My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 84: haunted house


It turned out that although Jiang Xutao was in the haunted house business, he never lived in a haunted house, and all he did was buy and sell.

"I'm actually very afraid of these things, but that day was really unfortunate." Jiang Xutao said with a wry smile, "The water pipe in my house suddenly burst, and the whole house was soaked in water. At that time, I was afraid that the furniture in the house would be soaked. , I hurriedly searched for a nearby house, thinking about making do with a few nights, and then moving back after the water on the floor was disposed of."

Everyone in the room listened to him, and Lin Jue held the plum again and put it in the mouth, looking at Jiang Xutao with a lot of interest: "Didn't you say you only stayed for one night, why did you move in later?"

Jiang Xutao said: "Oh, I thought so too at the time, but who knew that my daughter would fall in love with the style of the house as soon as she entered, and she insisted on staying there for a few more days. I didn't have anything to do at night, I thought maybe I just thought too much..."

According to Jiang Xutao, although he sold a haunted house, most of them didn't have an accident, but some people may not be able to accept it psychologically. For example, some people must stagger the fourth floor and the fourteenth floor when buying a house, just because they feel unlucky.

"And after that?" Zhou Jiayu asked.

"After that, we lived in that house for more than a month, thinking about repairing the floor that was damaged by blisters before going back." Now, he stretched out his hand and wiped the sweat on his face again, and said, "Who knew that the strange things in that house started."

"What's wrong?" Lin Jue said.

"Isn't that house on three floors? At first, I always heard someone running inside, and there was a thump on the roof." Jiang Xutao said, "I thought it was my daughter being naughty at first, but I went upstairs several times and found my daughter Sleeping in the house, not moving at all."

Zhou Jiayu heard Jiang Xutao mention his daughter several times, and was curious: "How old is Mr. Jiang's daughter?"

"I'm eight years old, which is the age of naughty. My wife is not in good health, so we gave birth to such a..." It seems that Jiang Xutao likes his daughter very much. When he mentions it, a smile appears in his eyes, but this kind of The smile was soon covered in sorrow, he said, "She was too frightened by these things."

It started with the sound of running, and then the door of the house began to open by itself for no reason, as well as lights, cabinets, and curtains. When Jiang Xutao said this, he rubbed his arms with his hands from time to time. It could be seen that he was really scared, and the goose bumps on his hands kept coming out.

"It's almost like there's someone living in the house that we can't see." Jiang Xutao said in a trembling voice, "No, there's more than one... there may be... several."

Zhou Jiayu said: "Then what if you can't move out?" The first reaction when something is wrong with the house is to move out. Jiang Xutao has no financial problems, and moving is just a day's work.

"After we found out that there was a problem with the house, we immediately thought of moving." Jiang Xutao smiled bitterly, "We went to the hotel next to us that night to make do with it, who knows..."

"What's wrong?" Lin Jue leaned out, curious.

"Who knew that after I fell asleep at night, I felt like someone was running around in my house." Jiang Xutao shivered all over, "I couldn't move at all, I could feel that the thing was next to me, even in my ear, Said to let me go back, and if I didn't go back, I would kill my whole family."

When he said this, he rolled up his sleeves. Zhou Jiayu saw that Jiang Xutao's arms were covered with bruises. After looking closely, he found that they were handprints that had been forcefully pinched out.

"... This handprint is a bit weird." Zhou Jiayu noticed something, "Why are there only four fingers?"

"Huh?" Lin Jue also leaned over, "It's really four fingers."

Jiang Xutao's face was pale, and he didn't dare to move. Several people studied.

"So you moved back?" Zhou Jiayu continued to ask.

"No, I went to a nearby temple and wanted to ask the master there for help. The master gave me a jade Buddha that was enlightened, but it was of no use at all." He took out the hanging hanging around his neck. Wearing Jade Buddha.

Zhou Jiayu saw that there was indeed a faint auspiciousness lingering on the jade Buddha, but the auspiciousness was so faint that it was impossible to see it if you didn't look closely, and the effect should be very limited.

"We spent a few nights outside, but we really didn't make it through, so we had to go back to the house." Jiang Xutao said, "It's a little better after going back, at least there are no more marks on my body."

"It looks painful." Lin Jue said, "Your daughter also has them?"

Jiang Xutao nodded heavily, his eyes full of sorrow: "Miss Lin, please help us, our whole family can't stand it anymore, things in the room are getting more and more noisy..."

Lin Jue thought for a while and said, "Okay, let's go and have a look, today we prepare our luggage, shall we go out tomorrow?"

Jiang Xutao didn't dare to say anything wrong, and he left happily after agreeing again and again.

After he left, the patriarch Lin Po, who had not spoken much at the scene, asked curiously, "Gu, why did you agree so much this time?"

Lin Jue said, "Listen to the accent, Jiang Xutao is from City S, right?"

