My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 86: Vacation time


After the matter at Jiang Xutao's family is settled, the rest is a wonderful vacation time.

Everyone changed into a relaxed style of dress, T-shirts, shorts, flip-flops, which perfectly matched the sunny weather. Zhou Jiayu also likes summer because of physical problems, so they booked a hotel near the sea and stayed there.

But after staying for a day, Zhou Jiayu always felt as if something was missing, so he couldn't think of it, so he had to ask everyone.

"What's missing?" Shen Yiqiong slumped on the beach chair while drinking cold beer, "I can't remember."

"What's missing?" Lin Jue was lying on her stomach, "I don't know..."

Instead, Xiao Zhi, who was playing with water next to him, suddenly said, "Where's Xiao Huang?"

Everyone: "… "

Lin Jue straightened up immediately, with an embarrassed expression: "Ah, I remember, it's here too, I'll call to ask where it is..."

Then Zhou Jiayu saw Lin Jue pick up the phone and peel off a number. After a while, her expression became more and more embarrassed. Finally, after hanging up, her eyes filled with guilt: "I'm sorry Xiao Huang."

"What's wrong?" Zhou Jiayu was stunned, "Is it alright?"

Lin Jue said: "It's okay, it's okay, but the person who brought it over thought it was an ordinary weasel and gave it a few meals of cat food."

The crowd fell silent.

Zhou Jiayu silently looked away, looked at the blue coast, and said softly, "We are sorry for it."

A few hours later, Xiao Huang in the cage was sent to them, and the person who sent him told Lin Jue that the weasel had a bad temper, so Lin Jue should be careful not to be scratched.

Lin Jue responded repeatedly and released Xiao Huang after watching the man leave.

"Kakakakaka!!!" Xiao Huang started yelling as soon as he came out. If it can speak to people now, it is estimated that 80% are swearing at them.

Lin Jue hurriedly said, "Xiao Huang, it's not that we forgot you, it's that the situation is too dangerous. We're afraid of your injury, so we thought we'd pick you up after finishing the work, right, can?"

Facing Xiao Huang's suspicious eyes, Zhou Jiayu said calmly, "Yes, the situation at that time was very terrifying... Shen Yiqiong, tell Xiao Huang what happened at that time."

Shen Yiqiong was pouring beer into his mouth. He almost choked to death when he heard this. He coughed violently and looked at Zhou Jiayu and Lin Jue aggrieved. However, grievances were of no use. Bo and Shi Niang's eyes were cold-blooded and ruthless at this time.

"Okay." Shen Yiqiong could only bite the bullet and say, "I'll tell you."

Then Shen Yiqiong made up a dangerous story of their fight against dirty things in the house of bones. The plot is so fascinating that it can almost write a 4D novel. Everyone, including Xiao Huang, listened with relish, and at the end of Shen Yiqiong, Lin Jue said, "Is it gone?"

Shen Yiqiong's mouth was dry, and when he heard the words, he threw the cup angrily: "No more!!"

"Oh." Several people showed regret.

Although Xiao Huang was forgotten for a few days, Shen Yiqiong's story healed the wounds in his heart. He no longer struggled with the fact that he was forced to eat cat food, and turned around and happily played with Xiao Zhi.

A weasel and a paper man are playing on the blue seashore. This picture is full of healing feeling. Of course, Zhou Jiayu wonders if passers-by think so when they see it.

Blue sky, white clouds, sea, beach, fresh seafood and delicious beer.

Zhou Jiayu ate five cheese lobsters in one go at night, and finally got tired of it, so he kept pouring wine into his mouth.

Shen Yiqiong was addicted to grilled shrimp with salt and pepper and couldn't extricate himself, but after eating, he did not forget to tell Zhou Jiayu to drink less. After all, Zhou Jiayu's alcohol intake was a big problem.

"I used to be good at drinking." Zhou Jiayu was a little slurred after drinking. "The white one can drink three pounds, and the yellow one can drink a few boxes..."

"Then what did you do before?" Lin Jue was drinking beside him, and asked with a smile while holding his chin.

"I'm a civil servant." Zhou Jiayu said vaguely, "But, it's amazing..."

