My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 72: like a new born


Regarding the dream, Ye Zhen's description was very concise. But after last night, Zhou Jiayu keenly felt that she had concealed the content of the dream.

"I was eaten by a dog? How to eat it?" Shen Yiqiong asked.

"I just failed in the dogfighting arena... I was eaten by a dog." Ye Zhen's words were very vague, and it seemed that he was unwilling to describe the content in detail.

When Lin Zhushui heard this, he just hummed lightly. His indifferent attitude made everyone on the table feel something.

Seeing that Lin Zhushui didn't speak, Ye Zhen showed a little anxiety on her face. It seems that if she met an ordinary Feng Shui master, she would have started to panic. But the person in front of her was Lin Zhushui who she didn't dare to move, so in the end Ye Zhen could only barely suppress the anger in her heart, and squeezed out a not-so-sweet smile: "Mr. Lin, look at this... When will it end?"

Lin Zhushui only drank a little porridge on the table for breakfast, and when he heard Ye Zhen's words, he said, "Take me to the place where you buried the dog after dinner."

Ye Zhen said: "The place where the dog is buried...?" She was a little puzzled, "What are you going to do there?"

Lin Zhushui was too lazy to explain: "Just go."

Ye Zhen nodded and said yes.

"Also." Lin Zhushui thought of something, and added, "Remember to feed the dogs in the cage this morning, the best meat."

When Ye Zhen heard this, she quickly took out her mobile phone and called the dog farm, telling them to feed the dogs in the cage. The breeder at the other end was obviously a little scared, but Ye Zhen's attitude was quite impatient. He said to the phone, "If you're really afraid, just throw your stuff on the edge of the cage and stick it in with a stick—if you're afraid, I'll replace it."

The people from the dog farm responded, Ye Zhen hung up the phone and smiled at Lin Zhushui: "Mr. Lin, I have already sent them to feed, when can we leave?"

"Let's talk when we're full." Lin Zhushui's calmness was in stark contrast to Ye Zhen's anxiety.

Although Ye Zhen was a bad person, the food tasted good. Zhou Jiayu ate a basket of soup dumplings, porridge, shrimp dumplings and a few silver silk rolls before he was full. When he was eating, he only paid attention to the uncle next to Ye Zhen, and found that he didn't move the food on the table very much. He seemed to be not very interested in these things. Put down his chopsticks and fell silent.

The eyes of the two occasionally meet, and Zhou Jiayu can't see the mania of last night in his eyes at all, there is only darkness as deep as night.

"Let's go." It was almost half past nine, and everyone had eaten almost the same, before Lin Zhushui asked to leave.

Ye Zhen got up in relief and said, "The place to bury the dog is right next to the dog farm. We will go there by car and we will be there in a while, very close..."

Lin Zhushui nodded.

Half an hour later, they arrived at the place where Ye Zhen said the dog was buried. In fact, the so-called place where the dog is buried is actually a garbage dump with a very bad environment. The weather has been hot recently, and before it gets close, it exudes a disgusting stench. The garbage and sewage on both sides of the road make people reluctant to approach here.

Ye Zhen's eyes showed an irresistible disgust, and she covered her mouth and nose with her hands and said, "Mr. Lin, this is it."

Lin Zhushui's expression was very cold since he got off the car, and his tone was even more frightening: "You have saved even the effort of burying?"

Ye Zhen was a little embarrassed, she said: "Well... because there are a lot of dead dogs, it would be too troublesome to bury them." She made excuses like this, but only Zhou Jiayu knew that the reason why Ye Zhen didn't bury the dogs was because of the dogs. The body could not be buried at all. The bones were all smashed and fed to the same kind, leaving only a few wrecks, where it was so troublesome to dig a pit, and it was not surprising that they were finally piled up with household garbage and thrown into the garbage dump.

Before Lin Zhushui spoke, Lin Jue sneered at Ye Zhen: "I've seen more and more people, but I like dogs more and more."

Ye Zhen's face was a little embarrassed, she bit her lip and didn't dare to refute, she could also see that it really annoyed Lin Jue, and she had to do this too.

