My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 37: Hui Ming


As soon as the incense broke, the black shadow floating above made a shrill cry, and then dissipated. It was obviously the manipulator of the Yin spirit that Lin Zhushui forcibly invited to destroy the soul.

Although Lin Zhushui couldn't see it, he clearly felt the scene. The corners of his mouth twitched into an extremely cold arc. : "Do you really think that I don't know what you are thinking?" He stretched out his hand and took out the blood-red life card, bit his index finger, and pressed it against the life card.

Zhou Jiayu could clearly see that there was a rustling sound where it came into contact with Lin Zhushui's blood life card. Then the life card became black and black smoke appeared. At first glance, it seemed like it was about to ignite. It seems.

The wooden life card overflowed with red blood, and the blood was directly vaporized due to the high temperature, leaving black stains on the life card.

Lin Zhushui's pale lips were still stained with blood, and the corner of his mouth curled into a smile, revealing a kind of ghostly glamour, he said, "You want to anger me and let me destroy the life card? Hehe... let Let me guess first, Lu Ping, two trees, water and sky, where you hide your corpse is not far from here, right?"

No one answered, but Zhou Jiayu clearly felt the air freezing. In this small room, besides him and Lin Zhushui, there seems to be a third person. He attacked Zhou Jiayu and destroyed the Yin spirit. The purpose was to deliberately anger Lin Zhushui. It's a pity that it was broken by Lin Zhushui.

"I destroyed her life card, how can I find you?" Lin Zhushui sneered, "But if I destroy it, it doesn't mean that I can't do anything to you."

Those who wanted to revive "Yan Hong Xiu" wanted the strong man to break his wrist after the life card was discovered by Lin Zhushui, and angered Lin Zhushui to let him destroy the wooden card. However, the plan failed now, and after the purpose was discovered, the initiative returned to Lin Zhushui.

"If you want to escape, remember to leave early." Lin Zhushui said coldly, "Otherwise you will regret it."

As soon as these words came out, there was a sudden gust of wind in the house.

What is very strange is that although Zhou Jiayu clearly felt the strong wind, nothing in the room was blown up, except for the curtains, a piece of paper on the table, and even the bit of ash that was burned before. , all lying quietly on the table, motionless.

Lin Zhushui shouted angrily, "Get out!"

The words fell, the wind disappeared instantly, and the surroundings returned to calm.

Zhou Jiayu has been watching quietly by the side, not daring to say a word. Seeing that Lin Zhushui is in a bad mood, he whispered, "Sir, I'll help you clean up the things on the table."

Lin Zhushui raised his chin slightly: "Yes."

So Zhou Jiayu found a trash can, threw in ashes, incense and so on, and put the incense burner back by the window.

When he was doing this, Lin Zhushui supported the back of the chair with his elbows and his chin with his palms, as if thinking about something. After Zhou Jiayu finished, he asked Lin Zhushui in a low voice if he had anything else to do.

Lin Zhushui said: "It's alright, go ahead and tell Shen Yiqiong to get up early tomorrow morning, the eminent monk invited by the Jiang family is here, and I will show you."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Okay." Although he was a little embarrassed, he still said what was in his heart. He said, "Sir, you are really amazing, I, I am super, like you, admire you!" He finished speaking After that, he didn't dare to see Lin Zhushui's reaction, so he quickly slipped out and closed the door.

Lin Zhushui looked helpless. From the words "You are really amazing", he thought of what someone would look like when he was drunk one day. That day, he heard "Sir, you are such a good man" three or four times.

After getting rid of the little paper figurine, saving his life, and being alone with Lin Zhushui for so long, Zhou Jiayu felt that he had made a lot of money after rounding up.

Jiba heard Zhou Jiayu's method of rounding, and said with admiration: "Zhou Jiayu, your arithmetic method is very unique." His life was almost gone, but he was still able to make money by rounding.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Actually, there is no such thing as life and it is almost gone. There are only two forms of life and death..."

Ji Eight: "...Yes, your consciousness is too high." It is also a gift for people to be optimistic to this point.