When everyone heard this, they all laughed tacitly, and Lin Jue also rolled his eyes: "Not bad."

Zhou Jiayu was obviously drunk, and his expression became more and more stunned. Finally, he held the mobile phone and declared that he missed his man and wanted to call his man.

Lin Jue, who had been watching, couldn't help looking at Zhou Jiayu who looked like this. He dragged the phone from Zhou Jiayu's hand, dialed a number, and then pressed the speakerphone.

"Hello." The phone rang twice before being picked up. Lin Zhushui's voice came from the other end of the phone. It was faint but had a soft taste. He called him, "Can'er."

"Sir, sir." Zhou Jiayu shouted as soon as he heard Lin Zhushui's voice.

"Huh?" Lin Zhushui was obviously very keen to hear that Zhou Jiayu was in a wrong state, "Are you drinking?"

Zhou Jiayu said with a big tongue: "No, no drink... I just want to talk to Mr., to talk." After he finished this sentence, he became silly at first, and then said a little aggrieved, "I haven't had a few days. It's weird to see Mr.

Hearing this, Lin Zhushui was silent for a moment, then sighed softly, and then there was a bit of doting helplessness in his tone: "I'll be back tomorrow, you are in City S, are you done? Did you do anything this time? Be scared?"

Zhou Jiayu proudly said that he was not afraid when Mr.

The two asked and answered, and the air was filled with the sour smell of love.

In the end, Shen Yiqiong couldn't take it anymore. He walked to the corner and hugged Xiao Zhi and wept silently, saying that he also wanted to have a love like this. The empathetic Xiao Zhi sympathetically stretched out a few handfuls of Shen Yiqiong's hair as a sign of comfort.

The more Lin Jue listened, the stronger the smile on his face, he added, "Your jar keeps saying I miss you when you're drunk."

Lin Zhushui was not surprised to hear Lin Jue's voice, he said, "The number you dialed?"

"How do you know?" Lin Jue wondered.

"He's so cowardly." Lin Zhushui said, "Even if he's drunk, he probably wouldn't dare to call me."

Lin Jue said that might not be the case.

So in the second half of the night, the others continued to eat and drink, while Zhou Jiayu held his mobile phone and talked endlessly. Before when he and Lin Zhushui were getting along, he had always been a little nervous because of his nervousness, but now the alcohol has numbed his nerves, but he has become lively. stand up.

At the end of the night, when they went back to their rooms to rest, Zhou Jiayu laid the hot phone beside the pillow, and said to Lin Zhushui on the other end of the phone that he was sleepy.

"Go to sleep." Lin Zhushui said, "See you tomorrow."

Zhou Jiayu's eyes slowly dropped and he fell into a deep sleep. Until the moment he fell asleep, Lin Zhushui's phone was still on the phone, and he didn't know when he hung up.

The next day, when Zhou Jiayu woke up, he felt as if his body had turned into a piece of wood, numb from head to toe. He got up from the bed and found that his mobile phone had been turned off because the battery was too low, and outside the window The sun was shining, and it was clearly noon.

Zhou Jiayu vaguely remembered the phone call between him and Lin Zhushui, but he didn't remember exactly what he said later.

The headache after the hangover bothered Zhou Jiayu. After he finished washing up, he went out of the room and saw Lin Jue and the others swimming in the pool, while others were sitting beside them and started basking in the sun.

When Zhou Jiayu walked over, Shen Yiqiong was asking Xiaozhi to help him apply sunscreen. Xiaozhi touched it seriously, and when he saw Zhou Jiayu coming, he called Dad happily.

"Little paper." Zhou Jiayu rubbed his head, "How much did we drink last night?"

Shen Yiqiong said, "Six or seven boxes."

Zhou Jiayu: "Six or seven boxes?! So many?"

Shen Yiqiong showed contempt: "You drink three bottles and pour it out, and we drink the rest."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." I can't blame him for not drinking well.

However, it seemed that he was not the only one who was drunk. At least judging from their faces, Shen Erbai and Shen Musi should also be suffering from a painful hangover.

Vacation time is like this, you can completely empty your mind, do nothing, think about nothing, and pretend that you are a salted fish with no goals.

