My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 44: Ice sculpture


The train runs all day and night.

The scenery outside the window also became more and more desolate, and as the train pulled into the station, they finally reached their destination.

The snow outside was very heavy, and a thick layer of snow had accumulated on the ground. Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong wore bloated down jackets, which formed a sharp contrast with Lin Zhushui's thin trench coats.

Several college students also got off the bus here. They hesitated for a while, but they still came over before getting off the bus. Probably because Zhou Jiayu seemed to talk better, one of the girls said, "Masters, can you ask me? Where are you going? We can go together if we stop by."

Zhou Jiayu remembered that the girl's name was Xiao Ju, the one who saw the mountain charm outside the window that night, and he said, "I'm sorry, we shouldn't be on the way, why did you go to such a remote place to travel?"

Xiao Ju muttered: "My classmate insisted on choosing this place, saying that there is a particularly beautiful ice sculpture exhibition here... Now it's better, I haven't seen the ice sculptures, but the ghosts have seen a few." She was obviously a little angry, and there was some complaining in her tone. smell.

Zhou Jiayu smiled and said, "Then you must pay attention to safety. Don't go too deep into the mountain. If the snow keeps falling like this, it is estimated that the station will be closed. If you can leave, leave as soon as possible."

Xiao Ju said: "I know." She pouted, "Can you exchange phone numbers with me? If something happens to me, I'm really afraid of encountering something."

Zhou Jiayu hesitated for a while, but still exchanged phone numbers with the girl.

After Xiaoju got Zhou Jiayu's call, he left happily. Shen Yiqiong said resentfully by the side: "Zhou Jiayu, why is your relationship with women so good?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "I am surrounded by men, how can you tell that I am a good woman?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Have you forgotten? That female ghost came to you before."

Zhou Jiayu's expression distorted: "The next time I have such an opportunity, I will give it to you."

Shen Yiqiong said happily, "You are too polite."

Zhou Jiayu really has nothing to say to Shen Yiqiong, thinking about the young man in Huaichun is really terrifying.

The people on the train got off one after another, but Lin Zhushui did not rush out of the station, as if he was waiting for someone.

Zhou Jiayu originally thought that Lin Zhushui had made an appointment with a local person, but he didn't expect that he saw a long-lost figure outside the platform - Shen Musi.

Wearing thick winter clothes, Shen Musi waved to them, "Sir! One poor! Jiayu!"

Shen Yiqiong was agitated and said, "Senior brother, why are you here?"

Shen Musi said, "Come out first and speak slowly."

A snowmobile parked outside, Shen Musi got into the driver's seat, Shen Yiqiong climbed up to the co-pilot next to him, and said, "Senior brother, long time no see, why did you come to Sheshan?"

Shen Mu said: "Master asked me to come and step on the spot first." He glanced at Shen Yiqiang and said, "Yiqiong, why are you black again?"

Shen Yiqiong: "..." His whole person seemed to freeze, and after a long time, he gritted his teeth and said, "Shen Musi, can't you say something human?"

Zhou Jiayu smirked in the back.

Near the station is a small town, because the address is very remote and the economy is not developed. Zhou Jiayu noticed that there were very few motor vehicles in this village. From the beginning to the end, he saw a motor vehicle, and the motor vehicle was a tractor...

"There's no one here, just a guest house." Shen Musi said, "I've booked a room for you, so let's just live there."

Lin Zhushui didn't care about this, and asked, "Have you found what you were looking for?"

Shen Musi said, "I found it, but I haven't gone to see it." He paused for a while and continued, "It's a long way to go there. If it's over, I might not be able to come back to pick you up."

Lin Zhushui nodded.

A few people entered the hostel, and after discussion, they decided to have something to eat, rest for a night, and leave tomorrow.

Shen Musi said that the food in the hostel was particularly unpalatable, and he couldn't swallow it for three days, so he went to the town to buy some meat and vegetables and cook for himself.

When he said this, he glanced at Zhou Jiayu very clearly.

