My Five Elements Lack You

Chapter 90: clue


Hearing Zhou Jiayu's question, Ji Ba quietly stood on the turtle shell with a very calm expression: "I'm just a three-legged golden crow."

"What's on this paper?" When Zhou Jiayu thought of the picture he saw just now, he became anxious, "Is it really the future?"

"It's the future." Jiba confirmed this fact and said, "But Zhou Jiayu, the future can be changed."

Zhou Jiayu stopped talking.

"It's just that some people succeed, and some people don't. You know that the cliff is in front of you, but you have to avoid falling off yourself, but you need a suitable method." Jiba lowered his head and sorted his feathers slowly. His expression was full of solemnity, as if he was saying something very sacred.

"Has the future of Lin Zhushui changed?" Zhou Jiayu asked, "Didn't you say before that since I came, Lin Zhushui's future has changed?"

Ji Ba Dao: "I did say it."

Zhou Jiayu was about to breathe a sigh of relief, but saw Jiba said again: "But until that day, no one knows how much it has changed."

Zhou Jiayu had nothing to say. He looked at the kraft paper in his hand and fell silent.

Jiba said: "Although you know something now, I have to give you a piece of advice, that is, don't ruin your current life for things that haven't happened yet, because now exists for the future, maybe you and Lin Zhushui's relationship The continued development of the relationship is to change the conditions for the future.”

Zhou Jiayu still didn't speak, and Jiba didn't know how to persuade him. He helplessly scratched his mouth with his claws, and sighed: "This Xu Jinghuo is really uneasy and kind, he's stuck in it, and he still refuses to Let go of you."

Zhou Jiayu remembered the demise of the Xu family. Obviously, the way Xu Jinghuo predicted the disaster of the Xu family was the kraft paper in his hand. Judging from the state of the kraft paper, it seems that it was torn from something. If Zhou Jiayu guessed correctly, this kind of thing is probably more than the page he saw.

"Okay." Zhou Jiayu finally decided to put this matter aside for the time being. Jiba's words actually made sense. If you care too much about this thing, you will fall into it.

So he locked the kraft paper back into the wooden box and lay down on the bed.

But even so, those pictures were firmly imprinted in Zhou Jiayu's mind like a brand. He was constantly thinking about Lin Zhushui, who seemed to be integrated with the flames, tossing and turning it was difficult for him to fall asleep.

On weekdays, Zhou Jiayu rarely suffers from insomnia, but today he hardly slept all night. He only slept for a while at dawn, but even in the light sleep, the dream was related to Lin Zhushui. matter.

I didn't sleep well that night, and the next day Zhou Jiayu had two dark circles under his eyes.

His haggard appearance frightened everyone in the room. Shen Yiqiong said what Zhou Jiayu was doing last night, and he looked like he might die suddenly at any time.

Zhou Jiayu said that he was thinking about life last night.

Shen Yiqiong said what life do you think about.

Zhou Jiayu said, "I'm thinking about the relationship between your life and the number seven or three."

Shen Yiqiong left the table angrily after hearing the words, claiming that Zhou Jiayu publicly discriminated against single dogs and should be severely criticized. With such an interruption, everyone ignored why Zhou Jiayu didn't sleep.

After eating, Zhou Jiayu secretly called Xu Jinghuo again.

After Xu Jinghuo answered the phone, he directly asked Zhou Jiayu what he saw.

"Don't worry about what I see, I just ask you, can it change in the future?" Zhou Jiayu held the phone, his tone a little anxious.

Xu Jinghuo also guessed something from Zhou Jiayu's tone, and sighed: "Of course, otherwise you think I did so many things at that time, for what, Zhou Jiayu, in the future I see In the past, the Xu family did not predict the disaster, including me, everyone is gone - now, at least I still have me, a few children... and the little paper in your hand."

Zhou Jiayu was moved when he heard the words.

"But I chose the wrong way to go." Xu Jinghuo said tragically, "I couldn't change what I wanted to change the most."

Zhou Jiayu swallowed: "Then..."

Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Xu Jinghuo: "I suggest you don't tell Lin Zhushui about this, now that I think about it, my biggest mistake is to tell Elder Xu about it. I didn't say it, but found other excuses to deceive Mr. Xu out of Sheshan, and maybe history will change." He said with a wry smile, "Of course, then I may become the sinner of Xu's family, but so what, it's better than ... the whole clan is destroyed."

Zhou Jiayu didn't answer. He felt that the amount of information he received was too large, and it was difficult to deal with it all for a while. He needed to think carefully before making a decision.

After all, this decision is related to the future of him and Lin Zhushui.

"That's it." Xu Jinghuo said, "I can only give you so much information."

Zhou Jiayu said thank you.

Xu Jinghuo didn't respond any more, just hung up the phone.

Zhou Jiayu stared at the phone in his hand and slowly covered his face. He felt as if he had been pulled into a puddle of mud, and his body was sinking continuously. The more he tried to struggle, the faster he sank.

Probably affected by this incident, Zhou Jiayu became a little nervous. The most obvious thing is that he began to frequently cut his fingers while cooking. After a few days, his hands were covered with Band-Aids. The second time I burned the pot because of distraction.

As a result of this situation, Zhou Jiayu still didn't respond, and Lin Zhushui quit first, and directly announced that Zhou Jiayu was not allowed to enter the kitchen during this time, and that knives and pots were not allowed to touch.

"Sir, I'm fine." Zhou Jiayu wanted to struggle.

Lin Zhushui held his hand, and his voice was frighteningly cold: "I cut my hand six times a week, and it's all right? Do you have to chop off your fingers to be fine?"

Zhou Jiayu was speechless.

Lin Zhushui tore off the Band-Aids from Zhou Jiayu's hands one by one, and replaced them with new ones after applying the medicine.

A group of people in the room didn't dare to refute anything in front of Lin Zhushui, but when they thought of eating something like noodles they made, they all became unlovable, and even the weasel's expression was a little tired.

"I'm really fine, it's just a minor injury." Zhou Jiayu lowered his head, looked at Lin Zhushui's movements, and whispered, "I think this injury is really a small matter compared to eating the noodles made by Shen Yiqiong... "

Shen Yiqiong was playing on his mobile phone next to him, but when he heard this, he immediately got up from the sofa and said angrily, "Can, what do you mean, is the noodles I make so terrible?" He rolled up his sleeves instantly and pointed to the kitchen. Said, "I have made great progress. If you don't believe me, I will make you a bowl and try it!"

"No way." Zhou Jiayu quickly tried to stop him, but he didn't stop, watching Shen Yiqiong rush into the kitchen.

All the people present who had eaten Shen Yiqiong's noodles showed quite painful expressions, and Zhou Jiayu was also a little sad, but he noticed that Shen Yiqiong's action of rolling up his sleeves looked very familiar, as if he had seen it somewhere...

Twenty minutes later, Shen Yiqiong came out with the noodles. The noodles looked normal, with vegetables and a golden egg on it. From the point of view of Shen Yiqiong not frying the egg, he did have it. made progress.

"Come on, have a taste!" Shen Yiqiong unbuttoned his apron and said loudly, "It doesn't taste good and doesn't cost money!"

No one in the room moved, and the most witty Shen Musi had already made an excuse to slip away when Shen Yiqiong entered the kitchen.

Shen Yiqiong looked around the crowd and found that everyone silently looked away, and got angry: "Can't you give me a little trust? Xiaojin... Xiaojin, you have the best taste, come and try!"

It's just that Xiao Jinlong, who just arrived, has no experience. Hearing Shen Yiqiong's words, he said ok with a blank face, and reached out his hand to pick up the noodle bowl.

"Eat." Shen Yiqiong handed him the chopsticks.

Xiao Jinlong took chopsticks, picked up a chopstick of noodles, and put it in his mouth.

Everyone looked at him silently, Shen Yiqiong's eyes were full of anticipation, and just as he was about to ask how it tasted, he heard a roar of thunder outside the window, and then poured down the rain, covering the entire yard. . It is not easy to have such a heavy rain in spring.

Xiao Jinlong put down the bowl and said to Shen Yiqiong, "Do you want me to die?"