"Yeah." Limper was inexplicable.

Lin Jue smiled all over his face: "It's been cold recently, I'm afraid that the tank will be uncomfortable, let's go to S city for a vacation."

Lin Po: "..." He was silent for three seconds, "If this Jiang Xutao is from the north..."

Lin Jue laughed: "I'm joking, even if I'm a northerner, I'll definitely help him."

She said this, but Limper heard her meaning outside the painting. Help can be helped, but as for whether to go in person or not, that is not necessarily the case. Fortunately, Jiang Xutao was lucky to meet Lin Jue. If he met Lin Zhushui, he might not even be able to get in.

Although I was going to see the haunted house, the house was still full of joy. The only one who was a little worried was Shen Yiqiong, who started to study his sunscreen again.

Seeing that they were going to leave him on vacation again, the weasel was very unhappy and got into a little mood. He squatted on the sofa and patted the sofa cushions and screamed.

Zhou Jiayu looked at him worried, and said what should we do, you, a protected animal, can't be checked.

The weasel hummed and held his smooth butt at Zhou Jiayu. While Zhou Jiayu comforted it, he couldn't help but slapped it...

As a result, he just touched it, and was pulled out by the weasel with its claws, with an expression that you will be responsible if you touch it.

Zhou Jiayu looked helpless, and felt that he was indeed a bit like a ruthless scum. He could only look at Lin Jue: "Master, is there any way to bring this little Huang?"

Lin Jue said, "There is a way to bring it here. I'll make an appointment for a private jet, Xiao Huang, are you not airsick?"

The weasel patted his little chest straight, indicating that he was not airsick.

When I see Xiao Huang, I also go, and Xiao Zhi hugs him, like a child who is going on vacation.

The next day, the group set off on time.

Although Lin Jue said to Jiang Xutao that she went out this time to show him the situation of the haunted house, in fact, as long as she opened her suitcase, she would find that it was almost full of travel items. Not to mention messy cosmetics, as well as beach skirts and various swimsuits for vacation.

Lin Jue ordered Xiao Huang to be transported by private jet, while he and Jiang Xutao sat in business class.

S City is close to the equator, and the temperature is around 20 degrees all year round, which is very suitable for leisure vacations, especially in the cold winter.

After getting off the plane, a few people changed into thick winter clothes, put on T-shirts and shorts, and started to study where to go with a map, completely exposing their ugly face as a vacation.

Jiang Xutao didn't dare to say anything when he saw it in his eyes. He called Miss Lin eagerly from the side, saying that a car had been arranged to pick them up to the house.

"Okay, let's go to work first." Lin Jue looked at his watch, "Didn't you say that thing comes out at night, go have a meal first, and then check the situation."

In the absence of Lin Zhushui, the atmosphere among the apprentices suddenly became lively, and everyone happily discussed in the car which seafood is more delicious, and how to play after solving the problem.

Zhou Jiayu also took out Xiaozhi. When Xiaozhi unfolded his body, Jiang Xutao, who was sitting in the co-pilot, looked at Xiaozhi, his eyes were straight, and he asked nervously what was this

Zhou Jiayu said, "This is my son, isn't he cute?"

Jiang Xutao said that he was cute in his conscience. God knows that his expression has exposed his inner thoughts at this time. It is estimated that if Zhou Jiayu was not sitting next to him, the first thing he would do would be to take out a lighter...

They ate dinner at Jiang Xutao's house, and they also saw the wife and daughter that Jiang Xutao spoke of.

Jiang Xutao's daughter is a very cute little girl, and it can be seen that the family loves her very much. She is wearing a cute little skirt, and her round and fair face and beautiful eyes are very flattering.

"Ya Ya." Jiang Xutao called by her nickname, "Come and call me uncle, auntie."

Ya Ya hid behind her mother and looked timidly at the person who came. Zhou Jiayu noticed that there also seemed to be blue and purple marks on her arms, but compared with Jiang Xutao, the marks on her hands were much lighter, it seemed It's almost healed.

"Ya Ya." Jiang Xutao pulled her out from behind his wife and said, "Be good, hurry up and call."

"Hello, uncle and aunt." Ya Ya called softly.

"Hey, darling." Lin Jue rolled her eyes and smiled, "Can you show my aunt's arms?"

Ya Ya hesitated for a while and looked at her father again. After getting Jiang Xutao's affirmative look, she stretched out her arm and showed Lin Jue the mark on it.

Lin Jue held her wrist and observed the handprint on it, "How long has it been since you made this handprint?"

"We were caught when we moved out last month," Jiang Xutao explained. "It started to heal after I came back."

Lin Jue thought for a moment: "Let's go inside and have a look."