Zhou Jiayu came out of Lin Zhushui's room and went to find Shen Yiqiong. I don't know that Shen Yiqiong's mood is not very good, he looks very depressed.

Zhou Jiayu asked him what happened.

Shen Yiqiong said, "I think I'm pretty useless. If Mr. came back a little later last night, you might be gone."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Hey, it's alright. Anyone who encounters these things will panic. Don't think about it so much, you may practice it in a few years."

Shen Yiqian said: "But to be honest, I have been to many places with my husband before, but I have never encountered these things. Since you came, I have really opened a lot of horizons."

Zhou Jiayu: "... Then what did you usually do before?"

Shen Yiqiong thought for a moment: "Just look at Feng Shui, help people fortune-telling or something."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." To be honest, he also really wanted to live such a life.

However, Shen Yiqiong is also more able to adjust his emotions, and soon cheered up, saying that he must work harder and strive to be as reliable as Lin Zhushui one day. Zhou Jiayu patted his shoulder to cheer him on.

Originally, Lin Zhushui also gave them a holiday today, but neither of them were interested in going out to play, so they simply rested in the house for a day.

Zhou Jiayu went to bed early and had a good night's rest.

The next day, Lin Zhushui took Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong to the bridge.

This bridge is closed, and it is estimated that it will take ten days and a half to wait until the bridge is opened.

Zhou Jiayu and the others went to the bridge first, and saw that Chaodu's dharma field had begun to be laid out, with various offerings and futon incense cases placed everywhere.

After a while, several black cars drove to the bridge, and then a few bodyguards got out of the cars. Zhou Jiayu was shocked when he saw such a big battle: "Wow, so powerful?"

Shen Yiqiong recognized the origin of the person at a glance, and said in surprise, "The Jiang family actually invited a monk from Qingtan Temple?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Qingtan Temple? Is it famous?"

Shen Yiqiong thought for a while: "It's very famous in our industry. It is said that there are no resentful spirits that can't be saved in their temple."

When the two were talking, they saw a man in a cassock get out of the car. Zhou Jiayu's eyes hadn't fully recovered. When the man walked in, he realized that the monk in the cassock looked very young, with handsome features and a very comfortable temperament.

Jiang Nineteen and Jiang Sixteen got out of the car in turn. Their expressions were a little subtle. Jiang Sixteen suppressed his anger and gave Jiang Nineteen a fierce look, while Jiang Nineteen was full of depression. , The cyan stubble on the chin didn't have time to shave.

Lin Zhushui also knew that the monk had arrived, but he stood where he was and did not step forward. Instead, the monk walked towards him.

"Master Lin." Monk Jun put his hands together and bowed to Lin Zhushui.

Lin Zhushui said, "Long time no see, Huiming."

"Long time no see." The monk Lin Zhushui called Huiming smiled, his eyes swept over Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong who were standing behind Lin Zhushui, but suddenly smiled, "You are Miscalculated."

Lin Zhushui raised his eyebrows and said nothing.

Hui Ming said, "You said you would accept four apprentices, why is there one more apprentice now?"

One is poor and two are white, every morning is three and one is four. The name of the eldest apprentice is Mu Si, but the fourth apprentice is one poor, which means that Lin Zhushui figured out that he would only accept four at the beginning. Who knows that now a Zhou Jiayu has appeared, this is not a miscalculation or something.

However, Lin Zhushui smiled, disapprovingly: "I think I did the math right."

Hui Ming said, "Oh?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Wait a few more years."

At that time, Huiming only thought that Lin Zhushui would not admit his mistake, but a few years later, he realized that Lin Zhushui really did not make a mistake. Zhou Jiayu... is indeed not Lin Zhushui's disciple, but occupies another more important position in Lin Zhushui's life.

The two talked about some old things again. Zhou Jiayu listened to their conversation and found that their relationship should be good, and what Lin Zhushui meant, he still practiced in Qingtan Temple when he was young.

While the two were chatting, Jiang Nineteen and Jiang Sixteen stood beside them embarrassedly, not daring to speak.