Zhou Jiayu: "..." It's alright, he knows, cooking, right

Everyone is happy to have a meal. Zhou Jiayu looked at the ingredients and decided to simply make pork stewed vermicelli.

He soaked the vermicelli, processed the pork, and put it together and simmered directly.

Anyway, there is still gas here. Shen Yi stood beside him, looking at the pot, and said, "When will it be good?"

Zhou Jiayu lowered his head and cut vegetables: "Are you a primary school student? Peel two garlic for me!"

So Shen Yiqiong began to peel the garlic.

The two chatted, Zhou Jiayu said that there is nothing in the town. Although it is small, the atmosphere is very pure. Zhou Jiayu didn't see any dark air after arriving here, and he didn't feel that uncomfortable.

"I also think it's quite normal in this town." Shen Yiqiong said, "But Sheshan is not in this area, so it seems that you have to walk into the mountains. The husband has dealt with their people before..."

Zhou Jiayu said, "How are they?"

Shen Yiqiong said: "How about people... Well, it's hard to say, after all, there are good people and bad people in every clan, and it can't be generalized. However, ancient clans like them are generally conservative, and those who are not familiar with not welcome."

Zhou Jiayu snorted.

After the rice is ready, another large pot of rice is steamed.

The appetite of four adult men is naturally not small, Zhou Jiayu stewed all the three catties of pork, and put cabbage, sweet potato powder, and other ingredients in it. He also seasoned with minced garlic, and after setting it up, he invited them to come over for dinner.

Although this dish is simple, the taste is not affected, and the pork in the town has not been fed any feed, and the taste is very fragrant. The vermicelli is also made by hand, and the cabbage is even more sweet when boiled in it.

"It's delicious." Shen Yiqiong was very happy eating vermicelli.

Shen Musi's expression was also more relaxed than before. It seems that the saying that food can comfort people's hearts is indeed true. As long as it was made by Zhou Jiayu, there was almost never any leftovers, and this time was no exception. A large pot of stewed vermicelli with pork was all solved by them, and the last remaining soup was used by Shen Yiqiong for soaking. bowl of rice.

Zhou Jiayu said: "Keep the rest of the soup, it can be used for noodles tomorrow morning."

Shen Musi nodded: "We'll go to Sheshan the day after tomorrow, and we'll prepare something first. You guys can't do down jackets, you have to change into military coats and snow boots—" As Lin Zhushui's eldest disciple, he has a very meticulous personality. , in stark contrast to Shen Yiqiong's carefree attitude.

Lin Zhushui said, "Rest early."

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong both agreed.

Taking a hard seat train overnight is always a very tormenting thing, especially in the middle of the night when I encountered something like Shan Mei and tossed it for half the night. Zhou Jiayu went into his room, cleaned it briefly, and burned some hot water to soak his feet, and then he planned to go to bed.

"It's so quiet here." Zhou Jiayu was sitting by the window soaking his feet. It was almost four o'clock in the afternoon, and the sky was still bright, but no one was walking on the street. There was a small shop opposite them, which also closed early. At this time, the snow was still falling down, making rustling noises, and the whole town was even more silent.

Jiba squatted on top of the turtle, tidied up his feathers slowly, and said, "Yes, there are not many people. There should be not many people in this town."

From the time they left the train station to the time they entered the guest house, few people were seen. The front desk of the guest house is still empty. According to Shen Musi, the aunt who works at the front desk can only be seen in the morning, and no one will be seen in the afternoon. It is said that she went back to do housework, and the guest house is just a part-time job. That's right, there are no outsiders here for ten days and a half, it seems that it is useless to sit.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Well... it seems pretty good to live in isolation like this." Although it was still early, he was a little sleepy, so he made the bed and was ready to sleep.

This guest house should have been unused for a long time, and the bedding exuded a damp smell. Zhou Jiayu grilled it on the stove and climbed onto the bed. Lying on the bed, he took out his mobile phone and glanced at it, and found that the signal here was very weak, barely one bar, and it fell down from time to time.