This garbage dump is so disgusting, after a few people walked in, they really found the bodies of several dogs inside. It's just that the corpses of these dogs are relatively small and covered with scars. They look like breeds that have been eliminated from the dog farm, because they are too thin and have no meat, and they have not been fed to the same kind.

Lin Zhushui kept moving forward until he reached the deepest part of the garbage dump, then took out a thumb-sized bead from his arms and lit it with a lighter.

After the beads were ignited, a touch of sandalwood was emitted. The aroma was not strong, but it quickly covered up the strong stench of the garbage dump, making Zhou Jiayu heaving a sigh of relief.

Shen Yiqiong also had a shit-eating expression next to him, looking at Ye Zhen like a fly, he didn't even want to approach her.

The ashes burned by the beads were also sprinkled on the land polluted by the garbage. Lin Zhushui whispered something in his mouth. After a while, his footsteps suddenly stopped, and he bent down and gently planed a small area on the side of the road with his hands. Floating soil on small soil packs.

The floating earth was gone, and a dog's skull was revealed below. The color of the skull was black as ink and had a little luster. At first glance, it didn't look like a skeleton, but more like some kind of handicraft.

"What is this?!" Ye Zhen was startled when she saw the skull, and stepped back involuntarily.

Lin Zhushui's expression was still neither salty nor bland, he reached out and dug the skull out of the soil, then took out the handkerchief and carefully wiped it clean.

When Lin Zhushui came here before, he explained that there was what he wanted here. Now it seems that this skull should be what he said.

"Zhushui, what is this?" Lin Jue asked suspiciously.

"Have you heard of Yin Dog?" Lin Zhushui said.

"I've heard it before." Lin Jue said, "Is it the kind of evil ghost that is said to eat people's souls on Huangquan Road?" She seemed to remember something, and her lips parted, "But this kind of dog..." She said halfway through. He stopped, looked at Ye Zhen beside him thoughtfully, and then pursed his lips heavily.

"Mr. Lin, is this thing causing trouble?" Ye Zhen asked anxiously.

Lin Zhushui casually hummed, his slender fingers gently caressed the dark skull, showing a strange beauty.

"Then I'm fine?" It seemed that the process was too easy, Ye Zhen's tone was full of suspicion.

"Of course it's not over." Lin Zhushui said, "There are still two things you need to do."

Ye Zhen said: "What?"

Lin Zhushui said: "First, remove the dog farm and not participate in anything related to dog fighting in the future."

In the face of life, those who like to be abandoned are quite straightforward, Ye Zhenlian claimed that she was okay, and asked, "What about the second thing?"

The second thing... Lin Zhushui said something that no one thought of. He said, "Kill the dog in the cage."

Ye Zhen's eyes widened when she heard Lin Zhushui's words, she said, "But I have killed a few before, and I have been having nightmares. If I kill them all now, will it be..."

Lin Zhushui said, "If you don't believe it, you can keep them."

Obviously Ye Zhen didn't leave the strange dog in the cage, her expression was extremely tangled, and finally said: "Mr. Lin, I believe in you, but my heart is really uneasy, you can be more involved, How many days will you stay here?"

When she made such a request, Zhou Jiayu thought that Lin Zhushui would directly reject it, but he did not expect that he would respond directly: "Yes."

Ye Zhen heaved a sigh of relief.

This time, even Lin Jue had some doubts on his face, as if he didn't understand why Lin Zhushui was so good at talking.

Ye Zhen showed joy and said, "Mr. Lin, since it's all right, let's go quickly, it's so dirty here."

The crowd turned to leave.

Shen Yiqiong and Zhou Jiayu quietly bit their ears, saying why the husband helped Ye Zhen.

Zhou Jiayu said, "Are you sure that Mr. is helping her..."

Shen Yiqiong said, "What do you mean?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "I think that Mr. has done some business with those dogs."

Shen Yiqiang was silent for a while, and seemed to remember what happened after Lin Zhushui entered the dog cage yesterday. Lin Zhushui did crouch down, and it seemed like he had a conversation with the dog in the cage.

Shen Yiqian said: "If that's the case, I'm really curious about what agreement Mr. and the dog have reached."