Jiang Nineteen was not qualified, Jiang Sixteen was shameless, and the Jiang family made such a big mistake. Although he was not the overseer, as the current powerful figure in the Jiang family, he also had to be responsible.

"You can do things first. Later on, I have something I want to talk to you about." After Lin Zhushui finished speaking, he took Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong to sit next to him.

Huiming nodded and began to check the field. His requirements for the field seemed to be extremely high, and even a fruit that was used as a sacrifice was not fresh enough, so he had to change it.

Shen Yiqiong whispered curiously: "I have seen this Master Huiming before, isn't he good-natured? Why are you so picky this time?"

Lin Zhushui said lightly: "He is not happy, so naturally he will be picky."

The Jiang family's bastard deeds cost more than 60 lives. It must have taken a lot of effort for Jiang Shiliu to invite Huiming. The worst thing is that they didn't dare to be perfunctory. After all, if they didn't do it thoroughly and made some accidents, the Jiang family really didn't need to mess around in this business.

No matter how Huiming chooses, Jiang Shili's attitude is very good, and Zhou Jiayu even thinks that if Huiming asks to put the futon on his lap, he will happily agree.

After tossing for more than half an hour, Huiming sat on the futon.

After he sat down, he removed the beads from his wrist and began to recite the scriptures.

He spoke slowly, with a strange tone in his words, which calmed people's hearts. Zhou Jiayu even felt a warm feeling all over his body. He saw golden mist swaying away from Huiming's body layer by layer. The golden mist turned into the appearance of a lotus flower, budding, blooming, and withering, again and again, round after round, like a person who has entered reincarnation.

Under the bridge deck, a black shadow crawled out, but when they came into contact with the mist of the scenery, the black on their bodies began to fade, and gradually returned to their human appearance.

Zhou Yu saw that one of the souls was the dead Tang Xiaochuan.

Her consciousness seemed to have recovered, her face was a little blank, and then she saw Zhou Jiayu standing beside her and waved at him.

Zhou Jiayu hesitated for a moment, then nodded to her.

Tang Xiaochuan laughed. It was the first time that Zhou Jiayu saw her such a bright smile. The smile looked so cute, as if the dust had been removed. Even Zhou Jiayu felt a little warm when he saw it. People can't help but imagine what kind of beauty she must have looked like when she was once happy.

Gradually, Tang Xiaochuan's body began to become transparent, and when she finally left, she bowed in the direction where the three were, as if she wanted to express her gratitude.

Zhou Jiayu smiled and waved at her.

Listening to the scriptures, the time seemed to pass very fast, and before I knew it, the sky darkened.

When half the sun fell below the horizon, Huiming stopped chanting, stood up from the ground, and ended today's transcendence.

His face was a little paler than when he first came, but his expression was still pious, he got up and walked slowly, ready to leave.

According to Lin Zhushui, this transition must last for more than ten days before the grievances bound by the bridge can be purified.

Jiang Nineteen came over and said, "Mr. Lin, we have prepared a fasting feast for Master Huiming. I wonder if you and your disciples can show your respect?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Okay."

So the matter was settled, they got into the car back to the hotel.

Zhou Jiayu looked at Huiming, who was being protected in front of him, and said a little strangely, "Sir, why are there so many bodyguards around Master Huiming?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Sometimes, people are more scary than ghosts, and someone wants his life."

Zhou Jiayu took it seriously. In fact, he has experienced so many things, and most of them were made by people themselves, and in the end they couldn't stop and were attacked by them.

When they arrived at the booked hotel, Huiming and Jiang Sixteen sat in the box and waited for Lin Zhushui, but Jiang Nineteen was nowhere to be seen. It is estimated that Jiang Sixteen gave Jiang Nineteen a hard lesson because of this, and wanted his younger brother to have a long memory.

It was the first time for Zhou Jiayu to eat a vegan banquet. He thought the taste would be milder, but after tasting a little, he was surprised. This dish is really full of color, flavor, and tofu. The taste of tofu is more delicious than the taste of meat. If you don't know it, it must be difficult to guess the raw materials.