Zhou Jiayu held the phone and played the game he downloaded a while ago. The sky outside the window darkened. He was indulging in the 132nd level of Xiaoxiaole when he suddenly heard a strange sound coming from his ear.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Jiba, did you hear anything?"

Jiba said: "I heard... it came from the window?"

Zhou Jiayu already has a lot of experience. In fact, every time he hears this kind of voice, there is nothing good, and he always encounters something. This time he heard the sound, lay still on the bed, and said, "Would it be better if I pretended not to hear it?"

Jiba said, "But that voice is getting closer..."

The voice is indeed getting closer. If it could be described vaguely before, now Zhou Jiayu can clearly describe the voice. It was the sound of a heavy object being dragged. The heavy object pressed against the snow and made a creaking sound. Zhou Jiayu wanted to pretend that he didn't hear anything, but the sound seemed to be under his window.

"I'll just take a secret look at it, okay?" Zhou Jiayu seemed to be discussing with Jiba, but he was actually comforting himself, "In case anything else climbs under my window, I haven't found out yet..."

Jiba said: "Then be careful."

In the strange voice, Zhou Jiayu put on his clothes, got out of bed carefully, and walked to the window.

The outside was completely shrouded in darkness. But probably because the ground and the roof were covered with snow everywhere, it didn't look particularly dark outside, but rather bright.

Zhou Jiayu huddled under the window and looked out with his eyes wide open.

He saw a few people walking on the road. They were wearing thick winter clothes, and it was not surprising that they were dressed like ordinary villagers in the town. But the things behind them seemed a little special. It was an ice sculpture, exquisite and beautiful. The sculpture was of a woman with fluttering long hair, raising one hand in a gesture of waving. Every detail of the ice sculpture is complete, even the strands of hair are carved, and the demeanor is also vivid, so it can be seen that it is a very precious work of art.

The few people walking in front had ropes on their shoulders, and wooden boards were dragged on the ropes, and the ice sculpture was placed on the wooden boards.

When Zhou Jiayu saw this scene, he remembered that the previous female student, Xiao Ju, said that there is a habit of holding ice sculpture festivals here, and felt a little relieved. It seems that this is not a strange situation, just that the villagers in the town are carrying ice sculptures. He just thought about it, but he noticed something, and the expression on his face completely froze.

I saw that his face was clearly facing the ice sculpture in front of him, but he turned his head at this time. The direction he turned was the guest house where Zhou Jiayu was huddled. Those pupilless eyes stared straight at the shimmering window. Zhou Jiayu even had the illusion that he had made eye contact with it. He took a deep breath and shrunk directly under the window, never daring to show his head again. .

"Squeak, squeak—" The voice gradually drifted away, and finally disappeared from Zhou Jiayu's ears.

Zhou Jiayu covered his thumping heart, swallowed his saliva, and said, "Jiba, isn't this my illusion?"

Jiba said: "No, I saw it too, that ice sculpture turned its head, right?" And it turned its head 180 degrees.

Zhou Jiayu regretted his damn curiosity, he said, "I shouldn't have seen it..."

Jiba said: "Since it's all right, leave it alone and go to bed earlier."

Zhou Jiayu agreed with Jiba's statement and quickly climbed into bed.

After the few people dragging the ice sculptures walked away, everything was quiet again. The cold wind howled, and the blown windows rattled, as if the thin glass would be shattered in the next moment. Zhou Jiayu, who was lying on the bed, felt that his body was extremely cold. It was like this in winter. When he first climbed into the bed, it was difficult for his body to warm up, especially his feet, which were almost frozen. The originally tired body was unable to sleep because of the cold that penetrated into the bone marrow. Zhou Jiayu tossed and turned, seeing that it was past ten o'clock, but he still could not brew sleepiness.

He was really cold and said, "Jiba, I'm so cold, what should I do..."

Jiba said, "Otherwise, you should ask Mr.? He should have a way."

Zhou Jiayu hesitated for a moment: "But it's so late, it's not good to disturb Mr.

Jiba said: "Don't think too much, if you don't fall asleep today, it will be troublesome if you are sick tomorrow."