It's not just Shen Yiqiong, it can be said that they are all very curious, but because of Ye Zhen's presence, it's not easy to ask questions, so they can only keep it in their hearts.

After returning to Ye Zhai, Ye Zhen proposed to get rid of the strange dogs in the cage. She politely asked Lin Zhushui what method would be better.

Lin Zhushui said, "Electric shock, it's best to kill with one blow. The more pain you give, the longer the resentment will remain."

Ye Zhen said yes, and asked Lin Zhushui to arrange it immediately.

Lin Zhushui nodded, indicating that he could go.

Lin Jue was not happy, and said, "Zhu Shui, you go, I won't go, it's so hot today, I'm too lazy to run." She said that it was hot, but she probably didn't want to see those The scene of the strange dog being executed.

"Okay." Lin Zhushui asked a few more apprentices, "Are you going?"

The apprentices didn't dare to think that Lin Jue was so self-willed, but their faces were a little unbearable, especially the young Shen Yiqiong, whose face was stinky, but still said that they wanted to go.

A few people just arrived at the dog farm, and the people who killed the dogs arranged by Ye Zhen also came. Seeing how they were ready to fight, they didn't look like they were killing dogs, but hunting large carnivores. They were armed from head to toe.

Zhou Jiayu came to the cage and saw the strange dog with black hair in the cage again. I don't know if it was his illusion. He always felt that compared with yesterday, these dogs were less hostile, but instead showed a peaceful look. It smells like a wish has been fulfilled.

Lin Zhushui stood at the door of the cage, tapped the fence lightly with his fingers, and said, "Go with peace of mind."

The leading dog slowly moved in front of Lin Zhushui. It stared at the people outside the cage with its eyes that were exactly the same as those of humans. The black eyes were as calm as water, and there was a deep taste. .

Ye Zhen didn't dare to look at it at all, she turned her eyes away and said, "Mr. Lin, can we start?"

"Yeah." Lin Zhushui said.

The worker beside him held a high-voltage stun gun, walked slowly to the front of the cage, and opened the iron lock on the cage. Ye Zhen took a few steps back, obviously afraid that the dog in the cage would take this opportunity to rush out. But what everyone didn't expect was that the dogs in the cage were almost strangely calm. They squatted on the spot and looked at the approaching workers with indifference, as if they didn't intend to resist at all.

From this silence, Ye Zhen vaguely felt that something was wrong, she turned her head slightly and looked at the dog in the cage, but it just happened to meet its gaze.

The abyss-like blackness caused goose bumps all over Ye Zhen's body, and the suppressed fear suddenly erupted, she screamed: "Kill them, kill them quickly—"

The workers got their hands on it.

The high-voltage stun gun hit the strange dogs heavily, and the strange dogs let out a shrill scream and fell to the ground.

One, two, as if reaping wheat, dozens of strange dogs fell in pieces, and they didn't move for a moment until they died, as if they had become lifeless statues. If it wasn't for that scream, I am afraid they are not like living creatures.

I don't know when, Ye Zhen, who didn't want to see the scene in the cage, turned her head, there was no mercy or pity in her eyes, she could only see ease.

The mutated big dogs in front of her are just a burden to Ye Zhen, and it seems normal for her to be happy to be able to get rid of these burdens at this time.

The last dog also falls, and the slaughter scene is so quiet from beginning to end, as if it were a silent movie. The fierce resistance that the workers imagined was not there either. They ended their work and took off their protective clothing contentedly.

"Mr. Lin, how to deal with these corpses?" Ye Zhen asked.

"Bury it thickly." Lin Zhushui said.

Ye Zhen nodded and ordered them to choose a cemetery to bury all these dogs. She hesitated for a moment and whispered, "Mr. Lin, can these dogs be cremated?"

Lin Zhushui said, "Yes."

It seems that Ye Zhen is still worried, just in case she wants to dispose of these things in the cleanest way, since they are all burnt to ashes, there should be no accident, she thought contentedly.

That night, the nightmare that Ye Zhen was worried about did not strike, she slept deeply, as if she had been rescued from the curse.