Lin Zhushui was a little more interested in the fasting banquet, but he also picked up a few more chopsticks. Most of the time, he was talking to Huiming.

Huiming was very interested in Zhou Jiayu, and asked Lin Zhushui where he got it, if he could help him find one too.

Lin Zhushui said directly and ruthlessly, how many apprentices with such a physique are there

Hui Ming said and sighed: "Lin Shizhu, you are really greedy."

Lin Zhushui said, "It's as if I have a chance to be greedy."

Huiming smiled lightly.

Satisfied with food and drink, Jiang Shili politely asked them if they wanted to go back to the hotel.

Hui Ming smiled and said, "I haven't seen you with Lin Shizhu for a few years. I want to talk about some old things. Jiang Shizhu doesn't have to worry about us. It's good to see you on the bridge tomorrow."

Jiang Shiliu heard Huiming's intention to see off the guests, he hesitated, but in the end he didn't say anything, got up and left.

After Jiang Shili left, the smile on Huiming's face faded, and he said, "Zhuishui, why do you need to be involved in the Jiang family?" Lin Zhushui had a too close relationship.

"There are some things that you can't do if you don't want to." Lin Zhushui said, "If I don't do anything, how many people will die on the bridge?"

Huiming sighed lightly.

"I thought Jiang Shiliu should have no knowledge of this at all." Lin Zhushui pointed his finger on the table, and he could see that he was in a bad mood. "It seems that it is not necessarily so."

Hui Ming said: "The previous generation was okay in their family, but this generation has already declined. Especially Jiang Nineteen, if someone under my family does this, I will never want him again."

Lin Zhushui didn't say anything, he stretched out his hand and took out the life tablet and threw it to Huiming, "Look at it."

When Huiming saw the life card, he frowned. After reaching out and taking it out, he saw the words "Yanhong Xiu" on it, and half of the traces burned by Lin Zhushui's blood. He said, "Could this be..."

Lin Zhushui said, "Has it become stiff?"

Hui Ming said: "From the breath, it should be right."

Lin Zhushui said: "I have determined the approximate location, and I am going to find time to pass."

Huiming seemed to be very disgusted with this life card, after reading it for a while, he put it back in the bag and gave it to Lin Zhushui.

Lin Zhushui said, "So today I asked you to reminisce about the past. Do you understand what it means?"

Hui Ming said, "I know you must be worried about my safety. Don't worry, I will be ready when I come here."

Who knew that Lin Zhushui raised his brows and said, "Why am I worried about your safety?"

Huiming was puzzled: "Then what do you mean?"

Lin Zhu Sailor pointed at Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong: "It's the first time you meet my apprentice, as an elder, you can't miss it."

Huiming: "…"

It was the first time that Zhou Jiayu saw Lin Zhushui like this, and felt that he was inexplicably more popular.

Huiming's expression was very complicated, and finally he squeezed out a sentence from his teeth: "I should have brought my apprentice too."

Lin Zhushui did not speak, and drank tea quietly.

Huiming finally said: "Okay, okay, I admit it." He took out two strings of beads from his arms, put them on the table, and said, "Take it, take it!"

Lin Zhushui smiled and said, "Thank you Master Huiming soon."

Shen Yiqiong and Zhou Jiayu looked at each other, and both reached out and took the beads in their hands, and then respectfully thanked: "Thank you, Master Huiming!"

Huiming said angrily, "Lin Zhushui! Don't come to our Qingtan Temple if you can! My twelve disciples are waiting for you!"

Lin Zhushui laughed, waved his hand and said nothing.

Huiming suffered a tragic calculation and lost two strings of Buddha beads. He didn't speak on the way back, and returned to his residence with a stinky face.

Jiang Shili from the hotel was a little dazed when he saw this, and privately came to ask Lin Zhushui what happened.

Lin Zhushui was expressionless and said lightly, "It's not a big deal, but Master Huiming said that the bridge is a little troublesome, and I'm not in a good mood."