Zhou Jiayu thought about it as if it was the same, so he went out and knocked on Lin Zhushui's door with his shivering clothes on the bed.

"What's wrong?" After a while, Lin Zhushui came to open the door for Zhou Jiayu. Compared with Zhou Jiayu at this time, he was wearing only a thin black sweater. This sweater is close-fitting, and it looks great on Lin Zhushui's body, with wide shoulders and a narrow waist. If Zhou Jiayu would have taken a few more glances, it was too cold today, and he felt that the whole Everyone was about to fall, he said: "First, sir, I'm so cold, I can't stand it anymore."

Lin Zhushui frowned when he heard the words, and directly reached out and touched the back of Zhou Jiayu's hand. It was really cold, and he said, "Come in."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Huh?"

Lin Zhushui repeated: "Come in."

So Zhou Jiayu entered Lin Zhushui's room ignorantly.

The room didn't even have a charcoal fire, but it didn't seem to be cold at all. Zhou Jiayu shrank on the chair, and Lin Zhushui turned around and said, "I'll pour you some hot water."

Zhou Jiayu was already frozen, and he didn't know why it was so cold all of a sudden. After a while, Lin Zhushui handed the water to him, and his expression was still sluggish.

Lin Zhushui squatted down, reached out and touched his forehead: "Zhou Jiayu?"

Zhou Jiayu was almost at a loss for words. He held the water and gulped it down. The hot water entered his stomach, and he suddenly felt heat burst out from his stomach. The blood flows to the heart and limbs, and the cold is driven away and the whole person relaxes instantly.

"Why is it so cold..." After Zhou Jiayu recovered, he still had lingering fears about the coldness just now.

Lin Zhushui didn't speak, suddenly reached out and pressed Zhou Jiayu's head, then slowly approached.

Zhou Jiayu was startled by Lin Zhushui's actions. He looked at Lin Zhushui's face that was close at hand, and his heart beat uncontrollably. The faces of the two were very close. Lean down a little and their lips will touch...

Zhou Jiayu was so excited that he almost passed out. Just when his heart was pounding, Lin Zhushui suddenly blew into his ear, then stretched out his hand and took out something from behind his ear.

Seeing what Lin Zhushui was holding, Zhou Jiayu was stunned. I saw Lin Zhushui's fingers holding a small blue piece of paper. The piece of paper appeared at an unknown time, and it was shaped like a blue hexagonal snowflake.

And this piece of paper was squeezed by Lin Zhushui, and it started to slowly melt.

Zhou Jiayu was stunned, he immediately remembered the thing he saw outside the window just now.

The cold snow water dripped down Lin Zhushui's fingers to the ground, but he seemed to know what Zhou Jiayu had encountered before, and said, "What did you see?"

Zhou Jiayu came back to his senses and stammered and told Lin Zhushui what he had just seen.

Lin Zhushui frowned slightly when he heard the words: "Ice sculpture? Did you see an ice sculpture?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "Yes, a few people dragged the ice sculpture from outside my house. I took a look through the window." He held an empty glass in his hand and said, "Then I saw the ice sculpture turned his head. , looked in the direction where I shrank..."

Zhou Jiayu wouldn't believe this matter before, but now that he has gone through so many things, he has to believe it.

Lin Zhushui didn't seem to be surprised by the existence of the ice sculptures, he just said softly, "Why are they here? Did they leave Sheshan?"

Zhou Jiayu heard the word Sheshan and asked, "Sir, does the Xu family of Sheshan have anything to do with ice sculptures?"

Lin Zhushui nodded and said that because of the geographical location, Sheshan snows every six months of the year, so there is a culture of making ice sculptures. But their ice sculptures are divided into types, one is ordinary, the other is used for sacrifice. Legend has it that the ice sculptures they used to worship are very special, and only people with Xu's direct lineage can touch them. Of course, these news are industry rumors and no one has confirmed them with their own eyes.

"They like paper figurines, ice sculptures, and all things that are inhumane." Lin Zhushui said, "In their eyes, the dead things that can be manipulated around them are more credible than other humans."