Shen Yiqiong burst into tears, covered his face and wept, saying that you are too much, can't you give me some face

There was no fluctuation in the hearts of everyone. After all, giving Shen Yipong face would have to pay the price of life.

Zhou Jiayu was helpless, and once again realized the importance of being at home.

That night, Lin Jue still ordered takeout.

After eating the hair, Zhou Jiayu originally wanted to go back to his room to rest, but was stopped by Lin Zhushui.

"Come out for a walk with me." Lin Zhushui said.

Of course, Zhou Jiayu had no reason to disagree, and happily followed Lin Zhushui out of the door.

At this time, the cold winter has passed, and spring is approaching. Everything exudes a vibrant atmosphere. The grass and trees by the roadside are all showing a new crisp green, as if the air is also a bit fresh.

Lin Zhushui and Zhou Jiayu walked side by side on the path in the courtyard.

After coming to Lin's house for so long, Zhou Jiayu still hadn't visited the whole yard. Lin Zhushui led him forward, and Zhou Jiayu followed, and he saw an unfamiliar scene after a while.

There is living water in the courtyard, but Zhou Jiayu saw the source of the living water for the first time. It was a beautiful huge rockery. On the rockery, there were rocks, vegetation and moss. The ditch flows into the courtyard. Not far from the rockery, there is also a small bridge. The bright moon in the sky is shining brightly on the mortal world.

Lin Zhushui stopped beside the rockery, he tilted his head slightly and faced Zhou Jiayu: "What are you worrying about?"

Zhou Jiayu said: "I..."

As soon as he said a word, Lin Zhushui stretched out his thumb and rubbed his lips heavily: "Don't lie to me."

Zhou Jiayu was dumbfounded.

"Speak." Lin Zhushui asked.

Zhou Jiayu fell into silence. He was thinking about the advice Xu Jinghuo gave him, whether to tell Lin Zhushui about this.

Lin Zhushui seemed a little dissatisfied with Zhou Jiayu's silence, he said, "Zhou Jiayu, I don't want you to hide something from me."

Zhou Jiayu gritted his teeth, not knowing how to speak.

"Could it have something to do with the courier you received before?" Before Zhou Jiayu could speak, Lin Zhushui's words made him freeze.

"Really." Instantly grasping the change in Zhou Jiayu's breath, Lin Zhushui said categorically, "Zhou Jiayu?"

Zhou Jiayu was a little helpless, thinking that before he said a word, he was guessed by Lin Zhushui, and he said, "Sir..."

Lin Zhushui raised his eyebrows when he heard this sir, "It has something to do with me?"

Zhou Jiayu: "..." He called Mr. Sheng, can this be guessed

"Zhou Jiayu." Lin Zhushui's tone had a hint of helplessness, he said, "I just ask you, if I find out about you but hide it from you in the name of your own good, you will What do you think?"

Zhou Jiayu knew what Lin Zhushui wanted to say, he lowered his eyes, feeling a little complicated: "Sir, I'm a little scared."

Hearing this, Lin Zhushui directly held Zhou Jiayu's hand, his warm palm covered the slightly cold back of Zhou Jiayu's hand: "I'm here."

This sentence of "I'm here" calmed Zhou Jiayu's anxiety. He looked at Lin Zhushui's profile, and his emotions that had been suppressed for several days erupted. He said, "Sir, Xu Jinghuo told me, The piece of paper he gave me could see the future, and I did as he said."

"What did you see?" Lin Zhushui asked.

"I saw you in the fire." Zhou Jiayu looked dazed and slowly described the pictures that had haunted him for the past few days, "The flames surround you, set your body on fire, and you disappear into the fire... "

Lin Zhushui heard the words and said, "Just like this?"

Zhou Jiayu said that's it.

Lin Zhushui said, "Zhou Jiayu, before I met you, maybe my ending was like this, but after meeting you, some things have changed." He paused for a moment, then said, "I'll tell you something. thing."

Zhou Jiayu listened carefully, and Lin Zhushui said, "There are two calamities in my life, one calamity is eighteen years old, and the other calamity is thirty years old..."

His voice was light and he said slowly, but Zhou Jiayu felt chills all over his body. He knew for the first time today that he was so close to losing Lin Zhushui.