Hearing this, Jiang Shili gritted his teeth and said, "I'll talk to Master Huiming again!" After speaking, he turned around and left, apparently intending to give Huiming some extra treatment.

Zhou Jiayu was stunned beside him. He always thought that Lin Zhushui was not eating people's fireworks. Now it seems that he is thinking too much... If he really wants to calculate people, then it is really accurate.

Lin Zhushui still didn't know how much Zhou Jiayu's admiration for him went up a few levels because of this, and he said, "The Buddha beads are not ordinary things, you keep them well, I guess I will go to a dangerous place in a few days. , this thing can save your life."

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong both agreed.

Lin Zhushui said, "It's not easy, don't run around in the past few days. Tell me something, especially you, Zhou Jiayu."

After experiencing what happened yesterday, Zhou Jiayu decided to stay in the hotel seriously. He heard Lin Zhushui's order and said ok, he didn't want to be forced to touch porcelain again. know what it is.

The next day, Huiming looked in a good mood and asked Lin Zhushui what he said to Jiang Shili yesterday.

Lin Zhushui said, "It's nothing, just say you're not in a good mood."

Huiming stared, "Lin Zhushui, when did you become so shameless?"

Lin Zhushui said lazily, "In the end, he is someone who wants to support his family. There are so many little bastards waiting to be fed."

Huiming: "…"

The expressions on the faces of the two little cubs sitting in the back row who are waiting to be fed are very well-behaved. One, we are really well-behaved. Don't dislike our expressions.

Hui Ming wanted to vomit blood when he saw it, and he secretly hated why he didn't take his apprentice with him because he was too troublesome, so that Lin Zhushui took such a big advantage.

The overtime will last for more than ten days, during which Lin Zhushui is also preparing what he needs. He asked Shen Yiqiong and Zhou Jiayu to buy some glutinous rice, red silk, and other things to ward off evil spirits in private, saying that they should take them with them to be prepared.

When Zhou Jiayu was buying glutinous rice, he curiously said that Mr. will also use these things.

Shen Yiqiong was paying the money and sighed, "Sir don't need it, but we have to use it."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Huh?"

Shen Yiqian said: "Sir, it's definitely no problem to go alone, but it's a burden to bring us."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Then, why did you take us there...?"

Shen Yiqiong said: "I have asked Mr. before, and he told me that some things have to be experienced sooner or later. If you fall down during the earlier experience, the master can still help, but if you are afraid because of fear Avoid it, when it is really in danger, it will be too late." He said seriously, "Only you can save yourself."

Zhou Jiayu's admiration for Lin Zhushui grew stronger when he heard that.

I bought everything that Lin Zhushui wanted, and one morning, Lin Zhushui took them out of the hotel.

Every city has its prosperous and dilapidated places. Just like where there is light, there must be shadows.

In the steel-cast jungle, Lin Zhushui seemed to have been here many times, shuttling through the alleys.

Zhou Jiayu followed Lin Zhushui and knew that Lin Zhushui was leading them to find someone. He originally thought this process would take at least half a day, but he didn't expect that after half an hour, Lin Zhushui stopped at Downstairs in a tube.

This bungalow looks old and very dilapidated. There are water stains and traces of plants climbing all over the walls, and there are also stinky gutters by the roadside, emitting a foul smell.

"It's here." Lin Zhushui counted with his right hand and said, "Behind me, don't panic when you see anything above."

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong both agreed.

There are five floors in this bungalow. When Zhou Jiayu was observing outside, he didn't notice anything unusual, and he didn't even see a trace of black air. However, when he followed Lin Zhushui's footsteps and stepped into this building, he seemed to fall into an ice cellar instantly.

With a strong and malicious cold air slapped on his face, the black air that had disappeared, suddenly appeared in Zhou Jiayu's field of vision, and the black air was so thick that Zhou Jiayu could not determine the source. Simply suffocating.

Shen Yiqiong didn't look good beside him, and said softly, "What a strong corpse aura."