The paper figurines who have been attacking Zhou Jiayu must be inseparable from the Xu family, which is why Lin Zhushui came to Sheshan. He wants to find the culprit and cut the weeds cleanly.

"Then the ice sculptures I just saw were used for sacrifices?" Now that I think about it, the craftsmanship of the ice sculptures is indeed very special. At least Zhou Jiayu has never seen such exquisite carvings.

"Maybe it is." Lin Zhushui said, "You should sleep in my room today to avoid any accident."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Ah? First, sir, is this not good?"

Lin Zhushui said lightly, "What's wrong?"

Zhou Jiayu still wanted to defend himself, but he couldn't find an excuse for a while. He couldn't say he was gay. After just a moment of hesitation, Zhou Jiayu lost the chance to refute. Although Lin Zhushui's voice was gentle, it was a bit undeniable.

In desperation, Zhou Jiayu could only go to his room to get the quilt, and then lay down on Lin Zhushui's bed. Fortunately, the bed in this guest house is big enough, and it's winter again, so the two don't have to worry about physical contact at all. But even so, Zhou Jiayu's heart was beating like a drum, as if he was lying on the bed with his eyes closed, like a piece of wood.

On the other hand, Lin Zhushui seemed to have some doubts about Zhou Jiayu's reaction. He lay beside Zhou Jiayu and said softly, "Why are you still so afraid of me?"

Zhou Jiayu said in a low voice, "I... I'm not afraid of Mr.

Lin Zhushui said, "Then why are you nervous?"

Zhou Jiayu explained reluctantly: "I'm just not used to sleeping with other people..."

Lin Zhushui said, "Today will be one night."

His calm and calm tone finally made Zhou Jiayu vaguely realize that he seemed to be thinking too much.

In Lin Zhushui's eyes, he was just a likable junior. In addition to his special physique, he always attracted some strange things, so Lin Zhushui was more interested in him. Those actions that make him feel nervous, if they are placed on others, they are just normal concerns. It seems that if this happened to Shen Yiqiong today, Lin Zhushui would also let him sleep in the room. After Zhou Jiayu thought about it, he didn't know what was going on, and his mood suddenly became a little down.

Lin Zhushui next to him made an even breathing sound, and he seemed to have fallen asleep.

Zhou Jiayu looked at the ceiling and felt his eyelids gradually sinking, so he fell asleep.

This night was stable and warm. Zhou Jiayu was not disturbed by the cold and dreams, and slept until dawn.

The next morning, there was no more snow, the bright sun hung in the sky, the sky was a beautiful azure blue, and there were a few white clouds floating.

When Zhou Jiayu woke up, Lin Zhushui by his side had disappeared. Zhou Jiayu got dressed and walked out the door slowly, just in time to see Shen Musi.

Seeing Zhou Jiayu coming out of Lin Zhushui's room, Shen Musi was shocked: "Zhou Jiayu, what happened to you? What happened last night?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "How do you know?"

Shen Musi said, "If you didn't encounter anything, how could you come out of Mr.'s room."

Zhou Jiayu thought for a while, and asked in a low voice, "Mu Si, have you also slept in your husband's room?"

Shen Musi said frankly, "I slept before."

Zhou Jiayu's heart sank, thinking that he had guessed right.

As a result, Shen Musi said a word, which lifted his heart again. Shen Musi said, "I often go to Mr.'s house to build the floor."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Huh... Hit, hit the floor? He felt that the dejected little man in his mind suddenly jumped up and shouted at him, Zhou Jiayu, Mr. is special to you, they all sleep on the ground, you are the bed to sleep on!

Shen Musi said in horror: "Zhou Jiayu, what's wrong with you? Are you laughing so terribly?"

Zhou Jiayu touched his nose and said, "It's okay, it's okay, let's go and have breakfast."

Shen Musi looked suspicious at Zhou Jiayu. It was the first time he saw Zhou Jiayu walking and jumping, as if he was possessed by Shen Yiqiong.

Probably in a good mood, the noodles Zhou Jiayu made in the morning were extraordinarily delicious.