Zhou Jiayu went to the beach next to him, dug a hole and buried himself, showing his face outside. Of course, in order to prevent sunburn, Zhou Jiayu also asked Xiao Zhi to open it on his head. Use an umbrella to reduce UV rays.

The sand is not cold, it is warmed by the sun, and the sea water mixed in it makes the sand extra soft, and it is very comfortable against the skin.

Zhou Jiayu was lying down, but the sunlight in front of him suddenly dimmed. He opened his eyes slightly and saw a person standing in front of him against the light.

The man called him softly, "Zhou Jiayu."

The moment he heard the sound, Zhou Jiayu's body felt a sense of electric shock, and the numb touch went up from his fingers until the electric shock hit his heart.

"Sir." Because he was buried in the sand, Zhou Jiayu couldn't get up for a while, and could only start to struggle slowly, trying to get out of the sand.

However, Lin Zhushui slowly bent down and knelt on one knee on the sand. He said, "Don't move."

Zhou Jiayu stopped struggling, he saw Lin Zhushui's face getting closer and closer to him, and finally only a few centimeters away, Lin Zhushui's voice was soft, he suddenly asked: "You closed your eyes. ?"

"Closed." Zhou Jiayu panicked.

Lin Zhushui's lips were imprinted in the next moment, first on his forehead, then on the bridge of his nose, and finally on his lips stained with the smell of sea water.

Zhou Jiayu's heart was beating wildly. He fell in love with the faint sandalwood between Lin Zhushui's lips and tongue.

The kiss gradually deepened, their breathing was a little chaotic, Zhou Jiayu was a little emotional, and his hands struggled out of the sand pile, but his hands were full of sand, he didn't dare to reach out and hug Lin Zhushui, he could only Wei Wei vigorously propped up her body and responded to Lin Zhushui's kiss.

At the end of the kiss, Lin Zhushui's thin lips turned into a beautiful crimson color, and his complexion was as fair as jade.

"You really closed your eyes?" Lin Zhushui asked again.

Zhou Jiayu didn't understand why Lin Zhushui was so entangled with this question, and said blankly, "Why do you have to close your eyes?"

Lin Zhushui fell silent.

Just when Zhou Jiayu thought he wouldn't answer, he said, "The book says that kissing with your eyes open will make the other person look bad."

Zhou Jiayu: "..." Is it a book given by the uncle again? He laughed and said seriously: "Mr. is very good-looking. No matter how close you look, you look very good."

Lin Zhushui frowned, looking a little disbelieving from his expression.

Zhou Jiayu pressed his forehead against his and whispered, "Mr. is the most beautiful person I have ever met. His eyes, nose, mouth... are as delicate as sculptures."

Lin Zhushui said, "No one has ever told me."

Zhou Jiayu was dumbfounded. He had never thought of this. Lin Zhushui had been blind since he was a child. He was extremely talented and had a cold temper. In order to please him, how could the people around him dare to praise him frivolously. Maybe he never realized how attractive his face was to other people. Thinking of this, Zhou Jiayu once again felt that he had found a big treasure.

"They are all afraid of me." Lin Zhushui said, "Aren't you afraid of me in the beginning?"

This is also true, Lin Zhushui's frost-like aura makes people look a little intimidated, but after getting along, you will find that his temperament is not too cold, and he can even be said to be cute at times. Zhou Jia Yu smiled and said, "I'm not afraid now."

Lin Zhushui nodded, reached out and grabbed Zhou Jiayu's arm, pulling him out of the sand pile, and the two went back to the hotel one after the other.

When they arrived at the hotel, Lin Jue greeted them with a smile and said, "Are you back?"

"Yeah." Facing Lin Jue's smile, Zhou Jiayu felt a little embarrassed for some reason. Although his expression didn't change, the tips of his ears started to turn red again. He calmly asked, "When did you come back, sir?"

"He?" Lin Jue laughed outright, "He just arrived, and he'll find you immediately after putting his luggage."

Zhou Jiayu snorted softly.

With all the sand all over his body, Zhou Jiayu decided to take a shower first. After he got out of the shower, several people had already started discussing what to eat at night, and finally decided to rent a barbecue from the hotel and make barbecue by himself.