In contrast to her is Zhou Jiayu. He did not go into the house to sleep, but stood on the balcony to smoke. In the scene during the day, those strange fallen dogs merged with the figure of the fighting dog in his dream. Jia Yu felt a little irritable in his heart.

"You haven't slept yet?" Lin Zhushui's voice came from behind Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu looked back in surprise: "Sir?"

"What are you doing?" Lin Zhushui walked slowly to Zhou Jiayu's side.

"No, I'm thinking about what happened during the day." Zhou Jiayu said, "Sir, isn't that Ye Zhen who encountered these situations all because of her."

Lin Zhushui said, "Of course she asked for it by herself." He paused, and then made it clear what Zhou Jiayu wanted to say, "You want to ask, why should I help her?"

Zhou Jiayu was right, and he added: "Sir, last night, I had a dream..."

Lin Zhushui said, "What did you dream about?"

Zhou Jiayu sighed, and slowly told Lin Zhushui what he saw last night. When it was said that the body of the fighting dog was made into dog food, Zhou Jiayu could not contain the hatred in his heart, and his tone was also full of anger: "Isn't she just self-inflicted? It's okay to fight the dog, but the dog They're all dead, and they treat their corpses like this—"

Lin Zhushui said, "Continue."

Zhou Jiayu's eyes were full of anger: "And she didn't think she was wrong at all. When she saw the strange dog, she was still thinking of herself!" When he said this, he couldn't help churning up killing thoughts, and thoughts popped out of his mind. One thought - he wanted Ye Zhen to die. At this moment, Lin Zhushui stretched out his hand and patted Zhou Jiayu's forehead abruptly. This shot made him stunned for a moment, and his emotions calmed down. Zhou Jiayu quickly found that his state didn't seem right. It stands to reason that in terms of his character, even if he was angry, he would not be so angry, and he was even close to losing his mind.

"Me, what's wrong with me?" Zhou Jiayu covered his forehead.

"It's just empathy." Lin Zhushui said, "You have such a physique, and you are easily infected when you encounter strong emotions under special circumstances."

Zhou Jiayu swallowed.

Lin Zhushui extended his hand to Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu stared at Lin Zhushui's hand for a moment, hurriedly took it out of his pocket, took out a cigarette and put it on it.

Lin Zhushui's expression was stagnant for a moment, and then he said in a tone that was almost sighing, "Hand."

Zhou Jiayu said, "Hand?"

Lin Zhushui: "...your hand."

Only then did Zhou Jiayu realize what Lin Zhushui meant, quickly wiped the sweat from his palm, and carefully placed his hand in Lin Zhushui's.

Lin Zhushui held Zhou Jiayu's hand. The two were in skin-to-skin contact, and Lin Zhushui's hands were a bit icy as always, but the coolness quickly turned into a steady stream of warmth, which made Zhou Jiayu's body relax.

"In this world, it's hard for everything to come true." Lin Zhushui's voice was still light, but with a soothing flavor, "It's their own choice."

Zhou Jiayu said, "They... they mean those strange dogs that have mutated?"

Lin Zhushui nodded. He wrapped Zhou Jiayu's hands with both hands and rubbed them slowly and gently, saying, "Once some things start, they will never end."

Zhou Jiayu was a little dazed, but he felt the warmth of Lin Zhushui's palm, and his irritability disappeared without a trace. At this time, there were some indescribable emotions in his heart. A little sleepy."

"Go to sleep." Lin Zhushui let go of Zhou Jiayu.

Zhou Jiayu's hands were free, but he felt a little lost. He said, "Good night, sir."

"Good night." Lin Zhushui said.

This night, Zhou Jiayu didn't have any more nightmares, but the quality of sleep was not very good. Between waking up and going to sleep, morning light appeared in the sky.

The next morning, compared to the day before, Ye Zhen looked extra bright. Sitting at the dining table, she seemed to have an excellent appetite. She ate her breakfast with a big mouthful, and said hello to Zhou Jiayu with a smile.