Thirty years old, it was last year. Lin Zhushui encountered the sudden cracking of the jade in the summer. It really wasn't an accident. But fortunately, Zhou Jiayu was present at the time and used his own blood to defuse the danger and rescued Lin Zhushui.

Lin Zhushui had never mentioned this matter, probably because he was afraid they would be worried.

Zhou Jiayu felt uncomfortable, and asked Lin Zhushui to tell him first if there was such a situation in the future.

Lin Zhushui agreed, but also told Zhou Jiayu not to hide anything from himself.

After some conversations, Zhou Jiayu felt that his heart was untied a lot, and there were some things he couldn't handle, but Lin Zhushui might have a way. life will save him.

In the next few days, Zhou Jiayu finally recovered, and he would not be cut when cutting vegetables.

As for the Meng family, Lin Zhushui also got some news, saying that after the death of the Meng family, the husband and wife were buried separately.

"It's hard to find the exact location of the ancestral tomb of the Meng family, but this woman's tomb should be easy to go to." Lin Jue said, "Should we go and see if we can find any clues."

"Yes." Lin Zhushui agreed with Lin Jue's proposal.

So the group set off again and took the plane to the northeast.

The ancestral home of the Meng family is in the northeast. Although the third son of the Meng family broke with the family, they did not leave that land. After getting off the plane, everyone went directly to the place where the third son's wife is said to be buried. It is a relatively remote cemetery. It looks quite old from the outside. The weeds look extremely barren.

Their car parked outside the cemetery and walked into the cemetery.

Zhou Jiayu noticed that many tombstones in this cemetery did not have names, or it could be said that the names on the tombstones were blurred because they were too old.

"Is there no one to manage it here?" Zhou Jiayu was a little strange, "Cemeteries are not very profitable places, why would no one care?"

"The cemetery makes money in a big city. In this remote rural area, you can find a place to bury it, and you won't make money." Lin Jue explained, "The feng shui here is very general, and there is a fee, and there are not many people buried in it. Since cremation has been implemented in recent years, it has become even more depressed…”

"So where exactly are they?" Shen Yiqiang scratched his head, "Although it's not big, there are quite a few tombstones here. Do we want to find them one by one?"

"Look for it." Lin Jue sighed, "The information is definitely not that accurate. I only know where it is buried here, but I don't know."

In desperation, everyone had to search in the cemetery.

Although this cemetery has been depressed a lot recently, there are also hundreds of tombstones, which is not very efficient to find. But fortunately, they were lucky, and Zhou Jiayu soon discovered something different about one of the tombstones. The biggest difference between this tombstone and other tombstones is that its surroundings are very clean, it seems that people often worship, and all the surrounding weeds are removed during worship.

"I found it!" When he saw the three words Zhang Jingya engraved on the tombstone, Zhou Jiayu was sure that he was not wrong, and he called to the people around him, "It's here."

Everyone gathered in the direction of Zhou Jiayu.

"It's really that name." After Lin Jue checked the tombstone, "It seems that people here often come to worship." She bent down and wiped the tombstone with her fingers, making sure that there was very little dust on the tombstone. It looks like it is cleaned frequently.

"Could it be the child in the photo?" Zhou Jiayu asked.

Lin Jue rubbed his chin: "Otherwise we'll wait a while, it's just Qingming in a few days, this person will definitely come to the grave..."

Although it is stupid to wait for the rabbit, but it seems that this is the only way to do it.

Everyone stayed in a hotel near the cemetery, and then began to observe the cemetery secretly.

Tomb-sweeping day is approaching, this desolate cemetery is more lively than usual, and many people drive their cars and bring their offerings to the grave. However, Zhou Jiayu and the others focused their attention on Zhang Jingya's tomb, and soon, their waiting came to an end.

Zhou Jiayu originally thought that the man in the cape would come to the grave, but who knew that it was an old lady with white hair who appeared. The old lady carried a basket and staggered to the tombstone, and began to take out the contents of the basket. Cleaning the tombstone, watching the action is already very skilled.

"Let's go." They squatted for so many days, and finally the result came out. Lin Jue raised his chin slightly.