This haunted house is a single-family villa on one floor, surrounded by a garden with dense flowers and plants, and there are some gardens carved in the shape of animals in the yard. Not far from the yard, there is an endless blue sea and fine white sandy beaches. If you don't mention that this is a haunted house, I am afraid that it is a bit like an amusement park that attracts children.

However, Zhou Jiayu still found something strange around the house. The black air on the roof seemed to be particularly strong, almost like clouds shining on it. He looked up and found that the roof of the villa was pointed. There is a small attic on top of each building.

"I've already prepared the food. Let's eat first." Jiang Xutao must be asking for others, and his attitude is quite polite, "I'm not in a hurry to see the house."

"Also." Seeing that it was getting dark, Lin Jue didn't force it. Anyway, these things had to come out at night, and there was no immediate result.

Dinner was sumptuous seafood, fresh and delicious, and everyone enjoyed it. Ya Ya was a little afraid of life, and looked here from time to time while eating, as if she was not used to having strangers at home.

Jiang Xutao was afraid that they would mind, and explained that Ya Ya was a very introverted child.

After eating, he started the business. Jiang Xutao now sent Ya Ya back to his bedroom, and then went downstairs to talk with them in detail.

"Mr. Jiang." Lin Jue said, "There is something important that you haven't told us, have you?"

Jiang Xutao said, "Important... Miss Lin, what do you mean?"

Lin Jue pointed upstairs: "Since it is a haunted house, there must have been murders here, but you never told us from the beginning to the end what happened in this house to make it a haunted house."

Jiang Xutao said, "Miss Lin, do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?"

Lin Jue made a gesture of begging.

Jiang Xutao said: "To be honest, I bought this house from an old man. The price is very low. This kind of location and this type of house cost only 3 million."

This villa is close to the scenic spot, and it is still a sea view room. The price of three million seems to be picked up.

"But this house is a well-known haunted house." Jiang Xutao held a cigarette in his mouth. "All twelve people who lived here before died in this house." He raised his head and pointed to a room in the center of the living room. A beam, "That beam, husband, wife, grandfather and grandchildren, were all hanged on it."

Zhou Jiayu raised his head and looked at the beam, but saw nothing.

"Not one of the twelve people was spared." Jiang Xutao took out a document from his arms and put it in front of them, "At that time, the local newspapers reported this incident, and some newspapers had the mosaic on them. You can take a look at the pictures." It seems that he has done a lot of homework after encountering this. Zhou Jiayu picked up the materials and found that the house has detailed records from its construction to the present.

However, the age of this house is not too long ago. From the data, the twelve people mentioned by Jiang Xutao are the second owners of this house.

The first owner of the house was a young couple, and it is said that they sold the house and left the area in a hurry because of the need for money.

"All these people committed suicide?" Lin Jue asked after reading the information.

"That's how the police closed the case." Jiang Xutao whispered, "But there seems to be a private saying that their family was killed by someone. After all, the family lined up to hang themselves."

Lin Jue also looked at the beam, and it was a little strange: "This beam is so high, how did they put the rope up? Even if it is a ladder, it must be specially made."

"This is also a doubtful point." Jiang Xutao sighed, "But I'm only in this business, so I can't think too much. If I think too much, I'm afraid."

It's the same reason, Zhou Jiayu said, "Is this house really bought?"

Speaking of this, Jiang Xutao was a little embarrassed, but he couldn't hide the situation now, "I'm all selling it to outsiders, isn't the haunted house all psychological, the person who bought it doesn't know, and it doesn't work. That's what happened."

Zhou Jiayu: "… "

Everyone looked at him with a speechless look, Jiang Xutao could only laugh: "I'm sorry, I know I was wrong, and I won't do this business again in the future." It's really no joke about ghosts and gods. Jiang Xutao said he didn't believe it, but it turned out that this kind of thing happened just a few days after living in, and it could be regarded as a kind of retribution.

But according to what he said, the profit of the haunted house is indeed terrifyingly high. This house can be sold for 30 million yuan and 20 million yuan. The attractiveness of it is enough to make people take risks.

"Twelve dead, the things in this room may have something to do with these people." Lin Jue also lit a cigarette, "But it's hard to say, we have to check the situation first, these things come out every night? "

Jiang Xutao nodded.

Lin Jue said, "Then let's just wait."

Jiang Xutao's expression was a little hesitant to speak, and Lin Jue asked him what was wrong.

Jiang Xutao said, "There are so many people in this room, will that thing be too scared to come out?"

After hearing this, Lin Jue smiled and pointed to Zhou Jiayu who was sitting next to him: "With him around, you don't have to worry about that thing—don't dare to come out."

After all, with such a delicious cheese in front of you, it's hard to resist the temptation of something dirty.

Zhou Jiayu was used to it, but he smiled when he heard Lin Jue's words. He picked up the information in Jiang Xutao's hand and continued to study, and found that the twelve dead people were hanged on the beam in order of height. After arranging it, although the mosaic of the photo has lost the appearance of the deceased, they can see their bodies hanging in the air... It seems that it is on the top of the sofa.