Zhou Jiayu didn't even bother to maintain the surface etiquette. Hearing Ye Zhen's greeting, he just glanced at her and didn't even bother to reply. Zhou Jiayu's gentle personality is like this, not to mention the poor Lin Jue and Shen Yiqi next to him. They didn't give Ye Zhen any face at all, they regarded her as air the whole time. However, Ye Zhen didn't seem to care. Anyway, her biggest worry has been resolved, other people ignore her, she doesn't care at all.

However, halfway through breakfast, Ye Zhen who was eating bread suddenly covered her mouth, her throat moved up and down for a while, and then stumbled into the toilet.

Soon, there was a violent vomiting sound from the toilet. The sound was so loud that even Zhou Jiayu, who was in the dining room, heard it.

Under normal circumstances, Zhou Jiayu would definitely have gone over to take care of it. After all, she is a girl, but now everyone's impression of Ye Zhen is extremely bad, so no one went over to ask what happened from beginning to end.

Ten minutes later, Ye Zhen with a pale face came out of the toilet, her face was still stained with water droplets, she should have washed her face.

"Why did you suddenly vomit." Ye Zhen said to herself, "Could it be that there is a problem with the food."

No one pays attention to her.

Ye Zhen took a mouthful of milk to moisten her mouth, Zhou Jiayu thought she would not eat anymore, but who knew that after a while, Ye Zhen actually started to swallow again, looking extremely hungry.

Zhou Jiayu vaguely felt a sense of disobedience, and he quickly found the source of the disobedience—the uncle sitting beside Ye Zhen. He, who has no expression on weekdays, is staring at his niece who is gobbling down beside him with a gentle, creepy look in his eyes.

Seemingly noticing Zhou Jiayu's gaze, he slowly turned his head to meet Zhou Jiayu's gaze. After seeing his eyes, Zhou Jiayu took a sharp breath - it turned out to be a pair of yellow eyes, very Beautiful, but definitely not human, but like some canine.

However, the eyes soon turned black, and Zhou Jiayu even thought that he was hallucinating.

"I'm so hungry." Ye Zhen was still eating, she didn't feel that something was wrong with her, "I haven't had such a good appetite for a long time, Mr. Lin, thank you very much, if you didn't help me solve this matter, I really can't eat."

Lin Zhushui didn't say anything, just took a sip of the milk in front of him.

There should have been a part of breakfast left, but Ye Zhen ate it abruptly. After she finished eating, she seemed not satisfied, licking her lips and muttering why she was still a little hungry.

The uncle sitting beside him seemed to have guessed the situation, and slowly said to the servant next to him, "Bring it here."

Hearing the words, the servant turned around and went to the kitchen, and brought out a five-ripe steak. The steak was still bloodshot, and the meat inside was pink after it was cut, which looked very delicious.

Ye Zhen saw the meat, her eyes seemed to glow, and a smile appeared on her face: "Uncle, how do you know that I want to eat meat?"

Uncle didn't answer, just said: "Eat."

Ye Zhen picked up the knife and fork and started eating meat. The soft beef was cut into pieces and shoved into the mouth with force, Ye Zhen had a happy smile on her face.

Everyone on the table noticed Ye Zhen's strangeness. Lin Jue looked at Ye Zhen with shock in her eyes, but she didn't say anything. She only waited until Ye Zhen ate a plate-sized steak and hurriedly touched it with satisfaction. After leaving the table with a belly, he asked Lin Zhushui.

Lin Zhushui's fingers lightly tapped on the table, his thin lips parted lightly, and he said lightly, "It's not a big problem, it's just pregnancy."

"Pregnant?" Lin Jue couldn't believe it. "Whose child is she carrying?"

Lin Zhushui raised his eyebrows: "How do I know, I have to ask Ye Zhen herself about this matter."

Having said that, everyone at the table noticed something was wrong, and Zhou Jiayu was even more convinced that Ye Zhen's strangeness was obviously inseparable from the big dogs that were killed...

The author has something to say: Lin Zhushui: Bring it here

Zhou Jiayu obediently handed his hand to Lin Zhushui.

Lin Zhushui: I mean smoke.

Zhou Jiayu: …

Lin Zhushui: I'm joking, I still need hands.

Zhou Jia became a puffer fish.