Several people walked towards the old lady.

"Old man." Lin Jue walked to the old lady's side and called out softly, "Who are you Zhang Jingya?"

The old lady was obviously stunned when she heard Lin Jue's voice, then turned to look at them vigilantly: "Who are you?"

"It's like this, we are friends of Zhang Jingya's son..." Lin Jue made up the story, "He encountered some very bad things, and he disappeared. We are very worried that he is afraid that something will happen to him, and now we are looking for him everywhere."

The old man frowned when he heard the words: "Are you really Xiaotian's friends?"

Xiao Tian? This is obviously the name of the man in the cloak, Lin Jue said: "Of course, we met him in City S last month, but after an accident happened, we separated from her and wanted to confirm his identity. Safety."

The old man was still a little skeptical, but at least he wasn't as vigilant as before. She sighed and said that she didn't know where Xiaotian went, and they hadn't been in touch for more than ten days.

"Really." Lin Jue said, "That's too bad..." She looked worried, like Xiaotian who was worried about the old man.

Seeing this, Zhou Jiayu had to admit that all of the Lin family members were really good at acting, and even Lin Zhushui's face, which never liked to show expressions, was faintly worried.

The old man was also a little anxious when he heard it, and asked them what happened.

"Sorry, it's not easy to say." Lin Jue smiled bitterly, "Old man, since that's the case, we'll leave first. If you have any clues, please let us know, we're afraid we'll be late..."

Hearing the words, the old man hurriedly said, "What happened? I'm Xiaotian's aunt. If something happens to him, I won't be able to live."

Lin Jue said: "It's like this..."

Then Lin Jue made up a story, in which Xiaotian became their partner and lost his whereabouts in order to save them. Because they have been unable to contact Xiaotian, they came here to find some clues and see if they could contact Xiaotian. .

The more the old man listened, the more nervous he became. Finally, he took Lin Jue's hand and said, "Is it serious? Will something happen to Xiaotian?"

Lin Jue reassured: "Old man, it won't be a big deal, Xiaotian is amazing." When she said this, tears flashed in her eyes, an expression that Xiaotian might sacrifice at any time, but we won't say anything. .

It was really helpless to scare an old lady, but Lin Jue's words obviously had an effect. The old lady fell into anxiety and said that she didn't know where Xiaotian went, but it was Ching Ming Festival. If nothing happened, he would definitely come back to visit his mother's grave.

As soon as these words came out, Zhou Jiayu and the others were all relieved.

"That's great." Lin Jue said, "Old lady, we came by car. If you don't mind, let's take you back. This mountain road is not easy to walk."

The old lady seemed a little hesitant, but finally agreed with Lin Jue's comfort.

So the group sent the old lady home.

The environment where the old lady lived was not very good. There was no elevator and no security. A few people supported her tremblingly up to the sixth floor, and only wanted to leave when they saw her opening the door.

"Would you like to come in and sit for a while?" At this moment, the old lady confirmed that they didn't seem to be bad people, and after a moment of hesitation, she enthusiastically made an invitation.

"I won't bother you." Lin Jue refused.

"Isn't there any trouble?" the old lady said. "It's obvious that you sent me back so far..." She said, "Come in and sit down. It's been a long time since no one chatted with me."

Her words made people unable to refuse, and finally they entered the old lady's residence and sat on the sofa with broken springs.

"Xiaotian has always been alone, and I'm still worried about whether he will be bullied." The old lady rambled while pouring tea, "I feel more relieved when I see you."

Hearing this, Zhou Jiayu was inexplicably complicated. Obviously, they had found the right target. The old lady in front of her was a very special existence for the cloaked man.

"By the way, I have something I want to ask you." The old man said suddenly.

Everyone was mentally prepared and felt that the old man might ask some serious questions. Who knew she whispered: "Xiao Tian, have you found someone yet?"

Lin Jue: "..." One world, one parent.

The author has something to say: Zhou Jiayu took Lin Zhushui's hand and said, "Look at you, you are so old that you still can't find someone."

Cloaked Man: …

Zhou Jiayu: Your elders are worried to death.

Cloaked Man: Shut up! !