Zhou Jiayu couldn't help but looked up at the ceiling again.

In fact, the ceiling of this room is a bit strange. It was originally a modern building, but there is an incompatible beam on the ceiling. This beam is made of wood, showing a vermilion color, and it stands abruptly in the center of the entire hall.

Zhou Jiayu has come to Lin's house for more than a year, and he has also gained a lot of knowledge about Feng Shui. He knows that one of the more taboo structures in the house is the beam pressing the roof. If people live in this structure for a long time, the body will become weak. The fortune will also go down.

There is a problem with this structure. Lin Jue and the others must have seen it, but they don't know how much it has to do with the death of the previous master.

A few people were a little bored when they waited, so they turned on the TV and chatted while watching.

Compared with them, Jiang Xutao seemed to be much more nervous, fidgeting on the sofa, and looking upstairs from time to time.

After eleven o'clock, Lin Jue looked at the time and said that it was almost time. After she finished speaking, she took out a censer from the suitcase and lit a red incense candle in the censer.

After the incense candle was lit, Lin Jue took out the brush and cinnabar, and started wandering around the corner of the room after sticking it.

Several apprentices were watching, Xiao Zhi lay on Zhou Jiayu's shoulder and yawned slowly.

At twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the sky was completely dark, and the moonlight was bright, but at the same time there were clouds in the sky. Occasionally, the moon would move behind the clouds, and at this time almost nothing could be seen outside.

After another half an hour, the room was still silent. Jiang Xutao's expression was a bit complicated, saying that there must have been movement in the room at this time, but today it was very quiet.

Lin Jue didn't speak. After checking the time, he lit another incense stick and said to wait.

There has been no sound, everyone is a little sleepy, Zhou Jiayu leaned on the sofa and yawned, seeing that he was about to fall asleep, but at this moment, the sharp doorbell rang - "ding"" Ding" "Ding".

The doorbell rang in the silent room, and everyone's expressions suddenly became solemn. The one who reacted the most was Jiang Xutao, who was shaking like an electric shock, his eyes full of horror.

Lin Jue put out the cigarette in his mouth and said, "Don't be nervous, Mr. Jiang, if there are people outside, let's go and see what's going on first."

Who knew that Jiang Xutao said in an overly frightened and hoarse voice: "But, but, I don't have a doorbell in my house."

When he said this, everyone fell silent.

Lin Jue snorted, and then tied the hair that was scattered behind her into a ponytail: "So you're here?"

The piercing bell at the door was still ringing, she stood up directly and walked towards the door.

Zhou Jiayu had always known Lin Jue's boldness before, and now he admires her even more when he sees her calm appearance. Although he is almost used to encountering dirty things everywhere, when he hears Jiang Xutao say that there is no doorbell at home, his heart still lingers. He jumped uncontrollably.

Lin Jue arrived at the door, and through the access control system, she saw that there was indeed no one outside the door, only the empty courtyard shrouded in darkness, but the doorbell was still ringing, and the piercing person's ears hurt.

Lin Jue stood in front of the door, took out a very beautiful dagger from his pocket, swiped at the air a few times, and the doorbell stopped instantly.

However, in the next moment, everyone in the room heard the sound of a human being running on the floor above their heads.

"Dong dong dong dong." The sound was so loud that in almost a moment, Zhou Jiayu could be sure that the sound was indeed coming from above their heads.

"Go to the second floor." After Lin Jue finished speaking, she went to the second floor.

When Zhou Jiayu was about to go, he suddenly noticed something strange. He seemed to see vaguely... There was a shadow on the ceiling in this room. The shapes of these shadows are very distorted, like people but not like people, and they appear to be wriggling on the white ceiling.

Zhou Jiayu paused slightly, and decided to go to the second floor to see the situation.

After reaching the second floor, the thumping sound actually became smaller, but the sound did come from under their feet.

"Miss Lin..." Jiang Xutao said with cold sweat on his face, "What, what should I do?"

Lin Jue looked around suspiciously: "It's strange, how come the breath of that thing has faded when we got to the second floor..."

Listening to her words, Zhou Jiayu suddenly had a bad association. He laughed dryly and said, "Uncle, could those things not run on the second floor, but... run around on the ceiling on the first floor?"

Lin Jue's eyes lit up: "Smart!!"

After Zhou Jiayu said this, he glanced towards the stairwell, but found that the dark shadow he had seen on the ceiling on the first floor seemed to be coming down the corridor toward them...

The author has something to say: Jiang Xutao shivered while looking at the haunted house.

A group of people looked at the haunted house and smoked indifferently, their hearts were full of seafood, and they even wanted to add some cheese.

Zhou Jiayu's indifferent face: Mr. is not here, who is afraid to show it.