposed, it was accompanied by a bloody smell that was almost choking, and everyone around covered their noses.

Lin Zhushui bent down and picked up the wooden sign. He weighed it casually and said, "Sixty or three coins."

Jiang Nineteen seemed to know this thing, and said with a livid face: "Sixty-three...? Sixty-three?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Yes."

Jiang Nineteen didn't say a word. He took out his cell phone and started to call. After hearing the name, he should have called his brother Jiang Sixteen.

Lin Zhushui, Shen Yiqiong and Zhou Jiayu said, "This is a life card, used to gather souls. One soul, one soul, one coin, sixty-two or three coins means sixty-three dead."

Zhou Jiayu exclaimed: "Sixty-three? That many?" The number of people who died in the car accident should not exceed thirty in total, and the remaining thirty were not even found, so were they all swallowed by this bridge?

Lin Zhushui took out a black cloth bag and put the wooden sign in it.

After finishing the call, Jiang Nineteen said with a wry smile, "Mr. Lin, I'm still to blame for this. If I had come in person when the dragon was closing, it wouldn't have happened..."

If it were an ordinary person, it would probably be a few words of comfort, but Lin Zhushui was not polite and said, "It's good that you know."

Jiang Nineteen had an embarrassed look on his face.

Although Jiang Nineteen was not the culprit, it was inseparable from this matter. Lin Zhushui said, "This matter must have been brewing for a long time. You'd better recall carefully who told you to do what that day."

Jiang Nineteen said: "I, I don't remember." Seeing his red face, it was obviously not that he didn't remember, but that there was something unspeakable.

He said again: "Then Mr. Lin, how are we going to find the person who does this?"

Lin Zhushui sneered: "Look? Why should I look for him? Now, he should be looking for me in a hurry."

Jiang Nineteen wanted to say something, but Lin Zhushui made a stop gesture: "Okay, let your brother talk to me."

Jiang Nineteen didn't dare to refute, he should be embarrassed.

Jiang Nineteen's brother, Jiang Sixteen, came very quickly. After about ten minutes, he stepped onto the bridge out of breath, but after he arrived, he raised his hand and slapped Jiang Nineteen without saying a word. .

The corner of Jiang Nineteen's mouth was directly broken, and he was punished with his head down.

"Jiang Nineteen, are you capable?" Jiang Sixteen cursed, "I handed over this project to you, and you just gave it to me to supervise it? With such a huge stone tablet, I really want to open your mind and see. Is it full of water?!" He was also wearing a suit and leather shoes, looking like he came from some formal occasion.

Jiang Nineteen kept admitting his mistakes.

Lin Zhushui said annoyed: "Okay, I have to fight back, who can I do it for?"

Jiang Shiliu was pierced, and said embarrassedly, "Mr. Lin, it's our Jiang family's lax discipline."

"It's true that the discipline is not strict." Lin Zhushui said, "Why, he's just that, why didn't you find out?"

Jiang Shiliu sighed, "I was injured a while ago, and I haven't recovered yet, so I'm afraid I was also affected."

Lin Zhushui said, "Injured?"

Jiang Shiliu said: "Yes, something went wrong..."

Lin Zhushui raised his eyebrows and said, "I don't think there is such a coincidence in the world."

Jiang Shiliu was stunned: "You mean..."

Lin Zhushui said, "I mean, you'd better go check the people in your family, oh, by the way, do you know someone named Yan Hongxiu?"

Jiang Shili wondered: "Yanhongxiu? I don't know. The name is so strange, I'll definitely have an impression after hearing it."

Lin Zhushui said, "Okay." He didn't ask any more, and didn't even tell Jiang Shiliu that this name was on the card.

After the stele was dug up, it had to be destroyed by a special method. After that, the bridge could not be opened to traffic. According to Lin Zhushui, it was necessary to find an eminent monk to recite the Ksitigarbha Sutra for at least half a month to save those who died in vain.

When Jiang Shili heard that he was going to invite a monk, he kept smiling a little reluctantly. Zhou Jiayu was really curious. When he went back, he asked, "Isn't the eminent monk particularly hard to find? Why is Jiang Shiliu's expression so ugly?"

Lin Zhushui said, "I can find it, but I can't afford it."

Zhou Jiayu still didn't understand, but seeing that Lin Zhushui had no intention of continuing to explain, he could only give up.

After the matter was settled, Zhou Jiayu originally thought that they would go back the next day, but who knew that Lin Zhushui was in no hurry and let them have a good time for a few days.

Shen Yiqiong's eyes widened in surprise when he heard Lin Zhushui's words, and after waiting for Lin Zhushui to leave, he slapped Zhou Jiayu and said, "Yes! Zhou Jiayu! Lucky Star!"

Zhou Jiayu was in pain from being photographed: "Can't you be gentle?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "I didn't exert much effort."

As a result, after a while, a neat slap print appeared on Zhou Jiayu's arm, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Yiqiong, is this useless?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Wow, are you Princess Pea? Come on, come and slap me, if I can get a red mark, I will lose!"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Go away, you are so dark, I probably won't be able to red when my hands are swollen!"

Other things are fine. When it comes to his skin color, he can't stand it anymore. He said aggrieved: "Why do you dislike my skin color, black is so healthy."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Yeah, it's like being invisible at night."

Shen Yiqiong: "Tan'er, you can easily lose me like this."

Zhou Jiayu rubbed his hand and said angrily, "I don't want to get you at all."

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

The author has something to say: Zhou Jiayu: Sir, don't, don't... don't...

Lin Zhushui: …

Zhou Jiayu: Don't stop...

Lin Zhushui: Just rub your eyes, why are you talking so much

Zhou Jiayu: _(:з"∠)_