"Can'er, didn't you say before that your barbecue is particularly delicious?" Shen Yiqiong said, "I've been looking forward to it for a long time, let's try it while this holiday is over."

"Okay." Zhou Jiayu agreed.

So several people began to prepare the ingredients and grill for the barbecue. Zhou Jiayu said that he knew a recipe for barbecue. After the meat was cut, add honey and seafood soy sauce, which tasted very good.

Shen Yiqiong cheered on the side with saliva, saying that we love to eat whatever you do, Mistress.

Zhou Jiayu didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he remembered the last time Lin Jue joked about eating Shen Yiqiong on the live broadcast. If Shen Yiqiong has a taste, then 80% are estimated to be chocolate-flavored.

The charcoal fire rose, and all kinds of barbecue ingredients were put on the shelf. Zhou Jiayu wore an apron and barbecued beside him. Although the sun was shining, the temperature was not very high. As long as he stood in the shade, the temperature would drop quickly.

Shen Yiqiong and Xiao Zhi stood beside the barbecue with a plate, their faces were full of covetousness. After the first piece of meat was cooked, the two shared the delicious food, and tears almost came down.

Zhou Jiayu always felt that their reaction to eating was a bit exaggerated, but as a chef, he was actually quite happy to see the reaction of people who were eating.

"What happened this time?" Lin Zhushui also got Zhou Jiayu's roasted meat, he tasted it, and with a satisfied expression, he casually asked about their itinerary.

"It's just a house full of bones." Lin Jue drank beer and said carelessly, "It's not a big deal, it's easy." After she said this, she remembered that she seemed to have lied before, and quickly glanced at her and sat next to her weasel. Sure enough, Xiao Huang, who was rather timid, was staring at her with black eyes the size of soybeans, looking at her condemningly, as if she was blaming herself for the lie she had said and forgot.

"Cough, cough." Lin Jue coughed a few times and quickly added, "Actually, there were some twists and turns."

How could Lin Zhushui not hear the change in Lin Jue's tone, he didn't ask in detail, and said lightly, "It's fine if you're not injured, in the future, ask me before taking them out to avoid any accident. ."

Lin Jue nodded and said ok, and asked where Lin Zhushui went.

Lin Zhushui said something no one thought of, and he said, "I went to find Xu Jinghuo."

"What? Xu Jinghuo?" Lin Jue sat up straight, "Did you find it?"

Lin Zhushui nodded.

Lin Jue said, "Did you ask anything?"

Lin Zhushui tapped lightly on the table with his fingers and gave an answer: "He wouldn't say it."

Lin Jue held his chin: "He is from the Xu family, I think the motive for doing those things is very questionable, there must be someone else behind him, but I just don't understand why he refuses to talk about it, the Xu family does Now, what else does he want to do?"

Lin Zhushui shook his head and did not answer.

"Forget it, don't mention him for now." Lin Jue raised his glass, "Right now we are on vacation, don't think about it so much, just enjoy the vacation to the fullest."

The apprentices responded one after another, and Zhou Jiayu also had a drink.

However, he had already drank a bit too much yesterday, so he didn't dare to drink it at this time, he just took a sip.

The barbecue feast was warmly welcomed by everyone. After a full meal, the sky was already dark. The night here is not quiet. The night wind blows the sea water, rolling up layers of white foam and hitting the beach.

Lin Zhushui also drank some wine in the evening. At this time, there was a faint smell of alcohol on his body. He sat beside Zhou Jiayu and asked him softly if he wanted to go to the beach.

Zhou Jiayu said yes, yes, so he was held by Lin Zhushui, and the two walked towards the beach one after the other, leaving a few single dogs looking envious.

"It makes me want to fall in love too." Lin Jue took a gulp of wine and muttered.

"I think so too." Shen Yiqiong was a little drunk, with a sad expression, "I don't want to fall in love at seventy-three, I would be wrinkled at that time..."

"Forget it, forget it, drink it!" Lin Jue toasted again.

Zhou Jiayu was led by Lin Zhushui and walked slowly along the coastline. He didn't wear shoes, his feet stepped on the soft sand, and the fine sand squeezed between his fingers, feeling a little itchy.