Shen Yiqiong actually likes noodles - as long as the noodles are not made by himself.

During the meal, Shen Musi briefly talked about the situation of Sheshan. Although Sheshan is remote, the traffic has already opened. It is more convenient for them to go there, and most of the places here are indeed plains, so there is no need to worry about sealing road or something.

Zhou Jiayu listened curiously: "How long have you been here?"

Shen Mu said: "It's been more than a month."

More than a month... That was the first time Zhou Jiayu was chased by paper figurines, he should have come over, it seems that Lin Zhushui had expected that they would come here, and made Shen Musi come to prepare first. .

Today, we need to make some preparations for going into the mountains. Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong went to the town to buy winter coats and winter boots, and put on thicker clothes to keep out the cold.

Although these clothes are not good-looking, they are better at keeping warm. Zhou Jiayu feels that they are quite comfortable to wear.

Although there are few people in this town, they do not resist outsiders, they seem to welcome them. Zhou Jiayu asked casually when he was shopping, and only then did he know that there is a custom of holding an ice sculpture festival in this town, and the ice sculptures are almost preserved from early winter to early summer.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Then why didn't I see the ice sculptures after I came in?"

"It's all at the stall by the river." The local villager spoke with a slight accent, "In the past, we had to collect tickets."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Oh, that's it." It seems that this town has plans to develop tourism, but due to the geographical location, it is estimated that it is difficult to develop. After all, it is too remote, except for those young people who are on a whim. Besides, no one will come here.

Shen Yiqian said: "What's the matter, Can'er, with such a serious expression?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Go out and talk to you."

After the two left the store, Zhou Jiayu simply told Shen Yiqiong what he saw last night. Shen Yiqiong was very surprised after hearing this, "Did you really see the ice sculpture looking back?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "Yes, I almost died of cold."

Shen Yiqing said: "Then why don't we go to the river to see after we finish shopping?"

"Also." Zhou Jiayu agreed.

When they arrived at the guest house, Lin Zhushui and Shen Musi disappeared, saying that they had gone out a bit beforehand to let them pay attention to safety. Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong discussed it for a while, and decided to go to the ice sculpture place. According to the people in the town, the place is not far away, and you can see it if you walk a few hundred meters to the south.

The ice sculptures were built by the river, which should be for the convenience of taking ice.

Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong walked a few hundred meters in the direction pointed by the villagers, and they saw a very broad plain, which could be seen from a distance. There were all kinds of crystal clear sculptures on the plain.

There are ice walls next to these sculptures, and if you want to get close, you have to buy a ticket.

Shen Yiqiang was a child after all. He was so excited when he saw these things, he rushed over and bought two tickets. The ticket seller was an old man who was wrapped in clothes and could barely see his appearance except for his eyes.

Before Zhou Jiayu thought the ice rink was built on the edge of the river, but now he found out that the ice rink was located above the river, and the river inside was frozen after the first snow outside. It seems that the temperature here is really low all year round.

Twenty-five tickets were not expensive. Zhou Jiayu and Shen Yiqiong entered the ice rink one after the other.

The ice sculptures in the ice rink are of different shapes, including people, animals, and buildings. Shen Yiqiong saw a huge slide and ran for two laps.

Zhou Jiayu was looking for something in the ice sculpture. In fact, those people dragged the ice sculpture to the south last night, but I don't know if the final destination was here.

The ice sculptures here are all very delicate. Zhou Jiayu saw a few ice sculptures in the shape of swans. Their feathers were completely uncovered, and the appearance of opening their wings seemed to be ready to fly in the next moment.

But after walking around the ice rink, Zhou Jiayu didn't see the sculpture yesterday, and he couldn't tell whether he should be happy or disappointed, so he greeted Shen Yiqiong and planned to go back.

Shen Yiqiong jumped on the ground happily and collapsed his scarf.

Zhou Jiayu felt that he was a naive elementary school student. He bent down and was about to pick up his scarf, but noticed some marks on the ice. When he carefully saw what those marks were, most of his whole body froze.