Zhou Jiayu said, "corpse gas?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Well, I didn't expect to find a place to raise corpses in the downtown area." Then he and Zhou Jiayu explained the general process of making zombies.

This building is obviously using some kind of blindfold, so that outsiders can't see anything strange outside, and only when they enter the building can they perceive the mystery.

The person Lin Zhushui was looking for should be in this building without any accident.

Originally, when he was looking upstairs from the outside, Zhou Jiayu could still see some traces of human life in this building, such as the smoking pot placed on the corridor, and the faint voices of speech. But when he came in, he realized that everything outside was an illusion. The building was incomparably quiet, and all the objects had a lifeless smell. There were even a few spider webs on the stairs. I don't know how long this building has been unoccupied.

Compared with the outside, it is like two completely different worlds.

Lin Zhushui's footsteps were very slow, the tip of his nose lightly sniffed the breath, but his brows twitched. In all the rooms here, the doors were open. He entered one of them at random and turned on the faucet inside.

After a while, the rushing water flowed out of the pipe, Lin Zhushui closed it immediately, turned his head and said, "What do you two think?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "The corpse gas in this water is so strong."

Zhou Jiayu said: "I also saw black mist in the water." He hesitated for a moment, then added, "It's thicker than other places."

Lin Zhushui said, "Come on, the fourth floor."

Going from the stairs on the third floor to the fourth floor, Zhou Jiayu finally saw the first living creature he saw after entering the building at the corner of the stairs. But this living thing was not pleasant, because it was a mouse with red eyes, the size of a palm, shrunk in a corner, motionless, and at first glance seemed to be dead.

Lin Zhushui discovered his existence directly, and stepped on it with one foot. He didn't use much strength to control the mouse's movements a little: "What about your master?"

The mouse didn't seem to expect that Lin Zhushui would find himself, and screamed and screamed under Lin Zhushui's feet. Lin Zhushui increased the strength of his feet and said, "I'll ask you one last time, what about your master?"

The mouse screamed miserably, and the tail that was almost as long as the body seemed to have something written on the ground. Zhou Jiayu took a closer look and said, "It wrote four and three."

Lin Zhushui said, "Thank you." He said thank you, but he used force directly under his feet, crushing the mouse.

Zhou Jiayu originally thought that this would be a bloody scene, but he didn't expect that after the rat's body exploded, there would be no flesh and blood, but tufts of wriggling hair burst out from it.

Lin Zhushui ignored this and said, "Let's go."

The three of them went directly to the fourth floor.

The situation on the fourth floor is obviously a bit special, and traces of people living there can be seen. On the corridor, every few steps, you can see that the surrounding walls are still pasted with yellow talisman papers, with cinnabar painted on them that Zhou Jiayu could not understand.

Shen Yiqiong understood it, and said, "It's a scripture, I guess it's used to control things that want to be resurrected."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Then he succeeded?"

Shen Yiqiong said: "Such a strong corpse aura should be a success." He lowered his voice, "And looking at the situation of this building, I am afraid that those people living here are all ... bad luck."

Zhou Jiayu's eyes widened, but he didn't expect this. After all, there are five floors in this bungalow. Even if only ten people live on the first floor, that's fifty lives. Besides, there must be far more than just people on each floor...

On the fourth floor, Lin Zhushui stopped outside an iron door at the end of the corridor.

This iron gate looks extremely heavy, with a strange pattern drawn with red liquid on it, like a little girl swinging on a tree, but there is an octagonal coffin on the right.

Zhou Jiayu thought it was painted by paint at first, but after careful observation, he realized that the red was blood.

"How do I get in this door?" Shen Yiqiong pushed it with all his strength, but the iron door didn't move. He said, "It seems to be locked."

Lin Zhushui said, "How do you know it's locked?"

Shen Yiqiang scratched his head: "I can't push it."

Lin Zhushui said, "This door is pulled outwards."

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

Zhou Jiayu suddenly wanted to laugh, but also felt that the atmosphere seemed inappropriate, so he held back his smile,

Although Lin Zhushui said that the door was pulled out, there was no handle or anything on the iron door. The whole thing seemed to fit perfectly, like a wall.