The two didn't talk much, but the atmosphere was very good. Zhou Jiayu looked at Lin Zhushui's profile from the corner of his eye, and always felt that his heart was like an effervescent tablet put into the water. Bubbles out.

"Are you looking at me?" I don't know if Zhou Jiayu's eyes were too hot, but Lin Zhushui felt it.

"Well." Zhou Jiayu was a little embarrassed, but he still admitted it. He whispered, "Mr. is very good-looking." After a moment of silence, he added, "No matter how you look at it, you can't see enough."

Lin Zhushui's footsteps stopped suddenly, he turned his head slightly, turned his face to Zhou Jiayu, and said seriously in a serious tone: "What should I do if I want to kiss you again."

Zhou Jiayu didn't expect that Lin Zhushui would say these words so naturally, after a moment of stunned, he hummed with red ears.

So that night, when Zhou Jiayu returned to his room, his lips were a little swollen, and he was rolling around on the bed.

Xiao Zhi looked at him beside him with inexplicable eyes, and asked Dad what's the matter with you, are you feeling unwell.

"Son, my silly son." Zhou Jiayu rubbed the paper with his forehead, "I'm so happy—"

Xiao Zhi tilted his head, still looking like he didn't understand.

So Zhou Jiayu didn't explain anymore, hummed a song and touched its head: "It's okay, you're still young, you'll know when you're older."

But he was worried again. Now Sheshan has only Xiaozhi as a paper figure. What will Xiaozhi do when he is old enough to marry a wife? I don't know if it was because he drank too much or what, Zhou Jiayu was rarely sad and sad. He remembered those friends before his rebirth, and suddenly he missed them a little.

If possible, he should probably find time to go back and have a look, Zhou Jiayu thought so, and fell into a deep sleep as soon as his eyes were closed.

Vacation time is always beautiful and short-term, everyone played in S City for about ten days, and then they reluctantly went home - because the New Year is coming.

"I have to go back to buy New Year's goods." Lin Jue said, "I'm going to make rice cakes this year... Cans, do you know how to make rice cakes?"

Zhou Jiayu said, "I know, but I haven't done it myself. Why do I suddenly have to do it myself?"

Lin Jue said, "On a whim?"

Zhou Jiayu just thought Lin Jue was a little strange, but he didn't look into it.

In January, the New Year's flavor suddenly became stronger, the red window grilles were pasted on the glass, and the red lanterns were also hung on the eaves.

Lin Po happened to see Zhou Jiayu dozing in Lin Zhushui's arms when he came to pay New Year's greetings early. Lin Zhushui wrapped Zhou Jiayu in a blanket and hugged him in his arms, while he plugged his headphones and seemed to be listening to something. thing.

Limper was startled by this scene, and called out uncle tremblingly.

Lin Zhushui seemed to have guessed what he was thinking, so he lowered his head and kissed Zhou Jiayu's cool ear: "I got up, I've slept for too long and can't sleep at night."

Zhou Jiayu answered vaguely and refused to move.

Lin Zhu seemed a little helpless on the water, but he didn't call Zhou Jiayu again, but made a silent gesture to Lin Po.

So Lin Po had to sit on the sofa next to him and wait for Zhou Jiayu to wake up naturally. Fortunately, Zhou Jiayu woke up soon after feeling that there were other people around. He was a little embarrassed when he opened his eyes and saw Lin Po. Struggling to get up from Lin Zhushui's arms, he held it down and patted his back lightly: "Put your clothes on first, don't get cold."

Zhou Jiayu hummed, huddled under the quilt and started putting on his coat.

Limper looked at the situation with a stiff expression, and finally asked dryly, "Uncle..."

Lin Zhushui said directly, "He will also be your uncle in the future."

Limper: "…"

Lin Zhushui said, "What's the problem?"

Limper could only shout in a dazed tone, "Uncle Zhou."

Zhou Jiayu held back his laughter in his heart, and his face was deliberately full of kindness. He said good-natured, uncle will cook you something delicious, and finally said that he couldn't help laughing.

Lin Po's laugh was worse than crying. It probably took him a long time to figure out why Lin Zhushui suddenly bent over.

The author has something to say: If the paper has clothes, Shen Yiqiong will cut paper to make it, just like making clothes for dolls when he was a child.