Shen Yiqiong didn't know what was wrong, and said, "Can'er, what's wrong?"

Zhou Jiayu didn't speak, he lowered his head and pointed to the ice surface.

Seeing this, Shen Yiqiang also bent over, and after looking at the ice surface carefully, the hairs on his back exploded. He saw that under the ice surface, there were actually dense palm prints. These palm prints were obviously in the river water. It was about to freeze, but it was not completely frozen. At this time, only a vague outline could be seen, but it was indeed the size of a human palm.

"Haha, this, what is this?" Shen Yiqiong's expression was a little stiff.

Zhou Jiayu said, "... We read that right?"

Shen Yiqiong said with a bitter face, "I would rather see it wrong."

The two of them were the only tourists in the entire ice rink. They didn't think there was any problem before, but now they felt hairy, and even the ice sculptures around them became weird.

"Let's go back." Shen Yiqiong didn't feel very well, he said, "Also... nothing to see."

Zhou Jiayu thought that you didn't say that when you were having fun like a dog in the snow just now, but he didn't say it either, and nodded in agreement with Shen Yiqiong's proposal.

When they were leaving, the old man who collected the ticket money kept staring at them and asked them what their opinion was in a gruff voice.

Shen Yiqiong and Zhou Jiayu both shook their heads like a rattle, thinking how dare this motherfucker dare to give opinions, the palm prints of the opinions are frozen into ice flowers.

After they left the ice rink, they hurried back to the guest house. The two of them huddled in the house as quails and did not dare to go anywhere.

Lin Zhushui and Shen Musi only came back in the afternoon, and as soon as they entered the room, they saw two well-behaved babies lying on the chairs with the windows closed, waiting for them.

Shen Yiqiong said, "Senior brother~~~"

Shen Musi was startled: "Shen Yiqiong, are you not being evil? What does this expression and tone mean? Are you being evil?"

Shen Yiqiong: "..."

Lin Zhushui understood a little better than Shen Musi, and said, "What happened?"

Zhou Jiayu quickly told what they encountered on the ice rink.

Lin Zhushui was noncommittal after listening to it, and said softly, "Have you ever thought that those ice sculptures have something to do with living people?"

Zhou Jiayu thought of this before, and after hearing what Lin Zhushui said, he wanted to hug Shen Yiqiong and shiver.

Lin Zhushui guessed Zhou Jiayu's expression without looking, and he raised the corner of his mouth in a good mood: "Don't be afraid, I'm joking."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Sir, you have changed.

Lin Zhushui said, "There must be some misunderstanding. The Xu family in Sheshan has no habit of offering sacrifices."

In this case, how can the countless palms explain it, but looking at Lin Zhushui's expression, this matter should not be serious. If Zhou Jiayu really went alone, he would have to wonder if he was wrong.

As Lin Zhushui's fanboy, Shen Yiqiong, of course, took Lin Zhushui's words as truth. Lin Zhushui said it was all right, so he relaxed completely, and said happily that the ice rink was actually quite fun. so high...

Zhou Jiayu looked at Shen Yiqiong's appearance, and felt that sometimes he envied him. After all, fools always seem to live longer...

"Have a good night's rest." Lin Zhushui finally said, "I will go to Sheshan tomorrow." After he said this, he paused for a while, but turned to Zhou Jiayu, "If you are afraid, you can come to me tonight too. room to sleep."

Zhou Jiayu's whole face started to turn red when he heard this. Before he could say a word, Shen Yiqiong shouted: "Sir, I'm also afraid, I'm coming too!"

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

So that night, Zhou Jiayu gritted his teeth and laid a floor with Shen Yiqiong. Shen Yiqiong also said, "Can'er, what's wrong with you, your expression is so terrifying?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "No—" He squeezed out, "Go to sleep!"

Shen Yiqing's face was full of inexplicability.

The author has something to say: Zhou Jiayu: I announce that I have officially slept with Mr.

Lin Zhushui: Formal? So are we informal again

Zhou Jiayu: _(:з"∠)_