Lin Zhushui suddenly took out the life card he had obtained earlier.

Zhou Jiayu didn't understand the meaning of his action at first, but the next moment, he found that the life tablet in the cloth bag began to ooze blood, and the blood dripped drop by drop on the ground through the cloth bag.

"There are footsteps..." At this moment, Zhou Jiayu raised his head and looked at the ceiling above them, "Is there someone above?"

The footsteps came from above them, as if something were running.

Lin Zhushui pondered for a moment and made a decision: "You two go up to the fifth floor and the roof to see, I'll break the door here."

Zhou Jiayu trembled: "Just me and Shen Yiqiong?"

Lin Zhushui said: "So what are you afraid of, the most ferocious thing is behind this." He reached out and patted the iron door unintentionally.

But Zhou Jiayu clearly noticed that Lin Zhushui actually left a clear palm print on the iron gate: "Have you all prepared everything you were asked to prepare before?"

"Ready." Shen Yiqiong responded.

"Let's go then." Lin Zhushui was fine, but he couldn't see, otherwise he would be angry when he saw that both of them were about to cry, "Be bolder."

Having said that, Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong have no room for objection.

The two took the bags they had prepared earlier and started to go to the fifth floor.

As soon as they went upstairs, they were half-stunned by the scene in front of them. I saw bright red blood everywhere on the fifth floor. It was as if it was soaked in blood. All the walls and floors were solidified in a black room, and there were even traces of blood on the ceiling.

The source of the sound came from the right side of the corridor. Zhou Jiayu couldn't see the whole picture at the end through the dim corridor. He swallowed and said, "What could it be?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "...I don't know, let's go and have a look."

The two slowly walked over there, and at the same time, there was a loud noise from downstairs, as if something huge hit the ground heavily. Zhou Jiayu was taken aback: "What is this?"

Shen Yiqian said: "It may be that Mr. broke that door."

Zhou Jiayu had a complicated expression, thinking that he really wanted to go down and have a look. After coming up, Zhou Jiayu smelled a pungent smell. At first, he thought it was the smell of blood, but after careful observation, he found that the blood was not the source of the smell. Sliced pieces of meat or something.

"It's disgusting." Shen Yiqiong smelled it too, he said, "Damn, I want to vomit."

Zhou Jiayu also wanted to vomit, he said, "Hold back, hold back!"

The atmosphere grew tense as they got closer to the source of the sound.

In the end, between them and the voice was a half-open iron door. Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong looked at each other and saw resistance in each other's eyes.

Both of them were a little reluctant to open the door, but in the end they decided to guess, Zhou Jiayu suffered a disastrous defeat, so he could only take a deep breath and slowly opened the door.

After the door was pushed open, Zhou Jiayu saw the source of the sound.

It was a small basketball, which should be specially for children. It bounced, fell, bounced and fell on the ground, as if someone was slapping it, but Zhou Jiayu didn't see anyone around it. .

A chill ran down Zhou Jiayu's back.

Fortunately, Shen Yiqiong was still calm at the moment, he grabbed the glutinous rice that he had prepared for a long time, and threw it all over with a wave of his hand.

After the white and clean glutinous rice came into contact with the basketball, it made a sizzling sound. The basketball seemed to be burned, and began to deform rapidly, and then all of it melted directly on the floor.

Zhou Jiayu took a closer look, but found that the basketball had turned into black blood, just like the tombstone he saw on the bridge before.

After solving this small problem, Shen Yiqiong licked his lips: "Mr. also told us to go to the roof to have a look."

Zhou Jiayu could only say, "Let's go."

He really wanted to get these things done quickly and return to Lin Zhushui's side.

The author has something to say: Zhou Jiayu: Who is it ~ who sent you to me~ It is the sweet mountain spring, it is the sweet mountain spring, it is the sweet mountain spring~

Lin Zhushui: It is the eighth sacrifice.

Zhou Jiayu: ... Thank you Jiba.